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  • Hello and welcome back to Easy English with James! Today we're going to have a

  • look at the letter 'e'. This is a special letter because it's the most common

  • letter in all of English and there are more ways to pronounce the letter e than

  • there are ways to pronounce any other letter in English, so if you want to know

  • exactly how to pronounce this letter and you want to master your pronunciation

  • stick with me as we learn all about the letter E!

  • [Music]

  • okay so the letter e it's a vowel letter the vowels in english are a e i o and u

  • the letter e is the second vowel letter in english after the letter a if you

  • want to learn more about the letter a check out my video up here okay the

  • letter e is a vowel letter that is actually the most common letter in all

  • of english so it's super important maybe the most important letter for you to

  • learn actually in english 13 or 14 percent

  • between 13 and 14 of all english writing

  • is just the letter e that means if you read a book or a newspaper

  • 13 of the letters is just the letter e okay it's the

  • letter e is everywhere nearly every word in english contains a letter e okay it's

  • really really important so how many ways do you think there are to

  • pronounce this letter have a think and today we're going to go

  • through all of those different ways and i'll give you advice on your

  • pronunciation we'll talk about some vocabulary that you can use some really

  • long words some crazy words and hopefully by the end of this lesson

  • you'll know all of the different ways to pronounce this and we'll have a little

  • test at the end okay so let's start with number one

  • okay so number one nice and easy to start with

  • the letter e obviously can be pronounced

  • e this is how it is pronounced in the

  • alphabet a b c d e e

  • we make this sound watch closely e

  • e your lips widen a little bit and your tongue sort of hovers

  • e e

  • e sometimes people call this the long e but don't always use that because it

  • doesn't have to be very very long it can be e e e okay but the important thing is

  • that your mouth gets wide e e

  • e we find this in really common words it's

  • very important because it's found in super common words like he

  • or she or we

  • or me

  • and also the verb to be

  • okay practice with me he she

  • we me

  • and to be

  • to be okay if you want to practice that better

  • or faster try going through all of them he she we me

  • he she we me he she we me okay and you'll get that

  • sound really really natural really really natural okay we can also

  • pronounce the letter e as e in words where it is a stressed syllable

  • so take a look at the word female

  • female okay female the stressed syllable is the first part

  • of that word fee and you can see the letter e there

  • that's the stressed part e so often in many words in english when

  • the e is the stressed part we pronounce it e

  • take a look at evening

  • evening evening

  • okay and female and even secret

  • secret okay female

  • secret evening

  • in those words one syllable is stressed the syllable with the letter e at the

  • beginning is stressed so we pronounce it e be careful because there are many

  • exceptions to this rule but in many words when the e is stressed we

  • pronounce it e okay you'll also find this

  • pronunciation of the letter e in words like chinese or vietnamese or japanese

  • okay e-s-e any word with e-s-e that e-s-e is

  • pronounced ease ease okay this is because of something

  • called magic e

  • don't worry magic e we're going to look at at the end of today's lesson but for

  • now look at words like theme and you can also see they have e then a

  • consonant and then another e that final e is called magic e okay and that's one

  • of the reasons why we pronounce these e japanese

  • chinese okay vietnamese

  • and theme and scene

  • okay practice those words we also pronounce the letter e as e in

  • greek words that means words in english that come from the ancient greek

  • language okay words like hercules you know the really famous

  • strong man hercules hercules okay but also plurals of greek words so the

  • single word oasis if you change that to the plural which

  • means many of you just add es oases same with crisis becomes crises and

  • thesis becomes theses okay that es on the end of words here is always

  • pronounced ease ease because they're taken from greek

  • okay so practice hercules

  • hercules and

  • feces and

  • crises and oases also we often pronounce the letter e as

  • e in words where it appears next to an a so the letters e a together if you look

  • at words like jeans

  • genes or meat meet

  • meet or even teacher

  • teacher teacher teach okay and

  • reach that ea here together is pronounced as

  • the e e okay so practice with me

  • teacher teach

  • jeans a nice pair of jeans and

  • meat meat

  • okay this is the same when we have two letter

  • e's together e e in words like free everybody loves free stuff right free

  • and agree agree

  • and the animal b okay the buzzing b

  • b agree and

  • free so when you see words with two e's together it's normally pronounced long e

  • sound e agree

  • be and free sometimes when you see the letters e and

  • i together e and then i in words like protein protein

  • sealing sealing and

  • receipt receipt okay when you go to buy

  • something you will get a receipt the e before the i is sometimes not always be

  • careful because there are many exceptions sometimes e before i is also

  • pronounced e in english e the best way to learn this is to listen to each new

  • word okay ask a native speaker or look up on an online dictionary for the sound

  • of each word when you learn it so you know is this e i pronounced e or not

  • okay so protein ceiling

  • and receipt

  • receipt okay also we can turn it around instead

  • of the e before the i we can put the i before the e

  • and that combination of letters is also pronounced

  • e in words like peace

  • peace and

  • briefcase briefcase when you go to work you carry

  • a briefcase also in the word believe believe you'll see the final syllable

  • there leave is iev so ieve believe believe okay so

  • e before i can be pronounced sometimes e and also i before e can sometimes be

  • pronounced e2 okay believe peace and briefcase

  • finally there are some special words in english where e is at the end of the

  • word and it's pronounced e usually they're words that are borrowed from

  • other languages especially japanese so words like karate

  • karate or karaoke karaoke both of those end in e

  • but they're borrowed from another language so we put the e at the end as a

  • e e sound okay practice again karaoke

  • karaoke and karate karate

  • okay so let's try some practice sentences with this

  • pronunciation of the letter e she is free to believe there is a bee

  • on the ceiling she is free to believe there is a bee on

  • the ceiling practice with me she is free to believe there is a bee on

  • the ceiling your turn

  • okay she is free to believe there is a bee on the ceiling you'll see all of the

  • different spellings in that sentence and hopefully the more you practice that

  • sentence you'll be able to get a good feel for when we pronounce the letter e

  • as e okay you can also try this sentence we see chinese genes on the beach

  • we see chinese jeans on the beach okay practice with me we see chinese jeans on

  • the beach your turn

  • okay well done let's have a look at the next way that we can pronounce this

  • letter okay the next way that we can pronounce

  • the letter e in english is as an e e

  • watch closely my jaw goes down e e

  • you'll know this from words like egg okay

  • this one is really simple to remember the letter e is pronounced er very often

  • in words that end in the letter e and then a consonant so look at the word get

  • you've got the letter e and then a consonant

  • the word met or bet or set or even longer words like hotel

  • hotel they all have the letter e followed by a consonant at the end of a

  • word okay there are exceptions to this rule too of course in english but

  • a good rule to remember is that if you see the letter e followed by a consonant

  • and it's at the end of a word especially short words like bet met set and let

  • it's usually pronounced

  • practice with me hotel hotel

  • get get

  • set set

  • and met

  • met okay well done

  • you'll also see the letter e pronounced air in words where you see the letter e

  • followed by a consonant and then another vowel so look at the word exit

  • exit you've got the letter e then you've got a consonant x and then you've got

  • another vowel i okay exit look at the word never

  • or ever

  • or level okay all of these words have the

  • letter e followed by a consonant followed by another vowel sometimes it's

  • another e like in never or ever or level okay

  • when you see that often in english it's pronounced e e

  • never level okay ever well done

  • also you'll find this in words where the letter e is followed by th okay things

  • like weather as in whether it rains or not

  • okay and together together they both have the letter e

  • followed by t h together whether okay often in words

  • like that the letter e is pronounced e other exceptions where we also pronounce

  • the letter e as a are words like else else and

  • center okay both of these have that e pronunciation

  • also the letter e can be pronounced e in words with e a again remember before e a

  • was pronounced e well in english ea can also be pronounced e okay so e a

  • in words like dead

  • dead or bread

  • or breakfast okay in dead you can see the letter e

  • followed by the letter a again e a but this time it's not pronounced e this

  • time it's pronounced er there's a really good example of this with the word read

  • read in the present tense is i read a book but in the past it's

  • i read a book but the spelling is exactly the same i know english can be a

  • little bit crazy sometimes but i read in the present and i read in the past so ea

  • can be pronounced e or air

  • and in many many cases ea is pronounced e

  • try these words weather

  • weather head

  • head dead

  • and breakfast

  • breakfast practice with me weather weather

  • head head

  • dead dead

  • and breakfast

  • breakfast all have that e pronunciation try these practice sentences with the

  • letter e as a every hotel breakfast i have in bed

  • every hotel breakfast i have in bed okay lots of words with air with the letter e

  • pronounced air one more time every hotel breakfast i have in bed

  • okay let's look at the next one number two is get to the exit or else you'll be

  • dead get to the exit or else you'll be dead

  • okay get to the exit or else you'll be dead

  • number three is the bread gets wet in bad weather

  • the bread gets wet in bad weather try and say this one as fast as you can the

  • bread gets wet in bad weather the bread gets wet in bad weather and you'll get a

  • really good feel for that e e sound okay practice with me the

  • bread gets wet in bad weather okay the next way number three the third way that

  • we can pronounce the letter e in english is

  • uh

  • er okay it's a really relaxed sound we start with our mouth in the same

  • position that you make the schwa sound in english

  • but this time we make it a little bit longer make sure you're vibrating your

  • vocal chords uh uh imagine it's trying to continually push

  • that sound out of your mouth not uh but uh

  • okay

  • uh okay we pronounce the letter e as uh in

  • really common words like her

  • and were

  • and person okay you'll notice that e and r

  • together e and are in her or were or person or even

  • verb the e and the r together usually means that that is pronounced

  • so if you see a word with e-r like refer refer you see the e-r and you know it's

  • pronounced uh practice with me person

  • person verb

  • her and

  • were well done also in words where you see

  • the letters e a and r together you'll love this e a can be pronounced in so

  • many ways in english this time e a and r together is pronounced

  • uh so in words like

  • earth we all live on planet earth earth e-a-r here is pronounced

  • er er

  • so if e-a-r is pronounced uh then words like

  • learn learn

  • and early

  • early okay uh lee early also words like search

  • search okay e-a-r is often pronounced uh

  • practice with me earth

  • earth make sure you get that th sound at the end of the word earth

  • earth then search

  • search search

  • and then learn

  • learn and

  • early early

  • there are also some loan words from french that have really weird spellings

  • in english so words that are a little bit longer that you see ending in e

  • u r they're not common words in english

  • they're very rare but these are words that english has borrowed from french

  • words like saboteur

  • saboteur and you can see that t-e-u-r-tur

  • is pronounced tur with that er sound so eu here is pronounced uh

  • saboteur other words like this are connoisseur

  • connoisseur you can be a connoisseur of wine a connoisseur of wine and one of my

  • favorite words in english because it's really difficult to pronounce is

  • entrepreneur entrepreneur

  • okay on tr pro no entrepreneur okay what does entrepreneur mean

  • write that in the comments below if you know the answer what is an entrepreneur

  • okay but remember e-u-r on the end of those words is also pronounced er in

  • english uh

  • e equals uh practice this sentence with me to

  • practice that pronunciation of the letter e

  • her search of the earth for the perfect person

  • her search of the earth for the perfect person okay

  • her got that er search e-a-r earth ea again and perfect person

  • her search of the earth for the perfect person practice with me her search of

  • the earth for the perfect person your turn

  • okay number two the saboteur learned the verbs early

  • the saboteur learned the verbs early the saboteur

  • learned the verbs early okay practice that one as fast as you can the saboteur

  • learn the verbs early and you'll really get a feel for again the ea the eu and

  • also those er combinations that make us pronounce the letter e as uh uh okay

  • well done let's move on to the next way to pronounce the letter e

  • okay number four the fourth way we can pronounce the letter e in english is as

  • ear

  • this is a diphthong sound a diphthong vowel sound if you want to know all

  • about the diphthongs in english check out my video up here

  • the sound ear the vowel sound ear is a way that we

  • can pronounce the letter e and it's very common in english usually again when you

  • see e and a together okay in words like here and near and fear

  • now very quickly remember e a is a diphthong that means we slide

  • from one vowel sound into the other we start with e and we slide into

  • ear ear it's one vowel sound not two we don't say e

  • uh it's one sound that we slide that's why we call it a diphthong

  • ear practice these words near fear

  • year here

  • and really

  • really okay so it's very common again in words with e and a idea idea

  • really here

  • near fear okay with ea it's really common but you can also see the letter e

  • pronounced ear in words with two e's like

  • beer or

  • korea or engineer engineer

  • also when you say cheers to someone cheers this is especially true in the

  • british english accent where we say cheers

  • cheers okay and engineer engineer

  • but make sure that you're getting that diphthong slide engineer

  • engineer beer beer is a really good one to practice

  • this because it has two it's a short word with two e's but you'll hear the

  • beer beer and korea okay you'll also find

  • this in words with e followed by the letter r

  • e and r together can sometimes be pronounced with the default ear so look

  • at words like algeria

  • algeria it's not algeria and it's not the long e either we don't say

  • algeria we say algeria and

  • hero hero okay especially strong in british

  • english hero hero

  • words like serious serious okay and

  • era era practice with me algeria

  • algeria hero

  • hero sirius

  • sirius and era

  • era okay era that's a cool word

  • some words where the e comes before the i again can be pronounced with this

  • diphthong sound words like weird

  • weird where you've got e i and it's pronounced ear weird

  • weird okay also in words with eo like theory

  • theory okay these are exceptions they're exceptional

  • rules here so don't worry they're not very common but you should learn them

  • sometimes eo is ear theory okay and e i in weird

  • weird also again with that magic e that we talked about before please don't

  • worry we will explain magic e properly at the end in words like

  • atmosphere atmosphere or really simple words first

  • like here here you have

  • e r e but if you take that e away at the end and throw it away you just have her

  • so h e r her with that er sound that we learned

  • before but h e r e here

  • so you can see the magic e at the end changes the first vowel sound from

  • er in her to ear in here okay that is the power of

  • magic e okay here atmosphere

  • atmosphere and

  • severe severe

  • okay practice with me here

  • here atmosphere atmosphere and

  • severe severe practice this sentence to

  • practice this pronunciation it's a really bad idea to drink beer

  • here that's a tough one it's a really bad

  • idea to drink beer here it's a really bad idea to drink beer

  • here okay it's a really bad idea to drink beer here really cool sentence

  • okay practice that one as fast as you can until you get a feel for that ear

  • ear ear sound number two his idea of a really serious career is an engineer in

  • a theater his idea of a really serious career

  • is an engineer in a theater okay practice that one too as many times as

  • you need and i promise that sound will get really easy okay let's move on to

  • the next way to pronounce the letter e in english

  • okay the fifth way that we can pronounce the letter e in english is as the short

  • vowel sound e

  • be careful don't get this sound confused with the longer e sound

  • e okay if you want some help with the

  • difference between those two sounds check out my video up here e

  • okay if is a short vowel sound watch closely

  • it's the same sound in words like tin and bin okay it's a really short e sound

  • but here in english we can sometimes pronounce the letter e as an

  • you know this because you're studying english

  • english in the word english the letter e is pronounced

  • in the word england where i'm from also in the word

  • pretty pretty you'll find it sometimes but not

  • always where the syllable is stressed where that e is stressed england

  • english and pretty okay in some words where you stress that e we pronounce it

  • as the short sound practice with me

  • english england and

  • pretty pretty don't say england or pretty that

  • sounds really silly in english but pretty

  • english and england okay you'll also find the letter e pronounced

  • i in words that have two or more syllables but the if syllable is

  • unstressed the syllable with the letter e is not stressed so look at words like

  • defend defend and that word believe again be

  • leave the first either is not stressed believe

  • believe okay the leave is stressed so believe

  • that means that the first e we pronounce respect

  • believe defend

  • okay practice with me respect

  • respect relieve

  • relieve receive

  • receive and believe

  • believe and finally defend

  • defend you'll see that letter e at the beginning again is unstressed so we

  • pronounce it defend

  • respect relieve okay

  • here's some special words that you should also practice because they're

  • very common and they also have the letter e pronounced

  • try these words emotion

  • emotion okay and enough very common word enough i've had enough i have enough of

  • this okay enough enough

  • and result result

  • result okay also the word 11 the number e11 we're going to look at the number 11

  • later because there's lots of letter e's in that word but in the word 11 the

  • first e is pronounced i 11 we don't say 11 or 11 we say 11

  • 11 okay okay also the letter e can be pronounced

  • in past tense regular verbs that end in t or d

  • so past tense verbs that end in t or d like wanted or needed or loaded okay

  • you'll notice that it finishes in a d or a t want

  • is the t and need for the d so in the past we add edi and we pronounce that e

  • as did

  • one tid lo did

  • hated okay practice with me

  • needed wanted

  • loaded hated

  • okay needed wanted loaded hated again remember that ed here is pronounced id

  • with that short i sound okay a practice sentence for this one is i believe he

  • wanted to defend england i believe he wanted to defend england

  • really good sentence to practice that short it sound here as the letter e

  • i believe he wanted

  • to defend england okay i believe he wanted to

  • defend england now try this one 11 pretty english women

  • 11 pretty english women it's difficult

  • because there's lots of letter e's in there but we're going to focus on just

  • the ease pronounced i so 11 pretty

  • english women okay women is also pronounced with that again

  • 11 pretty english women 11 pretty english women

  • say that as fast as you can 11 pretty english women and the faster you can say

  • that the easier this sound will become so practice as much as you need to okay

  • let's move on okay the letter e can also be pronounced

  • as a schwa sound the schwa sound is uh it's really relaxed and in english

  • the schwa sound is never stressed that means it's never a part of a sentence

  • that we stress it's always unstressed if you want to know

  • all about the schwa sound i have a really long lesson up here that you can

  • watch to learn and master the schwa sound but today remember the letter e is

  • very often pronounced as a schwa sound okay in words like happen or open or

  • often okay the e and the n there is pronounced an with a schwa so the letter

  • e here is so you'll find this in words that end in

  • en like open and often and happen open

  • often and happen you'll also find this very often in words that end in e-n-t

  • like parent

  • or moment or present

  • or accident okay parent moment

  • present and accident all of them end in ent and

  • it's unstressed so we pronounce that letter e as a parent

  • accident or

  • president the president of the united states

  • president okay practice that

  • parent moment

  • president and accident okay well done okay but the

  • most important time that you should remember to pronounce the letter e as a

  • schwa as a sound is in the word the

  • the okay the man the boy

  • the girl the car it's super important because that word the is said really

  • quickly really fast and that's because we're using the schwa

  • the man the boy the car the girl okay the so remember that most

  • of the time in english when you see the it is pronounced

  • the only time it's not is when the next word starts with a vowel so in the boy

  • the next word boy starts with b a consonant but if we say apple

  • it's not the apple it's the apple the apple so it's very important that we

  • look at the word the as having two different e pronunciations it can be uh

  • or it can be e that long e sound the boy

  • but the apple okay because apple starts with

  • a vowel so orange

  • what would that be orange that starts with a vowel so we would say the orange

  • but what about house

  • house that starts with a consonant the house

  • the house okay so remember the man the boy but the apple and the orange okay

  • okay so can you write two more examples of that in the comments can you give me

  • one example of v and one example of the just so i know that you've learned it

  • okay for now i want you to remember that the e in the can

  • very very important try this practice sentence the president's accent is often

  • a problem the president's accent is often a

  • problem how many uh sounds are in that sentence

  • the president's accent is often a problem

  • can you write in the comments how many how many uh schwa sounds are in that

  • sentence how many times can you see the letter e in there where it's pronounced

  • uh the president's accent is often a

  • problem okay let's see who can get that one right

  • number two the parents were in the recent accident

  • the parents were in the recent accident okay practice with me the parents were

  • in the recent accident

  • okay okay let's move on to the next sound but

  • before we do that i want to ask you if you're enjoying this lesson if you're

  • learning something please hit that like button and subscribe to my channel so

  • that you don't miss any of my future lessons we still have

  • f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y xyz to go so there's lots more to come

  • so make sure that you have subscribed and you've hit that like button if you

  • enjoy this lesson okay okay the seventh way that we can

  • pronounce the letter e in english is as the diphthong sound

  • a a

  • a you'll often find this sound in words where e and i are together again like

  • wait and freight okay e i in english is very often pronounced

  • a remember this is a diphthong sound so we

  • glide one vowel into another but it's one sound

  • a a

  • so weight

  • weight and

  • freight freight

  • and vein

  • vein the veins in your arm or the number eight

  • eight okay so remember the letter e e i here can be pronounced a

  • a ate

  • weight freight and vain

  • vein you'll also find the letter e pronounced

  • as an a in words where the letter e comes together with a y in words like

  • they they

  • also gray

  • gray even in the really common greeting hey

  • hey e is followed by the letter y and this in english is pronounced

  • a so this time the letter e is pronounced

  • a a

  • what about words like obey obey okay so practice these words with

  • me gray

  • gray pray

  • pray obey

  • obey hey

  • and they

  • they okay

  • you'll also find the letter e pronounced a in really rare exceptional words like

  • pate and cafe

  • not many words look like this in english because in english we don't normally use

  • these accent markers these little things that go above the letters they're

  • usually words borrowed from other languages like french okay

  • pate and cafe but here that e on the end with the

  • accent marker is always pronounced a a

  • cafe and pate okay try this sentence

  • there's eight and they are gray there is eight and they are gray okay

  • there is eight and they are gray try this one the gray prey animals obey him

  • the grey prey animals obey him the gray prey animals obey him okay gray

  • pray obey the gray prey animals obey him and finally remember that other e with

  • the marker i bought pate in the cafe i bought some pate in the cafe do you

  • like to eat pate okay most people in england will have

  • pate on toast for christmas okay it's really common pate on toast either for

  • breakfast usually as part of a christmas dinner pate on toast okay pate on bread

  • okay the eighth way that we can pronounce this letter in english the

  • letter e can be pronounced i i

  • and this one is super confusing because it's often in words that are spelled the

  • same as words that are pronounced a a we looked at words like ate and weight

  • but sometimes the e i and especially e i g can be pronounced i

  • look at words like height

  • height how tall someone is height we don't say hate we say height

  • and also slight slight

  • luckily this is not common normally the pronunciation of e-i-g-h-t

  • would be eight weight freight okay but in some cases

  • the letter e here can be pronounced i as in height or slight okay remember

  • height and slight you'll also see this in a really common

  • word i i and eyes okay one eye two eyes here

  • the letter e is pronounced i i it's the same sound when you say i am

  • i i do i am okay i

  • let's practice all three of those words again

  • height slight and

  • eye eyes

  • okay practice this sentence she is a nice

  • height and she has lovely eyes she is a nice height and she has lovely

  • eyes she's a nice height and she has lovely

  • eyes okay okay number nine the ninth way to

  • pronounce the letter e in english is air

  • it's another diphthong sound another diphthong vowel sound

  • air

  • okay the two sounds glide into each other

  • okay you'll know this from words like there and where

  • very common in words with e r e there and where these are two really

  • common words so make sure that you pronounce these correctly

  • they're very commonly mispronounced practice them with things like

  • where is she she is over there

  • where is he he is over there okay where

  • and there where

  • there where is she she's over there okay

  • you'll also find the letter e pronounced air in words with e a r again i said

  • before there are many ways to pronounce ea in english and here is another one in

  • the word bear bear

  • and pear and even

  • where as in i'm wearing clothes wearing clothes

  • where with e-r-e and

  • where clothes

  • are exactly the same in english okay they are pronounced identically that

  • means exactly the same where e-r-e and where

  • i'm wearing clothes so e-a-r can sometimes be pronounced

  • air in english practice with me bear

  • pear and

  • where where

  • try this sentence i'm wearing nice clothes

  • i'm wearing nice clothes or i like to wear nice clothes

  • now try this super sentence where should i wear the bear costume

  • where should i wear the bear costume maybe you're going to a party and you're

  • dressing as a bear where should i wear the halloween bear costume where should

  • i wear the bear costume okay practice that one now try this over there

  • where ah there

  • over there where

  • ah over there okay that's a really good one for

  • practicing the intonation in english over there

  • where ah

  • there okay

  • practice that and try and copy my intonation as well and you'll really

  • start to sound exactly like native english speakers do when they're

  • speaking the sentence like that okay number 10 is the letter e pronounced as

  • ah thankfully i only know one word in

  • english where the letter e is pronounced r and it is in the word

  • sergeant sergeant okay this is the only time i

  • know in english where the letter e is pronounced

  • sergeant okay so just remember that one word sergeant is somebody in the army

  • okay somebody it's a rank in the military

  • sergeant okay sergeant

  • okay the final way that we can pronounce the letter e in english is

  • we don't pronounce the letter e at all it's silent okay it can be silent but

  • sometimes with magic e it can also change the word

  • so look at past tense verbs like play stay

  • and kick or stop when we put them in the past played stayed kicked and stopped

  • they have the letters e d but we don't pronounce the e the e

  • is silent okay in past tense regular verbs the ed

  • is pronounced it does not include the e we don't say

  • stop head we say stop we don't say played or played we just

  • say play okay that d

  • on the end is good but we don't use the e letter the e is silent

  • the only time the e is not silent is when it's following a t or a d at the

  • end of the original verb for example in wanted and needed and loaded where we

  • pronounce it as we learned that before okay but in most

  • regular past tense verbs the e is silent practice with me

  • kicked kicked

  • played played

  • stayed stayed and stopped

  • stopped okay remember past tense regular verbs

  • the e is silent we don't pronounce the e at all unless it's after t or d t

  • okay sometimes native speakers when we're

  • speaking really fast also like to make a silent e in a word we like to

  • delete or remove or take away the letter e so in words like

  • camera camera when native english speakers are

  • speaking really fast we might just say cam

  • ra camera

  • camera we don't say camera we just delete that e and say camera we do this

  • also with words like interest in

  • trest it should be pronounced interest into

  • rest but instead when we're speaking really quickly we'll just say

  • interest interest

  • the same with different it should be

  • different but when we're speaking very quickly we

  • don't have time we take that letter e and throw it away we just say

  • different different

  • this will really help you to speak more quickly in english camera

  • camera different

  • different and interest

  • interest practice with me camera

  • cam interest interest and

  • different different

  • remember if you're speaking more slowly you can pronounce the letter e

  • different interest and camera but when you're speaking really quickly

  • outside you don't need the letter e camera

  • interest different try this sentence this camera is

  • different i'm interested this camera is different

  • i'm interested your turn this camera is different i'm interested

  • okay also we find silent e in words where the

  • e is after a v so in words like movement movement and

  • improvement that e in the middle is completely

  • silent it's move with the and then

  • movement likewise

  • improvement improvement okay finally we also find

  • silent e in something someone somewhere and somehow okay any word where you have

  • some and then another word and we combine them together somewhere somehow

  • someone something that e is silent okay practice with me

  • somewhere somehow

  • someone something

  • somewhere somehow someone something okay the letter e there is completely silent

  • so whenever you see some and then another word combined with it someone

  • somewhere something somehow you'll notice the letter e is silent okay okay

  • now magic e magicky is special it's silent but it still has power magic e

  • can change the pronunciation of the other parts of a word let's have a look

  • look at the word car

  • car c-a-r but if we put magic e on the end

  • we don't have cara we have care care so magic e is silent but it changes

  • the a from r to air it goes from car with no magicky to

  • care with a magic e

  • look at the word h

  • if you have h e r her you can hear that er sound that we learned before but if

  • you add magic e it changes the word to

  • here her

  • here her here okay that is the power of magic e it

  • goes on the end of a word and it changes the pronunciation of the word but it's

  • still silent it's like it's invisible but it has the power to change things

  • car becomes care her becomes here okay pet becomes pete

  • lots of different amazing ways the letter e the magic e can change the rest

  • of the word okay okay so many times in english the magic e will change the

  • pronunciation of the first syllable the first vowel sound from a simple sound

  • either short or long vowel sound to a diphthong so in words like hop and then

  • you add magic e and it becomes o which is a diphthong

  • hope hope

  • in ah car to air okay so we take a short vowel

  • sound and we make it into a diphthong vowel sound car care

  • her here

  • okay we can also use this with things like

  • quit and quite i

  • qui okay quit and quite hop and hope okay

  • let's try some practice sentences with magic e and you'll get a good feel for

  • when we use it number one i don't care about my car i don't care about my car

  • okay you've got care and car the only difference is that magic e care with the

  • diphthong air and

  • car i don't care about my car

  • number two her car is not here

  • her and here her car is not here practice with me her car is not here her

  • car is not here number three i will quit if it's quite boring i will quit you've

  • got quit and quite with the magic e quit and quite i will quit if it's quite

  • boring you go to a new job and it's really boring you may tell your friends

  • i will quit i will leave this job if it's quite boring quit and quiet i will

  • quit this job if it's quite boring number four i hope you hop over to the

  • shop later i hope you hop over to the shop later you've got hope and hop

  • i hope you hop over to the shop later hop here means to go it's a special way

  • that native english speakers use to mean to go it means to go really quickly i

  • hope you hop over to the shop later you might ask someone can you hop round to

  • the shop for me and get me something can you hop around the shop for me and get

  • this can you hop around the shop okay it doesn't mean literally to hop on one leg

  • it just means to go somewhere quickly i'm hopping to

  • work i'm hopping there okay it means to go really quickly so practice with me

  • again i hope you hop to the shop later i hope you hop to the shop later okay okay

  • well done so remember there are 11 ways that we can pronounce the letter e have

  • a look on the screen now and you'll see the different 11 ways that we can

  • pronounce the letter e number one is the e in we

  • she and c number two is the e

  • in bet head and let

  • number three is uh

  • in her

  • and were number four is

  • ear in here near and fear number five is i in pretty

  • or english number six is the schwa sound the uh in

  • the word the and movement number seven is the a sound in they an

  • eight and number eight is the i in i and

  • height number nine the air in their and bear

  • number ten the ah insargent and number eleven the silent e

  • in kicked or also the magic e in care and movement

  • okay so let's practice some words that have many e's or some long words with

  • the letter e number one eleven everybody knows this it's a

  • number after ten ten eleven okay eleven has three different e sounds okay there

  • are three ways that we pronounce the letter e in the word eleven you've got e

  • at the beginning then e in the middle and then the schwa

  • at the end eleven

  • eleven so practice that one if you want to practice three of the different

  • sounds at the same time eleven eleven eleven eleven eleven okay

  • eleven number two is the word expedient

  • ex be dent

  • lots of different e pronunciations in there expedient

  • expedient okay it's a long word practice with me expedient

  • expedient expedient means when you do something

  • that is not really proper probably not right but it's very convenient it's a

  • convenient way to do something okay expedient expedient

  • number three is exceeded exceeded lots of letter e's in here too and you've got

  • a double e in the middle xc did xc did you've got e

  • exceeded exceeded to exceed means to go beyond to go further than to exceeded

  • you'll hear this in the sentence he exceeded my expectations that means he

  • was better than i thought he would be he exceeded my expectations exceeded

  • exceeded number four benevolence this is one of my favorite

  • words in english benevolence

  • you also have benevolent okay benevolence

  • benevolence see if you can tell me what that word

  • means by writing your answer in the comments

  • benevolence benevolence okay and finally number five

  • is a really long word defenselessness

  • defenselessness defenselessness

  • how many e's are there in there how many different ways can you hear to pronounce

  • the letter e defenselessness

  • defenselessness defenselessness okay write that in the

  • comments below okay to finish this lesson we're going to have a super

  • practice sentence in this sentence are all 11 ways to pronounce the letter

  • e so this is the sentence you should practice 100 times until you're really

  • really good at it okay okay this is the sentence sergeant there

  • were 11 grey emus here with eyes closed sergeant there were 11 grey emus here

  • with eyes closed sergeant there were 11 grey emus here

  • with eyes closed okay all 11

  • different ways to pronounce the letter e are in that sentence listen one more

  • time sergeant there were 11 grey emus here

  • with eyes closed sergeant there were 11 grey emus here

  • with eyes closed and here look now we can see all 11 of

  • the different sounds all the different ways to pronounce the letter e okay

  • sergeant there were 11 grey emus here with eyes closed

  • thank you very much for joining me today i hope you enjoyed this i hope you

  • learned something from this lesson if you want to learn a little bit more

  • make sure you hit that like button and subscribe so that you see more of my

  • videos in the future okay you can also see me on facebook instagram and you can

  • support me now on kofi okay have a look in the description box for that okay

  • thank you again for joining me and i will see you for the next lesson which i

  • believe is the letter f bye bye

  • you

Hello and welcome back to Easy English with James! Today we're going to have a

Subtitles and vocabulary

A1 US letter pronounced pronounce practice sound vowel

English Pronunciation | The Letter 'E' | 11 Ways to Pronounce the Letter E in English!

  • 147 11
    許景發 posted on 2022/03/06
Video vocabulary



US /wɪrd/

UK /wɪəd/

  • adjecitve
  • Odd or unusual; surprising; strange

US /prəˌnʌnsiˈeʃən/

UK /prəˌnʌnsiˈeɪʃn/

  • noun
  • How a word is said; how a word sounds

US /ˈækˌsɛnt/

UK /'æksent/

  • verb
  • To give emphasis to (a point you are making)
  • noun
  • Feature of a design, e.g. a stripe on a shirt
  • Correct spoken emphasis on a part of a word
  • A way of speaking that shows your dialect or class

US /ˌɑntrəprəˈnɚ, -ˈnʊr/

UK /ˌɒntrəprə'nɜ:(r)/

  • noun
  • Businessperson who develops new businesses

US /ˈpræktɪs/

UK /'præktɪs/

  • noun
  • The office and place for legal or medical work
  • Doing something many times to become better at it
  • verb
  • To work as a doctor or lawyer
  • To live according to the teachings of a religion
  • To do something many times to improve a skill

US /ˈnetɪv/

UK /ˈneɪtɪv/

  • noun
  • Someone from or born in a specific country
  • Original inhabitant, e.g. before others
  • Person speaking a language from birth
  • adjecitve
  • Caused by natural ability; innate

US /səˈvɪr/

UK /sɪ'vɪə(r)/

  • adjecitve
  • Very bad; harsh
  • Being very serious or extremely bad
  • (Of clothes, etc.) plain; simple; not decorated

US /ˈkɑmən/

UK /'kɒmən/

  • noun
  • Area in a city or town that is open to everyone
  • Field near a village owned by the local community
  • adjecitve
  • Shared; Belonging to or used by everyone
  • Typical, normal; not unusual

US /ˈætməˌsfɪr/

UK /'ætməsfɪə(r)/

  • noun
  • Air around us
  • Feeling or mood of a place

US / strɛs/

UK /stres/

  • verb
  • To emphasize one or more parts of a word, sentence
  • To put pressure on something or someone
  • To say your opinion strongly
  • To be in a state of mental tension due to problems
  • noun
  • Emphasis on part of a word or sentence
  • Pressure on something or someone
  • A state of mental tension, worry due to problems

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