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apparently we're going to be experiencing the coldest day of winter and snowstorm in canada
i'm going to create a path down to the lake there's a frozen lake down there
i can feel little icicles forming in my nostrils
all righty so we are ready to hit the road togooch togi say hi to the people tagooch this is how togo
travels in the back of an suv he gets half of it togo is a very experienced traveler at this point
we've taken him out to the rockies when we went out west he's gone to the east coast he's gone
to the cottage multiple times haven't you baby yes you have yes you have so another adventure for you
so gucci
how exciting how exciting you want to go in where are the keys
all righty so we have made it to the cottage yeah we sure have hello hello hey hey we don't
start things off without a little wine huh this is wonderful happy 2022. 2022 it might be a few weeks
before you guys see this video um but yeah that was four and a half hours driving from toronto
to the ottawa highlands so yeah welcome welcome it is very cold here after the crazy snowstorm the dog behaved so well really
we made it the whole trip without having to do a stop i mean two or three years ago when we first
took him out on a trip i mean we were stopping every every hour on his first trip so he used to
be a nervous traveler yeah he's a real pro now and yeah we're just getting settled in
my dad is starting a barbecue so we're gonna take you out there in a minute would you agree our mood
has improved about a hundred percent since leaving the city yeah yeah and with a little bit of wine
that also helps that helps a bit the red element yeah okay the red liquid element
the red wine boost things up a bit yeah yeah and we got the grill going given the fact that
we drove like almost four and a half hours yeah we are really hungry because we didn't have lunch
on the first day that we arrived at the cabin like this one all we do is like some hamburgers some
sausages sandwiches jalapeno burgers jalapeno and cheddar cheeseburgers yeah we got hot italian
sausages yeah the property here is 200 acres like if you like the wilderness it cannot get any
wilder than this right yeah we're in the middle of the bush we'll bring you along and you're
going to have fun and you're going to enjoy and you're going to join us in all these adventures
that we're going to have over here in the next four days yeah that's it that's it let's go easy
good morning good morning hello so first morning here we're preparing breakfast
i have the job of trying to unstick the croissants that melted they thought out
and re-froze again so they're not going to look beautiful they're all glued together basically
but it is great look at that yeah sorry for last night we got so hungry we actually forgot to show
the meal i filmed the time lapse yeah oh you did you're welcome i didn't even know
you did that yeah well breakfast dessert breakfast what do we have at the table guys
look at this aha yes i i did include some fruit for you boys it's the healthy part everything
else is pure fun we have some banana bread with pecans yeah croissants in the oven coming out in
a few minutes some nice looking bagels bagels yeah today it's a continental style breakfast
yeah keeping it easy first couple meals just yeah easing into the country life here maybe tomorrow
we'll go for the big bags eggs and bacon yeah but it's so quiet out there we're in the middle
of the bush right you don't have a sound here not even the car engine all you can hear is silence
you know the sound of silence yes i do no way silence has a sound too and here you can hear
the sound of silence when you're outside it's like a calmness it's something like comes down like a
like a blanket like a blanket of soothing you know you know when you go to the countryside it's about
what you have and it's also about what you don't have to yeah and uh we're appreciating some of
the things we don't have here as well you don't miss this city let's put it that way no not at all
we got some more huh yeah hey buddy look here you can see how much snow you came down
yes look i got a full arm
a full arm of snow wow i wonder what the roads are going to be like today that'll be interesting
come on
time for a little update from the vehicle yeah so part of the reason for the strip i don't know
if we've actually mentioned it but my parents are house hunting house shopping they want to
leave toronto behind it's time to say goodbye to the city so we've kind of come to the ottawa
area like north of kingston okay yeah so yeah they're looking at a few places over the coming
days and this is one of them we're in charge of distracting distracting the dog who has
extreme separation anxiety yeah that's putting it mildly oh my god i mean it was a little tense for
the first few seconds until they got into the house and now he's calmed down a bit
thankfully he was like crying he was ready to leap right over the uh right over the seat in the back
but yeah this is really interesting and it's it's cool for your parents too because they've they've
dreamed about retiring in the countryside they want to have want to be out in nature they want
to have a more simple life so let's give you a little peek at the place i'll pass you the camera
check that out and then over here i don't know if you can see well but there's horses
the house doesn't come with horses no it doesn't it does it doesn't come with the horses yeah but
everything else right so yeah we've got togi's little treat this stuff normally drives him
crazy it's got duck bacon yeah but he's so nervous and so anxious that even this isn't
interesting yeah we can even often we can even prevent him from barking at the mailman with
this just give him one of these he's fully intent on seeing your parents come out that
that door so yeah that's the update for today we are house hunting okay so we are getting ready to
enjoy another lunch cheers that's from the hello there the leftover chili and wine from yesterday
yeah that was good wine huh oh yeah and today we have a reinforcements we went and we got a
yellow tail this one is australian whiskey barrel aged so this this is uh this should be
good what are we gonna eat the pasta i'm very excited for this the water's boiling already
ravioli with braised beef slow cooked braised beef we got this from costco one of their new
products apparently and then we have a rose sauce and we're adding the leftover chorizo
sausage hot italian sausage yeah from last night so that's gonna be good and we have the cheese
a petal parmesan yeah so yeah i'm gonna start putting that in because it's ready to go we are
hungry it is afternoon at this point yeah 2 10. we had to go out for a while today and we just got in
the sun is coming out so this afternoon we're going to try to go and make some
trails with a snowshoe yes to see if we can get to the actual trails because there is so much snow after the snowstorm
there that everything is covered up so we're going to see if we can do that and it's going to be a
quick and easy lunch yeah right not lunch pasta lunch yeah it's our lunch supper yeah we had a
bigger than normal breakfast so yeah we did lots of croissants were consumed today so well as long
as we have something to wet the whistle and uh something to put on the dish on the table we are
okay but we're having a good time so far so good yes we really like this area cool opens the mouth
we need to drink it yeah
oh gucci
yum yum yum yum yum yum
a little wave
post ravioli walk you have like more snow on your beard than the dog does on his
face dog in the snow are you eating as much snow as togo maybe he just is about as much he's uh
he's enjoying the game so he is so yeah i mean going for a little afternoon walk because sunset
is probably in like what 45 minutes yeah it's a thing you kind of when it hits the afternoon you
got to start planning these things otherwise yeah postpone it to the next day so that's
probably quarter to four or like 4 p.m right now so a little winter stroll nobody out here nobody
absolutely no one knows and the temperatures have gone up to zero you know zero degrees this is warm
i'm almost gonna put on my shorts and t-shirt right yes it's getting balmy over here guys
good morning let's go down
there we go
come on
a who is afraid of the big bad wolf big bad wolf big bad wolf who's afraid of the big bad wolf
certainly not me certainly not toge good morning samuel good morning so
our second full day here and we are starting off with a hearty breakfast decided to go for
bacon and eggs reason being it's going to get as cold as what uh minus 38 today minus 38 tonight
and we're going to be barbecuing at -38 yeah yeah so we we're gonna we need the calories today
and we're also planning on breaking some trail in the backyard with the snowshoes so we need all
the energy we can get we're going for the hearty country breakfast breaking eggs bacony and all the
good stuff and we like it nice and crispy you know yep not chewy it has to be crispy there you go
okay it's time for a little show-and-tell this is our room this is where we're staying if you guys
ever wondered what it's like to be in a canadian basement in the winter yes check out the snow
levels here's our window here's the top of the snow that's crazy that's what we're gonna be
breaking trail with the goal here is if we break trail from the top of the house the main entrance
if we can get it down to the basement maybe we can lure the dog down here because he's too scared
to walk down the steps so yeah that's the plan so the funny thing about togo you guys some of
you may know this already if you've been watching the videos for a while but he is afraid of stairs
going downstairs yeah um so yeah we've been trying to lure him down to the basement because
that's where we have like this beautiful like wood-burning stove and it's so cozy and he refuses
to walk down and for instance he's never been to the basement and your in your parents house
never he's missing out he comes down he looks down he's like there's a whole there's a whole
world under there just don't have the courage to waddle down i know i feel so bad for him yeah but
yeah this is a room it's where we're staying the snow actually was even higher yesterday
we've had sunshine yeah for a solid day now so it has started to melt and kind of like compact down
but yeah the other morning like the whole window was covered in snow yeah it was basically massive
st snow storm before we came yeah a day of kind of pause and then quite a bit yesterday and then it
looks like we've just got sunny days the rest of the time yeah so pretty lucky gonna go snowshoeing
okay so we're getting ready for our little morning adventure and look at this
so it snowed so much that our host explained that they weren't able to groom the trails
because the amount of snow was just astronomic and instead she left us two brand new pairs
of snowshoes look at those which is amazing like no wonder this lady is a super host
she thought of every super need we'd have yeah including the desire to snowshoe after the crazy snowstorm
yeah and break your own trail yeah because like my sister owns snowshoes but because she lives
like an hour away we just didn't have enough time to hey gucci i know it's exciting so hyper
these are really cool ones because they're all size fits or they're one size fits all
yeah they have an adjustable back so yeah we're gonna be breaking them in two pairs
so excited for that and we we saw like deer footprints and like a deer trail
like the snow is this deep right now but we can see that a dior is out there so
maybe we'll we'll encounter some wildlife this morning who knows oh that'd be awesome
thank you samuel that's about it we are officially ready let's go
okay hopefully we don't trip down the stairs hopefully not being very canadian
lead the way
i can feel little icicles forming in my nostrils
anyone else no i'm not cold but like my nose so i'm leading
deeper than togo's height look at this wolf look at this wolf
i didn't touch
here we are opening trail around the back side of the cabin
so tago can also come into the basement and not
going to create a path down to the lake there's a frozen lake down there
come on togi sam's heading down
we're going to take togi in how exciting togi this trail is just for you just for you
look you can go in and it's carpeted so you don't have to be scared
mom and dad are coming oh you found the ball oh that's more interesting
he found a little ball to play with of course
i don't know if you guys can see but i had just showered so i've got little icicles in my hair
he's like this is all for show all for show poor togi you're not a showdog
so audrey you tried using the oppa the fancy opener what did you think effortless i didn't
even have to do anything you just put it down it's too easy put it back up and it's too easy
done so we're having an argentine wine tonight i'm keeping the cork for my collection yeah i am a
collector of wine corks and yeah it's an argentine wine today cabernet sauvignon yeah 2018 from finca
look at the beautiful steaks right those are the steaks and this wine best paired with charcoal
grilled beef and guess what we're having beef so that works really well yep well we're earning
our supper tonight huh we're breathing it out here welcome to siberia snowmageddon
yeah right now the temperature is 30 or almost almost minus 30 celsius yeah and tonight is going
down to almost -40 yeah and we are here in an area this is an open deck it doesn't have any any glass
or any clothing to keep the cold from uh entering so we got the barbecue and we just throw uh four
nice pieces of uh sirloin steak to barbecue we're gonna have some mashed potatoes some salad keeping
it easy it's not the day to try to do a lot of crazy things outside yeah and uh the sun is going
down and uh we just decided to do something quick on the grill and uh enjoy with a bottle of wine
and this is what we are uh cooking today but uh let me tell you is uh nippy out here huh oh it is
huh yeah we spent the better part of the day doing like we were out doing snowshoeing tracking around
the property so we've built up a pretty impressive appetite i'm hungry oh yeah yeah we are hungry
we're hungry we're going to devour this soon so yeah how's how's the dinner you two braved the
cold out there minus i don't know how much now cause it keeps getting cooler and cooler by the
hour 28 minus 28. i'm telling you we've earned the steak dinner today i did about four hours of trail
making so this is uh this is the reward for that this is amazing this meat is so tender so good
it's the perfect meal for a day's end out in the wilderness yeah yeah some good mashed potatoes
a nice salad and of course the friend here that we always have a companion really good
cheers that's a really nice one even toguchi is having his dinner what oh god
oh is it play time with the wolf
who's a wolf who's a wolf togo who's stealing mittens who is stealing the mittens to gooch
okay so we are going to be checking out shortly and as always we wanted to give you
a little tour of the place of where we stayed we found this on airbnb it's called north sky
retreat and it's really nice like the cottage actually looks quite small uh from the outside
but once you're in here it's like really spacious and cozy and we just really enjoyed it it's super
modern upstairs by the way the kitchen was amazing um but yeah we wanted to start downstairs in the
basement which is where we stayed and this is where you have your main living area and stove
and stove so every evening we were lighting the wood-burning stove and it would heat up this
place so nicely like just a few logs maybe like an hour and a half or two and we would be sweating
down here it was like a little yeah seriously we'd have to like layer down and then go to bed
and then by the time it was the morning it was the opposite put the layers back on
so yeah they had a tv loads of movies to choose from i didn't actually watch
anything while we were here uh lots of couches cozy blankets all those blankets are the best
of the deer in the woods yeah and the moose over there there's a moose yeah and then we had
two bedrooms down here we didn't use this one but it's kind of like a kid's bedroom a spare bedroom
uh you could fit up to three people here on this bunk bed two below one on top and they had so many
board games in here have a look i know oh look at that guys magic monopoly boulder dash i don't even
know half of these games and like dvds and books yeah they had a pretty awesome collection of cds
from the 90s too oh yeah back to my childhood was in heaven playing all those retro tunes yeah
and yeah one thing to mention about this place is that it had no wi-fi and i think that's the reason
for like all the movies the music the board games that's the whole point isn't it yeah so come on in
this was our bedroom double bed uh a few days ago i showed you the snow level in the window
we couldn't actually see the sky because it had snowed so much the day before we arrived we had a
crazy snowstorm but now it's like starting to melt and compact down and yeah then we had a really big
closet lots of spare blankets spare pillows so we were very very comfy and come on out here
the other thing to show you is out there is where we had our pile of wood to feed the stove
and stay cozy warm loads of wood yeah and yeah just access to the trails and then to the woods
so we had lots of fun hiking didn't we we did shall we go upstairs and now we're going
to take you upstairs to continue this tour toga's afraid of the stairs what can we do
okay so now we are on the main floor this is where we have our dining area where we enjoyed lots of
hearty winter meals we had lots of pasta while we were here lots of steak we it's very well and then
this is our living area because we were staying with chogi with a dog they had these cool slip
covers so his spur doesn't go everywhere we had a really nice bathroom like a spa bathroom with
a rainforest shower heated floors that's a really nice touch so yeah that's that and then
we have two bedrooms to show you this would be the master bedroom the main bedroom
large closet beautiful big windows so you can just watch
the snow come down my dad was saying he saw a lot of stars from from this window at night stargazing
from the bedroom that's pretty cool yeah and then we had one more bedroom this is a single bedroom
over here so in total you could fit up to eight people in this cottage we were only four so we
found it super spacious we were all able to spread out and yeah we just had a really nice
time spent lots of time hiking making trails with the snowshoes playing out in the snow
with togo so it's been a good stay and now we've got to pack up the car hopefully we've got fewer
things going back i hope we ate a lot of food so we're not as packed as crammed in the rental car
and i forgot to show you the kitchen this is one of the real highlights of the place
we loved this stove for baking they have like a small miniature oven that heats up super quick
we made croissants and then the lower bottom if you're making a turkey or a roast something
that takes a bit longer and the last thing to show you this is more of a summer thing
yeah this is where we did all the grilling go togi so this would be nice in the summer
you know you've got a nice area where you can hang out it's all like meshed
in so the mosquitoes don't eat you alive and that concludes the tour it is so cold so see you later