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  • I know what you mean; that does look good. Oh, hi. James from engVid. E and I

  • were just discussing: "That looks pretty healthy." And today, I'm going to talk

  • about collocations for health or a healthy diet. Let me explain quickly

  • what that means so we can go to the board. Collocation — "c-o" means "with"

  • or "together", and "location" — come together — "location" is a place. So,

  • "collocation" means words that are usually situated together; they come

  • together. Right? So, if you see one, you will probably see the other word. So,

  • I'm going to give you five collocations about a healthy diet.

  • Let us not confuse "diet". A lot of people think "diet", like the keto diet,

  • or the vegetarian diet. "Diet" originally meansand I mean it here

  • it is a... the regular foods that you eat; that is your diet. It's not cutting

  • down calories, so I'm not talking about not eating to get nice, and skinny, and

  • slim. I'm just saying: "What do you usually eat?" For instance, cats have a

  • "carnivore diet" — they eat mostly meat; that's their diet. They're not trying to

  • get skinny for summer season. Right? So, that's what I'm talking about a "healthy

  • diet": What do you usually eat? So, let's go to the board and take a look at

  • this healthy diet.

  • Look at this. Interesting. Very interesting. Let's start off with: What

  • does it mean to have a healthy diet? Well, I think a "healthy diet" is a

  • "balanced diet". And what does that mean? Generally put, withoutand I

  • don't mean any insultextremes, if you're a "carnivore diet", it means

  • mostly meat all the time; and if you are a "vegan", it means no animal products

  • whatsoever. Right? Those are, I would say, on the ends of it. The "balanced

  • diet" would be in between, where for the average person, because let's face it,

  • I'm in North Americayou may be in Saudi Arabia, you may be in Asia, you

  • may be in Russiathe foods that are available to you are going to be

  • different than when they are available everywhere else.

  • So, a "balanced diet" is keeping fruits; vegetables; carbohydrates, like potatoes

  • and rice; and balanced with protein, whatever that may becheese, it could

  • be fish or meat. Okay? So, a "balanced diet" is having a healthy balance that's

  • not too much of one, so not too many fruits and vegetables only. And that

  • would be, like, "vegan" for most people. Right? Or having only meat, and that

  • would be for a "carnivore diet" for other people. So, we're saying keeping a

  • healthy balance; making sure you have a bit of everything, because our bodies

  • require certain nutrientsright? — and we can get them most efficiently and

  • easily from different sources. Okay, so now I've said that. That's what your

  • "balanced diet" is.

  • And what E and I noticed is that we have "protein" in the form of fish, and we

  • have "carbohydrates" — because, yes, vegetables have carbohydrates, or

  • commonly called in North America "carbs". You will not see many people

  • talk about the "carbohydrates" in these foods; they talk about "carbs". That is

  • your energy. Actually, "protein" and "carbs" can both be used for energy in

  • different ways, but "carbs", they mean not meat sources. Okay? So, keep in mind

  • that "carbs" can be vegetables, but they can also be starches, which would be

  • rice and potatoes. I don't have rice or potatoes here, but it is balanced. Half

  • the plate is protein; half the plate is carbs. And the collocation here is: a

  • "balanced diet". So, if you say: "I have a balanced diet", people know you have

  • equal carbs, equal protein.

  • Now, let's talk about... Well, we know animals live all year long. You know?

  • Humans don't live fromsome humans seem toMay; and then in November,

  • they disappear. It's like: "Where did the humans go?" They all died, but they

  • come back in May. Animals tend to live all year long, so we don't talk about

  • "seasonal animals". You're not going to hear someone go: "The seasonal animal,

  • this" — no. Bears may sleep, but they still live. Bees go to sleep; some go to

  • sleep, but they still live. But some of our fruits and vegetables, they die. In

  • the winter in Canada and United States, it's too cold for apples to be on trees;

  • they just die, and they come back in May. But depending on where you live in

  • the world, at different seasons, different foods are naturally available

  • to you. So, this collocation list I'm giving you is not about just being

  • healthy for yourself, but you might say it's also healthy for your environment.

  • Many scientists and people noticed that seasonal fruits actually are better for

  • you because they're ready to eat now; they're not frozen, and they don't add

  • salt and make them wait, you know, so you can eat them six months later. So,

  • getting them in the season means they have maximum nutrition, which is good

  • for you. So, "seasonal fruits and vegetables" are good things to have.

  • Okay?

  • What's the best way of doing that? So, this is one collocation: "seasonal

  • fruit" or "seasonal vegetable". The best way to get "seasonal fruits" or

  • "seasonal vegetables" is... Guess what? They have to be "locally sourced".

  • There's your fourth collocation. "Locally sourced" means it grows in the

  • area that you live. I am very, very lucky and fortunate. And I know this,

  • because I live in North America, and I can get a pineapple in December. I can

  • get watermelon in December. I can have starfish or starfruit in December. In

  • the countries these places come from, they have them that season, and no more.

  • But we have everything brought to us; we don't have everything locally sourced.

  • So, if you're very lucky, and you can have grapes, milk, chicken, and pears,

  • and apples and they're all grown around youthat's the best way to get your

  • food. See on my fish? My fish comes from Lake Ontario. If you see the eyes

  • yeah, that water is poisonous. I don't think this is a good fish to eat, but

  • it's locally sourced. I found it in Lake Ontario, and it's dead for sure. So, as

  • we're going through, we want to have a balanced diet. Okay? We want it made up

  • of seasonal fruits and vegetables. We really want it locally sourced; in your

  • area. So, if you're at Italy, eat Italian grapes, get Italian cheese. Oh,

  • God, Italian food; I'm so hungry now. Anyway, I'm sorry, back to the work.

  • Yes, so... now, what do we call these green things? Because the tomatoes,

  • which are interestingthey're a fruit not a vegetable. Please, please go on

  • the internet right now because I know some of you are like: "He doesn't know

  • what he's talking about." Please check it out. "Seed-bearing fruit". Tomatoes

  • have seeds. Told you. So, a cucumber is... "What!?" I'm blowing your mind.

  • Extra information. So, anyway, "leafy greens" are like spinach — I love

  • arugulaarugula. Everybody's like: "James is very snobby; he likes arugula,

  • not lettuce." Love arugula. Spinach, arugula, collard greens, heads of

  • lettuce, just normal lettucethese are called "leafy greens". We usually use

  • them as salads, on your hamburgers. Hmm? Yeah, on your hamburgers, too. Okay.

  • These are "leafy greens" — they are good for helping with digestion. Okay? So,

  • you want to have those with your salads or whatever you want to cook it with,

  • because collard greens are pretty good by themselves.

  • And another thing about a healthy diet is you want it "freshly prepared".

  • McDonald's says it's freshly prepared, but what they mean is: "Made six months

  • ago, brought to the McDonald's close to you. Cookedput in the microwave for

  • another three minutes", and it's freshly given to you. "Freshly prepared" means

  • literally you go out, cut that tomato down. Well, not exactly, but close

  • enough. Cut it down, cut it up, put it on your plate — "freshly prepared". Or

  • when you're cooking... I don't cook until you come. You come to my house,

  • you sit down, and say: "I'm hungry." I go: "Okay, now I cook." I make it there

  • when you're there. I don't go in the freezer, defrost it, and microwave it.

  • Cool?

  • So, now I've given you five collocations for a very healthy lifestyle, and it

  • will show your depth of English knowledge when you say... God, if you

  • came to, with this... Here's my fake world accent: "So, I would like to have

  • some food. Yeah. And it must be freshly prepared. You know? I like

  • freshly-prepared foods, yes. Locally sourced. I hear Ontario has very good

  • food. Yeah?" They'd be like: -"Bravo. That's absolutely brilliant. Yes,

  • locally sourced. And you know that Ontario has great seasonal fruits and

  • vegetables. Don't try the fish, of course." They'd be impressed, even if

  • you have a strong accent because that is a very excellent use of the English

  • language. It's very specific, and it shows you understand; not just in your

  • own language, but in ours. We usually call that "intelligence". So, I've gone

  • through my collocations for you. Why don't we go through a test to see if

  • you've learned them? And see if you can master the language and sound like an

  • expert traveller English. (snaps)

  • Okay, so I'm about to ask you something very important. Something I've never

  • asked you to do before, and that's to make a promise. But I'm not going to say

  • "promise"; that's not strong enough. I need a vow. A "vow" is a very strong

  • promise. If you vow to do something, you must do it. Imagine you had a sword and

  • there was a village behind you, and you're the only one with a sword and the

  • dragon's comingand you vow to protect them. That means to every little girl

  • and boy crying, behind you, like: "I vow to protect you!" It's: "I will die

  • before I break this promise". In the modern age, a vow is so strong that we

  • make people get married to it. You vow to stay with this person till death. And

  • if you don't, they take half your stuff. That's serious. Forget the sword. Half

  • your stuff.

  • Okay, so I want you to make a vownow you're like: "No, James! No!" —about

  • leading a healthy lifestyle. But before you do, I just want to tell you I made a

  • mistake. I made a mistake. I'm sorry. I am for real. I forgot to say: "lean

  • meat". "Lean meat". What is "lean meat"? "Lean meat" is food, or actually it's

  • animal meat that doesn't have a lot of fat. The example I can give you is

  • chicken. A chicken breast, which is the breast of the chicken, is usually called

  • "white meat" and it has very little fat on it. In fact, it's... doesn't cook as

  • well because there's not enough fat to absorb the flavour. It's good for you,

  • but it's not as flavourful as a leg or a thigh, which has more fat to absorb

  • seasoning. That's why in a lot of indigenous foods, or a lot of native

  • foods through certain areas, they will use leg meat more than breast meat

  • because it gets more flavour. Okay? But flavour comes fat. So, to be healthy,

  • you want to eat leaner meat.

  • Now, you'll see I have: "fish" and a question mark. Well, remember I said:

  • "chicken"? What? So, "lean meat" is usually considered parts of meat that

  • doesn't have a lot of fat; and they usually talk about chicken, beef, and

  • pork. I am going to raise the argument that fish is a lean meat. Why? Well,

  • it's an animal like the other ones and it bleeds like the other ones; and just

  • like the other ones, when it's alive it's an animal, when it's dead it's...

  • you say: "fish". And I go: "It's a type of meat", just like we're meat when we

  • die. Believe it or not, you're just meat. So, my idea: Fish is lean meat.

  • Now, because you will run into people who are native speakers and they'll hear

  • you say: "Fish is lean meat", some of them will go: "No, it's fish. Fish is

  • fish; meat is meat." They can make that distinction. In your head, you can go:

  • "Yeah, stupid. Yes, you're correct. But I know the truth." So, fish can be

  • considered a type of lean meat in my little definition, but go by the strict

  • one when you talk to native speakers and whatnot. Okay?

  • Now, let's go to the board and continue with our vow. So, now you're going to

  • make a vow for not only learning English with me or learning English, but to lead

  • a healthy lifestyle. So, here I want you to put your name. So: "I", let's say:

  • "I, Bobby", "I, Anna", "I", whatever, "will lead a healthy lifestyle to keep

  • both myself and the planet healthy". Because you are a good person and you

  • want to do what's right. So, that, you're going to do that. Let's look at

  • the collocations we learned and how they can best fit into the rest of our vow,

  • so we can keep our promise. We have to know what the promise is.

  • So, next sentence is: "Therefore, I will only eat __________ food." That's: "food

  • close to me". Now, that doesn't mean: Go in your refrigerator and grab a beer,

  • and some chicken wings. That's close to you, but that's not what we mean. What

  • do I mean? That's right, local food. "Locally-sourced". So, go to your local

  • farmer and ask them: "Do they have eggs? Cheeses? Lean meat?" and they probably

  • won't have fish, but that's okay. But you can get lean chicken. All right?

  • "Locally-sourced foods" — things you can find close to you. In Italy, they have

  • some of the best grapes, wines, cheeses, pastasthey don't need to go nowhere

  • else; it's paradise there. Great food. I love it there. Anyway.

  • Next. What's the next one? "I won't eat a lot of meat, but if I do, it will be

  • __________" — not having much fat on it. No, not Mr. E. Okay? You can't eat Mr.

  • E. He needs to come... he works for a living; he's got to be on the board.

  • What did I just say? "lean meat", right? Because it doesn't have a lot of fat, so

  • it's better for your heart. What about this one? "I will eat a lot of

  • __________ at lunch and dinner." Now, I've put "salad" to help you out. "leafy

  • vegetables". When we talk about leafy vegetables, we talk about spinach. Ah,

  • sorry. I'm jumping ahead of myself. I don't mean "leafy vegetables". You're

  • going to go: "No, James, that's not..." Shh. Don't tell anybody yet. "leafy

  • greens", because they are greenlike spinach, romaine, romaine lettuce,

  • spinach, lettuce, or arugula, which I love. I'm looking and thinking about all

  • of these things, but "leafy greens". And those are usually in your salads. When

  • you have a Caesar salad, or a Mediterranean saladthey're leafy

  • greens.

  • Now, what about this one? "I will only eat __________" something. And this is

  • important for helping the planet because when you get things brought in at

  • different times of the year, when you shouldn't have them, we have to use

  • ships and airplanes, and that pollutes the planet, so... Oh my gosh, I sound

  • like a tree-hugger. I'm not. Trust me. But what do we do? We're going to eat

  • something in the season, so "seasonal fruits and vegetables". Right? So, in

  • Canada, we really shouldn't be having pineapple in January. We've got that

  • much snow. When I say: "that much" — I'm not the tallest guy in the world, I'm

  • not that tall, but the snow comes up to here. There is no room for pineapples.

  • Okay? You got to go to the Bahamas, man. Anyway, but we get it in January,

  • because that's where we live.

  • Now, finally: "I will eat a __________" something. And I told you when you have

  • something that's, you know, like weightsthe scales of justicethey must be

  • balanced. A "balanced diet". And remember what I mean "diet" here, I

  • don't mean; You're going to try and lose 10 pounds before the prom to fit into

  • your nice dress, or you want to look good on the beach. I'm talking about

  • your regular foods. So, what you eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner, all year long

  • for the last 10 years is your "natural diet". Hope you did well on the quiz.

  • You know, we have a better, bigger, badder, better one at engVid, but before

  • I get to that, let's give you your bonus.

  • We talked about the good; now we're going to talk about the bad and the

  • ugly. Because when you're not doing this and using these collocations to talk

  • about a healthy lifestyle, you may be using these other ones. Okay? Now,

  • "processed foods". This is a really interesting one, because people at

  • McDonald's might say their food's not that processed. I say they're lying. But

  • they might say: "No, no, it's actual 100% beef." Now, here's the key, because

  • this is from the Food and Drug Administration from the United States of

  • America, and what they say is thisthis is paraphrased, but basically: "Any

  • food that has a process applied to change its natural state is called

  • 'processed'." So, even if the beef is from a cow, that's not its natural

  • state.

  • Have you ever seen a cow burger? You know, it's got, like, ground beef. It

  • goes: "Woo." It doesn't go: "Moo", because it's cut up. "Woo". And you just

  • take pieces off and eat it? No. You have to take that meat, and then do something

  • with it. And sometimes you add a little salt, some pepper, some — "num, num,

  • num, num, num, num" — secret ingredients that we don't know. You know, things to

  • keep it stay longer and fresher. You know what I'm saying? So, that's not its

  • natural state anymore; that's called a "processed food". So, if you take an

  • apple, you might say: "Well, James, I'm smart. They wash the apples." Does it

  • look like it came off the tree? Yes. That's its natural state. That's not it.

  • Applesauceprocessed food; apple juiceprocessed food. Apple that's been

  • cleanedyou lucky bastard; someone cleaned it for you. It's its natural

  • state. Okay? Now, that is anything that's packaged, usually packaged

  • because they cut it up and do something with it. That's not just its natural

  • state. So, think of hamburger versus steak, think of applesauces versus an

  • apple, and you can follow it from there. When they change it from... you can look

  • at it and say: "I know what this food was before I took it." Okay? If you

  • don't... if you can't recognize it, then it's a processed food.

  • Next: "fatty food". Do you remember we talked about "lean meat", and that's why

  • I had to talk about this one? "Fatty foods" aren't good for your heart,

  • because they contain a lot of extra fat that your body cannot process. So, if

  • you eat a lot of fattening foodssausages... My heart's: "Bl, bl, th,

  • th". You know, lots of cheesy pizza. "Bl, bl, th, th". Come on, come on,

  • baby. Come on. Come on! Come on! That's not good for you. So, if you say: "My

  • diet is high in fatty foods and processed foods", you're probably going

  • to see the doctor and the undertaker — I'm not talking the wrestlersooner

  • than you would like. All right? So, you want to eliminate those.

  • Now, for the homework. I got to separate this here. Okay. Homework is this. This

  • is for your own good. So, you're only going to get five points each. Yup. So,

  • when it's good, you get nothing. Okay? This one's a joke. So, in case you don't

  • know, I'm telling a joke here before you start telling people. But if you get it

  • that actually... If you get the joke and you put: "hahaha" because you get it

  • you don't get five points; you get a million points. If you just write the

  • answer, and you don't find out why it's funnystay with five because you got

  • no sense of humour.

  • So, the first one is: "The fish is __________; I stole it from my friend's

  • dinner plate." It's funny. You get it? It's right there. It's right there.

  • Whatever. Okay. Question number two: "I eat a __________ with a mix of lean meat

  • and seasonal vegetables." Cool? Well, that's what I got for you today. I hope

  • you keep your vow, because that means you will stay around longer so we can

  • work together, or I can keep my vow to help you learn English. Okay?

  • So, I'm going to get going. But before I go, please make sure you stop by www

  • "eng" as in English, "vid" as in, to get the larger quiz to

  • this. And also, I've been saying it recently, and I think I'll keep saying

  • it, because I think it's true: If you're still listening to my voice now, you

  • like this video, because there's nothing more and you're still waiting for

  • something, so press "Like" please. And outside of that, if you've been watching

  • this, and it's like your third, fourth, fifth videosubscribe, because I think

  • you want what I have to offer. And the most efficient way to get it to you is

  • to subscribe, press the bell, and you'll be notified the next time one of my

  • videos comes out. So, you won't be one of those people, because I see it all

  • the time: "Teacher, where have you been? We don't see you", and I'm like: "I come

  • out. You don't look till three months later. But it's there." Don't be one of

  • those people; hit the bell. Anyway, I gotta get going. You have a great day

  • and I will talk to you soon. Locally-sourcing my dinner tonight; I'm

  • going to order some pizza. (laughs) I'm so funny. No, you're not. No, you're

  • not.

I know what you mean; that does look good. Oh, hi. James from engVid. E and I

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Improve Your English Vocabulary: 5 terms for a healthy life

  • 967 1
    Summer posted on 2021/11/25
Video vocabulary