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It's like (a) little baby unicorn⏤wha⏤hey, woah!
Oh, I love it even more.
Ah, all right, let's start this thing over.
Hi, everyone, I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs.
That's right, Olaf!
And you are...?
Oh, um, I'm Anna.
And who's the funky looking donkey over there?
- That's Sven. - Uh-huh, and who's the reindeer?
- Sven. - Oh, they're⏤Oh, okay, makes things easier for me.
Aw, look at him tryin' to kiss my nose; I like you, too.
- Olaf, did Elsa build you? - Yeah, why?
- Do you know where she is? - Fascinating.
- Yeah, why? - Do you think you could show us the way?
- Yeah, why? - How does this work⏤ow!
Stop it, Sven, try and focus here.
Oh, I am gonna talk to my sister.
That's your plan? My ice business is riding on you talking to your sister?
- So you're not at all afraid of her. - Why would I be?
Yeah, I bet she's the nicest, gentlest, warmest person ever.
Oh, look at that. I've been impaled.
Man am I outta shape.
There we go.
Hey, Anna! Sven! Where'd you guys go? We totally lost Marshmallow back there.
Hey! We were just talkin' about you. All good things, all good things.
This is not making much of a difference, is it?
Hang in there, guys!
Don't come back!
We won't.
Hey! You were right; just like a pillow.
- Olaf! - I can't feel my legs. I can't feel my legs!
Those are my legs.
Oh, hey, do me a favor, grab my butt.
Ah, that feels better.
Hey, Sven!
He found us! Who's my cute little reindeer?
Don't talk to him like that.
Meet my family.
- Hey, guys! - They're rocks.
You are a sight for sore eyes.
- He's crazy. - Rock field's looking sharp, as usual.
Hey, whoa, I don't even recognize you; you lost so much weight.
I'll distract him while you run.
Hi Sven's family, it's nice to meet you!
'Cause I love you, Anna, I insist you run.
I understand you're love experts, woo!
Why aren't you running?
Uh, okay, well, I'm gonna go.
- Go! - No, no, no, Anna, wait!
Oh, boy! Whoa! Meet you guys at the castle!
- Stay out of sight, Olaf! - I will!
- Hello. - Ah!
I'm just living the dream, Anna.
Ah, how I wish this could last forever.
- And yet, change mocks us with her beauty.
- What's that? - Forgive me, maturity is making me poetic.
Tell me, you're older and thus all-knowing, do you ever worry about the notion that nothing is permanent?
- Uh, no. - Really?
Wow, I can't wait until I'm ancient like you so I don't have to worry about important things.
- Okay, Olaf, you're up. - Okay.
So much easier now that I can read.
Lighting round, boys against girls!
Okay, I'm ready, I'm ready. Go!
Ice cream!
Ooh, Elsa!
Um, Anna? Elsa? Sven? Samantha?
I don't... even know a Samantha.
That's normal.
What was that!
Hi, I'm Olaf.
Oh, sorry, yeah, I just find clothes restricting.
Bet you're wondering who we are and why we're here.
It's really quite simple.
It began with two sisters, one born with magical powers, one born powerless.
Their love of snowmen, infinite.
Anna, no, too high!
Blast! Ohh... Mama, Papa, help!
Slam! Doors shutting everywhere! Sisters torn apart.
Well, at least they have their parents.
Their parents are dead.
Ah, oh, hi, I'm Anna. I'll marry a man I just met.
How's this gonna blow?
Snow! Snow!
Magic pulses through my snowflakes.
I live! Ice palates for one, ice palates for one.
Get out, Anna!
My heart.
- Oh, my goodness. - Only an act of true love can save you.
Here's a true love's kiss.
You're not worth it!
Guess what? I'm the bad guy!
- What! - And Anna freezes to death forever.
Oh, Anna.
Then she unfreezes.
Oh, and then Elsa woke up the magical spirits and we were forced out of our kingdom.
Now our only hope is to find out the truth about the past, but we don't have a clue how to do that, except Elsa's hearing voices, so we got that going for us.
Any questions?
I think they got it.
Hey, let me ask you.
How do you guys cope with the ever-increasing complexity of thought that comes with maturity?
Brilliant! Oh!
It's so refreshing to talk to the youth of today.
Our future's in bright hands.
Oh, no, no, no, no, don't chew that; you don't know what I've stepped in.
They're coming.
Ah! Hoo, hoo, hot, hot!
This is why we don't play with fire.
Aw, I can't stay mad at you. Why are you so cute?
Hey, Olaf, um, maybe just one of you should do it.
I agree, she's a little pitchy.
Show yourself, right now!
- Elsa? Be who you are. - Oh, I will, Mama, I will.
Elsa's dead.
Olaf's dead.
Anna cries.
And then a bunch of important things happened that I forgot but all that matters is I was right and water has memory and thus...
I live, and so do you.
Oh! We live, we live!