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  • I have a few cases of this synthetic blood for each one of you try not to go through too quickly.

  • I don't know how long this army connection will last.

  • So how long will have access the FDA hasn't approved it.

  • Well, even if the FDA approved is not that we'll be able to get it any more consistently.

  • It's true.

  • It's not like we can exactly lobby for why prescriptions for us would be a very good idea for the mainstream.

  • Of course not, we don't exist and if they knew we did, I highly highly doubt that they deal with it by selling a synthetic blood.

  • It makes me soon mad the way we're forced to live.

  • I mean, this isn't there?

  • Well, it's our world.

  • They're just passing through.

  • It's not our world.

  • We may never die, but collectively they never die either.

  • We're the ones forced to hide.

  • We are the monsters.

  • I can't hear that.

  • I can't abide any more of the self loathing.

  • You know what the situation is?

  • We discuss it all the time.

  • We're at the beginning of creating a civilization for ourselves, just like they did when they realized that killing and raping on a regular basis was not a fulfilling way to live.

  • I don't want to hear the time.

  • Monsters, we're all monsters, potentially, potentially not.

  • Yeah, but one has to ask oneself, does the existence of dr Jekyll make Mr Hyde any less of a monster.

  • I think that the point we all have come to realize hands is that what civilization is is a set of moral laws?

  • I think those laws are broken, there will be punishment.

  • Mhm.

I have a few cases of this synthetic blood for each one of you try not to go through too quickly.

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