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  • Hello.

  • Welcome to lemon.

  • I'll be your server.

  • What can I get started for you today?

  • Have you ever eaten here before?

  • They have the greatest steak sandwich in the city.

  • That's all I get when I'm here.

  • Trust me, it's fantastic.

  • That sounds perfect.

  • I'll have the seafood salad.

  • Okay.

  • And for you sir, I'm gonna have the, oh, can I have extra clams, extra calamari and extra crab meat of course.

  • And for you sir, I'm gonna have to And could I have a lobster tail right on top and extra muscles, lots of muscles.

  • The ones from new Zealand not the ones from Jersey because they got them black hairs.

  • Who knows what's in those?

  • That can be really toxic.

  • Are you done?

  • Because there are few species that you haven't mentioned yet.

  • Can I have a diet coke?

  • And for you sir, I'm gonna have a tuna sandwich.

  • Whole wheat toast that are nice.

  • T very good.

  • Now why would you order a tuna sandwich when you said they had the best steak sandwiches in the city?

  • Because while you were ordering half of the atlantic ocean, I developed a hankering for the only fish left on the menu.

  • Touche old man touche.

  • So let me ask you a question.

  • If you don't know who I am.

  • How come you're rex didn't come.

  • I caught him cheating on me and he said it was because I'm the worst lay in the world and trust he is wrong.

  • Okay.

  • You ought to see my moves.

  • It's circus Olay.

  • Yeah.

  • Okay.

  • Well, let's uh, let's get through lunch first?

  • Hmm.

  • I'll break your back.

  • Old man.

  • Have you laid out dead with a smile on your face and your kids will be like, how did he die?

  • How did my dad die?

  • And I would just have to look at them in their eyes and say on top of me, That's a really lovely thought.

  • You funny old man.

  • I'm glad I came.

  • Even if it was to shove you up my ex's big fat ass.

  • Now there's a compliment you don't hear every day.

  • Whoa, Look what the tide brought in.

  • Thank you very much.

  • Emma enjoy your buffet.

  • So I take it you like comedy.

  • No, you don't.

  • Mm hmm.

  • I mean, I love to laugh, but in real life, you know?

  • Well, you know, that's what I do in real life.

  • I'm a comedy writer.

  • Did you ever watch this?

  • Just in on sunday nights on the funny network?

  • Mm hmm.

  • I also write for Broadway and movies and five books.

  • And and what do you do?

  • Why is your face suddenly bigger than it was before?

  • Oh my God.

  • Are you allergic to seafood?

  • What, what, what, what, what should I do?

  • The hospital?

  • What hospital?

  • What's the nearest hospital hospital?

  • I do not know.

  • All right.

  • Oh my God.

  • Oh my God.

  • Okay.

  • What did you do?

  • I didn't do anything.

  • What?

  • Jersey?

  • There's an emergency.

  • Everybody calm down, Everybody relax.

  • We should, we should call this, what in God's name is wrong with you.


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