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do you need the reference image?
I mean maybe not yet.
So no.
Touch fringe.
Ah Hello.
Happy New Year my friends.
It's january 1st 2022 here in Australia and you know what that means, New Year.
New haircut.
I'm very tempted to give myself a pixie cut because apparently the big C cut is the hottest trend of 2022 or it's set to be supposedly now a pixie cut for those of you that don't know, it's kind of like a hybrid between a pixie cut and a bob.
I've been wanting both for a long time.
I've wanted a bob for ages and I've also been very tempted to cut off all of my hair and start again because it's quite damaged.
Hence the pixie cut.
So the pixie cut seems like a good hybrid of both.
But every time I google pixie cut and I look at images of it on Pinterest and google and tutorials on youtube, I don't really, I like it that much.
I like the idea of it.
But every image that I come across?
It's not quite right.
I found a very specific image that I liked.
It's this image here and I love it.
I think this hair is perfect and it's exactly what I want, but I just I can't find a tutorial anywhere for exactly that hairstyle.
You can see tutorials for big C cuts.
I can't see exactly what I want.
So I'm just going to show that image to my friends and hope that they could possibly recreate it.
Are they hairdressers?
No, but Michelle has cut her hair a lot.
And Grace gives herself an undercut every two months.
So you know what?
I'm in qualified hands.
Are you ready for this?
I was like, yeah, I'm ready for this.
I'm not ready.
Come and take a seat.
Hello, What is this?
Clean for your hair?
Okay guys, this is the hair that's super cute.
You like it?
I do.
What what, what can we help you?
You don't know how to do it.
Can I help you?
Is there a tutorial?
No, I couldn't find a tutorial for this hairstyle then I might turn around so they can see the back of my head.
This is off to a great start notice we're doing this conveniently next to the pizza oven.
So if it's a big disaster, I can just stick my head in it.
Do you want the spray?
Yeah, sure.
Why not?
I did taste taste tested first, definitely water, definitely not pining clean.
Got a bad haircut.
Put some Windex on it.
Do you need the reference image?
I mean, maybe not yet.
So no.
Touch fringe.
Ah my mom is going to find you and kill you, but that you just went for it.
She's crying.
This is the big c cut.
This is a curly pixie at Michelle.
If you're going to do it at least do it on camera.
Mm hmm.
Now we just now we have a little, is it done.
No done.
Ah we just got the little you just got a little dog.
Now now you have a cute little bob.
You look like a drowned.
Why did you bring these tiny scissors?
You need the dogs shares.
They have the thing that makes it professional.
The thing for dogs.
Professional for dogs.
Your entire audience is screaming, screaming, screaming that they, some of them are here for it though.
Even the people across the valley are screaming.
How did they see the video before?
It's even off.
So question.
I really do think when it's dry, it will be shorter.
Yes, I'm just trying to even it.
It's very like joan Jett.
Oh, I love just look at me.
It's your face that kills me.
You pull a happy face and you pull a concerned face.
Okay, that beetle look, Look at him.
He's right there.
He's one of my mom's, one of my mom's drones.
You have your no, we won't ever achieve that without curling stuff.
Yeah, that's true.
I don't need a curler.
Look everything.
Stop pulling that face.
I can see you in the viewfinder.
I think it's nice.
Very Marilyn Monroe.
If you, I gave her, send her off into a back alley for a month covered her in some top.
You're in, you're in harry potter PJ pants with a tie dyed shirt with your haircut Cut by sheep shears and this is the start of 20, Look at this.
Look at this.
maybe cement dry.
Are you sure that's not just like from the from the pizza?
You know what?
It's not as tragic as Grace is making it up.
I know she's freaking rude, she's a sound good bam out.
Just ask.
I know she really is.
Why don't we ask my husband?
He'll say I'm a beautiful ist No, Alright dad's coming, my husband's coming.
Okay, see Grace.
Grace was well that's a good thing, we're not married.
I said I was concerned and I said we can't get curls without curl because it's now all stroking Alex's head being like, you're beautiful Grace, would you like to do anything to my head now?
It's a free for all.
I mean, I would cut it into a different style, but what would you cut my hair into?
The more like the pixies, Can you lighten this up a little bit?
This is like very heavy here, it's really heavy.
So could you like sort of, do you want the dog scissors?
I have an idea, there's a tutorial for a big C cut that you could follow.
That might give me sort of what I want to check this out.
This is paul Woods.
Oh, he's the nice dude.
Do you think we should perhaps separate it?
Like what he's done here?
Yes, how does one separate her?
This is why I didn't go into hairdressing?
I was offered an apprenticeship and I was like, no, thank you, I'm gonna do art instead.
I mean it's basically art, right?
Yeah, but I was like, I'm gonna do drawing instead.
And then I haven't gone into art and I wish I had said yes, because I could have been a hairdresser by now and I have got good hair money.
I want me some ham on.
It looks like he's divided it up like that for yourself.
A little, a little cute.
Are they seeing this?
Watch this between a slider section?
There's a sliver section, cut it and chill.
See what he's doing now.
Taking that little bit and then going snip snip snip snip a little bit.
Why is he doing this?
That's what you want.
No, but I thought the technique, but I thought the techniques that they use to see how it looks very short at the back, but then there's like volume.
Okay, well now that we have some direction.
Thank you paul.
I reckon we leave the top alone.
So that way it can be salvaged but we can go a little bit sort of heavier spring.
It's fine girl paul is going to be mad at you.
She has wavy hair, you can't cut.
It's going to be I'm hungry concerned.
Mm hmm.
That looks cute.
Look, I'm quite proud of that, thank you.
Well, it seems as though now is the time to execute order 66 6.
And if I order 666, I mean I need to accept that I now have no hair left to torture for the sake of content.
So instead I'll need to buy myself a bunch of wigs online to hide my hair under until it grows back.
And I'm going to start off my wig shopping adventures on Sheehan.
Why she And you ask?
Well, a bunch of people have asked me to try wigs from Sheehan, but also she and just so happens to be one of the thousands of websites compatible with my favorite shopping tool.
Honey, thank you so much honey for sponsoring today's video.
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I promise you won't regret it anyway with that.
Let's get back to the video, careful of my ear.
You're so close to my ear.
That's why I'm getting my finger underneath it.
Oh my God, are you don't want to die.
Great Alex.
I'm so sorry.
Yeah, mm hmm.
Kill myself.
I can't please forgive me.
I'm scared to take my finger away.
Is it?
Excuse me?
Hold your ears.
Imagine you snip off my ear lobe, couldn't you?
Could be Van Gogh.
Let's just stop cutting for a sec and take stock out of curiosity.
If you just let your hair down.
How do I look like Eugene from the Walking dead like that?
Up like this and just shave the sides.
Michelle pretends that she's okay with sam being friends with his ex girlfriends, but secretly stab stab if I do this with my friends and we can keep cutting No, no, no, no, that's that's fine.
So, I think I'm going to get changed and put on some makeup and maybe try to put some curls in it.
Very cute.
I know you're probably thinking What the hell happened?
Where did your hair go?
I'll tell you what happened.
2022 happened.
It's January 20 now.
So it's been 20 days since I first cut my hair and look, things didn't I didn't quite go as planned.
It was three a.m. In the morning and I was tidying up my hair a little bit and before I knew it, I gave myself a pixie cut.
So there goes the idea of the big c cut.
But you know what the way that I justify this way that I see this working is I'm doing the right thing by starting very short, because now as my hair grows longer, then I can experiment with those hairstyles.
So where in the past I was like, okay, my hair is long, now I'm going to cut it to shoulder length now, it's going to be a wolf cut, now it's going to be a shag cut, now it's going to be a bob now, it's gonna be a big C cut, it's kind of going to work in the reverse, so this is probably as short as I'm going to go, and it can grow a little bit and then it can be a proper big C cut and then it can grow a little bit more and it can be a proper shag cut and then it can grow a bit more after that, and it can be a proper wolf cut, but I'm going to do all of that with hopefully my natural hair.
This is essentially the end of the torment.
This is the new chapter in the hair adventures of pretty pastel, please say goodbye to the hair dye era and say hello to the wig era as I try to grow out my natural hair, I think that as my hair grows out and starts to recover, I'm going to really treat it well with some very good products, we're going to hopefully get my natural color back at some point, as you can see right now, as far as the color, can you see this sort of hint of blue.
So if you missed it, I did dye my hair black using arctic fox Transylvania, which is not actually black as such.
It's a very, very, very dark shade of blue.
So as you wash it out, it does throw this sort of bluish hue Now as much as I really enjoy having black hair, I also really enjoy having blonde hair and I also enjoy having pink hair and I also enjoy having red hair.
And look, this is how we got in this predicament of hair damage in the first place because once I started dying, I couldn't stop from the moment I was born.
Once I started coloring my hair, I just became so obsessed and every time I tried a new color, I liked it so much.
But then I wanted to try something different.
So to me, I see myself as the perfect candidate to wear wigs.
It makes perfect sense why you keep dying my hair where I could pop on a different wig whenever I want a different color.
So as much as I do like the black and as much as I know you guys really like the black because people have been leaving lots of comments telling me that this color is their favorite color so far on me, I'm going to hopefully reset this back to my natural color and then I can wear black wigs.
Look, here's, here's my little bit of a content strategy plan for those of you that are sticking around until the end here and you're still interested.
I intend on using some vitamin C and clarifying shampoo to strip as much of this color out of my hair as I can.
I've got no idea what's going to happen.
I know that Transylvania fades out to a very soft pastel, kind of blue and in some people it even just grows like a silver.
I don't know what's going to happen underneath this.
So I am going to make a video about stripping the black color out of my hair whatever base is left.
I'm then going to try and put it back to read as close to my natural color as I possibly can because that way, as my hair grows longer, I don't have to worry about dealing with regrowth because hopefully it will just blend in together.
And then I'm going to be posting this series about wigs.
So as you guys saw earlier, I got some Wigs from Sheehan.
Now I picked Sheehan because it's highly requested and they're very affordable.
My wig series is hopefully going to be showing wigs that are very cheap and then working my way all the way up to some really good quality lace front human hair wigs that are very well known brands, very respected brands that are probably several $100 for those wigs.
So episode one will be the Wigs from Sheehan, that's like a $20 kind of price range.
So then hopefully next time I make a wig video will go one step up in the price range.
So if you guys know any good quality wig companies that you'd like me to talk about or even any very affordable wigs that you've seen online, that you want me to try out.
Please leave them in the comments down below and you know, I can try on like from five or six different brands, the same style of wig and we'll see who makes the best ones.
So with that, that's probably enough talking, let me show you what I have left on my head.
I did not do the best job.
This is just me holding a mirror like this, looking in a mirror behind me and just kind of sniffing.
It's not neat, it's not tidy, it's not done as per any tutorial.
But what I love about it most is, it's, it's just so low maintenance, it just dries in a couple of minutes now and it's really easy to style too because there's not very much weight.
I just put a tiny little bit of products like that and I just kind of fluff it up and it gives me some nice volume on the top and my Fringe is growing out a little bit when I was snipping, I didn't sniff the Fringe because this is what I'm trying to get longer.
No touch, no touch fringe.
So that's it guys.
That's everything.
That is my big c cut turned into pixie cut.
That's my plan for the year.
I have made friends with a great hairdresser across in England called paul Watts, you guys have seen on my channel a few times, and he's going to be helping me through this hair journey.
He is my guide through this crazy wasteland that his hair recovery.
But with that, thank you guys for sticking with me through all my stupid, crazy hair adventures in the past year.
And I hope that you're looking forward to seeing me wearing wigs all throughout the year and I'm very excited about it.
I really like the idea of waking up one morning and putting on a very, very long pink wig, but then the next day, if I'm going to see my mom, I can put in a long red one and pretend that nothing ever happened.