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hey guys welcome back to how to switzerland sarah here today and
大家好,歡迎回到 今天這裡的如何在瑞士莎拉,
in today's video we are going to talk about doing laundry in switzerland
在今天的視頻中,我們將 討論在瑞士洗衣服,
so this is episode two of our switzerland basics series so this series is all about the back to
所以這是我們瑞士基礎 系列的第二集,所以這個系列是關於回歸
basics if you are fresh in switzerland you just want to know how basic things work this
基礎的,如果你是新手的話 瑞士,你 只是想知道這個系列的基本原理是如何工作的
series is for you and we got so many requests for this one which is really funny but people are so
,我們收到了很多關於這個系列的請求, 這真的很有趣,但人們非常
curious how to do laundry like a swiss how do the swiss do laundry what can i expect
好奇如何像 瑞士人一樣洗衣服 瑞士人如何洗衣服 我能期待什麼
when i move here so of course you all know by now i'm sure that switzerland is definitely a country
of rules and rule followers um so there are a lot of rules that come to doing
your laundry the main one that you need to know is that you cannot do laundry on sundays
你的建築物可能會有標誌 說我們的時間在門上我會
your building will probably have signs that say that ours does the hours are on the door i'll
在我們下樓時展示所有東西但是你 絕對不能在星期天洗衣服你不能
show everything when we get downstairs but you definitely cannot do laundry on sunday you can't
掛你 我們的衣服在周日上線, 所以確保你在
hang your clothes outside on the line on sunday so make sure you are getting your laundry in
周一到週六洗衣服,接下來你應該 知道的是你不能把衣服掛
monday through saturday next thing that you should know is that you cannot hang your clothes to dry
在公寓裡面晾乾這是我們的租約 ,它可能會在 你的租約
inside of your apartment this is in our lease and it probably will be in your lease as well
以及他們租約的原因是 因為你們看過這些視頻的瑞士房屋
and the reason why they have this in leases is because swiss houses you guys have seen the videos
非常密封我會爭辯說, 你知道大多數公寓都非常像
i'm sure where i'm showing you um around our swiss apartment um they're very sealed all the doors all
氣密性你怎麼說就像 沒有空氣進出也沒有空氣進出所以如果你掛
the windows extremely seal i would argue that you know most apartments are pretty much like
乾衣服顯然水會流到某個 地方它會去 從牆壁到天花板
air proof how you say like no air is going in or out okay no air is going in or out so if you hang
,這不太好,所以我們 在這間公寓裡有兩個陽台,夏天我們把它掛在外面
dry clothes obviously the water goes somewhere and it will go into the walls into the ceiling
,但冬天我們必須把 所有東西都掛在樓下的烘乾室裡,我們
and that's not good so we do have two balconies in this apartment and we do hang it outside
會向你展示 因為我們的洗衣機和烘乾機在地下室樓下,所以我一直說我會 在一秒鐘內告訴你,
in the summer but in the winter we have to hang everything downstairs in the drying room which we
所以我們住 在一個相對普通的漂亮公寓樓裡,
will show you shortly so i keep saying i'll show you in a second that is because our washer and
但在瑞士不一定 有洗衣機和烘乾機的標準 在你的單位里為
dryer are downstairs in the basement so we live in like a relatively normal nice apartment building
你自己,你很可能 會有一台共用的
but it is not necessarily standard in switzerland to have a washer and dryer in your unit for
洗衣機和烘乾機,嗯,你可能會很幸運, 我之前已經談過這個,我不是說
your for yourself um you're more than likely going to have a shared laundry laundry machine
每間公寓都沒有洗衣機烘乾機 但這有點不太可能,特別是如果你
machine and dryer um you might get lucky i've talked about this before i'm not saying
在像蘇黎世這樣的大城市,你的 機會可能越來越少,如果你在
every apartment does not have a washer dryer but it is a little bit unlikely especially if you are
郊區,你可能會有更多的 空間,所以你可能有洗衣機和 烘乾機,
in a big expensive city like zurich your chances are probably less and less than if you're in more
of a suburb you might have a little bit more space so you might have a washer and dryer
您在尋找公寓時需要妥協的事情,您可能 不得不放棄在您的單位擁有洗衣機的夢想,
but i wouldn't expect it and it might be something that you need to compromise on
但我知道人們確實存在 單位裡有洗衣機和烘乾機,
when you're searching for apartments you might have to let go of that dream of having a washer
但我們沒有好消息是,如果你 從像紐約這樣的大城市搬到蘇黎世或瑞士
in your unit but it certainly does exist i know people that have washer and dryer in the unit
,你甚至在每棟樓裡都沒有洗衣機 ,你不得不去 自助洗衣店,
but we do not the good news is if you are moving to zurich or switzerland from a big city like new
你可能不會在這裡遇到這種情況, 幾乎每棟樓都會有洗衣機,
york where you don't even have washing machines in every building and you had to go to a laundromat
現在還早,我不能說 地下室有洗衣機和烘乾機,所以
you probably will not have that situation here almost every building is going to have a washing
他們不太可能會說沒有 洗衣設施
it's early i can't say washing machine a washer and a dryer in the basement so it's
可能會發生的所有設施,但我還沒有看到, 我們看了很多公寓,但我們並沒有
not very likely that they'll say that there's no washing facilities facilities on the premises at
真正看到那個,但是如果你發現自己處於 這種情況,蘇黎世的自助洗衣店並不多
all it might happen but i have not seen it and we looked at a lot of apartments and we did not
在較小的城市有一些 你可能找不到自助自助洗衣店
really see that um but if you do find yourself in that situation there are not a lot of laundromats
所以是的,你的公寓裡可能會有一個, 所以在這間公寓裡,就像我說的,我們有一個共用的
here in zurich there are a few in smaller cities you might not find any self-service um laundromats
洗衣機和烘乾機,不幸的是我們必須 支付 單獨它不包括在我們的
so yeah you'll probably have one in your apartment so in this apartment like i said we have a shared
租金中 我們必須為每件衣服支付我們 看了一噸公寓,大約是 50
washer and dryer and unfortunately we do have to pay for it separately it's not included in our
50。有些建築物在地下室有洗衣房 ,您不必支付每件衣服
rent we have to pay for each load of laundry we looked at a ton of apartments and it was about 50
其中一些你確實需要付費,但幾乎 每一個擁有付費機器的人都
50. some of the buildings had laundry in the basement where you don't have to pay per load
帶著這樣的卡 這不是 我以前見過的投幣式洗衣機,但它
and some of them you do have to pay but almost every single one that had a paid machine came
更有可能你會擁有這個 一種 卡片芯片系統,所以它是如何工作的,這就是
with a card like this it's not coin laundry that i have seen one of those before but it's more more
我們在建築物中按負載支付的方式,我們必須 一次在這裡放 80 瑞士法郎,這
than likely you're going to have this kind of a card chip system so how this works is this is how
對於放這張洗衣卡來說是一筆很大的錢,但你 可以 不能少做,不能做多,你必須把
we pay per load um in our building we have to put 80 swiss francs on here at a time um that's a lot
80 瑞士法郎放在這兒,所以你拿了 80 美元 現金,你把卡放在信封裡
of money to like put on this laundry card but you can't do less you can't do more you have to put
,把你的單位號碼放在上面,然後把它 放在郵箱裡 建築維護人員的照片
80 swiss francs on here so you take the 80 bucks cash you take the card you put it in the envelope
,他每兩週才上傳一次,所以 不要讓你的 如果至少
you put your unit number on it and you put it in the mailbox of the building maintenance guy
在我們的大樓裡資金太少,我相信這是一種標準, 也許每週一次,或者
and he only uploads them every two weeks so do not let yourself get too low on funds at least
每隔一周一次,所以我們每個月兩次,我們可以把錢 放在這裡,所以你想確保你 把它
in our building i'm sure it's kind of standard maybe once a week or like for us only every
裝滿,這樣我就可以洗衣服了,我有我的小 奇蹟卡芯片,我們下樓吧,
other week so two times a month we can put money on here so you want to make sure that you keep it
好吧,我們在洗衣房裡,有些 事情要指出,所以你可能會有這樣的登記
full so i've got my laundry i've got my little wonder card chip thing here let's go downstairs
表 基本上你只是 在你想洗衣服的時候寫信,所以我們有嗯,
okay so we are down in our laundry room and some things to point out so you might have a sign up
你知道早上時段中午和晚上時段,所以 你可以從早上 7 點到晚上 9 點洗衣服,你可以
sheet like this where basically you just write in when you want to do the laundry so we have um
提前幾個月在我們的公寓註冊這些時段, 這很好 像非官方的一樣,有
you know morning slot midday and evening slot so you can do laundry from 7am till 9pm and you can
一個人需要星期一我總是星期二 它是星期二嗯還有另一個
sign up for those slots um months in advance in our apartment it's kind of like unofficial there's
人像每隔一個星期三一樣然後 它對所有人來說都是免費的但這
one person that takes monday i always take tuesday it's tuesday um there's another guy that takes
在我們的大樓裡真的不是問題但我聽說有人 說 他們有真正的 洗衣服很難
like every other wednesday and then it's pretty much free for all but it's really not an issue
, 如果幸運的話,
in our building but i have heard of people saying that they have really a hard time getting laundry
done that they can only do it like once a month if they're lucky um some apartments will give you
只能洗一次 洗衣機和烘乾機 有些 公寓可能有不止一個 我們參觀過
like a dedicated spot but we quite like having this because it has some flexibility so you can
一些有幾個洗衣機 嗯有些沒有烘乾機 這只是有點取決於但我可以告訴你
see we have one washer one dryer some apartments again might have more than one we've toured some
瑞士有很多人 我會說大多數 人都沒有 我們的大樓使用烘乾機,嗯,
that had a few washers um some had no dryers it just kind of depends but i can tell you that
我們必須為此付費,而且需要很 長時間,而且人們已經習慣將
a lot of people in switzerland i would say most people nobody in our building uses the dryer um
衣服掛在隔壁的房間裡,所以讓我們 把衣服扔進去,這是我注意到的一個主要區別 在瑞士
we have to pay for it and it just takes a long time and people are quite used to hanging their
使用 um 洗衣機洗衣機 的原因是 um 滾筒
clothes here in the room right next door so let's throw in some laundry so the one major difference
遠小於美國的標準尺寸 我知道這是一個非常像
i've noticed with um laundry machines washers in switzerland is that the um drums are far
瑞士製造的高端 fauzou 洗衣機,但 滾筒實際上相對較小 而且不能
far smaller than the standard size in america i know that this is a very um like high-end
裝很多衣服,所以我發現自己做了 很多負荷,嗯,而在美國,鼓
made in switzerland fauzou washing machine but the drum is actually relatively small and doesn't hold
就像每年都變得越來越大, 好吧,所以我什麼都有了,我只需要
a lot of clothes so i find myself doing a lot of loads um whereas in the us the drums were
打開它就可以了 是你給機器供電的方式, 所以我要去這裡打洗衣機
like getting bigger and bigger every single year okay so then i have everything in i just need to
,現在它說很好,這意味著選擇 設備我猜所以洗衣機大笛卡爾
turn it on so this is how you power the machine so i'm going to go here and hit washing machine
對不起可怕的口音所以我只是 要堅持下去 現在它說我的預算
and now it says great valen which means choose device i guess so washing machine big descartes
在這裡我的金額是 6 美元所以 現在機器有動力去它我認為它
sorry for the horrible accent so i'm just going to hold this up and now it says my um like budget
只是閃現它是每小時一個坦率但我 不確定價格但它是 絕對
on here my amounts on here is six dollars so now the machine has power going to it and i think it
不貴,所以在歐洲,他們 顯然傾向於根據攝氏溫度來洗衣服,
just flashed that it's one frank per hour but i'm not exactly sure on the price but it's definitely
所以我認為你實際上應該 在 40 度洗衣服,但我通常會洗 60 度,然後為了
not expensive so in europe it seems that they tend to wash based on temperature in celsius obviously
省錢,我就在這裡打了這個小傢伙 它從 1 小時 13 到 39 這是一個曲 ickwash
so you're actually supposed to wash clothes on 40 i think but i usually do 60 and then to
對我來說效果很好,所以我們會在 39 分鐘後回來,我會告訴你我們是如何掛起洗衣機的,
save money i hit this little guy right here so it goes from 1 hour 13 to 39 it's a quick wash
好的,洗衣一定要確保 你設置一個計時器,我們總是上樓設置一個
for me that works just fine so we'll come back in 39 minutes and i'll show you how we hang the wash
計時器,因為如果 你確實把它放在裡面太久 了,如果有人下來想洗衣服,你不會註冊一整天
okay the laundry is done definitely make sure you set a timer we always go upstairs and set a
timer because if you do leave it in for too long and you're not like signed up for the whole day
不會害羞地拿走你的東西,把 它放在某個地方也是如此 因為如果你
if somebody comes down and wants to do laundry i would say in my experience swiss people are
在烘乾室裡佔用了很多空間並且你的 衣服是乾的,如果有人需要空間,他們
not shy about taking your stuff and putting it somewhere same goes for if you are taking
不會害羞地把你的衣服放下 或敲你的門之類的,我知道
up a lot of space in the drying room and your clothes are dry if somebody needs space they're
在一些 那些會被視為非常具有 對抗性的文化,但根據我的經驗,瑞士人
not going to be shy to take your clothes down or go knock on your door and stuff like that i know
並不害羞這樣做,所以只要 確保你是尊重的,並且盡快移動你的東西
in some cultures that would be seen as quite confrontational but in my experience the swiss
我想指出 我們有一整堵牆 我無法向你展示
are not really shy about doing that so just make sure you're respectful um and you move your stuff
所有規則 g 但是我們這裡有五張紙
as soon as possible also i wanted to point out we have a whole wall of rules i can't show you
,上面寫著你應該做和不應該做的所有事情,它實際上說每次你使用這個 房間時,你都需要清潔整台機器,
everything but we have five pieces of paper here with all the things that you should and shouldn't
就像頂部內部清潔地板清潔 過濾器 嗯,確保基本上你把
do and it actually says every time you use this room you're expected to clean the whole machine
所有東西都保持在原始狀態, 這裡都註明了你可以使用
like the top the inside clean the floors clean the filters um make sure that basically you're leaving
機器的時間,都是德國的,嗯,但是有很多卷, 但讓我們把這些東西拿出來掛
everything in pristine condition it's all noted here along with the hours you can use the machines
起來,就像 我說畫線是這裡的事情,所以 我們有這個大房間,裡面有這些巨大的線條,
it's all in german um but yeah lots of rolls but let's go pull this stuff out and hang it up
這實際上非常好,因為現在是二月,你 現在不能把東西掛在外面
so like i said line drawing is the thing here so we have this big room with these huge lines which
,夏天我們在後面有一堆線條 這樣你就可以
is actually really nice because it is february you cannot really hang your stuff outside right now
把東西掛在陽光下,夏天你可以 在 30 分鐘內晾乾東西,這真的很好,
in the summer we have a bunch of lines in the back of the building so you can actually hang
但我發現冬天在 這種環境中掛東西需要大約 24 小時
the stuff out in the sun and in summer you can dry stuff in like 30 minutes which is really nice
或長達 1 天 你和半取決於所以 是
but i find hanging stuff in winter in this kind of an environment it takes about 24 hours
的,順便說一下,如果你還在 這裡看這個,我會把它掛在公寓裡,我不知道
or up to a day and a half kind of depends so yeah i'm just gonna hang this up okay back in
關於如何洗衣服的 10 分鐘視頻讓我知道 評論,如果你還在看,順便說一句,
the apartment by the way if you're still here watching this i don't know 10 minute
我實際上想對所有 住在瑞士的人說,
video about how to do laundry let me know in the comments if you're still watching and by the way
請在下面的評論中留下你洗衣服的經驗, 我知道這真的會幫助
i actually wanted to say for all the people that live in switzerland that are watching
正在看的人 這個視頻正在 考慮搬到瑞士,當然,
please leave your experience with laundry in the comments down below i know it will really help
你知道每個州的每棟建築 都會略有不同,所以也許就
the people that are watching this video that are thinking about moving to switzerland and of course
在你住的地方,以及關於你 洗衣情況的一點點,人們會脫掉你的衣服
every building every canton you know they're going to be slightly different so maybe right
是什麼樣的 規則你有沒有在下面留下你的評論 ,這樣每個人都可以閱讀不同的
where you live and just a little bit about your laundry situation do people take down your clothes
體驗,如果他們搬到這裡,他們可能會遇到這些體驗, 但基本上現在我只想向
what kind of rules do you have leave your comments down below so everyone can um read about different
你展示最後一件事,對不起,我知道 他的視頻 談論如何洗衣服的時間很長,
experiences that they might expect to run into if they move here but basically now i just want to
但我提到我們 夏天在陽台上曬衣服,我只是想給
show you one last thing sorry i know this video is getting very long talking about how to do laundry
你看,以防你以前從未見過其中一種 我從未見過其中一種 在美國長大,
but i mentioned that we dry our clothes outside on the balcony in the summer i just wanted to show
嗯,所以這些很常見,基本上 就像一個晾衣架,非常方便,這個
you in case you've never seen one of these before i never saw one of these growing up in the united
是宜家的一點點,你可以穿上這裡,就像 你的襪子和內衣在陽台上彈出一樣
states um so these are very common it's basically like a drying rack it's super handy this one's
,然後我們也有一個 這裡很大, 基本上是同一種鋼,但很抱歉,
just little from ikea and you can put on here like your socks and underwear pop it out on the balcony
我們這裡沒有很多壁櫥空間,實際上這是 我們唯一的壁櫥,嗯,所以它
and then we also have one that's large here it's basically the same kind of steel except it's sorry
基本上相同,但更寬更大,它有一些翅膀 ,然後扇動 我們這裡有一些夾子
we don't have a lot of closet space here this is our only closet actually um so it's just basically
可以掛在這裡,所以它們都可以在夏天放在我們的 陽台上,還有
the same but wider bigger and it has some wings that flap out and then we have some clips here
to hang it on here so these both just go on our balcony in the summer and also the ironing board
的熨衣板 會有 熨燙更多,因為 東西會變得有點像鬆脆
here i should point out when you if you're new to line drying your clothes you'll probably see that
在這方面,很多 Steam 確實有幫助
you're gonna have to iron a lot more because stuff can get kind of like crunchy as opposed
,但這就是今天的視頻。 我希望你們喜歡這個瑞士的基礎知識
to when you put stuff in the dryer it comes out fluffy um a lot of times your pants and shirts
and stuff will be kind of like crunchy crinkly so ironing them with like a lot of steam really helps
如果你喜歡這個視頻,請豎起大拇指 確保你訂閱了 70 人
um on that front but that is it for today's video i hope you guys enjoyed this switzerland basics
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we're definitely reading your comments about what videos you want to see which ones you think would
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