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  • Hey guys it's been a while...

  • So, a lot has happened in the last couple of months that I don't talk about

  • but I've been thinking about quitting YouTube once and for all

  • and just being done with it if I'm being honest.

  • Um... I'm sure some of you have noticed that I'm burnt out

  • and that I've been burnt out for some time now

  • Like the stress, the pressure, and the hate

  • Sometimes I just... I don't know if it's worth it

  • I feel like I'm walking on eggshells on YouTube

  • I have to watch every little thing I say

  • Like something really simple like me enjoying chocolate

  • or liking chocolate can turn into an eating disorder.

  • But I'm really proud of our community and what we have built

  • This channel has given me such a great sense of accomplishment

  • And look, everyone on social media gets hate

  • and it's normalized.

  • But it gets really challenging and hurtful

  • when some people try to villainize me.

  • Sometimes I can't block off all the hate you know

  • And on top of that there are brands that are trying to take advantage of me

  • There are people selling merch or apps

  • using my name that has nothing to do with me

  • and also people trying to hold trademarks over my name

  • My name

  • But you know, all that doesn't affect me as much

  • What affects me the most

  • is the persistently hurtful content

  • because it affects my mental health

  • and I'll get into that in a sec

  • And yeah, it just gets a little bit too much

  • and I'm just... losing passion for making content at this point

  • So I've been quite disconnected for the last couple of months and

  • some of you have noticed so it's really nice to finally share this with you guys

  • I can only talk about so many things in a video, so in today's video

  • I'm gonna talk about the legal proceedings that I filed in court

  • against 1) the individual from my "Time to Talk" video, and

  • 2) a media company that has published material about me

  • and said very hurtful things about me

  • But before we get started I want to be crystal clear...

  • Hang on, hang on, I need to read this properly. I need to be crystal clear that

  • Ok, you got it?

  • Alright, if you have watched an older video of mine

  • you'll know about this guy that has posted

  • tons of statements about me.

  • Statements like I have "no fitness background"

  • I "know nothing about fitness"

  • I'm a certified personal trainer and I've put in hours of studying and training

  • so how can I not have any knowledge in fitness?

  • I "intentionally mislead people"

  • Claims that I "promote" eating disorders and body dysmorphia

  • Insults my content and community

  • Implying that I'm just "a pretty face in yoga pants"

  • and so much more...

  • and I stated in court papers that it was malicious and defamatory

  • Anyways, most of you guys know about that story

  • but no one actually knows what happened after

  • So I'm sure some people are gonna jump into conclusions and think

  • that Chloe's just escalating matters to court without basis...

  • No! ...No.

  • We have reached out to this person multiple times over many, many months

  • to try to resolve this matter

  • So after that video, I sent him a concerns notice

  • which is basically a legal notice saying

  • that here's a long list of things that you said that are defamatory

  • and here's your behavior and what are you gonna do about it?

  • So he responded to my lawyer seemingly apologetic and admitting that he was wrong

  • but a week later, he reposted everything - made things worse -

  • and he claimed that his girlfriend "told him to be nice" about it

  • but he changed his mind

  • so I guess his intentions were never nice.

  • Eventually he removed his publications again

  • and then in another email he seemed apologetic once again

  • and also weirdly pitched ideas to put me in a better light

  • and also suggested to come on my channel to make an apology

  • I don't even know what to say

  • First, he shits on me and then he pitches ideas?

  • So anyways, all good, right?

  • Seems sincere in an email, he then took down all the posts about me

  • So I thought, "Hmm, this guy deserves a second chance."

  • Disputes are very draining, okay?

  • In terms of time, energy and cost

  • And I don't have time for that.

  • I'd rather do something else that's more productive

  • So I offered him a Deed of Settlement

  • And typically, a settlement involves compensation for damages

  • From him to me

  • But I did not insist for any compensation, not a single cent.

  • In retrospect, I believe I was being way too generous

  • I didn't wanna make anyone pay for anything even though

  • he fucked up

  • I just believed that everyone gets a second chance

  • but I feel like he took advantage of that

  • All he needed to do was to give me a sincere apology

  • that he wanted to give me initially anyway

  • since he admitted that he was wrong

  • and to ensure those posts remained taken down

  • and just to stop! Stop all of this, 'cause it causes people to send me hate.

  • But long story short

  • after months of back and forth

  • he only put up the apology January this year

  • so at this point in January, it was all done

  • I was happy to move on even though I was the one that's out of pocket for legal bills

  • which, by the way, kept increasing because it took such a long time

  • to reach to a settlement.

  • He even said to my lawyer that my cost is no concern to him

  • and it's my choice for pursuing him

  • I'll be honest, I felt manipulated

  • and I felt that he took advantage of my kindness

  • Like, he made it sound like he's really apologetic

  • and then... he turned around...

  • Um... I just felt like I was too naive

  • It's just really confusing when he launched

  • a whole exposé, as he calls it

  • and then apologizing for it, wanting to move on but not really

  • like, he's still dragging on.

  • Anyways, it should have ended there in January

  • I let it go

  • and all he needed to do

  • as he said he would in the settlement deed

  • was to apologise and just stop... stop! Like he said he would

  • and to not dilute the efficacy of his apology

  • because what's the point of it?

  • But unfortunately, which is very predictable at this point,

  • he decided to go back on his words

  • and I can't go into detail for good reason

  • but basically, he just... kept going

  • with an ongoing campaign towards me.

  • He did this by victimizing himself

  • saying he was bullied to taking down posts

  • leaving up posts that he said he was meant to take down

  • making references to the original defamatory posts

  • jabs towards my type of content

  • creating a similar hashtag

  • claiming people have tried to sue him with no success

  • and I think all of this is contradictory to his apology

  • and dilutes the efficacy of it.

  • So, to me, the settlement to put this behind us was not followed through

  • I felt like he continues to refer to me directly or indirectly

  • or continued to act in a way to make me feel like I was being

  • undermined, bullied and targeted.

  • I just felt like it never ended.

  • And, by the way, we informed him of this

  • but he stopped responding and just kept going with this behavior.

  • I mean, he said that he even found a girlfriend out of this

  • and made reference to a lawsuit.

  • To be clear, there was no lawsuit filed before today,

  • only emails apologizing with promises that didn't eventuate.

  • And you can see how, by him saying that there was a lawsuit

  • it potentially changed his narrative

  • so some might actually assume that he had a lawsuit that he might not have

  • he might have won or something.

  • I don't know, it just seems like he's twisting things again.

  • So after the "Time to Talk" video, and even until today

  • people were sending me hate

  • and people were jumping on this hate bandwagon because

  • people believed these statements

  • and I just need to stand up for myself

  • and protect myself based on what the law allows me to

  • that's the reason why defamation, cyber-bullying and harassment laws exist.

  • I've always been the type of person that

  • lets things go because I don't like to dwell on things

  • so take this video as you may.

  • I don't start anything, I don't shit-talk anyone

  • I mean just look at my channel

  • like that's not what I do

  • but if I believe that someone crosses the line and keeps smearing me and my work

  • and then turns around and says

  • that he was bullied

  • when he started all of this...

  • Who was actually bullying who?

  • I'm not gonna let that happen. I'm gonna stand up for myself.

  • I was happy to let it go, but he just wouldn't let it go.

  • I'm gonna fight for myself

  • because no one will stand up for me

  • like how I will for myself.

  • I'm not gonna be pushed around

  • I've been bullied a lot...

  • a LOT

  • and this is it.

  • I'm not gonna let people get away with bullying...

  • it's just not okay.

  • It's just not okay with me.

  • I've worked really hard to get to where I am

  • I have sacrificed so much...

  • So... much. I can't even... begin!

  • Nothing is just purely luck.

  • I feel like I let him off the hook too easily

  • and he's taking advantage of that and just keeps going and

  • I'm just really tired of it, like, I'm just really tired of his behavior.

  • So, I'm doing what's right by me and my values

  • I'm a strong person

  • and I know that I'm strong.

  • I've gotten to where I am today because I'm strong

  • and it's liberating to be able to do this...

  • to stand up for myself.

  • Alright, so besides this person

  • I've also proceeded with legal action

  • against a media company who published content to make people think less of me

  • and distrust me

  • and refused to remove it.

  • And similarly, I had a really simple request:

  • it's just for them to remove the post.

  • I would assume that a media organization would vet their content

  • before they publish and do their due diligence.

  • It was really surprising to me that they

  • didn't want to remove the content when I flagged it

  • when other publishers just took it down

  • but this one just wouldn't budge.

  • The funny thing is that this same company once reached out to me

  • and asked me to do a workout live stream for them on their platform

  • so they knew how to reach out to me when they wanted something,

  • but they didn't know how to reach out to me to do due diligence

  • or fact checks with me before publishing an article about me.

  • There's always people that are going to talk shit and I can block it off.

  • But the response at that time was as if everything that was alleged were true

  • and here's what they said:

  • "Your client has no formal training in nutrition or fitness."

  • "Your client has a physique which is traditionally seen as being desireable

  • but is unattainable by many girls and women."

  • I didn't magically have this physique

  • I worked hard for it

  • I spent hours... days... days!!

  • Many, many months

  • I spent a lot of effort working on myself

  • because I was being teased and bullied about my physical appearance my ent-

  • not entire life, that's just too dramatic

  • but, for a long time.

  • It's really insulting to disregard my effort

  • that I put into making myself feel better or confident

  • and making it sound like I'm just gifted and I didn't work hard for it.

  • "The problem is that the vast majority of the female population will never look like

  • your client and their inability to do so fuels body dysmorphia. If your client

  • posed in a baggy t-shirt and sweat pants then she would not be adding to the problem."

  • So based on this logic, in order to not fuel body dysmorphia,

  • I should be posting my workouts in baggy t-shirts and sweatpants...

  • I'm just wearing appropriate fitnesswear.

  • What's wrong with that?

  • Why am I being singled out here?

  • Don't people wear fitnesswear when they work out?

  • "Of course, if she did that, she probably would not have as many followers

  • as she does."

  • Uh... I don't even know what to say right here, by the way...

  • It's just... so insulting and degrading

  • that I did not put effort into my work

  • I just... wear my beautiful fitnesswear

  • and get to where I am today I guess.

  • So basically, they repeated the claim that I have no knowledge in fitness

  • and that I fuel body dysmorphia and eating disorders

  • and I take great offence to that.

  • And this is something that hits me hard

  • because this is not something I believe in and this is not what my content is about.

  • It's putting a lot of weight on me and my conscience, and I disagree to that.

  • I haven't even shared how I personally experienced being body shamed

  • when I was in school, or at work

  • I haven't even got a chance to talk about it

  • so, to me, that's really hurtful

  • and a shitty response.

  • So, no, I'm not gonna back down just because it's a media company and that it may seem scary

  • I'll leave it to court to decide whether or not their conduct towards me was lawful

  • or if anything they said about me was true

  • and if the court determines that it's true, then

  • maybe I should consider whether I wanna be making any more fitness content

  • It's just free workouts, man...

  • Alright, I'm gonna wrap this up.

  • Look, I just wanna say this because it's very important for me to put this out there

  • it's fine for people to have a negative opinion about me

  • this is not what this video is about.

  • To me, this feels like a campaign towards me

  • that has been going on for a long time

  • it's been more than a year

  • and I don't know what he wants from me

  • like does he get a lot of enjoyment out of this

  • by sending hate my way from other people?

  • It's like it's normalizing for people to hate on me and you know,

  • in time, we'll know if the court finds this unlawful as well.

  • So yeah, I always wonder whether I'll quit YouTube on my own because

  • I feel like, you know, I'm way too burnt out from creating content

  • or I'm just like tired, or would it be because people are trying to take me down

  • 'cause when that first happened it was just a lot of people hating me at the same time.

  • It was a little bit tough, um, but I know I have a thick skin

  • I could always just ignore a lot of it

  • um, but this one campaign actually did bother me.

  • It's fine

  • I'm okay

  • I just needed to tell you guys what I think.

  • It's nice to be able to tell people, I guess.

  • Of course, I won't be able to tell the full story here because, for good reason

  • but it's good to be able to say something, you know, instead of keeping quiet

  • and finally being able to stand up for myself

  • because it does look like I'm really weak

  • letting him just push me around like that

  • it's just not cool.

  • I've always been taught to keep my head low

  • look the other way

  • and just move on and, you know, like

  • don't worry about it, you know

  • don't worry about this kid, don't worry about this person bullying you

  • like, it's okay just move on

  • like, I've always been taught that way

  • to just try to not get bothered by people bullying me... um, but that's...

  • ...I don't want it anymore.

  • I'm a grown-ass woman and I need to take care of myself.

  • I need to take care of myself.

  • So, yeah. This is it.

  • And if you are here still listening to me

  • thank you so much.

  • Don't think a lot of people care about this sort of video

  • or care about me this way because, you know, I make fitness content

  • so if you are here watching this video

  • if you actually bothered to listen to the entire video, it really means a lot to me

  • because it's... it's a long video, I reckon... um... yeah.

  • Thank you so much for watching.

  • Thank you so much for listening, I appreciate that.

  • I really appreciate that, like, I mean it.

  • I really do mean it.

  • Um... it's nice to be heard.

  • Again, thank you so much for listening

  • and I'll see you guys in the next video

  • bye bye

Hey guys it's been a while...

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我受夠了(I've had enough.)

  • 31 0
    liny posted on 2021/08/31
Video vocabulary