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  • Hey everyone it's jennifer from Tarle speech with  your two for Tuesday. These are homophones - they  


  • are pronounced exactly the same way, they just  have different meanings and different spellings.


  • So our words today are pole and that is a rod  

    是以,我們今天要講的是 "杆",也就是 "棒"。

  • or either end of locations like the north and  the south pole and then poll a record of a vote.


  • So to say these words correctly  we're going to start with that p  


  • sound - put your lips together and  let them open up, air puffs out.


  • Next we're going to move to that long o sound  - to do that your mouth is going to open  


  • in a wide oval shape, tip of your tongue  is low, back of the tongue is pulled up.  


  • o; and then we're going to move to a pucker. As  you pucker your tongue is going to move along as  


  • you close your mouth and it'll end in the middle  of your mouth. There it's not touching the teeth.


  • Then we're going to end with an l and to do this  you're going to touch the tip of your tongue  

    然後,我們將以 "l "結尾,為了做到這一點,你將觸摸你的舌尖。

  • to the back of your top front teeth.


  • poll poll poll

    投票表決 投票表決

  • I am going to give you one little extra tip here  


  • some of my students really have trouble  with l at the end of the word, especially  

    我的一些學生對詞尾的 "l "真的有問題,特別是

  • when an o sound is right before it, this  is oftentimes because the lips remained  

    當 "o "音在它前面時,這通常是由於嘴脣仍然保持著

  • puckered - you do not want to have puckered  lips for that l sound it's oolll not it's llll

    撅起 - 你不希望有撅起的嘴脣,因為那是l的聲音,是olll而不是llll

  • You can see my lips are pulled back  a bit so again to do that it'll be ol


  • poll poll poll

    投票表決 投票表決

  • And now for a sentence: The neighborhood  poll asked everyone to vote on the color  


  • for the flagpoles.


  • Give it a try i know people are going to notice  the difference. If you found this helpful please  


  • share us with your friends and give uslike thanks everyone have a great week!


Hey everyone it's jennifer from Tarle speech with  your two for Tuesday. These are homophones - they  


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