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  • Hi, I'm Carl Azuz for CNN 10.

    嗨,我是 CNN 10 主播 Carl Azuz。

  • Welcome to the second of three shows we're producing this week.


  • It begins in the United Kingdom, where health officials say Omicron, a newly-discovered variant or version of COVID-19 is spreading rapidly throughout the country.

    根據英國衛生官員表示,爆發於英國的新冠肺炎(COVID-19)全新變異株 Omicron 正快速地蔓延至英國全國。

  • The British government estimates that Omicron accounts for 20% of all coronavirus cases in the UK, that amounted to just over 4,700 Omicron cases Monday.

    英國政府估計,在該國所有新冠肺炎確診病例中有約 20% 病例為 Omicron 變異株,因為在過去的星期一,英國的 Omicron 變異株確診病例已經突破 4700 宗。

  • 10 people had been hospitalized with the new variant, despite most of them being fully vaccinated; one person with it has died.

    10 人因感染這個新變異株而入院,儘管他們當中大多數的人已經完整接種疫苗,他們當中,出現了一個 Omicron 變異株死亡病例。

  • There's a lot that's still unknown about this mutation of COVID.


  • But according to the World Health Organization, early findings suggest that existing vaccines may be less effective in preventing people from getting and spreading Omicron.

    但據世界衛生組織稱,早期的研究結果表明,現有的疫苗也許對抵禦人類感染 Omicron 和抑制 Omicron 變異株的疫情沒有什麼顯著效果。

  • Early data also suggests it's less severe than previous COVID variants, that most people with Omicron have relatively mild symptoms or none at all.

    早期的數據還表明,Omicron 變異株的癥狀沒有之前的 COVID 變異株那麼嚴重,大多數的 Omicron 患者的症狀相對較輕或根本沒有。

  • Still, the British government is asking more people to work from home.


  • It's reinstated a mask mandate for people to shop or use public transportation, and it's planning to expand vaccine requirements for people to go into certain public places.


  • Across the Atlantic, New York State is increasing COVID-related restrictions.


  • For people to enter businesses there, they now have to be wearing masks unless the businesses themselves require vaccinations.


  • The state's government says it's trying to get ahead of an expected winter surge in cases.


  • A mask mandate remains in effect in Illinois for people who go inside public buildings, and that's regardless of whether they've been vaccinated.


  • Cases have been on the rise in the American Northeast and Midwest over the past couple weeks.


  • We don't know if that's because of the Omicron variant, though; this could be the continued spread of previously-identified versions like Delta.

    我們不知道病例增加的原因是否與 Omicron 變異株有關係,還是與較早前被發現的 Delta 變異株有關。

  • Protesters have been speaking out against various mandates nationwide, and dozens of court cases related to them have been filed.


  • Meanwhile, several states in and around the Midwest are trying to measure the damage caused by last weekend's tornadoes.


  • Kentucky's governor says at least four of them struck his state, with one twister staying on the ground for a stretch of 200 miles or more.

    肯塔基州州長說,該州遭受至少四個龍捲風襲擊,其中一個龍捲風影響面積達 200 英里或更大。

  • At least 74 people there were killed, more than 100 are still unaccounted for, and over 1,000 homes in Kentucky were destroyed.

    龍捲風的災害造成肯塔基州至少 74 人死亡,超過 100 人下落不明,摧毀 1000 多所房屋。

  • People from all over the country have sent millions of dollars in donations.


  • Officials say more is needed, and they're specifically asking for blood donations.


  • Seven other states were hit by tornadoes last Friday or Saturday; the National Weather Service says at least 50 twisters were reported.

    除了肯塔基州,還有其他七個州在上週五或週六遭受龍捲風襲擊,國家氣象局說,當局在該起災害事件中至少偵測到 50 個龍捲風。

  • 10-second trivia: What did US President Gerald Ford call "public enemy number one" in 1974?

    10 秒問答!1974 年,什麼東西被美國總統視為「頭號公敵」?

  • Soviet influence, pollution, OPEC, or inflation.


  • With the inflation rated higher than 11%, President Ford called it a public enemy.

    答案是通膨,因為當時美國的通膨率衝破 11%,因此被時任美國總統福特宣告為頭號公敵。

  • There are a lot of mixed signals concerning the US economy.


  • In its most recent employment report, the Labor Department said 210,000 jobs were created in November, that's far short of the 573,000 economists had expected⏤a bad sign there.

    勞工部在最新發布的就業報告中說,美國在 11 月創造了 21 萬個工作機會,這遠低於經濟學家預期的 57.3 萬,這對美國來說不是個好跡象。

  • On the other hand, the unemployment rate, the percentage of American workers who don't have a job, that dropped from 4.6% in October to 4.2% in November⏤a good sign there.

    另一方面,失業率,也就是美國沒有工作的人的百分比,從 10 月份的 4.6% 下降到 11 月份的 4.2%,這是個好現象。

  • Wages have increased; the government says this November, the average amount of money Americans made per hour was 4.8% higher than it was a year ago, but prices have increased, too.

    勞工的薪資上漲,政府說,今年 11 月,國人每小時領的薪水比去年同期高 4.8%。但在美國人薪水變高的同時,物價也變貴了。

  • The government says inflation is 6.8% higher than it was a year ago, its biggest increase in almost four decades.

    政府說今年的通貨膨脹率比一年前高 6.8%,是近四十年來最大的增幅。

  • Economists say the rise of wages is not enough to keep up with the rise in prices.


  • And while some are optimistic that inflation could calm down in the year ahead, banking officials have indicated it may stick around.


  • Hi. You hungry?


  • In the St. Cyr household...


  • Cricket he show cow and Trigger the rescue horse are top priorities.

    沒有人比乳牛 Cricket 和馬 Trigger 來得重要,牠們多年前被主人救下後就和主人一起生活至今。

  • So, your animals come first, like, they eat before I eat.


  • And these gentle giants eat a lot.


  • The price of their food has gone up, and with twice-daily feedings, they run through nearly two 50-pound bags a week.

    牠們的飼料價格上漲,每天吃兩餐,一週大約吃下 100 磅的飼料。

  • It was about, like, $16 a bag, and right now, it's atit depends on where you go, where we're getting it, it's about, like, 22.

    過去牠們的飼料一包要價 16 美元,現在的價格不定,視你從哪些通路取得,目前的價格是 22 美元。

  • It's just one of the price pinches for this family in rural Michigan.


  • Spending power for rural Americans has dropped by 5.2%, compared to 3.5% for urban Americans from pre-pandemic.

    疫情後,美國農村居民的消費力下降幅度為 5.2%,比城市居民的 3.5% 消費力還嚴重。

  • And rural Americans typically spend more on the very items that have seen the biggest price increases: food, energy, and cars.


  • What are the biggest challenges you face when it comes to inflation?


  • I think it's just not having the options to offset those costs.


  • It's like, okay, yeah, we could drive another half-hour, another hour, but it's like, we're paying 350 for gas.

    這就像,好吧,對啊,我們可以再開半小時,再開一小時,但我們的汽油費高達 350 元。

  • But gas prices are falling to a seven-week low, down 20 cents in Michigan in the last month to 3.22 a gallon.

    密西根汽油的價格跌到了七週以來的最低點,每加侖的油價為 3.22 美元,比上個月的油價便宜 20 美分。

  • And for these new small business owners, every cent counts.


  • Do you have a budget that you have to stick to this year?


  • This year, the couple launched their wood furniture and decor company, Palomino and Co., out of their garage.

    今年,這對夫婦在自家車庫創辦了一家木製家具和裝修公司——Palomino and Co.。

  • But then, the cost of lumber skyrocketed and good quality became scarce.


  • So, to fill orders, they turned to their own barn for wood.


  • All of this used to be stalls, this whole, like, the aisle way, they're all stalls.


  • We deconstructed those to get lumber.


  • The price of wood has come back down, but the cost to ship their orders is up.


  • With being out a little farther out in the country, obviously, shipping costs, they increase because the farther out they have to drive.


  • I think we've been hit with so much it's like, you know, first inflation, and then gas prices, and then shipping.


  • But as prices have risen, so have wages, up 4.8% since last November.

    不幸中的大幸是,在物價上升的同時,勞工的薪水也跟著上漲,自去年 11 月以來,勞工的工資上漲了 4.8%。

  • Dylan still has his full-time job to help support the business.

    目前 Dylan 還從事著一份全職工作,以支持他自創的事業。

  • - So you feel like it's risen a little bit together; enough to offset? - Yes.

    - 所以你覺得薪資上升,有幫你抵消因通膨而增加的生活成本嗎?- 有的。

  • It's definitely helped, um, probably not enough to keep up with inflation, but it's... it's definitely helped, though.


  • I mean, you always have that in the back of your mind.


  • The couple says there is a positive to living in rural America during a time of inflation.


  • If a family in the community is suffering financially, the whole community rallies around them to try to keep their heads above water.


  • And the St. Cyr couple says that despite the fastest rise in inflation in nearly 40 years, they're very hopeful and optimistic about their future and their business' future.

    這一對生活在聖西爾的夫婦說,雖然這次的通膨率是 40 年來最高,但他們依然對未來和他們的事業保持希望和樂觀的態度。

  • They believe that this inflation is temporary.


  • Back to you.


  • "Everyday people changing the world" is the phrase used to describe CNN heroes.

    我們通常會這麼形容 CNN 10 大英雄人物,「平凡如你我的人,正在改變世界。」

  • This year marked the 15th anniversary of the program.

    今年是 CNN 10 大英雄人物的第 15 週年。

  • CNN announced its top 10 heroes in October, and after that, it was up to viewers to choose the hero of the year.

    美國有線電視新聞網(CNN)在 10 月份公佈了 10 名入圍 CNN 10 大英雄人物的入圍者名單,並開放觀眾票選年度英雄。

  • The finalist was named in the All-Star Tribute on Sunday night.

    決賽入圍者在上週日晚上登場的《CNN 英雄:向全明星致敬》中亮相。

  • The 2021 CNN Hero of the Year is...

    2021 年 的 CNN 年度英雄是...

  • - Shirley Raines. - Shirley Raines.

    - Shirley Raines。- Shirley Raines。

  • So, who is Shirley Raines?

    那麼,誰是 Shirley Raines?

  • She's the founder of a non-profit organization called Beauty 2 the Streetz.

    她是非營利組織「Beauty 2 the Streetz」的創辦人。

  • For the past six years, it's provided food, clothing, hair, and makeup services on Skid Row, an area of Los Angeles, California that has one of America's highest concentrations of homeless people.

    在過去的六年裡,這個組織在加州洛杉磯的 Skid Row——美國其中一個露宿者最多的地區為露宿者們提供糧食、衣服和妝髮造型服務。

  • Raines first started working in this area in 2017 when she joined a church group that went there to feed people.

    Raines 在 2017 年第一次到 Skid Row 展開服務,當時她參加一個教會團體的活動,去到那裡為人們送上食物。

  • She felt a connection to the homeless community.


  • Raines had experienced financial insecurity, grief, and loss herself in previous years after her two-year-old son died.

    在她 2 歲的兒子去世後,有好長一段時間 Raines 陷入了經濟上的不安全感、悲傷和失去自我。

  • 30 years afterward, she and her six children began the work that became Beauty 2 the Streetz.

    30 年後,她和她的六個孩子開始了社會關懷工作,這也就是日後的 Beauty 2 the Streetz 。

  • This journey has not been easy.


  • I stand before you today, a very broken woman.


  • My life will never be the same since my son died.


  • But it's important that you know that broken people are still very much useful.


  • We are very much useful.


  • Raines received $100,000 to expand her weekly outdoor beauty salon on Skid Row.

    Raines 得到了 10 萬美元的獎金去擴大她每週在 Skid Row 展開的戶外美容服務。

  • Bears have been known to eat everything from berries and fish to grass and deer.


  • But do they eat reindeer?


  • This one does.


  • The cub viciously attacked an inflatable reindeer recently in Southern California while its mother hung back and watched the scene unfold.


  • Get it?


  • A woman nearby thought this was funny enough to whip out her phone and provide this video.


  • But she says the two bears are commonly seen in the neighborhood and that they're trouble.


  • You might call them "bad news bears".


  • That cub left more than a "barren" stain on that reindeer; he caused a "Padding-ton" of damage.


  • And while no one had to call "Smokey" and this happened a long way from "Chicago", we'd say the cub that managed to "Winnie-the-fight" will probably get passed over by Rudolph and the gang this Christmas.


  • Pocahontas High School won't get passed over, though; shout-out to you, our viewers in Pocahontas, Arkansas.

    但 Pocahontas 高中你們放心,我們再怎麼樣都不會忘記你們,阿肯色州 Pocahontas 的觀眾們。

  • We have one more show to go for the season and for the year, so we hope you'll "bear" with us once again tomorrow.


  • I'm Carl Azuz.

    我是主播 Carl Azuz。

Hi, I'm Carl Azuz for CNN 10.

嗨,我是 CNN 10 主播 Carl Azuz。

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