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- It's really sticky.
- 這好黏牙喔!
Hi, I'm Danielle.
嗨,我是 Danielle。
- Hi, I'm Micah.
- 嗨,我是 Micah。
- Hi, I'm Joelle.
- 嗨,我是 Joelle。
- Hi, I'm June.
- 嗨,我是 June。
- Hello, I'm Howard.
- 哈囉,我是 Howard。
- Growing up in San Francisco as a Chinese and Korean family, we definitely ate a lot of dumplings growing up.
- 作為在舊金山長大的中韓混血家庭的成員,我們對水餃可說是知之甚詳。
Now I'm challenging my family members to each make their own individual dumplings and then we're gonna have a taste test to see who's is the best.
- My dumplings are unique, because they look like little clams, like little ocean bivalve situation.
- 我的水餃很特別,因為我把它們做得像一顆顆小蚌殼,彷彿在海中的貝類一樣。
I don't know what I really put in them.
I really aim more for the aesthetic, and hopefully they taste good!
- So this one is Danielle's, which is sort of obviously by the ruffle.
- 從餃子邊緣的荷葉邊一看就能明白,這個肯定是 Danielle 做的。
I think it's very cute, but not Chinese or Korean.
- These look like Uncrustables.
- 看起來簡直像是無邊三明治。
So I can't say that's particularly appetizing.
However, I shouldn't judge just on aesthetics.
- Give it a good grade for the way it looks.
- 光憑外觀的話,我能給個高分。
- But Danielle always does this and I always make fun of her for it, so whatever.
- 不過 Danielle 每次做菜時都這樣,然後我也總是拿這個來笑她,所以隨便啦。
- It definitely looks like she threw some kimchi in there, 'cause it's kind of pink.
- 從看起來有點粉紅的這點來看,她應該放了一些泡菜進去。
It's interesting, because to fold it this way, you have to add less filling.
- There's like lots of like loose skin.
- 感覺周圍很多額外的水餃皮。
- I would say this is a pretty good dumpling as well.
- 我覺得這水餃真的還蠻不賴的。
I taste the pork first and then I could also taste a little bit of the chives.
- This tastes like only pork.
- 感覺只有豬肉的味道。
- I like this one.
- 我喜歡這個。
She adds some kimchi for the spice, which I like.
I do wish she were heavier on the shrimp though and not the pork, 'cause it is just kind of like a little meatball.
- I feel like it didn't have like the normal soy sauce, sesame oil.
- 我感覺裡面沒有放正宗水餃應該要放的醬油和芝麻油。
Yeah, it just doesn't taste Asian, but it tastes fine.
- I give it a solid eight.
- 我給八分。
- I think maybe a six, only because I don't like the skin flaps.
- 我覺得大概六分吧,主因是我不喜歡多餘的水餃皮。
- An eight or a nine, I really liked it.
- 滿分十分我給九分或八分。我真的蠻喜歡的。
- Five to six.
- 五到六分吧。
- Mine has a little bit of everything.
- 我在水餃裡包了各式各樣的東西,什麼都來一點。
It's just like a solid pork dumpling.
I also think that mine are folded really nicely.
I actually made it for myself for lunch today, and I thought they were pretty good.
Taste good with soy sauce.
I think they're cute.
- It looks good! It's got a little bit of design to it.
- 看起來好棒!看來包的時候有花點心思在外型上喔。
- It's like a four fold situation.
- 看起來是摺了四次。
Isn't it like the more folds, the longer you live or something, no?
- It looks like she includes some veggie, which is good, 'cause Micah doesn't normally like vegetables that much.
- 看起來裡面包了一些蔬菜。這點很棒,因為 Micah 平時沒有很喜歡吃蔬菜。
- Taste good.
- 味道很好。
- I like it a bit, flavored a little bit better. Seasoned better.
- 我喜歡,我覺得這個口味更棒。調味得更好。
- Tastes like a meatball texture.
- 口感有點像是肉丸子。
- The seasoning is very light.
- 幾乎沒什麼調味。
I kind of wish she included a little bit more spice, maybe some more like soy sauce or ginger.
I can definitely taste a lot garlic.
- I taste mostly pork, so it's pretty one dimensional.
- 主要都是豬肉的味道,讓口味有點單調。
- I wouldn't change anything about it. I think it's pretty good.
- 我覺得沒有什麼需要改進的地方。挺不錯的。
- I think it's like a seven.
- 差不多七分吧。
- I like it with the sauce, maybe a nine.
- 搭配醬油很讚,所以我給九分。
- It's kind of bland. I'd give it maybe like five?
- 有點太清淡了。我會給大概五分左右?
- A seven.
- 七分。
- My dumpling is just a classic rendition.
- 我要用經典手法來呈現我的水餃。
I added a lot of different types of seasonings.
Obviously, salt and pepper, but also ginger, garlic, and my secret ingredient is truffle.
- I can automatically tell who's everybody is by the way they fold their dumplings.
- 我光從包法就能看出水餃是誰做的。
- So this is dad's.
- 這肯定是老爸包的。
- And I like these the most, 'cause they have the most filling, so.
- 我最喜歡他的水餃了,因為他的餡料總是包得最多。
- I'm excited to try my dad's, 'cause I know it'll be very heavily stuffed, but I also saw him put a lot of like very strange seasonings that I don't know if they belong in dumplings.
- 我對試吃老爸的水餃感到非常興奮,因為我知道這些水餃的餡料非常紮實。但我也看到他放了一些我不太確定和水餃搭不搭的奇怪調味料進去。
- It's really sticky.
- 好黏牙喔。
It's like stuck to the roof of my mouth.
- My dad used a food processor to blend everything together.
- 我爸用了食物調理機來把所有東西都攪在一起。
- I like seeing the chunks of stuff in it to know that it was like sort of made by hand rather than put in a food processor.
- 我比較喜歡能看到塊狀的原料,這樣比較有手工製作的感覺,而不是把什麼東西都丟進食物調理機裡。
- So I don't really love how it tastes.
- 我不是很喜歡這個味道。
It's... The texture's a little too mush.
它... 口感有點太鬆散了。
- I actually think it's pretty good.
- 我其實覺得還不錯欸。
I don't know why I'm so surprised.
There's just like a lot in there.
- I just think there's a little too much going on.
- 我覺得味道有點太雜了。
I can't really tell what the distinct flavor is.
- I don't know how to feel about this one.
- 我不知道該怎麼評價這個水餃欸。
Maybe I'll give it like a seven.
- Five out of 10.
- 十分裡面我給五分。
- I would say it's an eight out of 10.
- 我覺得十分裡面八分吧。
- I would give it a five out of 10, but since I know Howard made it and he never makes dumplings, I would say for effort a nine out of 10.
- 十分裡面我給五分,但既然這是 Howard 做的,而且他從來沒有做過水餃,作為對他努力的獎賞,我會給九分。
- In my dumplings, I like to include a lot of vegetable, and honestly, the less meat, the better.
- 我喜歡在我的水餃裡加入很多的蔬菜,然後老實說,肉類越少越好。
I like seafood in mine, so I added shrimp, but no pork.
I also like a lot of different seasonings, so I used five spice, I used XO sauce, and of course, soy sauce and sesame oil.
我也喜歡用上一堆不同的調味料,所以我用了五香粉、XO 醬,還有必不可少的醬油和芝麻油。
And hopefully, it tastes all right.
- Nothing extraordinary about it, but looks fine.
- 看起來沒什麼特別的,但也沒什麼問題。
- Nice folds.
- 包得很好耶。
- The traditional way to wrap things.
- 這就是傳統包東西的方法。
It's supposed to look like gold nuggets, I think they call it ingots that the Chinese people use to trade.
- Mm, there's a lot of kimchi.
- 嗯,裡面放了很多泡菜。
- This one's a lot chunkier.
- 這個好像包得比較大顆。
- It doesn't have the traditional flavor profile that I'm looking for.
- 還是沒有我尋求的那種傳統的味道。
I can't put my finger on it.
- It's a little spicy.
- 有點辣。
More spicy than I like, because it has kimchi in it, which sadly I don't like that much.
- There are lots of vegetables, lots of kimchi, which I like.
- 裡面有好多蔬菜和一堆泡菜。這點很棒。
I think it's pretty flavorful.
- It feels very healthy.
- 感覺很健康。
- I would want more meat and more garlic.
- 我會想要更多的肉和大蒜。
- Out of ten, I would give it a good seven and a half.
- 滿分十分的話,我會給個七分半。
- Six.
- 六分。
I keep noticing how spicy it is.
- I would rate it an eight out of ten.
- 滿分十分的話我給八分。
- Seven point five.
- 七點五分。
- I think I made them the traditional Chinese way, the way my mother made them and she's from Shandong province, which is known for all their dumplings and noodles.
- 我用的是母親教我的傳統中式做法,而她來自以水餃和麵食聞名的中國山東省。
I added also a little bit of tofu, which is more an element that my Korean mother-in-law introduced to me.
And I made homemade wrappers, instead of the store bought wrappers.
- I'm the most excited to try my mom's, because she made these skins by hand.
- 我對老媽的水餃最期待,因為她的水餃皮是自己手工做的。
- Such a luxury to be able to make homemade skin, so I'm really excited.
- 能夠自製水餃皮真的是很奢侈的一件事,所以我真的很期待。
Obviously that means they don't look as perfect, but I don't mind.
- I hate to say it, but it looks the worst.
- 我不想這麼說,但這水餃從外觀上看起來是最糟的。
It looks kind of wimpy and there's no real form to the dumpling.
- Tastes like ravioli.
- 吃起來像義大利餃一樣。
- Hmm, this has a very different flavor.
- 嗯,這個味道非常不一樣。
She didn't use any kimchi, at least not that I can see.
I can definitely taste like the five spice seasoning that she used.
- I feel like it has the right level of juiciness.
- 我覺得這個多汁的程度剛剛好。
I don't know, someone like Danielle's were like a little dry.
怎麼說呢,像是 Danielle 做的就有點太乾了。
- It feels like a harmony of textures.
- 各種風味相當平衡地融合在了一起。
- It's not really that flavorful, which is why I think it tastes like ravioli.
- 沒有什麼味道,所以讓我覺得吃起來像是義大利餃一樣。
- I don't like the flavor profile of mom's either.
- 我也不喜歡老媽做的味道。
It has to be a nice balance of both meat and some of the vegetables.
I like a little bit of heat.
- I think the skin is really doing a lot for it.
- 我覺得這個皮真的立了很大的功勞。
- I'll probably give this like a nine.
- 我大概會給這份九分吧。
- I give this kind of a low score, six.
- 我給這份偏低的分數,六分。
- I think it's probably a nine out of ten.
- 我覺得滿分十分的話,我大概給九分吧。
- I think a six for dumpling, but a nine for ravioli.
- 以水餃來說六分,但以義大利餃來說九分。
- Yay, I won! The traditional Chinese flavors taste the best!
- 耶,我贏了!傳統中式風味是最棒的!
With the handmade, homemade skins.
Thank you!