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- Bye.
- Bye.
- [Kendra] What are you guys doin'?
- Vloggin'.
(tropical beat music)
- I decided when I'm older,
I'm never gonna grow up.
- [Jeremy] Laura, you're doing awesome.
- Thanks.
- Isaac's doing the coolest thing,
you gotta see this.
Well it's kinda rainy and dreary out today.
Jeremy is at work
and the kids and I are starting the day off with a prayer.
Dear Heavenly Father--
(tender music)
We're having a good breakfast this morning,
eggs, toast, yogurt, granola
and talking about things that we're grateful for
and really really trying to get the day off
to a good start.
Hopefully it helps.
("Ode to Joy")
(jazzy piano playing)
(lively music)
- Hi. - Hi.
- She just had a baby.
- And her name is Lily.
- Bye. - Bye.
- [Kendra] What are you guys doing?
- Vloggin'.
Now I need to edit the video.
- Can you send the video to me?
That's really funny.
- [Kendra] How's your baby?
- She's doing good.
- [Kendra] We have this old phone
and Janae is playing with it.
She's been saying hello, it's adorable.
- Hello.
- [Kendra] Hello.
- Hello.
- So with the kids pretending to vlog this morning
and Janae walking around saying hello,
it just makes me so aware,
almost painfully aware of the fact
that my kids are watching me all the time
and they're learning from what I do,
and for good and for bad,
so I need to watch what I'm doing
and make sure I'm setting a really good example
for them to follow.
Bye, where are you guys going?
- To his wedding.
- [Kendra] You guys are going to Caleb's wedding?
- Yeah. - Have fun.
(shaker rattling)
- Somebody found shakers
and is so proud of herself.
I love watching her play.
It's just interesting to see
how she's exploring and discovering stuff.
It's truly entertaining to me.
Isaac's doing the coolest thing, you gotta see this.
- I figured out how far the free throw line would be
compared to an NBA place.
This hoop is five feet 10 inches tall.
The real NBA hoop is 10 feet tall
so I found what's 60 percent
and I looked in a book to see
what the free throw line,
how far it is from the hoop and it's 19 feet.
- So Isaac measured the hoop in his room
and compared it to a real NBA hoop
and then he took the distance that it would normally be
to a free throw line and used that same percentage
to calculate how far out his free throw line should be.
So Janae and I are spending some quality time on the stairs.
I'm trying to teach her how to go down correctly.
She's so close to getting it.
(Janae babbling)
Yeah, are you learning?
So as soon as Janae learns to safely go down the stairs,
we can move the baby gate.
She goes up just great,
but we gotta teach her how to go down safely,
which just takes practice huh?
Elise had a great idea,
the big kids are gonna show Janae how to do it.
Sit down, turn around and go down.
(bluesy music)
Stop, sit.
(Janae yells)
Good job, yay, she says cheer.
Going down.
- [Isaac] She sees us just walk down the stairs.
- I know, so it's hard for her.
- Yay! - Yay!
- Sit down.
(kids clapping)
- Yay! - Yay!
- Turn around and then you go down.
Yay! - Yay!
(bright guitar music)
- [Jeremy] So for snack we're doing nuts and dried fruit.
The kids were all complaining
that they wanted a snack.
Nae Nae's like what about me?
- I decided when I'm older,
I'm never gonna grow up.
- [Jeremy] You don't wanna grow up?
- Yep, I'm gonna stay a kid.
- [Jeremy] Why?
- 'Cause I just like my childhood.
- [Jeremy] Good.
How bout you Isaac?
Do you ever want to grow up?
- Yeah.
- [Child] Why?
- I wanna sometime be in the NFL or NBA.
- [Jeremy] So to play sports?
- Mmm-hmm, and also to have kids, I wanna have kids.
- I wanna grow up
and I want to try to be on the same team as Isaac.
- [Jeremy] For sports.
Nae Nae, do you want to grow up
or be a kid forever?
- A kid.
- [Jeremy] A kid.
(Jeremy laughs)
- [Caleb] No, she's saying frog.
- [Jeremy] She said I want to be a frog.
A dog, you think about dogs?
I want to be a dog.
This is a tough choice,
what should I be when I grow up?
(tropical beat music)
You jumpin'?
I love how she has one little finger up.
(Janae squeals)
- Ha!
(Jeremy laughs)
- [Jeremy] That's a wall.
(Janae squeals)
Face plant.
These boys have been playing basketball
for at least a couple hours today.
- Four hours.
- [Jeremy] Four hours?
(playful music)
(Kendra laughs)
Are you walking the dog?
- So when we first got it,
she would walk towards the dog
and didn't understand she had to pull it.
- [Elise] It's gonna walk toward me if I--
- [Jeremy] Nice.
So Elise is trying to advance
to the next level in gymnastics.
- Yep.
- [Jeremy] This is one of the things
she was told to work on.
- Hand stand, flat back,
it's like a tree falling down. - Hand stand, flat backs.
- [Jeremy] Okay.
- Our family is kind of switching up our morning routine
and getting some new chore systems into place.
We're needing the kids to be involved more
and this is an object lesson
that's gonna hopefully gonna explain to them more.
Alright guys, so this cup is me
and that water is all of my energy and strength, okay?
And these cups are everything that I need to do in a day.
Shall we see how far my energy lasts?
So let's say I need to start the day
with changing Janae's diaper.
That's not too hard.
Now I'm going to make some breakfast.
- [Caleb] A little harder.
- Now I need to teach the kids some school.
Uh-oh, there was some whining,
that takes more energy from Mom,
whenever there's whining, it takes more energy.
I need to plan the rest of the meals
for our family.
How about go grocery shopping,
is that something Mom does?
- Yeah. _ That's real easy.
- [Kendra] Then I put Janae down for a nap,
maybe feed Janae.
Uh-oh, how's my water doing guys?
- Not very well.
- [Kendra] Do I have very much left over?
Now it's time for some laundry.
How about cleaning up the kitchen?
- [Caleb] That might take away all of it.
- [Kendra] Well do you know what just happened?
- What? - What?
- [Kendra] Now some kids are arguing,
that takes extra energy.
Oh man, they're still arguing,
that takes more energy.
Now Mom's gonna clean the house,
clean up all the clutter, maybe the shoes.
- You're almost out.
- [Kendra] I know.
I gotta respond to some emails, do some work.
Oh no, what happened?
- Your energy ran out. - Your energy ran out.
- [Kendra] My energy ran out.
- So maybe we could do a few of that stuff
to take it away, so you still have a lot.
- [Kendra] You think so?
So see this water?
- Uh-huh. - Uh-huh.
- [Kendra] This is things that fill Mommy up, okay?
When Mommy gets to sleep at night, that helps.
When Mommy gets to exercise, that helps.
When Mommy's able to pray
and read her scriptures, that helps.
When Mommy has cheerful attitudes
from her kiddos, that helps.
- When they help with Nae Nae.
- [Kendra] Yep, when you guys help me out, that helps.
And then look what I have.
Now I have more water.
So now when you guys say hey Mom,
can we go to the park, well sure,
I've still got some water,
we can go to the park.
Mom, can we invite a friend over?
Yeah sure, I've got some extra water,
we can invite some friends over.
Hey Mom, can we make cookies?
Sure, no problem.
- Oh yeah, let's, we can make cookies!
- So now there's water left over.
So this analogy was about Mom,
but every single person only has so much strength.
They can only do so much.
What did you learn from that?
- I learned that the more we obey
and the less time we take from Mom,
the more fun stuff we get to do.
- [Kendra] As a family?
- And because Mom has way more energy.
- If you're losing your energy,
we should hop on and you'll get your energy back.
- When we obey,
there's more energy.
When we help you,
we can do more fun stuff.
- But if we disobey and we're whining,
then all your energy goes out
and we just kind of have a bad time of day.
♪ Hallelujah ♪
(lively guitar music)
- [Kendra] So Laura's been talking to me today
about when she grows up.
What are you gonna do when you grow up Laura?
- You, you and you are gonna
be my parents when I grow up.
- [Kendra] Oh when you grow up we're gonna be your parents?
- Mmm-hmm.
- Me and my honey will be?
I want to remember when Laura grows up,
that at this stage, she calls your spouse, your honey.
Mom, where's your honey, she'll say,
or Mom, when I grow up, I 'm gonna have a honey
just like you do.
It's just really sweet to me.
She's even asked other people that we know,
where's your honey?
Baked potatoes with cottage cheese,
beans and vegetables.
- Go.
(uptempo music)
Stop stop.
And then you got right here at the end.
All you got, run run run run run run run.
- Ready, go.
(uptempo bluesy music)
- So flag football is about to start
and we're doing evaluations tonight.
So how'd you feel it went?
- I thought it went very well.
- [Jeremy] It looked like you were having fun.
- [Coach] Good job, great job.
- [Man On Tablet] And then we're gonna draw another line
up here on the top that connects.
Simple shape, good job,
okay now let's connect the wing to the car.
- I added a few things.
- [Jeremy] Laura, you're doing awesome.
- [Man On Tablet] Right here, that's a big one,
that's his helmet.
- [Jeremy] You almost ready for bed?
- Yeah.
- [Jeremy] What are you reading?
- Cam Jansen.
- [Jeremy] You likin' it?
- Yeah.
Goodnight J house out.
- [Jeremy] What are alpacas?
- I don't know, we haven't seen 'em.
- [Jeremy] This is an alpaca right here.
(jangly old-time music)
(Janae yells)
- [Kendra] You think you'd like alpaca clothes?