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  • Hello, and welcome to another episode of  CNBC Beyond the Valley. I'm Arjun Kharpal,  

  • here in Guangzhou, China. And today we're going  to be dealing with the topic of Bitcoin versus  

  • Ethereum. And what's the differences between the  two. And what really sparked this idea for me was  

  • I remember covering the crypto space two or three  years back, and one of the things you saw was  

  • in terms of prices, if bitcoin went upeverything else went up, if bitcoin went down,  

  • everything else went down. But nowadays, you're  starting to see a divergence between some of these  

  • different coins, especially with Ethereum at this  point, as investors begin to look at this space  

  • more closely and study the differences between  these different cryptocurrencies. And to help me  

  • out with the conversation today, we'll be hearing  from two brilliant guests the first, the head of  

  • research, also a visiting fellow  at the London School of Economics, the second  

  • a top executive at Consensys, which is an entity  that is building a theory and base apps. Now,  

  • on the basic level, a theorem is a blockchain  on which developers can build different apps.  

  • Ether is the token or cryptocurrency that powers  that. And I just want to spend a quick second  

  • on blockchain. It's a topic we've dealt with  on other episodes of Beyond the Valley. So I  

  • urge you, listeners and viewers to go back  and listen to that. But just very quickly,  

  • it's effectively a distributed ledger of activityin bitcoins case is a public ledger designed to  

  • verify and record different transactions, and  it's immutable, it can't be tampered with,  

  • and depending if it is public, or private, depends  on who has access to it. But that's the basic idea  

  • of shared distributed ledger of activity. Now  back to Ethereum. You can think of it almost as  

  • an operating system of sorts. If you think about  Apple's iOS for iPhones, or even Google's Android.  

  • Those platforms, developers can come in  and build apps on top of it's very similar  

  • to the concept in any way of Ethereum. And this  is very different from Bitcoin, because Bitcoin  

  • is very much designed to be a means of  transaction, a currency, some call it  

  • digital gold, depending on your point of view. But  that's very different to Ethereum. And it's worth  

  • just spending a second talking about the original  white paper for Ethereum, which was published  

  • in 2013, by the founder, Vitalik Buterin, and  eventually the project launched in 2015, six years  

  • after Bitcoin and Vitalik did praise a Bitcoinbut said he wanted to Ethereum to be something  

  • different. And in that white paper, he describes  Ethereum as a next generation, smart contract,  

  • and decentralized application platform. Two very  key terms here, smart contract, decentralized  

  • applications, and I'll add one more decentralizedfinance or DeFi, and we're about to delve into all  

  • these topics, so stick with us. And to help us  out with the conversation. I want to introduce  

  • my first guest Garrick Hileman, the head of  research at, also a visiting fellow  

  • at the London School of Economics. Now Garrick  was on one of the very first episodes of Beyond  

  • the Valley in which we spoke about BitcoinGarrett is great to have you back on the podcast.

  • Garrick. So good to have you back  on beyond the valley podcast.

  • Thank you Arjun, it's a  pleasure to be back on again.

  • So I just want to kick off really  with it with a broad overview,  

  • what are some of the big differences  between Bitcoin and Ethereum?

  • Right. So it's always tricky to try to simplify  this in just a few words. But Ethereum was  

  • developed to allow for smart contracts in a way  that are not as fully available on the Bitcoin  

  • network. So oftentimes, you'll hear Ethereum  described as having more room for expressive  

  • and more capable, decentralized applications. And  we'll get into maybe more what that means. But a  

  • more advanced programming, more automation  would be a way to maybe characterize it,  

  • and also more capacity. So scalability is another  big feature that Aetherium is very focused on. And  

  • a lot of what people are excited  about in terms of what's in the  

  • pipeline for Aetherium have to do with  that scalability, additional capacity.

  • So Ethereum, as you mentioned, there sort of  talks about itself as as a blockchain platform  

  • for smart contracts and decentralized  applications. And I want to dig into  

  • these terms, specifically for our  listeners and our viewers as well. So  

  • let's just start off with this term  smart contract, what does it mean?

  • Right. So I always like to try to explain smart  contracts with an example. You know, something  

  • that is automated, that can verify this is took  took place, and then say automate a payment. And  

  • so imagine you were traveling, and you have flight  insurance, your flights delayed or canceled.  

  • If that that insurance policy was on a smart  contract, the smart contract could in essence,  

  • check automatically to see whether the flight was  delayed or canceled and make a payment to you,  

  • without you having to file a claim. And also, you  wouldn't even have to trust that the insurance  

  • company had the money, the money is held in  escrow in the smart contract on the blockchain  

  • network. So that's kind of the value proposition  of a kind of a smart travel insurance contract.

  • So if you sort of extend that beyond sort of  that application, which of course very useful,  

  • and what are some of the sort of big things  you see, in the world of smart contracts,  

  • let's take it to say, sort of large financial  institutions, for example, even governments?

  • Right. Yeah, this is where it gets really  exciting. So, you know, things like,  

  • you know, imagine the New  York Stock Exchange or NASDAQ  

  • can be, in essence, a smart contract. Meaning  that basically an entire exchange can operate  

  • in an automated way without people on top ofblockchain like, the Ethereum network. And we've  

  • already seen some some very significant traction  for these what are called decentralized exchanges,  

  • which are basically just kind of a version  of a smart contract, a money market protocol,  

  • where borrowing and lending is fully automatedagain, no people matchmaking or intermediating.  

  • That's another advanced smart contract  that's gained a lot of traction today.

  • And the reason we couldn't get  a smart contract is effectively  

  • we have a contract, but the rules of that  contract are, are in code. Right? That's,  

  • that's how this kind of works. And effectivelyif one thing happens, you know, that code  

  • is executed, right, and carries out the  terms of the contract in a simple way.

  • I think that's correct. And I think the word smart  can be a little misleading and might imply like an  

  • artificial intelligence. But I think the the truth  is closer to what you described, where the rules  

  • are embedded in software code, andand are executed automatically.  

  • Now, some people may question whether that term  smart is appropriate, given that sometimes people  

  • intend one thing to happen with smart contractsand something else happens. These are bugs. And  

  • unfortunately, we've seen a lot of exploits of  smart contracts. This year, hundreds of millions,  

  • in fact, have been siphoned off due to various  programming issues of these smart contracts.

  • Yeah, and that we'll certainly get into  some of the challenges in a moment.  

  • Just want to get into another term, and that is  sort of decentralized applications. And we hear  

  • the word decentralized a lot when it comes to  Bitcoin, for example, decentralized currency,  

  • you know, the idea that there's no sort  of intermediaries, no middle people at  

  • this point. But when we talk about decentralized  applications, how, how would you describe that?

  • Yes, I think the most important thing to  remember when you hear the word decentralization  

  • is this is not an either or this is not binarywhere you're either decentralized or you're  

  • not you centralized, this is a spectrumAnd you can exist at various points along  

  • that decentralization spectrum. And so that's  really important to keep in mind. So there's no  

  • such thing as something that's completely  decentralized. There's different degrees  

  • of decentralization. And what we mean by that  really, is, we are not having to trust a person  

  • or an institution to keep their word. I often  will, when I'm teaching this in classes put  

  • up a picture of a handshake, you know, a very  traditional way of achieving cooperation and  

  • trust. But also some of that can be very easily  broken. Rules that are automated in software,  

  • are more trust minimized, arguably, then that  handshake, and therefore harder to break.

  • So when we talk about that idea  of, of permissionless, as well,  

  • that's where this comes in. Somean, it just described that term,  

  • because again, it's something that  we're going to come up against a lot.

  • Yeah, permissionlessness is a way of saying that  this is open access to anyone with a computer  

  • and an internet connection, you don't need to  go apply to use the Ethereum blockchain or the  

  • Bitcoin Blockchain, you just have to havecomputing device and an internet connection.  

  • And you can start using these blockchain  networks. You know, that's not how traditional  

  • finance is often worked, where you have to  go into a bank, provide some identification,  

  • and get approved. And there's a billion  plus people who don't have bank accounts,  

  • some of which, you know, hundreds of millions  don't have ID, and, and blockchains, kind of  

  • do away with all that and saying, hey, just get  on the internet. And you can start transacting,  

  • coding, building an application launching  the next Alibaba on a decentralized network.

  • And yeah, you take that idea of decentralized now  you take it to decentralized finance - DeFi - huge  

  • buzzword again, you know, again, just  just lay out what that means for us.

  • Yeah, so defy is is a is a buzzword that is  typically associated with these daps decentralized  

  • applications that are built on top of EthereumBut really, we're talking about financial  

  • blockchain, you know, networks. And even Bitcoinfor example, could arguably be classified as DeFi,  

  • but most people wouldn't refer to Bitcoin as DeFithey're talking about things like money market  

  • protocols, that facilitate borrowing and lending  in an automated fashion or decentralized exchanges  

  • or, or things like even, you know, emerging  forms of blockchain based insurance, you know,  

  • kind of proto-deposit insurance, if you will, all  this kind of falls under the heading of DeFi. And  

  • many people are looking at this and saying, This  is the new financial system that's being built,  

  • and can replace our existing traditional financial  plumbing with decentralized financial plumbing.

  • Now, I think one of the interesting parts  of because this, you know, we're talking a  

  • lot about Ethereum in here is the relationship  between ether, the token, the digital currency,  

  • and Ethereum, the blockchain network, you knowhow do those two work together? And then I guess  

  • the other question is, is ether necessary for the  Ethereum blockchain to sort of work long term?

  • You ask all the easy questions  Arjun. So yeah, this so  

  • so it's important to think about these two things  is kind of distinct, but also very integrated.  

  • And, and you can think of Ethereum as  kind of like the database or the ledger,  

  • or the network. You know, sometimes you'll use  the analogy of like, a train car, you know,  

  • it's kind of like the currency or the asset that's  traveling on top of the train tracks, those rails  

  • you can think of as a theory of the networkAnd in in the case of ether, the train car  

  • and Ethereum, the train tracks, these things are  locked together, they can't be kind of separated.  

  • Ether lives on those rails and cannot be taken  off those rails. In the same way you can think  

  • of like, well, I can take my US dollars and  move them across Visa's rails and then I can  

  • move them across PayPal's rails and kind of lift  that train part up and off of different rails.  

  • Ether is locked in fully integrated to Ethereumthe network, and that, that integration is partly  

  • what allows for, the ease of programming smart  contracts and decentralized applications and DeFi.

  • And, and then I just want to get on to get  some of the challenges as well with Ethereum  

  • and you mentioned one earlier, some of the bugs  perhaps with the smart contracts and some of  

  • the issues, in terms of people losing money that  result from that as well. I mean, how are those  

  • things solved? You know, and how big a problem  is that as we look to the future of Ethereum?

  • Yeah, it's a great question. I mean, I think the  latest assessments are over a half a billion US  

  • dollars has been lost through various exploits  or bugs, flash loans, attacks, vampire texts,  

  • there's all sorts of different names. It isreal issue. And it's important for people playing  

  • in the DeFi space to understand this is still semi  experimental, and even some of the oldest and most  

  • battle-tested money market protocols. Compoundfor example, recently had a bug that allowed for,  

  • you know, kind of the treasury to be to be  drained in the tens of millions of dollars. So,  

  • you do need to be aware that this is  new. But you know, at the same time,  

  • the teams are iterating and learning. And, you  know, we haven't seen anything, what I you know,  

  • what I characterize is catastrophic happen. And  the most important thing is that the underlying  

  • blockchain networks, Ethereum, Bitcoinothers, those have continued to be secure.

  • And the other issue as well is, is one  of this idea of scalability. And when we,  

  • when we mentioned that wordwe're really talking about  

  • the network's ability to maintain sort of all  these applications, but also do it in an efficient  

  • and a low-cost manner as well. So, at the momentEthereum does have some scalability issues,  

  • and there are concerns, you know, whether  these are going to get resolved or not.

  • That's right. And, and there's already  some serious competition. You know,  

  • Selena, for example, is attracted  a lot of interest this summer,  

  • can process tens of thousands of transactions  on their layer one, their base blockchain,  

  • compared to the, you know, dozen or so you  know, roughly that that Ethereum can do  

  • on its base layer. So, what's interesting about  the blockchain space is different blockchains are  

  • experimenting in different ways with different  approaches to scalability. Ethereum is kind of  

  • throwing the kitchen sink out the problem  with the hope that one of these things will  

  • kind of stick in and I think there's a there's  a, there's a general confidence that that it's  

  • going to get sorted out positively. But the  competition is breathing down Ethereum's neck.

  • Yeah, and certainly I want to dig into those  things in a moment in terms of sort of upgrades  

  • to the network and things that are happening in  that space. But just one of the other issues,  

  • because you mentioned sort of Solana there, and  all these other challenges. You know, if we look  

  • to the future, and you've got various different  blockchain platforms operating, the other issue  

  • is one of, of these being able to work together  or interoperability. Do you see a world in which  

  • these different platforms can work together? Do  we get a world of sort of, frankly, fragmented  

  • applications on various different blockchains?  I mean, how do you see that playing out?

  • Yeah, no, that is, you know, the multi  trillion-dollar question, actually. And  

  • I think what we're seeing already, I  think, is a clue as to what to expect. So,  

  • we have, for example, coming back to Bitcoinsomebody called raft Bitcoin, which is a, a way  

  • of tokenizing Bitcoin on top of Ethereum. And so  you actually see a significant amount of bitcoin  

  • moving on Ethereum, so to speak, and serving  as collateral in these DeFi, borrowing and  

  • lending protocols on exchanges. And so there  are already bridges in various ways that we're  

  • finding to make collateral assets and protocols  more interoperable. But how that all plays out,  

  • is a very hotly debated topic and worthy of  its own hour plus long top podcast, frankly.

  • And one of the things we've seen with  you know, the Bitcoin Blockchain,  

  • but also Ethereum and other blockchains is, you  know, upgrades to the network. It's almost as  

  • if you know, you've got a you've got a an Android  or an iOS system on your phone, and you download  

  • the new update for that, obviously, not as  simple as that. There's a lot more in it. But  

  • effectively, that's the idea  here. So when you think about  

  • the Ethereum network at this point, what are  some of the upgrades coming into the coming  

  • through the pipeline? And what does that mean  for the Ethereum blockchain going forward?

  • Right. Well, we've seen already some big changes  around Ethereum's monetary policy and the supply  

  • of Eth, the currency and, you know, we've seen  your transaction fees rather than going to  

  • miners getting burnt. And so that's reducing the  supply putting any kind of a, you know, a kind  

  • of tightening of supplies, I guess, the  way to think about it simply. You know,  

  • that's one thing that's making Eth arguably  scarce store and maybe a stronger store value,  

  • putting it more directly in competition with  Bitcoin, specifically as a scarce store value.  

  • So that's, that's one thing certainly capacityYou know, we're looking at things like gaming  

  • non fungible tokens. You know, collectiblessomething you buy once maybe like a piece of art,  

  • you may not be transacting regularly, but if  you're gonna run something like a fortnight  

  • or some kind of multiplayer game on top of  the blockchain, there's gonna be a lot of  

  • need for throughput and high transaction  capacity. So I think scalability enables  

  • some pretty incredible you know, kind  of opportunities in gaming specifically.  

  • So those are a couple couple things that  highlight that I think are on the horizon.

  • You mentioned this scarcity one that's always  an interesting one with Bitcoin in particular,  

  • because, you know, we know they can  only ever been 21 million Bitcoin  

  • mined. How does that compare with ether?

  • Yeah, so there's a overall greater supply of  Ethereum. I think that the important thing to  

  • understand about Ethereum's monetary policy and  its supply, is it very much is kind of an open  

  • question kind of what the, what the end monetary  policy looks like, it's very less etched in stone  

  • than Bitcoin's. I think the idea of ever changing  the 21 million limit for Bitcoin is kind of just  

  • out of the question, barring some kind of like  existential crisis, like you'd have to change that  

  • for Bitcoin to survive. Whereas Ethereum it's more  about, well, how do we make this into the global  

  • world computer? What kind of monetary policy  supports that. If the supply needs to continue  

  • increasing into perpetuity as it currently is  scheduled to do, so there is no hard cap on  

  • that. And that's probably what the monetary policy  is going to be. However, I think there's always  

  • the possibility that Ethereum does go with a hard  cap like Bitcoin, if it needs to do that, to again  

  • achieve this objective of becoming the world's  largest, most decentralized computing platform.

  • And just on that point, when you find  the one Garrick when you look at the  

  • sort of cryptocurrency complex in the  future, you know, people describe Bitcoin  

  • as a currency as digital gold, you knowand many other things as well. What role  

  • do you think Bitcoin has? And what role  do you think Ethereum has in that future?

  • Yeah, this is another huge question. I meanmany people, you know, take the view, and maybe a  

  • minority view right now that actually, all of this  DeFi and decentralized applications are going to  

  • collapse back on top of Bitcoin. And so you seelayer two networks, like stacks, for example,  

  • enabling NFTs and what DeFi, on top of  Bitcoin, and many people think that that's  

  • kind of where this will go, because Bitcoin is the  most decentralized network. That's an essence why  

  • you would ever use a blockchain. And something  that's more centralized, is going to always have  

  • a hard time competing with the most decentralized  network. Having said that, Ethereum is moving more  

  • quickly in terms of innovation than Bitcoin has, I  think, a pretty good competitive motive developers  

  • and applications on it already. And it's going to  be interesting. I mean, this is what keeps people  

  • like you've been in this space for 10 yearsExcited. How is this battle going to play out?

  • Certainly, I mean, it's one we're going to  be watching very closely as well, Garrick,  

  • but look, it was so good to have you back on  the podcast. Thanks for that fantastic insight.

  • Thank you, Arjun, always a pleasure.

  • That's great insight. And that sets us up  nicely for the next part of our conversation.  

  • What is the future of EthereumAnd what are some of the apps  

  • we can expect to see going forward to discuss  that I'm joined now by Liz Mathew, the head of  

  • strategic sales for the Americas at ConsenSysNow, ConsenSys is building a some Ethereum based  

  • application. So I'm very interested to hear her  insight. Liz, great to have you on the podcast.

  • Now, we just heard from Garrick Hileman  of LSE and About,  

  • you know, smart contracts the term  decentralized finance or DeFi. Now,  

  • you come from a traditional financial  background, you're looking now into  

  • DeFi based on Ethereum. And so what are  some of the most promising applications?

  • Yeah, absolutely. So as someone who's been  looking at capital markets for over 15 years now,  

  • this is particularly interesting, because  it really changes the dynamic of how you  

  • think about the manufacture and distribution of  financial risk profiles. So now, I mean, if you  

  • look at what's happened over the last 12 monthsyou've gone from something as small as $2 billion  

  • in assets under management, maybe 12 months back  to now something like $100 billion in the last  

  • 12 months with almost a trillion dollars of volume  turnover. And so we're seeing an explosive growth.  

  • But even besides that price action, what's  really cool is that you have now the ability  

  • to use open source composable, permissionlesscensor resistant software to essentially  

  • create the ability to lend borrow, stake, swaphedge. These are activities that were otherwise  

  • extremely concentrated and accessible just to  a very small number of institutional investors.  

  • And then from a cost perspective, this improves  access to financial engineering overall,  

  • not only to the long tail of institutions, but  also to the retail in a very disintermediated way.

  • And I used to sort of work in London, obviously,  a massive financial center and talking to  

  • a lot of the financial institutions  there. It seemed like even years ago,  

  • they were discussing blockchain technologyit felt like just a bit of a buzzword, really,  

  • there wasn't really much happening in this space  at that point. So where are we now? I mean,  

  • how are large institutions such as banks or  insurance companies approaching this technology?

  • Yeah, it's a really good pointSo yes, a couple of years back,  

  • I think we were still in the experimental stageBanks and regulated capital, we're looking at  

  • this purely from a from an experimentation point  of view. Many of the experiments were really not  

  • on the public main net, they were on a private  permission network. And people were just trying  

  • to understand the applicability of this protocolif you will. Today, I think there's a far greater  

  • understanding of the power of decentralizationsome of the problems that have plagued  

  • TradFi (Traditional Finance), as we call it, still  exist, it's still very inaccessible. Players still  

  • suffer from really bad cost structures. And the  industry has collectively not solved for things  

  • like identity and shared compliance. And I, you  know, I'm sure your viewers will appreciate stock  

  • markets and bond markets at a retail level. And  I don't know if they fully appreciate how manual,  

  • the issuance and lifecycle of these instruments  are at the wholesale level. So how does a bond get  

  • issued? How does it get sold. All of this is very  manual today in TradFi. And so today, what we're  

  • seeing happen is, you know, you have the most  forward-thinking banks and custodians lean into  

  • understanding the revolutionary nature of  decentralized finance. They are looking at this,  

  • obviously, because their clients are looking  at this as an asset class that has given  

  • uncorrelated outsized returns in the last few  years. But what I would also like to highlight  

  • is you are seeing an emergence of regulated  institutions, so exchanges, regulated custodians,  

  • and funds that are looking into this  space from a real first principles  

  • basis and are actually deploying real  capital and at institutional levels.

  • One of the things I've seen over the years is  proponents of this kind of technology will say,  

  • well, you know, blockchain can solve  this blockchain can solve that. And  

  • oftentimes, there's absolutely  no need for that technology.  

  • Why, at this point, are some of  these examples you're bringing up  

  • requiring blockchain technology why? You know, for  example, more efficient FX not be done without it?

  • Yeah, I mean, when you ask why blockchain? It's  almost like asking me why internet 20 years back,  

  • and sort of when web 2.0 Or even web point  1.0 was sort of emerging. I don't think people  

  • fully understood the far-reaching consequences and  applications that could have been built off of it.  

  • Today, I mean, we've gone through a few cycles  of things that have taken popular interest. The  

  • summer of 2020, we sort of referred to as the DeFi  summer, where you saw automated market makers, you  

  • saw liquidity pools that you could lend and borrow  to. These financial primitives just did not exist  

  • and still do not exist in TradFi. Think of, you  know, if you have the ability to programmatically  

  • engineer, digital scarcity, non-fungibility and  business logic, all on top of open-source software  

  • that is composable, that can then create certain  properties that that lend itself to a digital,  

  • better quality. And that's just not something  that we've seen using web 2.0 tools.

  • Now, you've been talking about sort of regulated  institutions looking at this technology, and  

  • regulation is going to be very key for the future  of this technology, really. At the moment, the  

  • regulators, particularly in the US, aren't wholly  convinced by DeFi. I was reading a speech earlier  

  • this year, from the commissioner of the Commodity  Futures Trading Commission, he was talking about  

  • DeFi. And his argument was that intermediaries  that currently exist in the financial system  

  • play a key role. Stability is one of those roles  that they play, and that that was his point. And  

  • he ultimately said that at this point DeFi isbad idea. For the system. Of course, decentralized  

  • finance looks to get rid of those intermediariesSo when you think about the regulatory environment  

  • right now, it doesn't seem as open at this point  to DeFi. Do you think that's going to change?

  • Oh, absolutely. I think you know, we at ConsenSysabsolutely welcome further clarity around  

  • regulations, we think that there should be rules  in place that, first and foremost, improve access  

  • to financial markets, especially among those  groups that have traditionally been excluded.  

  • We also welcome regulations that provide regulator  regularity of sorry, clarity, regulatory clarity,  

  • and, and really seek to protect consumers, as well  as seek to establish a marketplace integrity. And  

  • so, what we found is that, you know, if you look  at episodes like post 2008, no one had a clear  

  • visibility on where the systemic risks were, we  didn't have a view of who were the beneficiaries  

  • of certain derivative contracts. And so, I  would argue that using Blockchain, having an  

  • immutable record of transactions, real time should  address some of the operational inefficiencies  

  • that TradFi have, have suffered, you know, for  over the years. That being said, I'd also say that  

  • much of the regulation today has been designed  for an intermediated ecosystem. And I think it's  

  • worth looking at a framework that thinks  about a disintermediated ecosystem.

  • So in your view, that would require  some form of new regulation, the  

  • existing framework doesn't work in your opinion.

  • Yeah, I mean, so you know, so. So? Yeah, without  getting into specifics, I mean, the rules,  

  • you know, some of the rules specifically  in the US were designed in the 1930s,  

  • at a time when really, we didn't have the benefit  to a lot of the technology that we have today.  

  • And so it's definitely worth, you know, taking  a look of really what you could achieve with the  

  • technology available today. I think it needs to  be nuanced. Obviously, the principles of consumer  

  • protection and marketplace integrity still holdAnd we hope that this technology is used for  

  • wider adoption and greater financial accessboth at the retail and institutional level.

  • Now beyond sort of financial institutions  beyond the financial system, one of the  

  • big things we've seen recently is  non fungible tokens or NFTs often  

  • built on the Ethereum blockchain. You  know, they've become very popular,  

  • particularly for, you know, pieces of digital  art, for example. But I guess one of the biggest  

  • themes here is is the tokenization of thingsYou know, putting some of these what were  

  • things you'd usually buy physically ontodigital ledger. So as you look at NFTs, what  

  • kind of insight does that give us into the future  of Ethereum and the broader blockchain technology.

  • Yeah, no, I think that's a great question. Andthink the popularity of NFTS has really taken off  

  • this year. It begun by, you know, cyber punks and  board apes, which are really very rudimentary, but  

  • as the technology improves, and as you think about  really what are the attributes, the non-fungible  

  • attributes that would benefit a particular asset  class, really, you can think of applications that  

  • go beyond collectibles or digital art, absolutely  will power the Digital Goods economy. It is very  

  • intuitive for the gaming economy to embrace this  technology. I mean, if you look at something like  

  • Axie Infinity, that's taken, popularity in  the Philippines and other countries. I mean,  

  • that in itself, is an economy, in itself of buyers  and sellers of, of time and money. And so it's  

  • really great to be able to see that non fungible  token software being used to be able to replicate  

  • what should actually be the functional economy in  the first place. So you know, I'm super excited  

  • to see, obviously, the popularity of digital  collectibles than art. But I also think that  

  • there's going to be an overall financialization  of NFTs. There are certain assets in the world  

  • like real estate that are non-fungible by  nature. There's absolutely no reason why  

  • that should be represented by a fungible token. Or  something that was represented in legacy systems.

  • The other the other thing that always  fascinates me about these different  

  • platforms is the relationship between  the underlying blockchain technology  

  • and the token that the cryptocurrency  that sort of powers it and in this case.  

  • When it comes to Ethereum, that that token is  Ether. Now, there's been a lot of criticism,  

  • say of other platforms that actually, you knowthe blockchain underlying blockchain is great,  

  • but the token is unnecessary. Why do we have  this? I mean, what's the relationship here between  

  • Ether and Ethereum. Is Ether absolutely  necessary for all of these applications to run?

  • It's a really interesting question and  really tests my, my awareness levels of  

  • blockchain as a science. But, I mean, I would  like to separate out the price action of Ether  

  • to the utility of how the blockchain works. You're  absolutely right, that the validation of blocks at  

  • the protocol layer doesn't need to be powered by  a currency that is so volatile. We seek to have  

  • this software eventually be used to be maximally  decentralized and be maximally relevant globally,  

  • and eventually be a public utilitySo the price action of Eth, per se,  

  • and the volatility around it really is immaterial.  I would say that, you know, I think there's a lot  

  • that can be done in improving sort of the  variability of transaction fees in general.  

  • And I think that the software is only going to  get better. You know, the solutions around the  

  • usability are only going to get better. I expect  in the future you are going to see a world where,  

  • really, all the complexity around gas fees and  the volatility, and the fact that your transaction  

  • might not get committed because of congestion in  the network, all these issues are being looked  

  • at very deeply, and trying to be solved. And  the usability of any technology at the very  

  • early stage isn't really the driving factor for  adoption. But it will get better going forward.

  • And beyond the Ethereum platformyou know, there are a number of the  

  • challenges around coming upAs you look to the future,  

  • and you see applications being built on sayEthereum, and you see applications being built  

  • on another platform, for example, what  does that mean for interoperability  

  • systems being able to work together? And  does that get us to a place where actually,  

  • in looking to decentralize finance, we actually  get into a sense of fragmentation of finance.

  • Yeah, that's a really good pointSo, today, you know, Metamask, and  

  • our suite of products are compatible  with Ethereum and EVM compatible chains.  

  • So there are many other chains that you  will still have access to through Metamask,  

  • the digital wallet, and our host of productsFor the other chains, I think, absolutely,  

  • you're right, like you do see arbitrage  opportunities in other chains, vis-a-vis Ethereum  

  • or EVM compatible. And some of that arbitrage  opportunities, because access to those chains,  

  • is difficult. And so it's something that we get  asked a lot, especially, especially from our Smart  

  • Money, clients, if you will, in solving  for that. We are constantly working to  

  • improve the interoperability of our platform with  others, we absolutely think that we want to make  

  • this software, you know, absolutely, you knowreach everyone globally. And so that would mean  

  • an interoperability with other chains. And  providing the software in order to do that.

  • Greatly is a fascinating conversationThanks for for that insight into the  

  • world of DeFi at the moment. You knowwe've got so much more to talk about,  

  • and hopefully we can do it  again on another occasion.

  • Absolutely, though, this has  been great. Thanks for having me.

  • Hopefully that's given you viewers and listeners  a sense of Ethereum versus Bitcoin there's so  

  • much more in depth of course, we can go  but we just wanted to lay a foundation  

  • with this episode and we can certainly talk more  about it in the future. Let us know your thoughts.  

  • Are you invested in either Ethereum or BitcoinIf so, why you can leave a comment below. Or you  

  • can also hit me up directly on Twitter at Arjun  Kharpal. Well, that's it for another episode of  

  • CNBC beyond the valley. Thanks for watching  and listening and I'll catch you next time.

Hello, and welcome to another episode of  CNBC Beyond the Valley. I'm Arjun Kharpal,  

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How ethereum is different from bitcoin

  • 5 2
    Summer posted on 2021/10/10
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