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  • In 2018, it was estimated that more than 175 million Americans would go out and celebrate Halloween.

    在 2018 年一項統計中,顯示超過 1.75 億位美國人會出門慶祝萬聖節。

  • The total amount spent on costumes, candies, and decorations nationwide?


  • A whopping $9 billion.

    高達 90 億美元!

  • Putting on a costume and going out trick-or-treating is the most well-known Halloween tradition.


  • The top two costumes worn by adults in 2018?

    2018 年大人最愛的前兩名裝扮是?

  • Witch and vampire.


  • Even pets participate in this holiday.


  • The top costume for our furry friends that same year was a pumpkin.


  • Halloween is a holiday that celebrates all things terrifying, but its origins are closer to all things holy.


  • In fact, the celebration was once called "All Hallows' Eve", and it celebrated the lives of Catholic saintsbut more on that later.


  • So, when did we start to dress up as monsters and carve out pumpkins for a holiday that commemorated saints?


  • And what does trick-or-treating have to do with an ancient Catholic holiday?


  • You're watching Explore Mode, and in this episode, we're going to dive into the origins of Halloween.

    你正在收看的是 Explore Mode,我們將在本期節目當中探索萬聖節的起源。

  • Halloween as we know it today does not have a single origin.


  • It's more of a mix and match of different traditions that evolved and migrated with the people who practiced them from Europe to the rest of the world.


  • But let's start with a 2,000-year-old Celtic festival called Samhain.

    我們先來看有 2,000 年歷史的凱爾特族節日,薩溫節。

  • This pagan holiday marked the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter.


  • It was celebrated on the eve of October 31st and ended on November 1st.

    節日是在 10 月 31 日的前夕開始,並在 11 月 1 日結束。

  • On October 31, the Celts would burn livestock and part of the summer harvest as sacrifices to the Celtic deities to symbolically share their harvest with the gods.

    在 10 月 31 日,凱爾特人會燃燒家畜和部分夏季的收成當作祭祀凱爾特眾神的祭品。象徵與眾神分享豐收。

  • Apart from marking the end of the year's most abundant period, the Celts believed that on the night winter started, a door to the world of the dead would open, allowing spirits and supernatural beings to wander into the world of the living.


  • In order to please the potential monsters and fairies crossing over to the human world, the Celts would prepare offerings for them and wear costumes and masks to hide their true identities from the spirits.


  • The festival was celebrated in parts of the United Kingdom, Ireland, and northern France, which is until Catholicism entered the picture.


  • Around the 8th Century, Catholicism was expanding and they weren't too fond of pagan festivities like Samhain.

    約 8 世紀時,天主教正在擴張,但他們不太滿意像薩溫節那種異教節慶。

  • So Pope Gregory III took a church-sanctioned holiday that celebrated martyrs and saints on May 31st and moved it to November 1st.

    所以教宗額我略三世把一個有教會認可和紀念殉教者和聖人的節日,從 5 月 31 日移到 11 月 1 日。

  • We know this holiday today as All Saints Day.


  • But back then, it was known as "Hallowmas", which can be roughly translated into "the mass for the holy people".


  • And the evening before, October 31st, was known as All Hallows' Eve, which eventually ended up being abbreviated into Halloween.

    在前一晚,也就是 10 月 31 日,被稱為萬聖夜。最後就縮短成萬聖節。

  • Ironically, the Christian celebration was heavily influenced by Samhain.


  • Because the holiday celebrated the souls of those who had passed, Christian devouts believed that the spirits of the deceased were allowed to roam the Earth to seek their final vengeance from those who had harmed them before moving on to the afterlife.


  • As a precaution, the living would dress up in costumes or wear masks to avoid being targeted by vengeful ghosts.


  • In Guatemala, people didn't hide away from the evil spirits that visited on Hallowmas, instead, they scared the ghouls away.


  • During All Saints Day, people in some Latin American countries visit the graves of their loved ones to decorate their tombs with offerings and mementos from their past lives on Earth.


  • In the town of Sumpango in Guatemala, though, locals realized that evil spirits would also come down during this holiday, scaring the souls of their loved ones.


  • Finally, after years of this inconvenience, the people of Sumpango went to the town elders to look for a solution.


  • Their answer?


  • Scare those evil spirits back.


  • The town leaders told their people that the loud sound of paper against the wind would be enough to ward off these demons and so the townspeople got to work.


  • They created large, colorful kites and flew them across the sky on All Saints Day, warding off the spirits and allowing their loved ones to visit peacefully.


  • This tradition lives on today, and every year, the people of Sumpango spend months making these enormous kites that can reach from 16 to 52 feet in height.

    這項傳統延續到現代,每年孫潘戈的人民都會花數個月時間製作出長達 16 到 52 呎高的大型風箏。

  • However, the kites made today aren't only to ward off ghouls.


  • Now, they're seen as mystical message carriers that can connect the human world to the spirit world.


  • Halloween traditions have their roots in Europe.


  • In 15th-century England, poor children would go out "souling", which means they would go from door to door asking for soul cakes in exchange for prayers for the giving family's deceased to be liberated from purgatory.

    在 15 世紀的英格蘭,窮困的小孩會出門去乞討。他們挨家挨戶地去要「靈魂蛋糕」,作為回報,他們會幫施捨他們「靈魂蛋糕」的家庭祈禱,以將該家庭的亡者從煉獄中解放出來。

  • The Scottish and people in other parts of Britain and Ireland practiced another tradition called "guising", in which children would put on costumes and, in exchange for treats, they'd put up a performance of some sort.


  • If the neighbors liked the kids' tricks, they'd get gifts such as nuts, apples, or coins.


  • This is thought to be the origin of trick-or-treating.


  • As the years passed, the celebration became more and more popular in Europe, but it didn't make its way into America until the 1840s during the Potato Famine,

    隨著時間過去,這個節慶在歐洲越來越普遍。直到 1840 年發生愛爾蘭馬鈴薯大饑荒,才傳入美國。

  • which caused a large group of Irish and Scottish immigrants to enter the US and Canada, and with them, they brought Halloween.


  • The Irish and Scottish families introduced Halloween traditions like pumpkin carving, bobbing for apples, dressing up in costumes, and of course, trick-or-treating.


  • When kids were denied candy, they'd play a small prank on the neighbors, like stealing a wheel from their wagon or stealing the gates to their houses.


  • Although bobbing for apples was popularized by Halloween celebrators, its roots are both Celtic and Roman.


  • When Romans conquered Celtic territories, they brought with them apple trees, which to them, represented Pomona, the goddess of plenty.


  • Many rituals surrounding abundance, wealth, and fertility would be celebrated with apples.


  • It was particularly popular to predict romance.


  • It was believed that if a woman placed an apple under her pillow, she would meet her future partner in her dreams.


  • An early version of bobbing for apples would have women race towards a line of hanging apples, the first to bite one would be the first to marry.


  • Eventually, the apple made its appearance in Halloween parties.


  • In the 1800s, the most popular game was Snap-Apple.

    在 19 世紀,最受歡迎的遊戲是咬蘋果。

  • Here's how it worked:


  • A piece of wood would be hung horizontally from the roof, on one side there'd be an apple, on the other, a burning candle.


  • The stick was then spun around by the players, and the participants had to take a bite of the apple without getting burned by hot wax.


  • Needless to say, Snap-Apple wasn't a kid-friendly game.


  • So, later on, bobbing for apples in a container full of water became more popular among family Halloween parties.


  • But, although now we see trick or treating as an innocent holiday activity for children, in the past, it was associated with teenage rioters.


  • Time for an Express Explore Explanation!


  • Start the clock.


  • In 1920s America, the tradition of trick-or-treating was taken over by mischievous youngsters that would use Halloween as an excuse to commit acts of vandalism.

    在 1920 年代的美國,那些愛惡作劇的青少年利用萬聖節不給糖就搗蛋的傳統之名,故意破壞公物。

  • Teenagers reportedly started slashing car tires, setting fires, stoning windows, and attacking authorities.


  • Things got so bad that in 1925, police broke up a Halloween teenage gathering by shooting at the adolescents.

    事情持續惡化到 1925 年,警方透過槍擊青少年來終止他們在萬聖節的群聚。

  • Trick-or-treating for children didn't come back until after the Second World War, during which sugar rationing regulations were set.


  • However, in the 1950s, the Baby Boomer Generation brought back the innocence of trick-or-treating, and it hasn't left since.

    在 1950 年代時,無害的不給糖就搗蛋傳統獲得嬰兒潮年代出生的人發揚,這項傳統自此永續流傳。

  • Halloween celebrations today seem to attract more young adults.


  • According to the National Retail Federation, consumers ages 18 to 24 years old are the most likely demographic to celebrate the scary holiday this year.

    根據全美零售聯合會的統計,18 到 24 歲的顧客是最有可能在今年慶祝這個恐怖節日的客群。

  • Data shows 73% of American young adults will dress in a costume and, surprisingly, 23% of them will go out trick-or-treating.

    數據顯示有 73% 的美國青少年會穿著主題裝扮。令人驚訝的是,他們之中有 23% 的人會去要糖果。

  • Social media also plays a role in modern Halloween.


  • 25% of women looked for costumes on Pinterest and 19% of men took to YouTube to look for their disguises.

    25% 的女性會在 Pinterest 上尋找主題服裝,而 19% 的男性會在 YouTube 上搜尋他們的裝扮。

  • But regardless of where you get your DIY costume inspiration from or how you celebrate Halloween, it's still the one holiday that will bring everyone together in the name of all things terrifying, and that is worth dressing up for.

    但不管你是從哪得到 DIY 裝扮的靈感或你怎麼慶祝萬聖節,它仍是一個用所有恐怖名義把大家聚在一塊的節日,並值得好好打扮。

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    感謝你觀看 Explore Mode。如果你喜歡這個影片,請幫我按讚。

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  • See you next week, in the meantime, remember to keep your explore mode on.


In 2018, it was estimated that more than 175 million Americans would go out and celebrate Halloween.

在 2018 年一項統計中,顯示超過 1.75 億位美國人會出門慶祝萬聖節。

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