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  • Hi everyone it's jennifer  with your two for Tuesday!


  • Two for Tuesday are two words with  different spellings, different meanings,  


  • and they are pronounced exactly the  same way. They are homophones, so again:  


  • spelled differently, different meaningspronounced exactly the same way.


  • So our words today are Sunday the day of the week and sundae an ice cream treat.


  • So to say these words correctly we have two beats 


  • sun and day


  • So let's start with syllable number one: To say sun we're going to start with that s sound:  


  • air moves out of your mouth, your  tongue is not touching anything;  


  • and then, we're going to move to that  short uh sound, that short u, then end  


  • with the n by touching the tip of the tongue to  the back of the top front teeth. Air is going to  


  • move out of the nose for that n. sun sun sun


  • For the second part, for day, again, touch the tip of the tongue to the back of the top  


  • front teeth for that d - the air is going to puff  out, your voice box is on and moving. Then you're  


  • going to open your mouth wide for that A soundAnd when you open your mouth wide the tip of  

    要張大嘴巴發A音。 當你張大嘴的時候,你的嘴尖

  • your tongue is going to be low on your mouth, the  back of your tongue is going to be pulled up: a,  

    你的舌頭要放在嘴邊,你的舌頭後面要拉起來: A.

  • and then you're going to close your  mouth to a smile to finish that vowel.


  • day day day sun day 

    日子 日子 太陽 日子

  • sun day sunday sunday sunday

    太陽日 星期天 星期天 星期天 星期天

  • And I have sun underlined because that is the  syllable that we are going to stress in the word.  


  • That syllable will be louderhigher in pitch, and longer.


  • sunday sunday sunday

    禮拜天 禮拜天 禮拜天

  • I do want to just comment that I do hear  some people say sunday for this word  


  • sunday it's a variation I don't hear it very  often, but i do hear it every once in a while.  

    sunday 這是一個變體,我不經常聽到,但我偶爾會聽到。

  • And sometimes I hear it in a movie so I did want  to comment on that. But again let's practice one  


  • more time our words are sunday sunday sunday


  • And now for a sentence 


  • I plan to enjoy a sundae on Sunday. I plan to enjoy a sundae on Sunday.


  • So give it a try I know people are going  to notice the difference if you found this  


  • helpful I'd love a like a share and a subscribeCheck out our products on google play and iTunes.

    我希望大家喜歡、分享和訂閱。 請在google play和iTunes上查看我們的產品。

  • Have a great week!


Hi everyone it's jennifer  with your two for Tuesday!


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A2 聖代 太陽 音節 舌頭 空氣 聽到

如何給SUNDAY和SUNDAE發音 - 美國英語同音字發音課程 (How to Pronounce SUNDAY & SUNDAE - American English Homophone Pronunciation Lesson)

  • 33 1
    Summer posted on 2021/08/24
Video vocabulary