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Welcome to Mojo Travels, and today, we're counting down our picks for the top 10 most incredible Christmas celebrations around the world.
歡迎來到 Mojo 旅遊,今天我們將評選出全球最不可思議的十大聖誕節慶活動。
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For this list, we're looking at global festivities that are sure to get you in the holiday spirit.
Number 10: Christmas in Old Town, Prague, Czech Republic.
Christmas is such a joyous holiday that it shouldn't be confined to just December.
聖誕節是一個歡樂的節日,不應該僅侷限於 12 月。
At the Prague Christmas markets, the spirit of the season persists from late November to early January.
在布拉格的聖誕市集中,節日的氣氛會從 11 月底持續到 1 月初。
Given how many Christmas markets there are in Prague, you'll want the extra time to experience everything.
Old Town Square and Vince's Law Square are where the primary markets annually set up shop.
舊城廣場和 Vince's 法律廣場是每年市集的主要設立地點。
Walking from one market to another is as easy as fruitcake.
The medieval architecture gives the area a timeless aesthetic perfectly suited for Christmastime.
It's only made more festive with carolers, animal stables, and a gigantic Christmas tree.
Partake in Czech beers and Czech dishes as you make your way through a series of booths, picking up handcrafted gifts for Christmas Day.
Number 9: Day of the Little Candles, Colombia.
We all know what December 25th means; unless you live in Colombia, though, you might not understand why December 7th is significant.
我們都知道 12 月 25 日代表什麼。但除非你住在哥倫比亞,不然你可能不知道為什麼 12 月 7 日是有意義的。
The Gateway to South America recognizes this date as the Day of the Little Candles, unofficially kicking off the Christmas season.
This celebration can be traced back to 1854, when Colombian citizens illuminated paper lanterns and candles in support of Pope Pius IX.
這個節慶可以追溯到 1854 年,當時哥倫比亞公民點燃了紙燈籠和蠟燭表示對教皇皮烏斯九世的支持。
The tradition continues today with breathtaking candle arrangements, light displays, and fireworks.
Even if you're not the most religious person, anyone can appreciate the candlelight scenery making all of Colombia look as if it were lit up like a birthday cake.
As you make your way through the glowing streets, snack on some buñuelos, one of Colombia's signature Christmas treats
當你走過閃閃發光的街道時,可以吃一些 Banuelos,那是哥倫比亞標誌性的聖誕美食之一。
Number 8: Caretta Shiodome Illumination Show, Tokyo, Japan.
第八:日本東京的汐留 Carretta 燈光秀。
On an average evening, Tokyo's nightlife beams to life with neon lights and vibrant colors.
So, as you can imagine, the country also puts on quite the spectacle for Christmas.
The standout event is the Caretta Illumination Show, which utilizes more than 250,000 LED lights.
最著名的活動就是 Carretta 燈光秀,它使用超過 25 萬個 LED 燈。
Annually taking place at Caretta, Shiodome, this 8-minute light show occurs every 20 minutes from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m.
每年會在汐留 Caretta 舉行,這個八分鐘的燈光秀從下午五點到晚上十點都有,每 20 分鐘表演一次。
The 47-story building complex provides the ideal venue for this breathtaking marriage of flickering lights and captivating music.
這棟 47 層的大樓為這些閃爍燈光和迷人音樂的驚人結合提供了完美的場地。
The event has frequently collaborated with Disney, showcasing music from "Beauty and the Beast" in 2017, "Frozen" and "Tangled" in 2018, and most recently, "Aladdin".
該活動經常與迪士尼合作。在 2017 年展示了《美女與野獸》的音樂,在 2018 年展示了《冰雪奇緣》和《魔髮奇緣》,最近還展示了《阿拉丁》。
This free event takes Christmas into overdrive lasting from mid-November to mid-February.
這個免費的活動將聖誕節推向高潮,從 11 月中旬持續到 2 月中旬。
Number 7: Bondi Beach, Australia.
People generally associate Christmas with winter wonderlands.
Just because you live in a warmer climate, though, doesn't mean you can't get into the Christmas spirit.
At Bondi Beach, visitors trade in snow for sun and sand, but they still bring their Santa hats and beards.
British and Irish tourists, in particular, annually flock to the Sydney beach on Christmas Day.
It's a refreshing change of pace for anyone who wants to shake up their holiday routine.
If you're already backpacking through Sydney, we can't think of a more adventurous way to spend the holiday.
We've heard of Christmas in July, but Bondi Beach brings the summer season to winter.
Number 6: Hyde Park Winter Wonderland, Hyde Park, London.
Winter Wonderland is a phrase that gets tossed around a lot during Christmas.
However, few events live up to this description like Hyde Park Winter Wonderland.
This annual festival has gained momentum like a snowball rolling down a hill.
It started relatively small as a funfair in 2005; within the next few years, though, the event blew up with additional rides and shows.
它在 2005 年剛開始時,只是一個相對較小的遊樂場。不過在接下來的幾年裡,這個樂園隨著更多的遊樂設施和表演而大受歡迎。
Today, Winter Wonderland annually attracts 2.5 million visitors with its ice sculptures, Christmas markets, and the largest temporary outdoor skating rink in the United Kingdom.
現在的冬季樂園有著冰雕、聖誕市集和英國最大的臨時戶外滑冰場,每年會吸引 250 萬名遊客。
Of the numerous rides, the 60-meter Ferris wheel may be the most famous.
在眾多遊樂設施中,60 公尺高的摩天輪可能是最有名的。
Other highlights include Zippo's Christmas circus and the German cuisine of Bavarian village.
其它亮點包括 Zippos 聖誕馬戲團和巴伐利亞村的德國美食區。
Number 5: Krampus, Austria.
Long before Jack Skellington was mixing holiday cheer with horrifying imagery, Krampus was bringing frights to Christmas festivities.
In recent years, Krampus has achieved a certain level of mainstream recognition in North America.
However, Krampus celebrations have been common in Austria since the late 20th century.
然而自 20 世紀末以來,坎卜斯節慶在奧地利變得很常見。
For anyone who wishes that Halloween came twice per year, you can dress up as the legendary monster and scare naughty children during Christmastime.
St. Nicholas Eve and Day are when Krampus fever peaks.
December 5th is known as Krampusnacht; Austrians don their scariest mask for the Krampus parade.
12 月 5 日被稱為坎卜斯節,奧地利人會戴上他們最可怕的面具參加坎卜斯遊行。
Krampus celebrations have definitely taken off in many locations.
We've never been more excited to receive a lump of coal.
Number 4: WeihnachtsZauber Christmas Market, Berlin, Germany.
第四:德國柏林的 WeihnachtsZauber 聖誕市集。
There are many merry Christmas markets to be found in Berlin, although few can top WeihnachtsZauber at Gendarmenmarkt.
在柏林可以找到許多歡樂的聖誕市集,但是很少有市集比得上御林廣場的 WeihnachtsZauber。
Home to the Berlin Concert Hall and famed churches like Französischer Dom, Gendarmenmarkt is made even more glamorous when Christmas comes along.
Attracting about 600,000 annual visitors, the square becomes lined with white tents selling handcrafted goodies and Christmas cuisine.
每年吸引了大約 60 萬名遊客,廣場上出現了很多排白色帳篷,販賣著手工藝品和聖誕佳餚。
The market is also rich with live entertainment, from musicians to jugglers to acrobats.
If you're spending Christmas here, it's an angelic joy.
The celebration typically lasts from late November to New Year's Eve, capping the holiday season off with a fireworks display.
節慶活動通常從 11 月下旬持續到新年前夕,並以煙火表演為節日畫上句號。
The best part? Entry is only €1.
Number 3: 30 Rock Christmas Tree, Manhattan, New York.
第三:紐約曼哈頓的 30 洛克聖誕樹。
When you think of New York City, tall skyscrapers immediately come to mind.
So, it only makes sense that the city's most iconic Christmas tree would capture the same towering sentiment.
The Rockefeller Center Christmas tree has been a New York staple since 1933.
自 1933 年以來,洛克菲勒中心的聖誕樹一直是紐約的主角。
Since 1936, 30 Rock has also attracted Christmas cheer with its plaza skating rink under the tree.
自 1936 年起,30 洛克也以其樹下的滑冰廣場吸引了聖誕節的歡樂氣氛。
The tree is traditionally a Norway spruce, with the tallest to date reaching 100 feet in 1999.
傳統來說,這種樹是挪威雲杉,在 1999 年達到 100 英尺的最高紀錄。
The Wednesday after Thanksgiving, the tree is illuminated in a televised ceremony.
Of course, watching on TV can't compete with attending the tree lighting.
Seeing the tree shouldn't just be on your Christmas bucket list, but your New York bucket list as well.
Number 2: Santa Claus Village, Rovaniemi, Finland.
Santa is Christmas, and Santa Claus Village in Finland is a wonderful destination to celebrate the season.
This park has just about everything you'd expect to see at Santa's headquarters, from snow-covered rooftops to the northern lights backdrop.
It even offers extra attractions that you might not immediately think of, like a snowmobile museum.
In addition to snowmobiles, you can enjoy a charming reindeer sleigh ride or an adventure with sled dogs.
Unlike the other entries on our list, the magic of this village isn't just limited to the holiday season.
It's open year-round, meaning you can visit whenever you're around the Arctic Circle.
Number 1: The Capital of Christmas, Strasbourg, France.
Rovaniemi may be Santa's official hometown, but Strasbourg is the capital of Christmas.
Taking one glance at Old Town, you can see why.
This cozy area naturally looks like a Christmas village, and the picture is completed when locals break out the holiday decorations.
Strasbourg has been a prominent destination for Christmas markets since 1570, standing out as one of Europe's oldest holiday hotspots.
史特拉斯堡自 1570 年以來,一直是聖誕市集的重要地點,作為歐洲最古老的節慶熱點之一而脫穎而出。
For five glorious weeks, the markets light up the night with colorful displays.
The centerpiece is the mammoth Christmas tree at Place Kléber Square, which is also surrounded with numerous charity booths.
When you're in Strasbourg, you don't need to go looking for the Christmas spirit; it finds you around every corner with friendly faces and the smell of cinnamon.
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