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  • Hello everyone Jennifer from Tarle speech with your question of the week. Our question


  • today is about three words check which is to examine or verify


  • chick which is a young bird or slang for a young woman and


  • cheek the side of the face


  • So let's take a look at our words. Okay all of these words start and end with the same


  • sound so let's get that out of the way. For the ch sound start by touching the tip


  • of your tongue to the back of your top front teeth and then pull it back for that ch ch


  • ch ch ch ch Then for the k sound the tip of your tongue

    ch ch ch ch 然後用你的舌尖發出k的聲音

  • is way low in your mouth the back of your tongue is pulled high up sometimes it even


  • touches the roof of your mouth and air is just going to puff out K K.

    觸及你的嘴頂,空氣就會撲面而來,K K。

  • So again we have CH and K. Now for the vowels I put the words in this

    是以,我們又有了CH和K。 現在,對於元音,我把這些詞放在這裡

  • order on purpose we are going to start with a relatively closed mouth for the e your tongue


  • is going to be nice and high and flat for that sound e e your lips are tense and smiling.

    是要很好的高和平的那個聲音,e e你的嘴脣是緊張和微笑的。

  • You are going to relax your lips slightly and your tongue is going to pop down just


  • behind the top front teeth. So we have eeeee ih

    在上門牙後面。所以我們有eeeee ih

  • and then you're going to open your mouth slightly and then you're going to see the tip of your


  • tongue between your top and your bottom teeth eh


  • ee ih

    ee ih

  • eh ee

    eh ee

  • ih eh

    ih eh

  • And your tongue is going to remain relatively flat for all of these sounds but again the


  • difference here is super high for the e with the tense mouth


  • relax the mouth ih ih open the mouth slightly eh

    放鬆嘴部 ih ih 微微張開嘴 eh

  • Let's give those words a try cheek cheek cheek


  • chick chick chick check check check


  • cheek chick check cheek chick check

    頰部小雞檢查 頰部小雞檢查

  • And let's try it the opposite way check chick cheek


  • check chick cheek One more time


  • cheek cheek cheek chick chick chick

    腮幫子 腮幫子 小雞 小雞

  • check check check cheek chick check

    檢查 檢查 檢查 臉頰 小雞 檢查

  • And now for a sentence Wipe your cheek before you ask for the check.


  • You have some of the chocolate chick from dessert on your face.


  • So give it a try i know people are going to notice the difference if you found this helpful


  • we would love it if you would share us with your friends and leave us a comment if you're


  • looking for more help check us out on Tarle speech for our classes and products thanks

    尋找更多的幫助,請在Tarle speech上查看我們的課程和產品,謝謝

  • so much everyone have a great weekend!


Hello everyone Jennifer from Tarle speech with your question of the week. Our question


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