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  • If you take a look at this chart, you  won't see anything unusual at first glance,  

  • but if you give it a closer look, you will realize  that almost 80 percent of the money that has ever  

  • been printed was printed in the last 2 years. Think for a moment, the US dollar was created  

  • back in 1792, more than 200 years ago, and out of  all the money that's in the economy, 80 percent of  

  • it was printed just in the last 24 months. If you are still confused, why is that scary?  

  • Then you probably hadn't heard what happened  in Zimbabwe in 2006 when the government began  

  • printing so much money that the currency became  so worthless that even a 100 trillion dollar note  

  • couldn't get you a loaf of bread. History is filled with such examples,  

  • from the German hyperinflation in the 1920s to  ancient Rome. Money has its set of rules and  

  • principles, and if you do not follow these rulesit's going to bankrupt not just simple people  

  • but entire nations. A lot of times, people work  hard but still end up struggling financially,  

  • not because they are lazy but because  they are ignoring the rules of money.  

  • We have seen countless examples when lazy  people make fortunes while hard-working  

  • people barely pay the bills, so we end up  criticizing the system and complaining that  

  • life is unfair. That's why it's important to  master the rules of the game first because without  

  • them, get ready to struggle financially for the  rest of your life. But if you want to escape the  

  • rat race and achieve financial indolence, here are  5 rules of money that you must absolutely follow

  • But before we do that, make sure to give  this video a thumbs up, and let's dive in.

  • Master the system

  • Capitalism is a system that a lot of people  don't understand how it works. That's why they  

  • struggle financially. However, the word itself  capitalism tells you everything you need to  

  • know about capitalism - CAPITAL. This is the only  ingredient you need to make it financially today

  • If you look at any rich people, you will realize  one common trait among all of them. They have the  

  • capital that keeps generating income. The bigger  the capital, the more it generates. So the idea  

  • behind capitalism is that if you have nothing  in the beginning, which is absolutely normal,  

  • your main job should be acquiring capitalHow you do that, is a different question.  

  • Most people don't understand that simple  fact, so they forever get trapped in  

  • the world where their only currency is  their time. Even if they end up making  

  • 6 or 7 figures, they get a better car, go to  fancier restaurants or move to a bigger house  

  • and never build a big enough capital that would  grant them the freedom they so desperately want.

  • 2. Money won't buy your time back A lot of people compare time with money.  

  • Haven't you heard the phrase time is moneyTime is money only when you trade your time for  

  • money, but overall, time is far more valuable, and  unlike money, time canэt be earned back. You can't  

  • go to work to buy more time. When the time passesit's over. You can't get it back. When your youth  

  • is over, you aren't going to become young againThat period of your life will only exist in the  

  • past, no matter how much money you have. When you  are old, you cant' go back to being young even if  

  • you have all the money in the world. And that's  something people understand too late, especially  

  • when they are young. They imagine that life  will be amazing when they make a lot of money,  

  • but what they don't understand is that time  is ticking, and it's not waiting for them

  • Just because we live in this capitalistic world  doesn't mean that your entire life has to be about  

  • money because if you look at life in generalmoney is just one out of many aspects of it.

  • 3. No amount of money will satisfy you.

  • I remember when I was back in college, I  literally used to live on pennies because  

  • I had to pay for my tuition, I had  to attend classes at the same time,  

  • and I had to work to pay the bills, so I did not  have enough time to work to make enough money  

  • to live comfortably that's why I lived  on pennies. I used to imagine that if I  

  • just make double the amount I do now or, God  forbid, triple the paycheck that I get today,  

  • I will be living like a kingBut when the day came, when I started  

  • making triple the amount I used to, I realized  that I needed far more, so I set another goal  

  • that I would settle when I will be making 10  times the amount I used to. But what ended up  

  • happening is that even when I started making 100  times the money that I used to back in college,  

  • I felt like that it was not enough. Every time I ask myself - how much is enough?! 

  • I mean, if you think about it, let's say you make  $1 million. That is a lot of money, it's enough  

  • to enjoy life, but it's not enough to get you  a $200 million yacht. But let's say you have a  

  • half a billion net worth, a yacht and a private  jet. You live in a palace, but to be honest,  

  • when you look up and compare yourself to these  billionaires, you are not even on the list!  

  • But even if you get on the listyou'll look at the top of the list,  

  • where you will find people who literally have  hundreds of billions of dollars. Your $2 billion  

  • is not even money compared to their wealth. But even if you get your 200 or $300 billion,  

  • you can look around, and you will  find people who own entire nations!  

  • The constitution of that country literally says  that this person owns this country or this country  

  • belongs to this family (QATAR, Brunai). So, you  start wondering what is that point or what is that  

  • milestone where you can say that this is enough. My experience says that there is no such a point!  

  • You create that point. You  determine what is enough for you!  

  • The sooner you create it, the better! That doesn't mean you should stop earning money,  

  • but you should make it clear to yourself that more  money is not something you should solely focus on.

  • 4. Savings for the sake of saving is dumb

  • We talk a lot on the channel about the  importance of saving but the truth is that  

  • saving money is actually, in many ways is dumb  because what's the point of money? What is the  

  • point of making money and then leaving it all? I  know that it's scary to think about that. But the  

  • harsh reality is that your time here on earth  is limited, and as we have discussed earlier,  

  • there is no way you can buy more time, so taking  all of that money with you to the grave is dumb

  • Before you start saving money, ask yourselfsimple question - why am I saving money? What  

  • is the purpose behind saving money? and  you should have a clear goal behind it

  • For example, to become financially  independent. Then you should set  

  • a specific number at which you will  consider yourself financially free.  

  • Build a plan on how much you are going to  save every month or out of every paycheck,  

  • how you are going to invest that moneyIt will make the process much easier because  

  • from now onwards you know why you are saving and  what's the end goal and how you will get there

  • Because once you save enough  to build that capital,  

  • then you don't have to deny yourself the pleasures  that life has to offer no matter What happens? You  

  • know that you can rely on your investments  that generate enough to keep you afloat.

  • 5. money grows on trees. I know that you probably heard  

  • the absolute opposite that money doesn't grow on  trees. I've heard that that countless times from  

  • my parents. Whenever I would ask my dad to buy  me something when I was a kid, he would reply,  

  • do you think money grows on treesBut if you think about it, the concept  

  • of capitalism is exactly like the concept of  a tree. Have you ever tried planting a tree?  

  • It is not easy! It takes a lot of effort, and even  after putting all of the effort, it is not going  

  • to grow overnight. It takes years to grow when  you finally can enjoy the fruits! The same goes  

  • for investments. When you are building capital  or an asset, besides the amount of effort that it  

  • takes in the beginning to build, it takes years  for it to mature to finally start giving back

  • The rules of money do not stop here. The game of  money is both complicated and straightforward.  

  • However, when you master the rulesit gets much easier to succeed. I  

  • am not by any means telling you to  make money as your first priority,  

  • however like it or not, it's going to  play an important role in your life.

  • I hope you guys have enjoyed this video  and if you did give it a thumbs-up,  

  • and if you're new around herethen make sure to subscribe and  

  • turn on your notifications thanks  for watching and until next time.

If you take a look at this chart, you  won't see anything unusual at first glance,  

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Follow These 5 Rules of Money & Never Work Again

  • 32 0
    Summer posted on 2021/12/21
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