I know, right? I waslike, "Wait a second, didthatjusthappen?"
Ifithadbeenmeinthatsituation, I wouldhavebeenall...
Andthen, ifwe— (farts)
Um... I, um... ohmygod, I'm, I'm sosorry, pleasedon't— I mean, I'm so—
It's ok, don't worry. Thathappens.
Youdon't understand... I can't letyoulivewiththismemory.
I'm sosorryithadtoendthisway.
I wasreallylookingforwardtodoingbusinesswithyou.
I wassoblownaway.
Byhowconfidentlyhehandled... farting.
I mean, I wouldn't beabletobeownstufflikethat.
Youknow, justdowhatyoudowithconfidenceandnoshame.
Everythinglooksgoodhere, I thinkwejusthaveonemorebusinessmattertoattendto.
Excuseme, as I wassaying...
Butyeah, itwasjustreallyinterestingseeinghowdifferentlypeoplecarrythemselvesandhowyouwouldapproachlike, whatcouldhavebeen a reallyembarassingsituation.
So, thankyou, businessman I willnotname,
forinspiringmeby... farting.
Andthat’s thedefinitely a first, ahh.
I willseeyouguysnextMonday. Stay... awesome? Nope!
Ohyeah. Ohyeah... I'm goingtochokeyousohard.
Ifyourpressureishere, it's anactualchoke.
-Okay. -Sodon't actuallychokeme.
So, myboyfriendand I worktogetherquite a bit.
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