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Today, I want to make your life a little easier
by answering a question that we've been asked countless times:
What does it take to succeed at language learning?
And a related question:
Why do some people successfully learn a language
or improve their skillset, and others do not?
The answer? Coming up!
We've been helping people around the world
learn languages for over 10 years now.
During that time, we've had the chance to talk to learners
and figure out what they struggle with the most.
And since more than 10 million people use our app,
we've gotten lots of feedback!
So we think we have a pretty good idea
about what works and what doesn't.
But what's the point of knowing all that
if we don't share it with other learners?
That's why we wanted to make this video
revealing the 5 keys to successful language learning.
Let's get the most important factor out of the way first.
We're talking about motivation.
We've found that the people who are the most motivated
get the best results, and get them the fastest.
I like to think of motivation like gasoline.
Learning a language is a journey,
and motivation is the fuel that gets you to where you're going.
Before you set off on your journey, you need to make sure
you have a really good reason for wanting to pick up a language.
There are lots of valid reasons. Here are just a few:
Because you want to get more out of your vacations abroad.
You could open doors to new professional opportunities.
Maybe you want to communicate with friends and family.
Or give your mind a workout.
Or, finally, experience other cultures.
Like I said, those are just a few things
that could motivate someone to learn a new language,
and they're all equally good.
But to ensure that you achieve your own personal goal,
first you have to figure out what that is.
Ask yourself this question:
Why do I want to learn a language?
The second key to success is time.
I don't think it will come as a surprise to anyone
that you need to dedicate a little bit of time every day,
(for at least three months, let's say)
to learning the language of your choice if you want to get any good.
So time is an important factor.
And it's why a lot of people never start learning a language in the first place.
You've probably heard friends or colleagues say,
"I'd love to learn a language. If only I had time!"
Well... that's a lie. Or at least a misconception.
Yes, because if language is important to you, in theory,
and if you are motivated to learn,
then you can and must find time for it.
When you say "I don't have time,"
what you're really saying is that it's not that important to you.
With a few exceptions, perhaps the president or Elon Musk,
we all have a little bit of time to dedicate to language learning.
Take a good look at your typical daily schedule
and see where you might have 10 to 15 minutes to spare.
Cut down on activities that don't bring much value to your life.
And don't forget to take advantage of all of the downtime during your day.
Our courses work on mobile devices, so you can learn while
taking public transportation, waiting in line, etc.
Let's get right into our third key to success: consistency!
We've seen this one in action.
The learners who make the best progress
are those who learn a little bit each day.
If you decide that you can spend five hours a month on language,
it's better to study for 10 minutes a day, every day,
than to have just two long 2.5-hour study sessions a month.
And some very famous polyglots would agree
about the importance of consistency.
The way they're able to reach an advanced level in a new language quickly
is by practicing on a daily basis.
They don't have any special gift or knack for language,
but they are disciplined and consistent.
Even if you have motivation, time, and consistency,
you won't get very far without our fourth success factor:
a good learning method.
A good approach is one that: 1) is efficient and 2) meets your needs.
The great thing about language learning is that
many different paths lead to the same goal.
Various methods can help you reach fluency in your target language.
At MosaLingua, we don't claim to have created the
be-all end-all of language learning methods.
But we do know that the MosaLingua approach works,
and that it's extremely efficient.
An efficient method gets you the best possible results
in the least amount of time.
One hour of work in one of our courses can produce the same results
that it would take you days or even weeks of practice
to achieve with other methods.
Seeing progress encourages and motivates us,
and makes us want to dedicate more time to language.
And that's what I like to call a virtuous circle:
Seeing results leads to being motivated.
Being motivated makes us want to
dedicate time to language learning on a consistent basis,
which leads to more results.
We all start off at a different place,
with a different goal, different schedules and so on.
That's why we've developed a few different courses and training programs.
You can pick whichever ones
best meet your needs at any given time.
You'll find all of the links in the video description.
We've come to realize that one of the main obstacles
language learners face is mental.
Some learners have a very hard time overcoming
the walls they put up for themselves, in their mind.
It's something we make sure to address in all of our courses,
because it affects so many people yet it is sorely lacking
in most other language classes and learning methods.
Here are a few of the most common psychological barriers:
Lack of self-confidence,
and fear of making mistakes (or perfectionism).
Those aren't the only mental obstacles
that language learners have to deal with,
but in our experience they are the most common.
And our courses will help you get past them.
So, to sum up, the 5 keys to being a successful language learner are
the right method,
and the ability to overcome mental obstacles.
If you have all five, you're sure to reach your language goals!
That's all for today.
Have a good one and take care!
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See you next time!