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How to hide an unwanted erection in school. It's great to know the thing is working,
在學校要如何遮住不該搭帳篷的褲檔呢 ? 知道自己那話兒還能運作固然是好
but getting an erection in school can be really embarrassing. You will need an oversized shirt,
sweatshirt, or t-shirt; a book bag with long straps and baggy jeans or khakis.
汗衫或 T 恤。再來是長肩帶的書包,和垮垮的牛仔褲或卡其褲
Step 1 : If erections in school have become a daily problem, buy long buttoned shirts that you
第一招 : 如果你每天被搭帳篷所苦,穿件長擺的鈕扣上衣
can wear outside your jeans, or wear oversized sweatshirts and tees.
好遮住牛仔褲,或者是穿件寬鬆的汗衫或 T 恤
Step 2. Always have a book bag with extra long straps with you—one that won’t look odd when it’s slung over
one shoulder so it hangs down low in front. This will be a lifesaver when class ends and
you have to jump out of your seat. Step 3. Wear baggy jeans or khakis. When your little
buddy jumps to attention at an inopportune time, you can slip your hands in your pockets
and casually push the pants material away from your groin, making the bulge less noticeable.
Ejaculating more often can solve a spontaneous erection problem. Step 4. Once you've done
your best to camouflage the problem, it's time to get rid of it altogether.
Doing a complicated math problem in your head often works, since it forces you to focus on something else.
Step 5. Tense your quadriceps—the muscles in front of your legs. This redirects
the blood flow away from Mr. Happy, taking the wind out of his sails, so to speak.
Step 6. Now pinch yourself—not in an “aren’t I lucky?” kind of way but to bring tears to your eyes.
The pain should do the trick. Step 7. If all else fails, walk around on the heels of your feet.
這樣的痛處反而可以幫助你。第七招,以上都行不通嗎 ? 那麼,試試用後腳跟走路吧 !
This has worked for many a hormonally charged young man.
And if it doesn’t, you’ll look so dorky that no one will notice your budding manhood. Did
you know the average length of an erected penis is 5.1 inches.
你知道嗎?陰莖勃起後的平均長度為 5.1 吋