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  • When considering which specialty to pursue, many  premeds place a heavy emphasis on annual salary.  

  • What they often fail to consider though is  the time required to make the big bucks.

  • Weve already covered the Top 6 Doctor  Specialties with the Highest Hourly Rate. Now,  

  • were looking at the other end of the spectrum  – the specialties with the lowest hourly rate.

  • Dr. Jubbal,

  • As with the previous video, the  average hourly wage was calculated  

  • by taking the average annual salary  for each specialty and dividing it  

  • by the number of hours worked per week  and the number of workweeks per year.

  • It is important to mention that these  are averages, and variation is expected.  

  • Even within specialties, salary and weekly hours  can vary widely depending on the type of practice,  

  • geography, and numerous other factors.

  • Just because your cousin’s goldfish’s twin  sister’s boyfriend is making ten million  

  • dollars per year as a psychiatrist doesn’t mean  the data is wrong. It just means he’s an outlier.

  • With that said, let’s dive in.

  • Number ten is psychiatrywhich focuses on the diagnosis,  

  • prevention, and treatment of mental disorders.

  • Psychiatrists have an average  annual salary of $275,000  

  • and work an average of 47 hours per weekgiving us an hourly wage of approximately $117.

  • Psychiatry is unique within medicine as it  is less algorithmic than most specialties.  

  • If you enjoy thinking deeply and holistically  about your patients and want the freedom to  

  • individually tailor their treatment  plan, psychiatry may be a good fit.

  • Psychiatry also offers a lot of  flexibility, both in terms of your  

  • career as well as work-life balance. You  can work in multiple clinical settings,  

  • with multiple patient populations, and even  have multiple jobs at once. Psychiatrists  

  • also tend to work regular business hours with  few overnight emergencies or weekend calls.

  • Number nine is neurology, which focuses on  the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of  

  • the nervous system including the  brain, muscles, spine, and nerves.

  • Neurologists earn on average $290,000 per  year and work an average of 51 hours per week,  

  • yielding an average hourly  wage of approximately $114.

  • Neurologists focus on arguably the most  fascinating organ system of the human  

  • body - the nervous system. If we look at even  just the last 20 years, we have seen dramatic  

  • improvements in our understanding of the brain  and spinal cord. This is likely to continue too  

  • as neurologic diseases are consistently in the  top 3 most funded diseases by the NIH each year.

  • Approximately 80% of neurology is outpatient  as well, which means youre less likely to  

  • work weekends and more likely to  have regular 8-5 business hours.

  • Number eight is allergy and immunology, which is  the area of medicine focusing on the diagnosis,  

  • treatment, and management of disorders  related to the immune system.

  • Allergist-immunologists have an average  annual salary of $274,000 and work an  

  • average of 49 hours per week, translating to  an average hourly wage of approximately $112.

  • As an allergy and immunology  physician, you get to see a  

  • wide variety of patients and conditions  - from young to old and acute to chronic.

  • You also get the opportunity to be on the cutting  edge of medical research as our understanding of  

  • the immune system and the many other areas  of health it affects continues to develop.

  • Of note, allergy and immunology physicians also  spend the least amount of time on paperwork and  

  • administrative tasks out of any specialty  on our list at just 14.6 hours per week.  

  • For perspective, this is a similar amount of time  

  • to dermatology which is known for being  one of the best lifestyle specialties.

  • Number seven is preventive medicine, which focuses  on the overall health of individuals to protect,  

  • promote, and maintain well-being as well as  prevent disease, disability, and premature death.

  • Preventive medicine physicians have  an average annual salary of $237,000  

  • and work an average of 45 hours per weekgiving us an average hourly wage of $105.

  • Preventive medicine, as the name implies, is  all about addressing health issues before they  

  • become a problem - something that we often  don’t focus enough on in Western medicine.  

  • So while preventive medicine isn’t perceived  to be cutting edge and doesn’t make headlines,  

  • it’s arguably more important and  impactful in terms of lives saved.

  • These doctors also tend to be heavily involved  in influencing public policy, public health,  

  • and designing healthcare systems to  prevent and control the spread of disease.  

  • So not only do you have the opportunity  to help patients on an individual level,  

  • but you can also help to prevent  disease on a much larger scale.

  • Number six is rheumatology, which focuses on the  

  • diagnosis and treatment of diseases of  the joints, muscles, bones, and tendons.

  • The average rheumatologist earns $276,000 per  year and works an average of 54 hours per week,  

  • yielding an average hourly wage of $102.

  • Rheumatology also has the highest change  in salary between 2020 and 2021 of any  

  • specialty on our list with an  increase of 5% year over year.

  • One of the biggest draws of rheumatology  is the amount of time that you get to spend  

  • with patients. The nature of the diseases that  rheumatologists treat often require a close,  

  • long-term relationship where treatment decisions  

  • are constantly refined depending on the  patient’s unique life, needs, and biology.

  • You get to be a sort ofmedical detective”  

  • and sort through the most complex  clinical facts and physical exam  

  • findings before ultimately giving your final  diagnosis and treatment recommendations.

  • Number five is endocrinologywhich focuses on the diagnosis,  

  • treatment, and management of  diseases of the endocrine system.

  • Endocrinologists have an average  annual salary of $245,000  

  • and work an average of 49 hours per weekgiving us an average hourly wage of $100.

  • Endocrinology also shows the second-highest  

  • change in salary on our list with an  increase of 4% between 2020 and 2021.

  • Much like with rheumatology, endocrinologists  get to be medical detectives. They focus heavily  

  • on building patient relationships  and exercising clinical reasoning.

  • In addition, lifestyle diseases like obesity  and diabetes are the bread and butter of  

  • endocrinology. So if you enjoy helping your  patients make lifestyle modifications that  

  • will improve their health for years to  come, endocrinology may be a good fit.

  • Number four is pediatrics, which  focuses on the care of babies,  

  • children, and adolescents from  birth up to the age of twenty-five.

  • Pediatricians earn on average $221,000  

  • and work an average of 47 hours per weekyielding an average hourly wage of $94.

  • It should be noted that pediatricians  have the lowest annual salary out of  

  • any specialty on our list; however, they also work  

  • fewer hours than most specialties which is  why they are only number four on our list.

  • The biggest draw for pediatrics is that you  get to work with children and adolescents.  

  • You have the unique opportunity to  make an impact early in someone’s life  

  • which can compound to yield tremendous  changes over their lifetime. As such,  

  • pediatrics could be considered one of the  most powerful forms of preventative medicine.

  • Are you ready for the top threeIf youve been surprised by at  

  • least one specialty on the list so  far, let us know with a thumbs up.  

  • And if you think weve missed onelet me know with a comment below.

  • Number three is infectious diseaseThese physicians are the experts in  

  • the diagnosis and treatment of diseases caused by  bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, and prions.

  • Infectious disease physicians have  an average annual salary of $274,000  

  • and work an average of 53 hours per weekgiving us an average hourly wage of $92.

  • Infectious disease is one of the most rapidly  evolving fields of medicine. It seems that  

  • every year or two there is some outbreak of  a new pathogen - whether it be swine flu,  

  • zika virus, or more recently the  SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic.

  • Infectious disease physicians are constantly  learning about new pathogens and relearning old,  

  • forgotten pathogens, which keeps the specialty  interesting and ID docs on their toes.

  • Job satisfaction also tends to be high  amongst infectious disease physicians,  

  • with approximately 89% of them reporting that  they would choose the same specialty again.

  • Number two is internal medicine which  focuses on the diagnosis, treatment,  

  • and prevention of a broad number of diseases that  affect adult patients. These are the quarterbacks  

  • of the hospital healthcare team and what most  people think of when they hear the worddoctor.”

  • Internal medicine doctors earn on average $248,000  

  • and work an average of 55 hours per weekyielding an average hourly wage of $90.

  • Although internal medicine physicians have the  

  • highest annual salary out of  our bottom five specialties,  

  • they also work the most hours - which is why  theyve found themselves at our number two spot.

  • One of the biggest draws for internal medicine is  the tremendous career flexibility that it offers.  

  • If you want to work as a hospitalist  and take care of admitted patients,  

  • you can do that straight out of residency. If  you want to do primary care and see patients  

  • in an outpatient clinic, you can do that  too. And if you decide that you’d like  

  • to specialize and further your interest with  something more focused, IM offers a clear path  

  • to multiple fellowships including cardiologygastroenterology, and oncology to name a few.

  • And finally, the specialty with the  lowest hourly rate is family medicine.

  • Youre probably not surprisedsince family medicine is known  

  • for being one of the least lucrative  and least competitive specialties.

  • Family medicine is the center of primary careThese are the generalists of generalists.  

  • Unlike other specialties that focus  on a particular organ, disease,  

  • or age range, family medicine physicians see the  full spectrum of patients - from young to old,  

  • healthy to unhealthy, and everything in between.

  • Family medicine doctors have an  average annual salary of $236,000  

  • and work an average of 53 hours per weekgiving us an average hourly wage of $89.

  • Don’t let the hourly wage fool you thoughthere’s still a lot to love about family medicine.

  • If you enjoy getting to know your  patients and building relationships,  

  • family medicine offers amazing  access to longitudinal care as  

  • you can see patients from the time that  theyre born on through to adulthood.

  • Family medicine is also one of the few  specialties where you can continue to  

  • maintain and develop the vast medical  knowledge you learned during medical school.  

  • Being a generalist means that you can take  satisfaction in knowing that youre able to  

  • manage most anything that walks through  the door - at least to some extent.

  • And lastly, family medicine physicians  often enjoy a desirable schedule,  

  • usually working regular 9 to 5 office  hours with minimal, if any, call.

  • Remember, money is just one piece of the equationYou should never choose a specialty primarily  

  • based on salary. Each specialty has its own unique  pros and cons that you need to weigh for yourself.  

  • At the end of the day, it is much more important  for your long-term happiness to choose a  

  • specialty for the right reasons, and I have a  6 step process to teach you how linked below.

  • Regardless of what specialty you choose, it always  benefits you to keep your options open, not only  

  • if youre one of the 52% of medical students that  change their mind about their intended specialty,  

  • but also so that you can match into the  most desirable programs in your chosen  

  • specialty - which are always competitiveno matter the field. At Med School Insiders,  

  • our specialty is helping students  maximize their potential and be  

  • the most competitive candidates possibleVisit to learn more.

  • Thank you all so much for watchingIf you enjoyed this video,  

  • be sure to check out How to Choose  a Specialty or the Top 6 Specialties  

  • with the Highest Hourly Rate. Much  love and I’ll see you guys there.

When considering which specialty to pursue, many  premeds place a heavy emphasis on annual salary.  

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10 Doctor Specialties with the LOWEST Hourly Rate

  • 13 0
    Summer posted on 2022/01/01
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