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New year, old enemy
Jamie Oliver is back
And this time, he making butter chicken
This guy destroy fried rice
Destroy Ramen
Destroy Thai green curry
Is he now gonna make all in Indian niece and nephew cry?
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And now we start video
I've come up with a recipe that you could do any day of the week
This is my kinda version of a butter chicken
Ah, this Jamie version of butter chicken
Not traditional, okay okay
Uncle Roger go easy on him
Won't be super strict on all the spices
Because I know he won't use most the spices anyway
This is Uncle Roger on easy mode
I just got to make sure your basic correct
All of this happens in a pan
So it's a super convenient recipe
Let's get that on a high heat
And then I'm gonna add 700g of fresh tomatoes, whole
Essentially what I wanna do is scald, char
And blacken the skins of these tomatoes
Butter chicken is North Indian dish that use Makhani gravy
which is tomato based gravy
So tomato correct
But just make tomato puree, no need to char it
Now at the same time as we blacken these
We're gonna do the chillies
Split the chillies in half
And with the tip of the knife, take out the seeds
Just keep seed in there
A little spice won't kill you Jamie
Big man like you can't handle small seed?
So in these go
Now as these tomatoes get black all over
What you'll notice is naturally the skins are starting to peel off
What? What he doing?
The tomato drop already but he still pretend to put on plate
And let's get the last of the chillies on there
Now let them cool down
If you want you can cover them, just to let them steam a little bit
Right, the marinade
Really, really simple
Marinade, good
He making marinade
Add two tablespoons of the garam masala
Correct, garam masala, correct
Garlic, good
Look at that!
Then I want a nice big couple of thumb-sized pieces of ginger
Ginger, correct
Scrape the skin off the ginger
Then I'll use the same fine grater to grate the ginger
We will season it with salt
Salt good, pepper okay
Lovely yoghurt
Yoghurt correct
Chicken breast
Haiya, Jamie, chicken breast?
The marinade all ingredient correct
Uncle Roger pleasantly surprised
And then you fuck it up by using chicken breast haiya
Butter chicken, you want to use leg of chicken
Chicken breast I think it's gonna overcook, gonna be too dry
But to be fair
We 1 minute 22 seconds into video, of all the Jamie Oliver video
This the longest he go before he fucked up
At this fat end and about here start to score it
About half a centimeter to a centimeter now thick
This will allow that lovely marinade to penetrate quicker
Score okay, you can chop to pieces also
There's no polite way to marinade
Get that into all the little slits and the cuts
I'm gonna let that marinade for about 10 minutes
What? What he say?
I'm gonna let that marinade for about 10 minutes
Marinade for 10 minutes?
For butter chicken, we marinade overnight
At least 12 hours
10 minutes, that not call marinade, that's just a splash
10 minutes, the chicken still alive, it still clunking
Some people have premature ejaculation
But Jamie has premature marination
Sorry children
Right let's get cooking the chicken
I'm gonna get this nice and hot
I'll add a little bit of oil to a pan
Straight into that hot oil
Usually for butter chicken, you want to use a Tandoor
Or if you cooking at home, you grill
Not shallow fire like this haiya
Niece and nephew, tandoor is clay oven
You can see it at all the good Indian restaurant
It cook food full of flavour
Like how Chinese cooking we have wok hay
Indian cooking have tandoor hay
I want to get it dark and golden
Let's peel these tomatoes
Just take the skins off, and the little stalk
The chillies I'll keep to one side
Hey! Buds, do you want to turn the chicken for me, darling?
Making your kid work for you for free
Uncle Roger like it
That the main reason Asian people have kid anyway
Cooking the chicken, we're only gonna do it for like 8-10 minutes
Well done mate
So w peeled through all of these little tomatoes
And then you can gather all of these little skins at the end
Put them in your hand, and in there, that is pure flavour
No, don't
Haiya Is that how you making tomato puree
Just squeezing, don't do that. You giving a whole family COVID
Chickens looking amazing
Gnarly on both sides and just cooked through perfectly
Gnarly on both sides
Who described good food as gnarly
That how Uncle Roger describe Auntie Helen
Right, let's get that on a board
Now let's make the sauce
It's really, really simple
So use all those pan juices there
No no no Jamie you don't use the pan juices
When you cook meat, if you use leftover meat juices to cook other thing
That very European cooking
Indian cooking like this
You make the gravy separately
This is not Indian, this French
Let's get the tomatoes, and all the juices into the pan
And now in with two tablespoons of that cashew butter
Cashew butter?
What is cashew butter
Butter chicken, we just use cashews nut paste
Cashew butter sound like some organic grocery store Whole Food bullshit
That'll cook down pretty quickly and go ruby red
So I've got 500ml, give or take of boiling water
No no no no no don't add water to your Makhani gravy haiya
You gonna dilute the tomato taste
This is where Jamie go wrong
He trying to make butter chicken for whole family
But he didn't use enough tomato
So he use water to make the volume more, but you gonna dilute it
This guy put water in egg fried rice
Now he put water in Makhani gravy
Jamie, don't pour water in cooking
Not everything is pot noodle
Turn into a lovely thick sauce
Just get a fork and just squash all those tomatoes
And let that boil vigorously for a couple of minutes
I am gonna put some chilli in – the question is how much?
I think what I'm gonna do is just going
So little
If you want to take the edge off the spice
Wait, what he put in?
Mango chutney
What? Mango what?
Put like two teaspoons of mango chutney
Two teaspoons of mango chutney
Mango chutney
He putting mango chutney into pan
This all over now
you make Uncle Roger put leg down from chair
And you make all our ancestor cry again haiya
Mango chutney
Mango cutney is condiments, it's condiment!
you don't cook it that like cooking ketchup haiya
First chilli jam in egg fried rice
and now mango chutney in butter chicken
Put like 2 teaspoons of mango chutney
What you doing? Jamie
Does he know anything about Indian food?
Don't just take random shit from cabinet and throw in food
Now what we can do is get that chicken in there
and we want the chicken to be really juicy, right
and I want quite big chunks –I don't want like little whiffy bits
Look a bit dry
See what I tell you
And then I'm gonna put this in the sauce
No, you want bite-size pieces for butter chicken
If this is bite-size, who you feeding this to? Crocodile?
This is not bitesize
Jamie I know you talk a lot of shit
But your mouth is not that big
Let that chicken simmer
What I'm gonna do now is just spoon
No, no, wrong again
The last step here should be butter
You making butter chicken
This step should be butter
Where your butter?
Jamie, where your butter?
Just a little bit of coriander on the top and that my friends
Is gonna be a beautiful curry
I've got some rice here
Haiya that not Indian
Chickpea Middle Eastern, Jamie
Uncle Roger phone drop and I don't even care anymore
This is too painful
This not Indian
This butter chicken have everything except butter and Indian
And then just get it in there
Look at that, big chunks of meat
Let's get amongst it
So so good, that's good to go
If by good to go, you mean good to go in bin
Then you correct
Did you like it, River?
I love it. Do you? Yes. Yes!
Can you believe this guy got cookbook?
For more Jamie Oliver Madness
Go check out HAIYA podcast
Because Uncle Roger review Jamie Oliver cookbook
It's a vegetarian cookbook, so you know Uncle Roger gonna hate it already
Link in description
Uncle roger review Jamie so many time now
But he keeps fucking up
So Uncle Roger gonna keep roasting him
Jamie Oliver is back
And this time
He making butter chicken
Jamie Oliver is back
And this time
He making butter chicken
Some people have premature ejaculation
But Jamie has premature marination
That so stupid
Who described good food as gnarly?
That how Uncle Roger describe Auntie Helen
This chicken is bite-size if you feeding it to alligator
This chicken is bite-size, if you feeding it to crocodile
Crocodile sounds funny when I say it