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  • What I want to do in this video is

  • give a very high-level overview of the four fundamental forces

  • of the universe.

  • And I'm going to start with gravity.

  • And it might surprise some of you that gravity is actually

  • the weakest of the four fundamental forces.

  • And that's surprising because you say, wow,

  • that's what keeps us glued-- not glued-- but it keeps us

  • from jumping off the planet.

  • It's what keeps the Moon in orbit around the Earth,

  • the Earth in orbit around the Sun, the Sun in orbit

  • around the center of the Milky Way galaxy.

  • So if it's a little bit surprising

  • that it's actually the weakest of the forces.

  • And that starts to make sense when you actually

  • think about things on maybe more of a human scale,

  • or a molecular scale, or even atomic scale.

  • Even on a human scale, your computer monitor and you,

  • have some type of gravitational attraction.

  • But you don't notice it.

  • Or your cell phone and your wallet, there's

  • gravitational attraction.

  • But you don't see them being drawn to each other the way

  • you might see two magnets drawn to each other

  • or repelled from each other.

  • And if you go to even a smaller scale,

  • you'll see the it matters even less.

  • We never even talk about gravity in chemistry,

  • although the gravity is there.

  • But at those scales, the other forces really,

  • really, really start to dominate.

  • So gravity is our weakest.

  • So if we move up a little bit from that,

  • we get-- and this is maybe the hardest force for us

  • to visualize.

  • Or it's, at least, the least intuitive force for me--

  • is actually the weak force, sometimes called

  • the weak interaction.

  • And it's what's responsible for radioactive decay,

  • in particular beta minus and beta plus decay.

  • And just to give you an example of the actual weak interaction,

  • if I had some cesium-137-- 137 means it has 137 nucleons.

  • A nucleon is either a proton or a neutron.

  • You add up the protons and neutrons of cesium,

  • you get 137.

  • And it is cesium, because it has exactly 55 protons.

  • Now, the weak interaction is what's

  • responsible for one of the neutrons-- essentially

  • one of its quarks flipping and turning into a proton.

  • And I'm not going to go into detail of what a quark is

  • and all of that.

  • And the math can get pretty hairy.

  • But I just want to give you an example

  • of what the weak interaction does.

  • So if one of these neutrons turns into a proton,

  • then we're going to have one extra proton.

  • But we're going to have the same number of nucleons.

  • Instead of an extra neutron here,

  • you now have an extra proton here.

  • And so now this is a different atom.

  • It is now barium.

  • And in that flipping, it will actually

  • emit an electron and an anti-electron neutrino.

  • And I'm not going to go into the details of what

  • an anti-electron neutrino is.

  • These are fundamental particles.

  • But this is just what the weak interaction is.

  • It's not something that's completely obvious to us.

  • It's not the kind of this traditional things pulling

  • or pushing away from each other, like we

  • associate with the other forces.

  • Now, the next strongest force-- and just

  • to give a sense of how weak gravity

  • is even relative to the weak interaction,

  • the weak interaction is 10 to the 25th times

  • the strength of gravity.

  • And you might be saying, if this is so strong, how

  • come this does it operate on planets

  • or us relative to the Earth?

  • Why doesn't this apply to intergalactic distances

  • the way gravity does?

  • And the reason is the weak interaction really applies

  • to very small distances, very, very small distances.

  • So it can be much stronger than gravity,

  • but only over very, very-- and it really

  • only applies on the subatomic scale.

  • You go anything beyond that, it kind of

  • disappears as an actual force, as an actual interaction.

  • Now, the next force up the hierarchy,

  • which is one that we are more familiar with,

  • it's what actually dominates most of the chemistry

  • that we deal with and electromagnetism

  • that we deal with, and that's the electromagnetic force.

  • Let me write it in magenta, electromagnetic force.

  • And just to give a sense, this is 10 to the 36 times

  • the strength of gravity.

  • So it kind of puts the weak force in its place.

  • It's 10 to the 12th times stronger than the weak force.

  • So these are huge numbers that we're

  • talking about, either this relative to that

  • or even this relative to gravity.

  • And so you might be saying, well, you

  • know the electromagnetic force, that's unbelievably strong.

  • Why doesn't that apply over these kind of macro scales

  • like gravity?

  • Let me write it there, macro scales.

  • Why doesn't it apply to macro scales?

  • And there's nothing about the electromagnetic force, why

  • it can't, or it actually does apply over large distances.

  • The reality though, is you don't have these huge concentrations

  • of either Coulomb charges or magnetism the way you do mass.

  • So the mass that you have such huge concentrations,

  • it can operate over huge, huge distances,

  • even though it's way, way, way weaker

  • than the electromagnetic force.

  • The electromagnetic force, what happens

  • is because it's both attractive and repulsive,

  • it tends to kind of sort itself out.

  • So you don't have these huge, huge, huge concentrations

  • of charge.

  • Now, the other thing you might be wondering about

  • is, why is it called the electromagnetic force?

  • In our everyday life, there's things like the Coulomb force

  • or the electrostatic force, which we're familiar with.

  • Positive charges or like charges want

  • to repel-- if both of these were negative,

  • the same thing would be happening--

  • and different charges like to attract.

  • We've seen this multiple times.

  • This is the Coulomb force or the electrostatic force.

  • And then on the other side of the word, I guess,

  • you have the magnetic part.

  • And magnets, you've played with magnets on your fridge.

  • If they're the same side of the magnet,

  • they're going to repel each other.

  • If they're the opposite sides, opposite poles,

  • they're going to attract each other.

  • So why is it called one force?

  • And it's called one force-- and once again, I'm

  • not going to go into detail here-- it's

  • called one force because it turns out,

  • that the Coulomb force, the electrostatic force

  • and magnetic force are actually the same thing viewed

  • in different frames of references.

  • So I won't go into a lot of detail.

  • But just keep that in the back of your mind, that they

  • are connected.

  • And in a future video, I'll go more

  • into the intuition of how they are connected.

  • And it's more apparent when the charges are moving

  • at relativistic frames and you have-- well,

  • I won't go into a lot of detail there.

  • But just keep in mind that they really

  • are the same force, just viewed from different frames

  • of reference.

  • Now, the strongest of the force is probably

  • the best named of them all.

  • And that's the strong force.

  • That is the strong force.

  • And although you probably haven't seen this yet

  • in chemistry classes, it actually

  • applies very strongly in chemistry.

  • Because from the get-go, when you first learn about atoms--

  • let me draw a helium atom.

  • A helium atom has two protons in its nucleus

  • and it has two neutrons.

  • And then it also has two electrons circulating around.

  • So it has an electron.

  • And I could draw the electron as much smaller.

  • Well, I won't try to do anything in relative size.

  • But it has two electrons floating around.

  • And one question that may or may not have jumped into your mind

  • when you first saw this model of an atom

  • is like, well, I see why the electrons are

  • attracted to the nucleus.

  • It has a negative Coulomb charge.

  • The nucleus has a net positive Coulomb charge.

  • But what's not so obvious and what

  • tends not to sometimes be explained in chemistry class

  • is these two positive charges are

  • sitting right next to each other.

  • If the electromagnetic force was the only force in play,

  • if the Coulomb force was the only thing happening,

  • these guys would just run away from each other.

  • They could repel each other.

  • And so the only reason why they're

  • able to stick to each other is that there's

  • an even stronger force than the electromagnetic force

  • operating at these very, very, very small distances.

  • So if you get two of these protons close enough together,

  • and the strong force only applies over very, very, very

  • small distances, subatomic or I should even

  • say subnucleic distances, then the strong interaction

  • comes into play.

  • So then you have the strong interaction actually keeping

  • these charges together.

  • And once again, just to keep it in mind relative to gravity,

  • it is 10 to the 38th times the strength of gravity.

  • Or it's about 100 times stronger than the electromagnetic force.

  • So once again, the reason why you

  • don't see the strong force, which

  • is the strongest of all the forces,

  • or the weak interaction, applying over huge scales

  • is that their strength dies off super, super fast.

  • Even when you start going to a larger radius nucleuses

  • of atoms, the strength starts to die off,

  • especially for the strong force.

  • The reason why you don't see the electromagnetic force operating

  • over large distances, even though in theory it can,

  • like gravity, is that you don't see

  • the type of charge concentrations the way

  • you see mass concentrations in the universe.

  • Because the charge concentrations

  • tend to sort them out.

  • They start to equalize.

  • If I have a huge positive charge there

  • and a huge negative charge there,

  • they will attract each other and then become

  • essentially a big lump of neutral charge.

  • And once they're a big lump of neutral charge,

  • they won't interact with anything else.

  • And gravity, if you have one mass and another mass,

  • and they attract each other, then you

  • have another mass that's even better

  • to attracting at other masses.

  • And so it'll keep attracting things to it.

  • So it kind of snowballs the process.

  • And that's why gravity operates on these really, really

  • large, large objects in our universe

  • and on the universe as a whole.

What I want to do in this video is

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四大基本力量 (Four Fundamental Forces)

  • 54 10
    Kevin Tan posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary