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  • hi uh i'm nikan david's wife um and this is  an event in corner in the owner of the first  

  • anniversary of david graber's passing and in the  spirit of his rejection of academic arrogance  

  • and our urgent need to get out of the  crisis we are in we set up the art project  

  • fight club welcome to the first one of the series  today we're talking about what is that the next  

  • one will be about the nature of money david was  probably the most famous anthropologist of our  

  • times and the best-selling offer even still he had  a food in his computer called nightmare in which  

  • he dumped all bills bureaucratic papers invoices  and papers of his academic achievements he regards  

  • the idea of isolated individual as a myth  what interested david much more was a dialogue  

  • he believed that it is only in dialogue in the  class of opinions where answers are formed and how  

  • human consciousness is born we humans according to  david are the product of our social relationship  

  • that's why it was so important for him  to be involved in a situation in which  

  • people think and act collectively and david  grabber foundation will follow the same path  

  • so we have several projects lined up from  collective education of his archive to publishing  

  • the anthology of the fight club starting from the  first debate between david greber and peter thiel  

  • as fight club official cheerleader i urge our  fighters to be emotional provocative and bold  

  • because the questions that we'll discuss concern  us all if enough of us will change the way we  

  • think about what deb mean then the social design  of our society will change i'll change along with  

  • this so this is just that as david described  what a revolution is a change of common sense  

  • and the collective imagination and david argued  that the main achievement of the paris commune  

  • despite a defeat had been the transformation  of the common sense about how we live together  

  • so most of what we consider ordinary in our  cities public transportation street lights  

  • public schools the eight hours work days and even  the not yet achieved equal pay for women and men  

  • originated in the paris commune and it  was then considered to be a social madness  

  • so the same can be said said about occupy those  10 anniversary we celebrate it now just as we  

  • celebrate david's life occupy didn't take over any  territory he didn't have leaders and government  

  • but it did change the public discourse it's become  important to talk about equality poverty and that  

  • so after after occupy we'll look at the world  differently speaking on death the position of  

  • our fighters today are radically different  we want to i want to express my immense  

  • gratitude to thomas piketty who replied to  my email although we didn't know each other  

  • and agreed to participate in this debate i also  want to thank michael hudson who came up with them  

  • many of the ideas that david graber built upon  in his book 5000 years of death and i really hope  

  • that this debate can radically change the way we  think about the world and what else could be more  

  • exciting so i passed to liam who uh thank  you for agree to moderate his discussion  

  • well it's my great pleasure and it's wonderful  to welcome everyone from all over the world uh we  

  • share some commonalities in our human experience  and one of them is that we tend to come into the  

  • world most of us sort of under-capitalized for the  experience so in a sense most of us are united in  

  • debt and that's why it's especially exciting to  have two such brilliant thinkers help us unpack  

  • this difficult subject from the suitcase where we  like to push it way into the back of the closet  

  • today i'm very delighted to welcome my friend  michael hudson he is a distinguished professor  

  • of economics at the university of missouri kansas  city he's also a researcher at the levy institute  

  • at bard he's a former wall street analyst and  a frequent commenter on economic matters and  

  • historical matters he's written extensively about  debt and as you just heard from nika his work was  

  • a great inspiration for david graber he can  also tell you more about the ancient sumerians  

  • than you ever dreamed of knowing so hopefully  we get to hear a little bit about that today  

  • uh welcome professor hudson and welcome also to  tomati he is the um professor at the e-h-e-s-s  

  • and the paris school of economics and he's also  the co-director of the world inequality lab  

  • uh you know him for going viral with his books  telling us why most of us don't have any money  

  • of course there was his smash hit capitalism in  the 21st century and more recently which you must  

  • get if you haven't read it capitalism and ideology  uh welcome to you professor pikati and we'll start  

  • out having each of you tell us uh your thoughts  about debt your position on the topic and you'll  

  • have about five minutes each and uh i think we'll  start with you professor hudson i thought we're  

  • going to let tom go first otherwise it's going  to be fine all the things i agree with that he  

  • wrote and let him say what nobody wrote that's  fine with me thomas would you like to go first  

  • uh yeah whatever is it's fine i mean so okay  let me say a few words first let me you know  

  • thank you for organizing this and and you know  i was very you know when i received nika's email  

  • you know i felt you know where you know  i felt very emotional because you know i  

  • remember very well the discussion we had with  david grubber back in 2013 in paris which was  

  • right after my book capital in the 21st century  was first published in french it was not yet  

  • available in english so david has not read it but  i had read this book and on that um the first ten  

  • thousand years and and um and and this was you  know this was for me this was really a very um  

  • you know powerful reading and this made me think  a lot maybe this was not so visible in capital  

  • in the 21st century because i had written it  actually before i i could read david's book but  

  • but you know to me this was this was really  a major and this is a major contribution  

  • so what about that let me simply say that you know  there will be in the future there will be again  

  • other debt constellation massive debt consolation  so you know there are long cycles about that which  

  • which of course david uh talks about when we go  back to ancient history or to sumerian times and  

  • as michael has has been has been working on and  so you have this long-run cycle but you also have  

  • you know a short more short-run history of of that  consolation a more medium-run history if you want  

  • and i think it's very important to to remember in  particular that you know after uh you know there  

  • are two modern episodes which i find particularly  striking in terms of getting that back to zero  

  • or at least you know concerning a big part of  that the french revolution of course is a very  

  • important example so you know this was a time  when the basically the political system did not  

  • manage to make pay those who should have paid  for the public spending which was the nobility  

  • so there was a fight flight toward that because  people who should have paid the tax managed on  

  • how to escape and the solution was the french  revolutions and the fiscal privileges of the  

  • aristocracy the conservation of that through  partisan inflation partly through taxation  

  • and that's sort of one modern episode the other  modern episode which i want to to refer to is of  

  • course uh after world war ii uh you know after  you know in 1945 1950 most rich economies had  

  • public debt which were enormous you know even even  bigger than than today and they made the choices  

  • you know the political choice through you know  very conflictual social movement political fights  

  • in the end the choice was made collectively not  to replace his debt so this happens in various  

  • ways you know inflation in some cases but  but some countries like germany in particular  

  • which is viewed today as as very conservative in  terms of economic doctrine and ideology and which  

  • in many ways is very conservative we'll  see after the election in a few days but  

  • you know it's still going to be quite conservative  probably in any case but in fact after world war  

  • ii developed applied the solution to to  get rid of the debt of the past through  

  • a monetary reform and through progressive taxation  of very high wealth holders in order to in effect  

  • compensate the lower wealth holders for the uh for  the monetary reform and the the loss of links that  

  • was implied by military reform so that in the  end i mean this is not job this was certainly  

  • not a perfect system but as compared to all other  ways of getting rid of past that you know this was  

  • certainly one of the one of the most equitable  or at least or the least unequitable way to  

  • to address the problem and you know i think we  will have we will have other episodes like this  

  • in the future so nobody knows the form it will  take you know the kind of political mobilization  

  • you know occupier was was was an important episode  there will be other you know there are other you  

  • know social movement tax revolt you know if you  think of the yellow vest movement in france a  

  • couple of years ago which was a major tax level  to get rid of a very what i think was a very uh  

  • an equal project to raise the carbon tax basically  on the poorest group in society and and there will  

  • be you know to address uh climate uh challenges  but also you know all sorts of social and  

  • developmental uh challenges uh we will we you know  societies will have to to to to find ways of of  

  • getting rid of their debt right now we have this  illusion that you know we can just take it on the  

  • central bank offer and and forget about it but you  know i think it will be more conflictual and more  

  • less peaceful than this because it's  always a matter in the end of redefining  

  • a power relation between different social groups  so it cannot be completely peaceful it involves a  

  • conflicting social interest it involves different  groups of people with different agenda and you  

  • know in many ways we have we are in a situation  which is not i think completely different from  

  • the one at the time of the french revolution which  is at the you know those who those who should pay  

  • have somehow managed to design a legal system  and a political system so that they can escape  

  • taxation and and at the same time middle class and  lower class people are you know fed up of paying  

  • the bill for them and so and so the solution is  more and more debt but you know at some point  

  • there will have to be something else will have to  happen and i think it will be roughly the same it  

  • will have to be roughly the same solution as it  was you know 200 years ago which is the end of  

  • fiscal privileges of a small group in the  population that has that has managed to  

  • escape taxation for for for too long so  that's okay that's a sort of initial uh  

  • initial perspective and and that but you know  of course i'm very interested to hear michael  

  • and continue the discussion thank you michael  it's uh floor is yours okay well i certainly  

  • appreciated uh the the book that you published  on the uh accumulation of uh wealth and how it's  

  • concentrated in the hands of the uh one percent  i think everybody knew intuitively that this was  

  • the case but uh economists being who they are  they don't really accept something until it's  

  • all there in statistics and uh you you did uh  just a wonderful job in tying together uh all of  

  • these statistics and uh showing how the degree to  which wealth is uh the one percent of concentrated  

  • wealth in every country and you also made i think  the most important point where you said what's  

  • caused this and you came up with the broad answer  that i agree with you said that financial returns  

  • exceed the overall rate of growth and if financial  returns exceed the overall rate of growth of  

  • course you're going to have the rich getting uh  richer uh and richer uh and i think the reason  

  • uh where we uh uh have a different approach is how  do you explain all of this well uh when your book  

  • came out a number of writers said well this is uh  uh the marks of the uh uh 20th century and uh uh  

  • you showed that there was an abrupt turning point  uh in 1980 and uh everything had been changed  

  • there and i think the one percent looked at your  statistics as a success story they said yep we're  

  • really uh doing better than everybody else and as  uh the head of goldman sachs said that's because  

  • we're so uh productive uh but i think the reason  your book was praised so much uh in the west is  

  • you didn't come up with a threatening political  solution uh and uh when they said this was the  

  • mark book is the marks for modern time that meant  don't read marx read this book and i suspect that  

  • after you put all of this enormous good work  into the uh statistics that you did on wealth  

  • and income i think the publisher probably said  well what are what are your solutions well you  

  • just came up with uh the solution that you uh said  in the book and that's to tax income and wealth  

  • uh this is not a threatening solution because  there's no way that you're going to tax wealth  

  • as long as you have offshore banking centers to  conceal wealth as long as you have what the oil  

  • industry put in place a hundred years ago the  flags of convenience pretending to make their  

  • uh income abroad the fact is uh the one percent  don't really make much income they're ideal if  

  • you're a billionaire you want to do what uh half  of american corporations do you don't make a penny  

  • of taxable income uh that that's uh the whole  problem so i want to go into what uh your  

  • book was not about uh i'm not criticizing  you for not writing a different book but  

  • it's what i write about and that is why what  is it that has created this uh uh disparity  

  • and why is it widened so much since 1980. well  the most obvious reason is uh interest rates  

  • reached a peak of 20 in uh 1980 and they've gone  down ever since well in the late 1970s uh my old  

  • boss's boss at chase manhattan paul volcker  said let's raise interest rates to very high  

  • because the 99 are getting too much income their  wages are going up let's uh raise interest to slow  

  • the economy and that will prevent wages from going  up and he did and that was a large uh reason why  

  • carter lost the the election to ronald reagan  interest rates then went down from 20 to almost 0  

  • today the result was the largest bond market boom  in history bonds went way up in price the economy  

  • was flooded with bank credit and most of this  credit uh apart from going into the bond market  

  • went into real estate and there is a uh symbiosis  between finance and real estate and also between  

  • finance and raw materials and also like oil and  gas and minerals uh extraction natural resource  

  • rent land rent and also monopoly rent and most of  the monopoly rent has come from the privatization  

  • that you had from ronald reagan margaret thatcher  and the whole neoliberalism uh if you look at how  

  • did this one percent get most of its wealth well  if you look at the forbes list of the billionaires  

  • in almost every country they got wealth in  the old-fashioned way from taking it from  

  • the public domain in other words privatization  you have the largest privatization and transfer  

  • of wealth from the public sector to uh the private  sector and specifically to the financial sector uh  

  • in in history uh sell-offs and all of a sudden  instead of uh infrastructure uh public health uh  

  • other uh basic needs being provided at subsidized  rates to the population you have uh privatized  

  • owners uh financed by the banks raising the rates  to whatever rate they can get without any market  

  • firing power uh in the united states the  government is not even allowed to bargain with  

  • the pharmaceutical companies for the drug prices  so there's been a huge monopolization a huge  

  • privatization a huge flooding of the economy with  credit and one person's credit is somebody else's  

  • uh debt so you you've described the one percent's  wealth in the form of uh savings but uh i focus  

  • on the other side of the balance sheet this one  percent finds its counterpart in the debts of the  

  • 99 so the one percent has got wealthy by indebting  the 99 uh for housing that is soared in price 20  

  • uh just in the last year in the united states uh  for medical care for uh utilities for education  

  • uh the economy is being forced increasingly  into debt and how how can one uh solve this  

  • taxation will not be enough the only way  that you can uh actually reverse this uh  

  • concentration of wealth is to begin wiping out uh  the debt if you leave the debt in place of the 99  

  • uh then uh you're going to leave the one percent  savings all in place uh and these savings are  

  • largely tax exempt uh so basically i think you  you uh left out the government's role in this  

  • wealth creation of the one percent so your  finance has indeed grown faster than economy  

  • absorbed real estate into the finance insurance  and real estate sector the fire sector finances  

  • absorb the oil industry the mining industry  and it's absorbed most of the government so the  

  • financial wealth has spilled over to become  essentially the economy's central planner  

  • it's not planned in washington or paris or london  it's planned in wall street the city of london  

  • and the paris ports the economy is being managed  financially and the object of financial management  

  • isn't really to make money it's capital gains  and again as your statistics point out capital  

  • gains are really what explains the increase  in wealth you don't get rich by saving the  

  • income rent is for paying interest income is for  paying interest you get rich off the government  

  • basically subsidizing an enormous increase in the  value of stocks the value of bonds by the central  

  • banks which have been privatized and uh the reason  that this is occurring is that uh the largest  

  • public utility of all money creation and banking  is left in private hands and private banking  

  • in the west is very different from what government  banking is in say china government banking would  

  • create credit for public uses for what the  economy needs to grow in the united states  

  • and throughout the west banks create credit  to slow the economy from growing they make  

  • loans only not to create new means of production  new factories and uh they create uh they make  

  • loans against property already in place mainly  real estate already in place 80 of bank loans  

  • in america and europe are for real estate uh they  make loans for corporate takeovers uh they make  

  • loans to buy other companies they don't make loans  to build new factories which is what a government  

  • creation money creation in say china china would  do so as long as you leave banking and credit in  

  • private hands you're going to have banks trading  their product debt and the more debt they create  

  • the more debt service that the borrowers the 99  have to pay the banks in order to obtain a house  

  • or an education or medical care or just to break  even and the more money they pay to the financial  

  • sector the less they have to pay for goods and  services so as the economy polarizes between the 1  

  • and the 99 the economy as a whole shrinks because  more and more of its income is spent not on  

  • production uh and consumption it's spent just on  bit service so my solution is you have to restore  

  • banking and credit in to public hands to prevent  the kind of lending that makes asset price  

  • inflation secondly uh you talked about taxing some  taxes are more important than others i don't think  

  • that as long as there are as long as the banks  and the financial sector write the tax codes  

  • as long as the government lawmakers are basically  employees of the financial sector who finances  

  • their political campaigns uh you're not going to  be able to tax them or to close down the fake uh  

  • transfer pricing that corporations use to  pretend not to make money so uh you have to tax  

  • the source of uh the money that pays interest  to the banks itself and that source is mainly  

  • economic rent it's land rent if you would havetax on the increase in land values if you'd have  

  • a land tax which is what the whole 19th century  was about adam smith john stewart mill uh marx  

  • then if you would not have this uh increased  rent being paid to the financial sector to be  

  • monopolized by the one percent uh so you you'd  have to change the the way in which the tax code  

  • is based away from just overall income and wealth  which is really not very practical in today's  

  • political situation you'd have to have a land  tax and a natural resource tax and to get rid  

  • of monopoly rent you have to return basic key  uh infrastructure to the public domain where  

  • it was before 1980 so that uh basic needs can be  supplied at low prices not uh creating monopoly  

  • for uh the one percent uh and i guess i'm saying  you have to realize that finance has used as well  

  • to take over the economy and this has to  be reversed uh because uh once you have  

  • uh wealth taking the form of uh claims uh  loans and claims on other people's debt  

  • we'll count you up compound interest any rate of  interest is a doubling time and compound interest  

  • is always going to grow faster than the economy's  real growth and the only way to prevent this isn't  

  • simply to lower the interest rate which you've  done today 0.1 uh the only solution is to wipe out  

  • the overall debts that are stopping economic  growth and these debts are the savings of the  

  • one percent the good thing about cancelling debts  is you cancel the savings of the one percent  

  • and as long as you leave these savings in  place there's not going to be a solution  

  • thank you so much michael and tomah feel free to  respond to this idea of uh canceling debt yeah  

  • you know i i i don't feel like we have any major  uh disagreement about you know everything you just  

  • said michael uh let me say also regarding you know  my book capital in the 21st century you know it's  

  • a book that has lots of limitations and and you  know i have on many issues you know i've tried to  

  • to to to make progress since then so this  was written 10 years ago i wrote capital  

  • and ideology much more recently whichthink addresses some of the shortcomings  

  • but this is and still this book has alsolot of limitations so you know i'm trying to  

  • make progress all the time and i certainly  don't pretend that all the answers are in  

  • you know one book and that being said i think you  know many many things that you've mentioned you  

  • know again i fully agree with that i as i said  you know the consolation of that is is is very  

  • important because as as you very well say the the  part of the increase in private wealth at the top  

  • was really made um through you know privatization  of public assets increase in public debt  

  • you know there's one one statistic which i whichstress a lot which is that if you look at the net  

  • wealth of the public sector uh you know the net  wealth of the government so government assets  

  • minus government debt it used to be you know in  the 1970s net public wealth was you know between  

  • 20 30 percent of total national wealth so you know  net private wealth was bigger you know was like 70  

  • or 80 percent but still net public waste was 20  30 percent in germany in the u.s in france in  

  • britain in japan so that was you know substantial  part of everything there was to own in terms of  

  • of marketable assets in society belong to the  public domain you know say around one quarter  

  • or between one quarter and one third today so you  know three four decades later it is uh close to  

  • zero or actually negative in in in the u.s or in  the uk in the sense that the public debt is bigger  

  • than the public assets because many public assets  were privatized and and public debt increased  

  • and you know in effect there was a transfer of  public wealth uh two to private wealth holders  

  • and that's a you know that's a very important  evolution which you see the most extreme case of  

  • course will be russia and post communist country  where you know you just transfer all the public  

  • wealth and you make oligarchs out of nothing but  in fact we've all you know all countries have had  

  • this kind of trajectories over the recent decades  so that's really an important part of the story  

  • that i've been trying to tell so you know again  i i don't think we have any disagreement on this  

  • at an even broader level you know it's it's all  about power and and political institutions so  

  • as you said you know as long as the system of  of political finance and you know parties and  

  • campaigns and media and think tank you know  are largely controlled by by large wealth  

  • holders you know our collective ability to  change the distribution of wealth and the  

  • you know through through taxation or that  consolation and or what you know whatever  

  • the method is going to be limited so it will take  major political fights and in some cases you know  

  • changing the political rules of the game and the  political institution to to to changes and and  

  • you know the good news is that this has  always been like this or this has always  

  • and and still sometimes you know it has worked  in the in the past but it has worked you know  

  • i mentioned the french revolution you know of  course that's a huge popular mobilization uh also  

  • in the 20th century i mentioned after world war  ii after world war one well let's be clear it's  

  • only because there was a very powerful uh you know  labor movement a socialist movement and communist  

  • counter model in the east which in the end put  pressure uh on the on the uh and you know and on  

  • the in effect and the elite governing elite in in  in the west so that they they they had to accept  

  • a number of decisions you know which which were  limited in their scope but still which transform  

  • the economic and social system in in a very  substantial way as compared to the pre-world  

  • war one and 19th century economic system but it's  only through this enormous political mobilization  

  • and collective organization and you know it will  be the same in in the past so just one last point  

  • you know you mentioned the case of china and you  know i think the chinese counter model can can  

  • contribute maybe in the future also to sort of put  pressure on the west to to to change the system  

  • also at this stage you know we are not um you know  the the big difference of course with the soviet  

  • counter model is that the soviet control model  you know you had a a sort of a narrative and a  

  • proximity between socialist and communist  party and the labor movement so that  

  • in effect the elite in the west felt threatened  by the by the by this counter model and this  

  • contributed to reinforce to some extent uh until  a certain point of the labor movement in the in  

  • the in the west well until the final fall of the  soviet union which of course reinforced a lot uh  

  • you know capitalist ideology and and  and everything we've seen since then  

  • the chinese model you know you mentioned the fact  that the banking system is working a bit more to  

  • the service of the real economy and infrastructure  and investment than the banking system in the west  

  • but by and large you know the chinese  model you know looks more and more like  

  • a sort of perfect digital dictatorship  and you know nobody really wants to  

  • to to copy this and you know apart from other  government elites you know would like to to to  

  • you know to keep quiet their population and  their grassroots movement as efficiently as  

  • the beijing regime is doing but apart from  you know no no nobody in the world you know  

  • no no collective movement in the world wants to  wants to look like this so this also limits the  

  • the the sort of the pressure that  this this contour model can can put on  

  • on on on on the on the west but you know at the  end of the day i think this can be one of the  

  • fourths which still can induce uh for instance  you know when we talk about the taxation of  

  • multinational in 2021 which uh you know what has  been decided by rich countries you know is very  

  • limited you know they claim they have solved the  problem of multinational taxation but it's it's  

  • a bit ridiculous how little they have done the  minimum tax rate of 15 percent is ridiculously  

  • small and also it's only sort of sharing sort of  rich countries are sharing between themselves you  

  • know the tax base that is currently in tax haven  but countries in the south in the global south  

  • basically don't get anything and i think that's an  that's an issue that's something an area in which  

  • the pressure of the chinese counter model in  the future maybe will contribute to induce  

  • rich countries to to to to to to to have a bit  more you know inclusive attitude towards the  

  • the south also well if they don't do  it i mean you know if they don't do it  

  • in effect china will finance the investment and  the infrastructure investment that is needed in  

  • africa and in south asia and and that's that's  you know this is at some point you know fully uh  

  • western countries will realize that they have to  change something otherwise they will just lose any  

  • any influence and any capacity to influence the  world yeah okay so this is getting us very far  

  • from the initial discussion but uh i hope  this is still more or less relevant michael  

  • feel free to respond well it would not surprise  me if we end up in agreement uh with what to do  

  • uh and i realized that uh uh you wrote your book  about your topic and i wrote my book about what  

  • to do about it i just want to uh point out wherethink we do have i have a disagreement uh my point  

  • is that compound interest is always going to grow  faster than the economy's uh real ability to grow  

  • so in the end debts can't be paid right now you  see a lot of third world debts that uh if the  

  • third world better countries have to pay uh their  foreign debts under as the world economy slows  

  • down they're going to be subject to austerity to  the world banks and the imf's austerity programs  

  • and they're going to be kept in poverty uh is it  really right that they should be kept in poverty  

  • just to enrich the bondholders of the one percent  the one percent will say yes that's why we're  

  • the one percent so that we can impoverish  other people that's our liberty our liberty  

  • is the right to impoverish other people and reduce  them to dependency uh that will happen if you do  

  • not write down the debts uh it's already happening  in the united states to the student debt uh crisis  

  • where students uh have to pay so much money uh as  they fall behind on their student debts that they  

  • can't afford to take out mortgages to buy homes  uh and you're having the home ownership rates  

  • plunge in the united states that's the result of  leaving the debts in place uh the mortgage steps  

  • uh uh are causing shrinkage so there is no way  to get out of this economic polarization without  

  • a debt write down and that's something that  is too radical and uh uh when we talked about  

  • when i was referring to what china's doing i'm  referring to what it's doing today and tomorrow  

  • about uh the uh real estate company evergreen  uh uh china has a choice is it going to leave  

  • evergreen's real estate debts in place and every  grand uh as a real estate company is two to three  

  • percent of the entire chinese economy if it  pays the foreign creditors and the domestic  

  • one percent of china it's going to impoverish the  uh the employees of evergrand it's going to make  

  • housing prices more and more expensive in china  china has had a debt finance housing boom uh  

  • if you leave the debts in place then uh you're  you're going to impoverish china and obviously  

  • china is going to say i'm we're not going to put  the creditors first we're not going to do what  

  • the west does and say the sanctity of debt service  debts are uh that you owe or sacred uh it's worth  

  • sacrificing the economy it's worth plunging the  economy into poverty just to preserve the wealth  

  • of the one percent i think china's uh is going to  make the opposite decision and say we're not going  

  • to commit political suicide we're going to operate  for it's a socialist economy and when it comes to  

  • debt and credit thank god we have our banking in  the public domain and since the public domain the  

  • people's bank of china is the creditor they can  afford to write down the debt without having any  

  • political backlash because it's cancelling that  so do itself uh which is a great advantage uh and  

  • it's also uh as for the private bond holders uh  it's going to say well sorry bondholders you made  

  • loans to a company that was way over leveraged  uh already uh the american bond rating companies  

  • have reduced their bond rating to chunk so you  knew what you were buying if you continued to hold  

  • bonds that uh fitch and other bond raiders moody's  all say or junk and you lose your money well  

  • you took the risk you got a high rate of  interest now you're you're paying the price  

  • that's how markets work uh and uh that really  uh is the argument and i think uh you have to  

  • uh obviously what i'm suggesting is a radical  step just as you're suggesting of taxing wealth  

  • would require the radical step of closing down  offshore banking centers of simply negating uh if  

  • banks would simply erase all of the deposits  they have from the offshore banking centers from  

  • the cayman islands from from panama from uh from  liberia to all the places that began by to be set  

  • up by the mining companies the oil companies  and then were set up beginning in the 1960s  

  • essentially by the cia to finance  the vietnam war by making america  

  • like england the home for criminal capital  for flight capital all this uh all this flight  

  • capital and the kleptocracy that you mentioned  in russia all this really should be wiped out  

  • and if you leave this capital if you leave this  one percent in place the economy is going to be  

  • sacrificed and shrinking is it worth shrinking  the economy just to leave the one percent in place  

  • and if you challenge them that's pretty radical  that's really what i think marx would say today

  • um thank you and i i wanted to just pitch  a question to you all before we turn over  

  • it over to some questions from the audience um  you've both mentioned it's it's not the elephant  

  • in the room it's sort of the tyrannosaurus rex in  the room i think tomorrow as you put it those who  

  • should pay design the system uh you both have  commented on this enormous problem that we have  

  • every time we have good ideas ranging from just  a tiny little tax on the rich you know to the  

  • more radical ideas that michael is suggesting  we run up against this tyrannosaurus rex so  

  • where do you all see the most effective  pressure points coming from right now um  

  • in terms of getting anything  accomplished on debt where where  

  • is the effective mobilization potentially  coming from or that you see developing now

  • maybe let me first say you know we need that  consolation you know we need a regular debt  

  • consideration i i i don't think at all this is  a radical or too radical if anything you know i  

  • think this is not radical enough because i think  in addition to that cancellation we need also  

  • to redistribute the assets to redistribute  wealth and so when i'm talking about taxing  

  • wealth it's also redistributing wealth so giving  wealth to people who don't own anything so it's  

  • not only counseling their debt it's also  giving them positive ownership rights in  

  • companies in housing so so yeah we i think  there's not really no no disagreement on this  

  • now what about you know the the pressure that  will come well two things first you know i  

  • think the the real problem is the system of free  capital flow so you know the idea is that you can  

  • um you know we have created an international  legal system where in effect we have sacralized  

  • we have almost sacralized right you know to to  you you accumulate wealth in a country using the  

  • public infrastructures your education system you  know the health system of your country and then  

  • you can push on a button transfer your assets you  know another jurisdiction and nobody knows where  

  • you are nobody and but you know there's nothing  natural in this system this was made by a set of  

  • international treaties a particular legal system  and and that's just not this can we so individual  

  • countries i think you know i have to get to get  rid of that and so in the case of europe you know  

  • you cannot wait for unanimity to get rid of that  so individual countries have to say okay you know  

  • i'm not against the circulation of investment  and capital goods but it has to come with  

  • a common taxation with common regulation common  rules you know this cannot just be like this you  

  • know you push on a button we don't know where  you are so this has to to to go uh um so you  

  • know some proposals that was made by like bernie  sanders in the in the presidential campaign in  

  • the u.s last year early last year this seems like  ages ago but this was only 18 months ago you know  

  • when he said okay we you know you can if you want  to escape my federal wealth tax you can go away  

  • but then you will have to buy a 40 percent exit  tax you know you will have to to keep 40 percent  

  • of your assets in the us if you want to go ahead  you know that's clearly a big change as compared  

  • to free capital flow and but that's the kind of  change we we need to you know we need we need to  

  • we need to consider so how is this going to happen  well first we need to realize that you know the  

  • free capital flows treaty agreement which camelot actually in fact from europe in the 1980s but  

  • also from washington of course but it wasco-production if you want with this has to  

  • go and individual countries have to to escape  that other other source of change and pressure  

  • you know i think climate change is going to put  a strong pressure in the sense that you know i  

  • think when people see more and more catastrophic  climatic events you know i think attitudes toward  

  • globalization and attitudes toward inequality in  general you know can change very quickly because  

  • you know at some point i think people will  not find it funny at all to have all these  

  • billionaires you know giving lessons using  their private jet doing your space tourism  

  • et cetera you know at some point you know i think  nobody is going to find this funny at all and  

  • there can be a very quick and and fast you know  complete change in attitude following this and you  

  • know i think the chinese sort of counter model  with all its good and bad very bad sometimes  

  • aspects can also be a factor of change thank you  uh michael would you like to respond to that yeah  

  • i don't see a change within the existing  system i guess that makes uh me radical uh uh

  • thomas did not mention the main point that he made  in his book which was uh his number one suggestion  

  • was tax inherited wealth because most wealth is  inherited that's one of the things that he's found  

  • absolutely right great idea sam simone uh  the great french economist had this idea  

  • when the very first book he wrote around 1806  it made him very unpopular and he soon realized  

  • that that's one there was no way of doing that uh  from some simone on to the entire 19th century of  

  • british political and french political economy  they all agreed uh with smith and the others  

  • you have to uh there's a landlord tax the the  one percent in their day were the landlords you  

  • have to tax away the land rent and make that  the public uh tax base not income not taxes on  

  • consumer goods not taxes on capital because you  want good capital investment you want fortunes to  

  • be made in a good way that add to the economy's  productivity you don't want them to be made in  

  • a predatory bad way uh the whole fight to tax  economic rent and to even recognize that most  

  • income is unearned when you talk about the uh  income disparity almost all this disparity is  

  • unearned income it's economic rent it's not  income that's made by increasing uh production  

  • it's not income that's made by increasing living  standards it's just predatory rent seeking from  

  • special privileges that the wealthy have gained  from government and today it's not the landlord  

  • class anymore as it was in the 19th century it's  the financial class and the raw materials class  

  • uh and uh without dealing uh with this uh  cl structure i don't uh the system is going  

  • to shrink and shrink and we've seen this before  we saw it in rome the same kind of polarization  

  • and concentration of wealth in the roman empire  well the last stage of that is feudalism so we're  

  • back to what rosa luxemburg said the choice is  between socialism and barbarism basically and uh  

  • there's no other way to do it you can't  solve the problems within the existing system  

  • because it's controlled already by the one  percent thank you michael and uh i'd like to  

  • toss out a couple of questions from the audience  now uh we have a question about energy uh  

  • one viewer asks isn't energy as much a source of  value as land should we have progressive taxes on  

  • energy use as well or instead of land value tax  uh first of all land doesn't have any value nor  

  • does uh energy have any value we're talking about  economic rent so part of the financial sectors use  

  • part of its uh uh income to uh subsidize business  economic schools and universities to change the  

  • vocabulary our vocabulary is different from the  realistic vocabulary that we have in the 19th  

  • century land doesn't really have a value nature  creates it a value is created by people working  

  • and creating it but nature provides other land  and the public sectors spending on infrastructure  

  • creates the rent of locations which increases land  prices nature provides other oil so uh economic  

  • rent is what we're talking about and this economic  rent of land and oil and minerals and monopolies  

  • belongs in the public domain so that you don't  have to have an income tax and excise taxes  

  • and value-added taxes on labor uh and industry  you should tax the rentiers not labor industry  

  • that's that's what a free market meant in the 19th  century and it means inverted today a free market  

  • is the right for the rentiers to avoid taxes and  shift the entire tax base onto labor and industry  

  • and they do this by twisting around and perverting  the english language to get rid of the analytic  

  • language that you need to even explain how some  in most income and most wealth is unearthed  

  • uh how about you tamar do you think that we need  to clarify how we talk about and define value  

  • yeah well you know in the case of energy  first we have to clarify the fact that you  

  • know there are some sources of energy which  which create a negative value because of  

  • of of global climate change and climate working  and warming and you know all the negative  

  • external effect of using some energy so we have  some to make some of the energy uh sources just  

  • illegal you know we have to keep some of the oil  in the ground we have to stop looking for new oil  

  • and gas so you know so the solution to some of  the of the energy questions we have is just to to  

  • to make illegal you know the use of certain energy  and to to to move to other energy so that's part  

  • of the answer now if we if we have done that  and we deal with with energy that don't have the  

  • the negative this much bigger negative impact  on mankind than their positive productive impact  

  • then you know redistribution of wealth must be  about all forms of wealth you know whether it's  

  • rent or energy or financial assets orwas seeing you know we we need to have a  

  • permanent circulation of wealth and power so you  know that's the way i i view you know taxation of  

  • wealth is will be a permanent you know progressive  tax on net wealth which in effect will will will  

  • wipe out all the biggest uh wealth right away you  know say up to 90 percent tax per year for you  

  • know for for billionaires but among you know there  will still be some people who want 100 000 dollars  

  • some people who earn 1 million or 2 million but  there will be a permanent circulation of wealth  

  • holdings within within this limited uh wealth  gap that that will still exist and this should  

  • be for all forms of wealth you know whether it's  land or housing or whatever whatever the origin  

  • thank you uh we seem to have quitenumber of students in the audience today  

  • so we have a question about student  debt and what types of resistance  

  • students could make to uh to change the social  relationship of debt that they get forced into  

  • do you have any suggestions on rhetorical  points that students need to engage with in  

  • in order to gain support for a jet jubilee  on their debts michael you wouldn't i wish  

  • there were i don't see any because uh the uh you  have a president of the united states who wrote  

  • the law saying it you're not allowed to wipe out  student debt as a result of bankruptcy the basic  

  • the american philosophy is the way to prevent  a middle class from developing is to keep them  

  • basically so deeply indebted that uh they're  afraid they have to go to work they're afraid  

  • to leave their jobs uh they can't afford houses  the the purpose of student debt is to make them  

  • dependent under socialism on in europe china and  old countries uh education was free and the whole  

  • idea was uh it's you need education in order to  grow uh under the finance capitalist system and  

  • this is not industrial capitalism anymore this  is financial capitalism very different you use a  

  • basic need as a means of saying your money or your  life if you don't pay us uh then uh you'll you'll  

  • just have to forego your education so the price  of uh getting access to a labor force is to go so  

  • deeply into debt that you're going to have to work  for a living and you're going to have to work for  

  • what we pay you there's a class war on and you  got to realize that and there's very little you  

  • can do with students because if you don't right  now i guess if you all stop paying the debt uh  

  • make the government for uh throw uh 20 million of  you in jail they can't do it uh the only thing to  

  • do i guess would be a strike couldn't mean well  they're going to uh try to uh go after your  

  • credit rating they're going to try to uh fight  you you you have to back politicians who are  

  • willing to change this and unfortunately there's  no party that's uh in favor of canceling student  

  • debt or any kind of debt in the united states  because the political parties are subsidized  

  • by the banking in the financial sector so  uh i don't see uh i don't see a way out  

  • tomorrow yeah well i agree with michael that with  this government and with this president in the us  

  • you know it's probably going to be difficult to  get a lot going but and i also agree that the  

  • entire political system in the u.s in a way  is so corrupt by money and the way campaigns  

  • are financed and you know the way media also are  financed and are biased in the way they cover the  

  • different possible candidates this makes it very  difficult that being said uh again if we go back  

  • to 18 months ago you know there were candidates  in the in the democratic primary which uh you know  

  • together you know bernie sanders elizabeth i mean  they don't put them exactly together of course  

  • but but they add a substantial share of the word  and on the issue of student debt you know i think  

  • different things could have happened with  with a different president and a different  

  • majority so i think it's it's important also  to to to to to be helpful and to try to prepare  

  • you know what will be a more successful  coalition or a more successful political campaign  

  • in the future and it's important to always  remember that as as michael was saying the  

  • true source of economic prosperity is not  financial capitalism investment in education  

  • investment in the real economy in infrastructure  and you know when the in the middle of the 20th  

  • century in the 1950s 1960s when the u.s had were  in a situation of economic dominance over the rest  

  • of the world it was not through extreme financial  inequality except you know you had 19 percent top  

  • income tax rate after roosevelt and but you had  a big educational advance as compared to you  

  • know at that time you had a 90 percent of a court  would go to high school in the us in 1950s 1960s  

  • at the same time it was 20  30 percent in germany or in  

  • france or so and this was this educational  advance which made prosperity historically and and  

  • and we seem to to have forgotten this uh you know  in the us following you know since the 1980s but  

  • so we we have to manage to put this back on the on  this agenda but that's that's of course that's not  

  • that's not easy well thank you very much to uh  both of our speakers today i think you've helped  

  • open our minds and and think about this topic um  a little more clearly even though we're still not  

  • exactly sure how to overcome these um tremendous  forces uh that are working against us to find  

  • solutions that uh really at the end of the daydon't think anything either one of you has said  

  • is truly radical in the sense of historymean we have as human beings we have approached  

  • and confronted these problems before and there  have been good practical solutions uh that both  

  • of you have offered so i wanted to just turn  the floor over to professor steve king now  

  • and again thank you everyone for uh participating  in this conversation today thank you for our  

  • speakers and thank you for the audience as well  i'm sorry that there was only one hour so there's  

  • been over 70 questions asked we'd be here for  three hours trying to answer them so it took a  

  • couple hours to make it make it worthwhile i think  i want to particularly thank thomas for being part  

  • of this debate because one thing michael and i've  experienced so frequently is that we can't get  

  • anybody in the establishment to join into  discussions with us outside the establishment  

  • and i really respect you and honor you for  for doing that it also shows the tremendous  

  • contribution that david made by being somebody who  can talk to everybody and everybody enjoys talking  

  • to david we hope we can maintain that through the  idea of forthcoming debates and we look forward to  

  • seeing you all there in the future installments  in the fight club so thank you everybody

  • you

hi uh i'm nikan david's wife um and this is  an event in corner in the owner of the first  

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