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  • Pansy the chimp's extraordinary skills with human language have led researchers to explore the little-known world of chimpanzee communication.

    猩猩 Pansy 所展現出對人類語言的超凡理解,讓研究者們開始探索之前知之甚少,有關猩猩們如何交流的領域。

  • At Twycross Zoo, primatologist Dr. Katja Liebal is investigating the methods of communication chimps choose amongst themselves.

    在特威克斯動物園中,靈長類學家 Katja Liebal 博士正在調查猩猩們自行選擇並發展出來的溝通方式。

  • Although chimps can't speak, they use a range of gestures and facial expressions as a way of communicating.


  • Chimps don't need language in their environment because they have a very complex communicative system based on nonverbal communication.


  • By observing many different groups of chimpanzees, Katja hopes to compile the world's first chimp dictionary.

    藉由觀察許多不同群體的猩猩們,Katja 希望能夠編纂出世界史上第一部猩猩字典。

  • The Twycross chimps are a useful group to study.


  • There's an ongoing power struggle between the dominant male Kip and a young teenage challenger named Peter.

    目前牠們正處於佔據領導地位的雄性領袖 Kip,以及年輕的青少年挑戰爭 Peter 之間的權力鬥爭當中。

  • Fights between the pair are commonplace.


  • The tension is producing a rich and varied array of chimp communication across the whole group.


  • The first gesture noticed by Katja comes as a direct result of the fight.

    Katja 注意到的第一個示意動作是一場打鬥之後的直接結果。

  • Peter is spotted making a facial expression that signifies fear.

    Peter 展現出了代表恐懼的面部表情。

  • The corners of the mouth are really withdrawn, and you can see the teeth.


  • They also do this when they scream, so it can be slightly open.


  • Chimps also have a facial expression for playfulness.


  • The mouth is open and the teeth are still covered with the lips.


  • It would be like this, so this would be a play face.


  • In this interaction, we can see Kip and William are chasing around, and you can see that it's a playful interaction because William actually has a play face.

    在 Kip 與 William 的互動中,兩者正在互相追逐著,而你可以看出來牠們其實正在玩耍,因為 William 的臉上有著玩耍時的表情。

  • But chimps gestures can be far more subtle than mere facial expressions.


  • Immediately after their fight, Peter taps Kip lightly on the shoulder.

    在打鬥之後,Peter 輕輕拍了拍 Kip 的肩膀。

  • It's "Chimp" for saying, "Sorry!"


  • The individual that lost the fight will approach the more dominant one, and will extend its arm to ask for reconciliation, so this is an expression of submissive behavior.


  • The chimps also show such communications as displaying, which means, "I'm the boss,"


  • pouting, which means, "give me some food please,"


  • grooming, which means, "I am your friend and supporter."


  • Pretending to bite means, "I'm enjoying this play fight."


  • All of these behaviors reinforce social bonds, communicate feelings, and establish who is in charge of the group.


  • They even perform actions that seem... all too human.

    牠們有些行為甚至看起來有點... 太像人了。

  • But while chimps across the world only have a limited repertoire of vocalizations, they constantly invent and share new gestures with each other.


  • One theory basically is that they imitate gestures from each other.


  • They learned their gestures by interacting with others.


  • The theory that chimps imitate each other's gestures has led some primatologist to believe that this behavior may have also been present in the ancient ancestors of humans,


  • and may have led to the languages that we all use today.


Pansy the chimp's extraordinary skills with human language have led researchers to explore the little-known world of chimpanzee communication.

猩猩 Pansy 所展現出對人類語言的超凡理解,讓研究者們開始探索之前知之甚少,有關猩猩們如何交流的領域。

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