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  • Smoking on planes.


  • It's almost unbelievable to think it was once okay to light up in a pressurized cabin floating six miles up into the atmosphere.

    想想曾經在離地六英里 (約 9.65 公里) 的高空的加壓機艙中竟然能夠點菸來抽,便讓人感到不可思議。

  • Oh boy this is the life! Ha ha.


  • Especially in a world where bringing a bottle of water through security is now banned.


  • In fact in the US, smoking on flights wasn't fully banned until the year 2000.

    事實上,美國直到 2000 年才完全禁止在飛行航班上抽菸。

  • But if you look closely, planes still have ashtrays.


  • How can that be? Well, there's a pretty good reason why.


  • The first commercial flight took place on January 1st, 1914, flying the 20 or so miles between St. Petersburg and Tampa Florida.

    首次的商業客載飛行在 1914 年 1 月 1 日時出現,該班飛往美國佛羅里達州聖彼得斯堡到坦帕之間約莫 20 英里 (約 32 公里) 左右的距離。

  • That short bumpy ride was all people needed. Investments and demand turned that into a regularly flown route.


  • Commercial aviation had started to take root and safety concerns were never far behind.


  • The Air Commerce Act of 1926 was the first attempt to establish standards with regards to commercial aviation.

    1926 的航空商業法是為商業飛行產業設立標準的首次嘗試。

  • However, smoking regulation was not a part of it.


  • In the United States, commercial jet travel started in the late 1950s and smoking was common.

    在美國,商業噴射客機航班在 1950 年代時開始興起,而當時在機上抽菸是很普遍的行為。

  • In fact, in some cases, it was encouraged.


  • Cigarette ads tried to associate smoking with the perception that airplane travel was higher class, even sexy.


  • They sure think of everything, including our Winstons!

    他們真的什麼都想到了,包括我們的 Winstons 牌香菸!

  • Mmmm tastes good.


  • Like a cigarette should.


  • But the flight attendants union didn't see it that way.


  • They formally began trying to ban smoking on all flights by the mid 1960s.

    他們在 1960 年代時正式開始嘗試禁止人們在所有的航班上抽菸。

  • This coming on the back of a 1964 report from the Surgeon General's office highlighting the dangers of smoking.

    而這樣的風潮來自 1964 年時美國衛生署長辦公室發表了一份報告,裡面強調了抽菸所帶來的危害。

  • The report was eye opening to the American public of which 42 percent were smokers.

    該份報告震驚了當時百分之 42 的人都是老菸槍的美國群眾。

  • Changing attitudes and the fact the Surgeon General suggested a ban on smoking in public places gaining the union some traction in 1971.

    大眾對於抽菸的態度轉變,以及衛生署長建議禁止在公共場所吸菸等因素讓工會在 1971 年時稍微達成了一些目標。

  • That's when some US-based carriers instituted smoking sections on planes.


  • And that's laughable because with the doors closed, the inside of an airplane is a closed system, meaning if one person smokes, everyone's getting some.


  • In 1973, a plane flying from Brazil to France went down after a suspected cigarette was thrown into the garbage, starting a blaze that wasn't able to be put out.

    1973 年,在一架從巴西飛往法國的飛機上,一根丟進垃圾桶裡的菸蒂導致了一場無法撲滅的大火。

  • The plane crash landed in an onion field killing a 123 of the 134 people on board.

    飛機緊急降落到了一片洋蔥田,而機上 134 人中的 123 人因此喪命。

  • A domestic flight in China suffered a similar fate in 1982, when a passenger's cigarette caused a fire that killed 25 people.

    一架中國的國內航班也在 1982 年時遭遇了類似的命運:一名乘客的菸蒂引起了火災,並使 25 人喪命。

  • There are incidents like this going back as far as 1935.

    像是這樣的事件最遠能追溯到 1935 年。

  • A 2002 study conducted by the United Kingdom's Civil Aviation Authority shows how deadly an on-board fire can be.

    在 2002 年由英國民航局進行的一份研究揭示了機上火災有多麼致命。

  • The research found that after a fire starts within a large airplane cabin, pilots have 17 minutes to get on the ground before the recycled smoke turns deadly.

    該研究發現當火災在一個大型飛機的機艙發生時,直到整個機艙中反覆循環的黑煙變得致命為止,機長僅有 17 分鐘的時間能盡快降落。

  • Although serious, thankfully, incidents where cigarettes cause fires on planes that turn deadly are few and far between relative to overall air traffic.


  • Banning cigarettes on planes was really more about a workplace health issue of secondhand smoke.


  • The man move closer in 1986 when the Surgeon General called secondhand smoke a serious health risk.

    美國衛生署長在 1986 年時更進一步,將二手菸問題稱為嚴重的健康風險。

  • That caused the National Academy of Sciences to call for a ban on smoking during all domestic flights, citing the health risk secondhand smoke posed to those who work on board.


  • Finally, in 1988 Ronald Reagan signed the legislation banning smoking on all domestic flights less than two hours long.

    最後在 1998 年時雷根總統簽署了法案,禁止在所有飛行時間於兩小時以內的國內航班上吸菸。

  • That was the foot in the door that eventually ended smoking on all flights originating from and or arriving at US based airports.


  • Yet, we still have ashtrays on planes and that's by law.


  • Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations, CHAPTER 1, Sub chapter C, PART 25, Sub part D, Section 25.853, Paragraph G says about planes that

    在美國聯邦規則彙編主題 14,第一章,次章節 C,第 25 部分,次章節 D,第 25.853 節,關於飛機的段落 G 上寫道,

  • laboratories must have self-contained removable ashtrays located conspicuously on or near the entry side of each lavatory door.


  • If more than half are broken, they have to be repaired within 72 hours.

    如果其中有一半已損毀,則必須在 72 時內維修完成。

  • Why? The answer is simple.


  • People still smoke on planes.


  • In fact, in May of 2018, a plane had to make an emergency landing in San Jose California.

    實際上,在 2018 五月時,一架飛機在加州聖荷西緊急降落。

  • Police say that was due to a fire started by a customer smoking a cigarette in the bathroom.


  • Check out any flight attendant AMFA and you'll see countless examples of people getting caught.


  • We need to have ashtrays so that a smoker lighting up in the lavatory doesn't get nervous about getting caught and try and stick a lit cigarette in the bathroom garbage,


  • lighting the plane on fire and potentially killing everyone.


  • Please. Please don't smoke on planes.


  • Everybody's already miserable as it is.


  • We're all just trying to get to our destination for our 85th wedding of this year.

    我們只是想搭個飛機,去參加那個今年不知道第幾場的婚禮 (誇大說第85場婚禮) 而已。

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    如果你喜歡這部影片,請按讚、評論、訂閱,並確保按下了那個小鈴鐺,讓你在 Cheddar 發布新內容時能夠收到通知。

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Smoking on planes.


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