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Matt: Have you ever been talking to a girl but it seems a little too nice and friendly
and you end up in the friend zone well my friend it's time to step up your
flirting game so that she sees you as a potential lover instead of just another
nice guy because flirting is one of the most
important attraction skills so watch closely and take some good notes my name
is matt artisan from the attractive man and this is six ways to flirt with a
girl to make her like you
we've done all the testing we know what works now most guys think that you have
to spend lots of money on the girl buy lots of flowers and gifts to spend weeks
and weeks courting her to get the girl that you really want but the reality is
that women only care about how you make them feel and one of the best ways to
make her feel romantic feelings without spending lots of time and lots and lots
of money on her is through flirting the dictionary defines flirting as behaving
as though attracted to or trying to attract someone but for amusment rather
than with serious intentions and this is great because flirting is basically just
showing your interest in her in a fun covert manner it's not telling her how
much you like her and how much you're in love with her and telling him how
beautiful she is and showering her with compliments that's too direct and that
will usually push her away and feel a little creepy instead do it more subtly
and more indirectly and playfully with some of the ways that I'm about to show
you now without further ado here's my countdown to my six favorite ways to
flirt with a girl number 6 is teasing which is poking fun of her but with
positive intention it's not meant to make her feel bad it's not meant to be
malicious a lot of guys do this wrong because they see the woman as being
higher status and more value than him he sees himself down here so he wants to
make fun of her tease her and neg her and make her feel bad and bring her down
basically show her I'm cooler than you you're down here but Neath me never do
that hey it doesn't work that well a high-value woman who is secure in
herself is gonna see right past that and she's just gonna dismiss you move on to
somebody else instead be an awesome guy be up here be a 10 see yourself as a 10
and bring people up to your level bring people up to your status instead of
trying to put them down and the key is that it's in the
holman it's not some pre-planned line that you intend to say it's just
something she does you make fun of her mannerisms or maybe she's walking and
she stumbles and you don't tell her she's such a dork and you can't take her
anywhere and you're embarrassed by her in that type of negative tonality
it's a playful tonality you tease her and say oh I can't take you anywhere or
oh you're such a klutz the point is that it's all about the vibe that you're
having fun and just enjoying the experience it's how you would treat your
friends right your close friends you tease each other about certain things
which creates a sense of rapport when you do it to a woman that you meet for
the first time because we usually only tease people that we feel very
comfortable with so if you tease her in the right way she will feel that rapport
and feel closeness to you it's like you're part of her inner circle so it's
more about the nonverbal than the actual specific words you say for example you
can tease her about almost anything just the way she says something maybe she
says like a lot and you accuse her of being a valley girl again it shouldn't
be like oh you're a valley girl I could never date you it should be like oh my
god you're such a valley girl do you listen to yourself oh my god this is
never gonna work out I'm nervous about this because I'm no I know I can't do
this oh okay you can and here's a few other examples see this is why we can't
have nice things are you just trying to get in my pants
you're so bad versus are you just trying to get in my pants number five is role
reversal which is great because it flips the script the traditional dating frame
is courting the man is chasing the woman so instead you just flip that around and
accuse her of trying to get into your pants and accuse her of trying to seduce
you you might say stop seducing me with your eyes young lady I see what you're
doing so bad or you might misinterpret something she says maybe she says she's
gonna go home and go to bed and you turn that into
invitation I think I'm gonna go to bed i can't go to bed with you that easily i
mean you need to buy me a drink first or something you can also accuse her for
you escalating so blame her for being the one that's causing you to make the
moves on her so you could say something like if you look at me again like that
i'm gonna be forced to kiss you remember it's all in the delivery in the tonality
saying if you look at me again like that i'm gonna be forced to kiss you stop
stop looking at me like that is not flirting
number four is role playing this one is awesome because it creates this context
in this frame of a fantasy world which means you can flirt with her you can
tell her how much you are in love with her even but it's just a joke it's not
real because it's a role play for example if you roleplay that you're
getting married or that you're role-playing that your boyfriend and
girlfriend or it's like one of those epic romances where you're so in love
then she could go to the bathroom and you could say darling don't leave me
you're gonna be gone for so long what am I gonna do I know that sounds a little
cheesy but it's fun it's playful it's so different than what other guys would do
in the bar whether just let her so how's your night going you come here often
what do you do for work and in a marriage role play which is one of my
favorites you can get away with talking about so much talk about your future
relationships where you would travel together painting these pictures in her
mind of you and her together you know what I like you we're so gonna get
married instead of having a long engagement we should just find my friend
actually it's right over there he's an ordained minister come on and you can
also talk about very risque things because you're a married couple now in
fact a few times I've taken my dates into adult bookstores after we've done
this marriage roleplay and I'm just like come on honey we need to spice up our
romance and I start whipping her with some of the whips and pick out some toys
for her and it's really fun and really ramps things up to the next level
another roleplay I like is the mini relationship where you just have like a
five minute rule a ship with a girl as boyfriend and
girlfriend I have a fear of commitment so we can just do this for five minutes
you could be my girl five minutes that's all I can commit to it creates that
sense of closeness that you're in a relationship right away but it takes
away the pressure because you're gonna break up in five minutes in fact I use
this as an opener going up to girls and saying hey can I be your boyfriend or
will you be my girlfriend and if you want to know how well it worked it
actually quite surprised me check out the video the links to the videos I'll
put them down in the description by the way remember if you haven't downloaded
my free conversation cheat sheet that's packed with other flirty examples make
sure to download that right now there's a link down in the description for that
as well next is touching which is a great way to
flirt as long as you don't overdo it if you're touching her too much too soon
then it's no longer covert it's very obvious what you're doing and to
everybody around you they can tell you really liked this girl and it can
definitely creep her out so you must make sure to balance your interest and
this actually applies to every one of these concepts that you balance the
showing interest by taking it away you're saying hey I like you but I'm not
sure about you or with touching it's oh you touch but then you take it away you
should never be like I like you I like you I like you I like you touch touch
touch you need to do a little bit and then take it away two steps forward one
step back and touching works so well because it releases oxytocin which is a
feel-good hormone that is also released during orgasm but the key is that the
touching is in context if you're completely touching her out of nowhere
and it's not relevant to the situation then it's going to seem creepy so here's
a few ways to touch her where it is in context
first there's greeting touch where you shake her hands but to make it
flirtatious shake her hand and hold it longer than normal while looking into
her eyes or give her a kiss on the then there's also games like thumb
wrestling or slap hands there's also observational touch where
you noticed something about her like she's wearing a cool necklace or she has
a ring on her finger or a watch also leaving her from one place to another
place you can go arm in arm or hand in hand
and there's also conversational touching to emphasize a point when you want to
make something you're talking about seem more dramatic you can also do correcting
touch which I love to do which is when you fix her outfit or you take something
out of her hair or you can even fix her posture and get
her to stand up straight bad posture is a huge pet peeve of mine number two I
call the look of desire which is using your eyes to flirt with her
which can be really covert and have a huge impact as they say the eyes are the
window to the soul and they can really create a lot of tension and on the flip
side you can actually make the interaction very platonic by breaking
the eye contact by looking down which is very submissive and shy and can make her
feel like you're a weak man if you want her to feel like you're a strong
powerful alpha male then hold the eye contact longer than normal but don't
just look at her bug-eyed like this or like this
that's not flirtatious you need to look at her with desire you need to
appreciate her beauty and allow yourself to feel that feminine energy we'll call
it that intoxicating feeling that a beautiful woman gives you when you're in
her presence and just soften your gaze just allow yourself to appreciate that
beauty and let that appreciation for her attraction come through your eyes not in
a creepy way where you're like oh my god damn look at you not like that but where
you're just looking at her like you know you could give her the utmost sexual
satisfaction you could give her the utmost pleasure in bed if she was so
lucky when you give her that look of desire she will melt in front of you and
almost every guy on her bootcamps it needs help with their eye contact
initially to really ramp up that sexual tension
practice not blinking I'm doing it right now I'm gonna seduce you with my eyes
but seriously I've noticed this in a lot of Hollywood movies where the
interaction is very intense and seductive that there's not a lot of
blinking because believe it or not bowling 'king releases the tension also
stand a little closer than normal that will increase that flirty vibe and that
sexual tension and also practice your smirk when you're looking at her with
desire and you're appreciating her attractive beauty just have a little
smirk on your face not an ear-to-ear grin because that releases the tension
and that just shows that you're nervous but instead just appreciate the beauty
I've seen guys on our workshops as well when they first approached a woman it's
so serious and they're looking at her like this and they have good eye contact
but there's to have a stone-cold face and they're expressionless when you do
that she's gonna think you're a serial killer because she can't read you she
needs to be able to read that read your intention and feel that you're not a
threat and that this is a positive flirtatious vibe so that smooth subtle
smile or smirk will really help with that and number one which I considered
the foundation of flirting is push-pull which is showing her interest either
direct verbally or through your eye contact or non-verbally through touching
and then taking it away it's maintaining that balance of I like you but I'm not
sure about you yet showing desire yet being the challenge because if you show
too much interest too soon she feels like why does this guy like me so much
he must be desperate he must not have other women in his life but if you're
too much of a challenge and you push her away too much and you're kind of it then
she can also lose interest because she's like why bother this guy doesn't even
like me the dance of dating is all about showing interest and then taking it away
remember two steps forward one step back for example if it's a really
girl you could say you know you're really cute but I think you're just too
short for me and you can keep this push-pull dynamic going throughout the
interaction even when you're physically escalating even when you're kissing her
you can pull away okay that's all you get no more it's like you're giving her
a little taste right when you show interest especially when you're kissing
or touching it feels good but then when you take it away she wants more if you
keep going further further further escalate escalate escalate interest
interest interest she's gonna pull back when you chase somebody they run away
but if you pull back she's gonna start chasing you this works really well when
you're escalating because every time you make a move on her
you're showing interest so you can balance it out by taking a step back and
putting a restriction on it I call it restricted requests for example when
you're getting her phone number do you text okay you're not crazy are you or
when you invite her back to your place which can seem like a big step in the
relationship she knows what's gonna happen to balance that out so it doesn't
feel like such a big deal you just put a restriction on it okay we can go back to
my place but we have to be good you have to keep your hands above my waist of
course all right good let's go and then she's actually more likely to comply and
say okay we can go back to your place because you put that restriction on it
so we got teasing role reversal role play touching the look of desire and
push-pull next time you go out or next time you're on a date use some of these
techniques but remember it's all about how you do it your delivery and how you
feel internally is everything and is gonna make it either a flirty romantic
and sensual interaction versus platonic weird or creepy and remember for more
flirty techniques make sure to download my free conversation cheat sheet there's
a link down in the description and to the right of the screen that will give
you word for word flirty examples to ramp things up
to the next level and make her more attracted to you make sure to subscribe
to this channel if you're not already subscribed hit that subscribe button and
check out our bootcamp schedule because I'm flying all over the world teaching a
select few guys so if you think you qualify then apply now check that out my
name is matt artisan from the attractive man and i'll see you in the next video