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  • foreign barnes maureen barracks  windward guantanamo bay cuba  

  • corporal barnes named some reasons  why a marine would receive a code red  

  • being late for platoon or company meetings keeping  his barracks in disorder falling back on a run  

  • have you ever received a code red yes sir we  were doing seven man assault drills and my weapon  

  • slipped it was just cause it was over 100 degrees  and my palms were sweaty and i'd forgotten to use  

  • the resin like we were taught what happened that  night the guys in my squad threw a blanket over me  

  • took turns punch him in the arm for five  minutes and then they poured glue on my hands  

  • and it worked too becausenever dropped my weapon since  

  • was private santiago ever late for  platoon meetings yes sir was his  

  • barracks every disorder yes sir did he ever  fall back on a run all the times did he ever  

  • prior to the night of september 6th  receive a code red no sir never no sir

  • you got a code red because your  palms were sweaty why didn't  

  • santiago this burden to his unit ever  get one dawson wouldn't allow it sir  

  • dawson wouldn't allow it the guys talked tough  about santiago but they wouldn't go near him they  

  • were too afraid of dawson sir object the witness  is speculating i'll rephrase jeffrey did you  

  • ever want to give santiago a code red yes sir why  didn't you because dawson would kick my butt sir  

  • good enough captain ross is  going to ask you some questions

  • i hold here the marine outline for recruit  training are you familiar with this book yes  

  • sir have you read it yes sir good would you turn  to the chapter that deals with code reds please

  • sir just flip to the page in the  book that discusses code reds

  • well well you see sir code  red is a term that we use  

  • i mean just down to gitmo  i don't know oh look then

  • standard operating procedure rifle security  company guantanamo bay cuba now i assume we'll  

  • find the term code red in its definition in that  book am i correct no sir no corporal barnes i'm  

  • a marine is there no book no manual or pamphlet  no set of orders or regulations that lets me know  

  • that as a marine one of my duties is to perform  code reds no sir no book sir no further questions

  • corporal would you turn to the page in this  book that says where the mess hall is please  

  • well lieutenant kathy that's not in the book sir  

  • you mean to say in all your time at gitmo you've  never had a meal no sir three squares a day sir  

  • i don't understand how did you know where  the mess hall was if it's not in this book

  • well i guess i just followed  the crowd at chow time sir  

  • no more questions couple bombs  you may step down thank you sir

  • seven tonight we'll do a final kendrick  review i want to slam dunk this guy

  • no flies on you rolling stone gathers no  moss well it ain't over till the fat lady  

  • sings say that again it ain't over to the  fat lady he sings she walked into that one

  • oh jesus christ he left the door unlocked  scared the [ __ ] out of me just keep driving  

  • are you aware you're under subpoena yes i'm  also aware that the lives of two marines are  

  • in your hands if there was something i could  do about that i would but since i can't all i  

  • can do is help you lieutenant what do you  know i know everything was it a code red  

  • yes did kendra give the order yes did you  witness it i didn't did you witness it no and  

  • how do you know i know yeah you know [ __ ] he  was never going to be transferred off that base

  • jessup was going to keep him on the base he said  he wanted him trained you've got the transfer it's  

  • got your signature i know i signed him the morning  you arrived in cuba five days after santiago died

  • i'm gonna get you a deal some kind of immunity  with prosecutor about four days you're gonna  

  • appear as a witness for defense and you're  to tell the court exactly what you told me  

  • right now i'm going to check you into a motel  we are going to start from the beginning  

  • i don't want a deal and i don't want immunity  

  • i want you to know that i'm proud neither  of what i have done or what i am doing  

  • where is he the downtown lodge in northeastwant him guarded that's probably a good idea my  

  • parent's coat is four weeks he also said five to  six seven three thank you i don't have a clearance  

  • code do you have a clearance danny this is joe  galloway i need to secure a witness anyway he also  

  • said that jessup's lying about the transportation  off the base jessup said that six the next morning  

  • was the first flight santiago could have left  on markinson says there was a plane that left  

  • seven hours earlier that was impressive did  you get what i said about the flight yes  

  • sam when a flight takes off there's got  to be some kind of record kept right  

  • yeah you need the tower chief's log from gitmo  get it we're going to win joe don't get crazy  

  • about this we don't know who markinson is we  don't know what the log book's going to say  

  • you just concentrate on downey i'm going  to talk to ross and tell them where we are

  • hey danny nice work today redirect  on barnes i have morkinson

  • where is he hotel room in northeast was  six feet on marshall's outside his door  

  • thanks for being a drink transfer the marks inside  this phony jessup's statement at the 6am flight  

  • was the first available as a lie we're checking  the tower chief's log can i get you something  

  • like a beer please in the meantime i'm gonna put  the apostle john kendrick on the stand see if we  

  • can't have from fun all right i have an obligation  to tell you if you accuse kendrick or jessup of  

  • any crime without proper evidence you're going  to be subject to a court martial for professional  

  • misconduct and that's something that's going to be  stapled to every job application you ever fill out

  • markinson's not going to hold  up danny he's a crazy man  

  • i'm not saying this to intimidate you i'm  being your lawyer here oh thanks jack and i  

  • want to tell you that i think a [ __ ] bunch  of you are certifiably insane this code of  

  • honor of yours makes me want to beat the [  __ ] out of something don't you dare lump me  

  • in with jessica and kendrick just because we  wear the same uniform i'm your friend and i'm  

  • telling you i don't think your clients belong  in jail but i don't get to make that decision  

  • i represent the government of the united states  without passion or prejudice my client has a case

  • now i want you to acknowledge that the judge  advocate has made you aware of the possible  

  • consequences involved in accusing a marine  officer of a felony without proper evidence  

  • i've been so advised

  • you got bullied into that  courtroom danny why everyone  

  • i dawson by galloway [ __  ] i practically dared you

  • you got bullied into that courtroom  by the memory of a dead lawyer

  • you're a lousy [ __ ] softball player jack

  • your boys are going down  danny i can't stop it anymore

  • lieutenant kenner can your opinion  was private santiago a good marine  

  • i'd say he was about average lieutenant  you signed three proficiency and conduct  

  • reports on santiago and all three reports  you indicated rating of below average

  • yes private santiago was below average i did not  see the need to trample on a man's grave well we  

  • appreciate that but you're under oath now andthink unpleasant as it may be we'd all just soon  

  • hear the truth i'm aware of my oath lieutenant  these are the last three pro con reports you

  • you

foreign barnes maureen barracks  windward guantanamo bay cuba  

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A Few Good Men 法庭05(A Few Good Men 法庭05)

  • 8 0
    Yiu Fung Chow posted on 2021/09/07
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