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  • I had wandered the walls forever But came upon a way for my return

    我曾在牆下無止盡的徘徊 但卻找到了路途讓我回來

  • Heard your name in a conversation Your kindness I'd yet to learn

    在言談中知曉你的名字 但還未了解到你的仁慈

  • Life has been like an endless nightmare And now your light it leads me home again

    人生就像場無盡的夢魘 但你的光明引領我再次找到歸宿

  • Is it fate to be smashed to pieces? If you go we go together

    粉身碎骨難道就是我們的命運? 若你要前行,那就讓我們一起

  • Now you are a part of me I will defend and honor thee

    現在你已是我的一部份 我將捍衛並榮耀你

  • Jealousy will get me into trouble Since I met you kid my blades are double!

    忌妒會讓我惹禍上身 因為遇見你讓我的刀刃成倍!

  • Sad am I to never hear your sigh

    傷悲如我 永遠不能再聽見你那

  • Of ecstasy And fingertips.

    喜悅的嘆息 與指尖的觸撫

  • You're trembling We share a kiss


  • Our worlds eclipse


  • You're bigger, bigger! Why do you hide?

    你更加的強大,強大! 你為何要躲藏?

  • I will shiver, shiver! It's suicide!


  • But if there's no desire To get back out alive


  • You're a zero!


  • You're bigger, bigger! Why do you ride?

    你更加的強大,強大! 你為了什麼而前進?

  • I will shiver, shiver! Into the fire!


  • You just get out alive! We'll let our worlds collide

    你要活下去! 就讓我們的世界對撞!

  • We are bigger!


  • Close my eyes and I see the fallen They threw the stones to make us go away

    我閉上雙眼看見了逝者們 眾人扔著石頭驅趕著我們

  • It was only the face of anger and kindness It lit my way

    盡是憤怒的臉龐 而仁慈卻點亮了我的前方

  • Ain't no picnic to be abandoned It led us here. We had to share the pain


  • Is it fate to be smashed to pieces? If you go we go together

    粉身碎骨難道就是我們的命運? 若你要前行,那就讓我們一起

  • Now you are a part of me I will defend and honor thee

    現在你已是我的一部份 我將捍衛並榮耀你

  • Did you think that you could die a hero? Our awakening means less than zero!

    你以為你可以送死的像個英雄? 那我們的覺醒一點意義幾乎為零

  • Sad am I to never hear your sigh

    傷悲如我 永遠不能再聽見你那

  • Of ecstasy And fingertips.

    喜悅的嘆息 與指尖的撫觸

  • You're trembling We share a kiss

    你顫抖著 我們相吻

  • Our worlds eclipse


  • Black sugar Keep it


  • Up 'till the dawn You're the trigger, killer, eye of the storm!

    直到破曉 你就是引信、關鍵、風暴的中心點!

  • But if there's no desire To get back out alive


  • You're a hero?


  • You're bigger, bigger! Why do you ride?

    你更加的強大,強大! 你為了什麼而前進?

  • I will shiver, shiver! Into the fire!


  • You just get out alive! We'll let our worlds collide!

    你要活出自己! 就讓我們的世界相撞!

  • We are bigger!


  • Make a promise that I cannot regret As long as I can see you but in secret

    許下我無法反悔的誓言 只要我還能瞥見你一眼

  • I'll never, I'll never forget my feeling, no! I'll never, I'll never learn how to let you go

    我永遠、永遠不會忘記我的感情,不! 我永遠、永遠也學不會放下你!

  • You're bigger, bigger! Why do you hide?

    你更加的強大,強大! 為何要隱藏?

  • I will shiver, shiver! It's suicide!


  • But if there's no desire To get back out alive


  • You're a zero!


  • Make a promise that I cannot regret As long as I can see you but in secret

    許下我無法反悔的誓言 只要我還能瞥見你一眼

  • I'll never, I'll never forget my feeling, no! I'll never, I'll never learn how to let you go

    我永遠、永遠不會忘記我的感情,不! 我永遠、永遠也學不會放下你!

I had wandered the walls forever But came upon a way for my return

我曾在牆下無止盡的徘徊 但卻找到了路途讓我回來

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