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- Hi. - Hi!
I'm looking for Eddie Menuek.
Oh! Uh, he's not here right now, uh, I'm Chandler.
Can I take a message or... or a fish tank?
- Thanks. - Oh, oh, uh.
Come on in.
I'm Tilly.
I gather by that "oh" that he told you about me.
Oh, yeah, your, uh... name came up in a, uh, conversation that terrified me to my very soul.
He's kind of intense, huh?
Yes! Hey, can I ask you, is Eddie a little...
- A little what? - ... bit country?
Come on in here you, roomie!
Hello, Tilly.
Eddie, I just came by to drop off your tank.
That was very thoughtful of you.
It's very thoughtful.
Well, okay, then, I'm gonna go. Bye.
- Bye-bye. - Bye.
So, we getting a fish?
You had sex with her, didn't you?
- Eddie, I didn't sleep with your ex-girlfriend. - Eh, eh...
That's very interesting, you know, 'cause that's exactly what someone who slept with her would say.
This is nuts. This is crazy. She came over for, like, two minutes, dropped off the fish tank, and left. End of story.
Where's Buddy?
- Buddy? - My fish, Buddy.
There was no fish when she dropped it off.
Oh! This is... this is unbelievable!
I mean, first... first you sleep with my ex-girlfriend, then you insult my intelligence by lying about it, and then you kill my fish, my Buddy?
Hey, I didn't kill your fish! Look, Eddie...
Would you look at what I'm doing here?
Now, that can't be smart.
So we're just gonna take this guy right off ya, and put him here in Mr. Pocket.