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  • Hi there and welcome to this information guide about Tokyo. When you travel to the city or in Tokyo City.

  • Tokyo is going from the future to the past. I imagine you'd like to see the old part, too.

  • For the old part you go to "Asakusa".

  • What stands out here is this big access gate.

  • You can see there's a lot of pictures being taken. So you're not the only tourist.

  • In the middle you see this big lampion It's 4  meters high and weights over 500 kilograms.

  • That could be a good exercise.

  • If you keep walking, you'll pass all the small stores.

  • At the end you will be rewarded with the oldest temple if the city the "Senō-ji".

  • You can visit the temple for free, but before  you go in you need to get some incense.

  • And it's supposed to be good for your health...

  • ... and don't forget to clean yourself with this water.

  • And then you are ready to enter the "Senō-ji".

  • Prepare yourself and get everything out of your Tokyo trip with the full Tokyo travel guide.

  • The only thing you have to do is to click on the link on your screen.

Hi there and welcome to this information guide about Tokyo. When you travel to the city or in Tokyo City.

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Tokyo, Japan: Old Tokyo Asakusa & Senso-ji Oldest Temple in Tokyo Tokyo Travel information(Tokyo, Japan: Old Tokyo - Asakusa & Senso-ji Oldest Temple in Tokyo - Tokyo Travel information)

  • 47 3
    たらこ posted on 2021/09/13
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