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  • OSHO

  • OSHO International Foundation presents

  • With Meditation Life Will Be a Sheer Joy

  • Excerpts from an interview with Ted Viramont,

  • Madras Pioneer, Madras, Oregon

  • Do you believe in fighting injustice?

  • I don't believe in anything.

  • You don't believe in anything?

  • Do you think that one should fight injustice?

  • One should not have 'shoulds' and 'should nots.'

  • Okay....

  • One should simply exist spontaneously.

  • If the moment brings fight,

  • fight --

  • and fight totally intensely.

  • But

  • don't fight for a belief,

  • don't fight

  • for a prejudice.

  • Live in the moment,

  • be alert --

  • and out of that alertness, whatsoever happens

  • enjoy it.

  • So let me explain it exactly,

  • because that may help you

  • to understand other questions and answers.

  • Thank you.

  • I don't have

  • any belief system.

  • I don't have

  • any creed,

  • dogma.

  • My whole approach is

  • existential.

  • Right now you are there, I am here --

  • and this is enough.

  • You may have prepared your questions,

  • I have not prepared my answers.

  • Yes, I can see that.

  • So you can ask your questions...

  • and I am a crazy man,

  • I may say anything that

  • comes in the moment.

  • I don't care for any consistency

  • and I don't care for any respectability.

  • My whole responsibility

  • is

  • to this moment.

  • Beyond that,

  • there is nothing.

  • How's this moment going for you?

  • Beautifully.

  • Great.

  • Your mustache

  • is giving me great joy!

  • Thank you.

  • Only, you are missing a beard.

  • It is half-hearted,

  • just go the full way!

  • When it's coming up: I've been thinking about growing one, you know.

  • You do it!

  • A man without a beard and mustache

  • is just like a woman with a mustache and beard.

  • You know, I have to thank you.

  • About a year and a half ago

  • I had a really dark time in my life,

  • and somebody suggested to get into meditation.

  • I bought your 'Orange Book'

  • on meditation...

  • and some of them I couldn't use,

  • some of them I could.

  • The one that changed what was happening for me around,

  • was the laughter meditation.

  • Because I would get up every day

  • and I'd say, "Do I have to get up again?"

  • And with the laughter meditation, as soon as

  • I knew I was awake

  • and I started laughing,

  • the whole day went completely different than before.

  • So I need to thank you for showing me this meditation.

  • Just one meditation

  • has done that much for you.

  • If you try a few others,

  • you will not find words

  • to thank me.

  • I have 112 methods of meditation

  • and if a person can manage even

  • ten out of those,

  • his life will be

  • a sheer joy --

  • with no dark moments,

  • with no frustration,

  • with no tension,

  • no anxiety.

  • Whatsoever happens,

  • he will be able to accept it

  • without any grudge,

  • without any complaint.

  • His gratitude towards existence will be infinite.

  • We are very ungrateful to existence.

  • It has given so much to us --

  • and without our asking.

  • And we are such

  • ungrateful creatures

  • that we don't even bother

  • to look around at what existence

  • is continuously doing for us...

  • the sun, the moon, the stars, the trees;

  • the birds, the animals, the people.

  • You are living

  • in a tremendously

  • beautiful dream.

  • But you

  • have to be

  • awake about it,

  • then only

  • a gratefulness arises.

  • I call that gratefulness true religion.

  • A man need not be a Christian to be religious;

  • he need not be a Hindu to be religious.

  • All that he needs is

  • a deep gratitude

  • towards existence.

  • He need not believe in God,

  • he need not believe in heaven and hell...

  • just a simple phenomenon:

  • a deep-felt gratitude

  • that this existence would have been

  • missing something without you;

  • that this vast existence needed you,

  • no one else.

  • And that your place

  • was empty before you, will be empty after you.

  • It is irreplaceable.

  • That gives a great contentment.

  • Man's greatest need is to be needed,

  • and to feel that the whole existence needs you,

  • otherwise you would not have been here.

  • For more information, visit:

  • Source: 'The Last Testament, Volume 2 # 3' Copyright OSHO International Foundation, Switzerland. OSHO is a registered TM


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