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  • alrighty guys good morning everyone welcome tonew video today we're with my dad daniel samuel  

  • you already know him and we are going to  be doing an argentine snacks taste test  

  • so we received a very special box this isn't  sponsored or anything we just got a gift they  

  • just sent it they just sent it so it's a company  called we'll put the address there  

  • and they specialize in sending argentine snacks  cookies chocolates all over the world you receive  

  • it in 72 hours to your doorstep and this box  arrived just before we went away on our little  

  • cottage getaway so we we brought this along with  us so the nice thing about this is we haven't been  

  • to argentina in a couple years and we've been  craving some of the flavors from down there so  

  • this is a very exciting moment i think it's going  to be a combination of sweet and savory items  

  • yes and all the childhood sweets that we used  to have when we were kids i don't know and  

  • another thing given the fact that it's a minus  38 celsius outside yeah uh there are two things  

  • that you feel like having when it's this cold  one is grease the body asks for like a butter  

  • fried bacon things like that and and the  other one is sweet stuff so what better  

  • moment than this one when it's like -38 outside  and we have a box full of sweets and chocolates  

  • to dig in you know yeah if not now then when  right you don't know what and how our field right  

  • exactly so we open so we're gonna dig in i'm  to pick up the camera and let's get a close up

  • look at that see that one what's in there okay  what are you doing these things sealed well huh

  • wow we got a huge assortment of  candy here look we've got the  

  • all kinds of different alfajores the triple  version milka we have look at this is the taron  

  • really tasty different candies chocolates sweets  all the sugar in the world right in front of us  

  • that's all that's all you need that's allneed and i like that you get a lot of the same  

  • product but like in different brands yeah you  know like for example the alfajores there's a  

  • whole bunch of different brands my goodness  they were generous with all the variety

  • that's that's good too i've never tried that and  that's just the candy box i've never had this  

  • either so quite a few that we haven't had it over  half i've never tried even when we were traveling  

  • in urgent yeah good variety that's a stage one  yeah page one so this is uh this is your favorite  

  • one huh that's my favorite one if you do this is  how we got through those long bus rides you know  

  • yeah you try those cookies and you cannot stop  okay yes that's it go to the literature yeah yeah

  • those are like kind of like smarties or  something yeah oh ho ho ho ho havana okay  

  • this is a major words now one of the best brands  of alfajores from argentina yeah easily easily  

  • we're not allowed to come home without a box  yeah we get locked out of the house you find  

  • them at the airport they're duty-free you have  the chocolate covered one and you have the other  

  • one that is what like a meringue or something  with like sugar sugar white sugar icing sugar  

  • there are two varieties of this oh  these are cookies with a lemon inside  

  • this is a a dessert typical of argentina and also  uruguay it's a it's a sweet made out of a sweet  

  • potato with a chocolate and you eat this with um  a cheese like let's say like a hummingbird or a  

  • uh like a soft creamy like a brie quick  easy delicious dessert yeah i love it it's  

  • uh it's a dessert that is called  uh when in argentina they call it  

  • you know yeah so you got a million calories  in here right and we're gonna shovel uh a path  

  • from here to to toronto you know we're going  to go all the way to hudson bay to burn all  

  • these calories and we eat all of these eh yeah  okay so we're going to try our first thing here  

  • which one you want let's start with the classic  that's like the best known snack in all of  

  • argentina it's kind of like a cookie double or  triple stacked let's try the milka we'll try  

  • mika so this is a three layered cookie  covered in chocolate and it's got some sort of  

  • special filling the filling should always be due  to the lecture we're cutting it into little bites  

  • so we don't overdo it we just want to savorlittle there we go that's a nice dense one guys  

  • yes we've had good luck with milka products before  so i'm excited for this one pure chocolate i think

  • that's outstanding a really good  alpha or yeah it's dense but it's also  

  • soft too this is the honor let me try it

  • i like this one it's not as dry as the other  ones you know it's very soft and uh moist so  

  • this is what that product looks like right here  the little cow purple packaging pretty iconic

  • okay

  • so now we are going to try a product that it  doesn't have a name in english it's called turon  

  • in spanish and in english there's a couple  different flavors yes there are different  

  • varieties but basically it's a very chewy sugary  almost like a toffee let me show you what the two  

  • different kinds look like so there's one that's  kind of like a bar so one is a wafer wafer and bar  

  • i believe that they are from uh spanish from  spain and origin yes that's uh it became a  

  • tradition in latin america because the spaniards  they brought it uh into the culture right yeah  

  • and this is a christmasy one so you've got that  candied fruit and also chunks of peanuts yeah  

  • spoiler alert i tried that that's my favorite  so these are more like the honeycomb ones  

  • these ones are the ones that we used to buy  when we were kids and we used to go to the  

  • movies before the movie started this guy came  into the you know where people were sitting  

  • waiting for the movie to start with a little box  in front hanging from his neck and he was selling  

  • this to ron and candies and chocolates sugar  galore time to have a little bit of salt here  

  • let's try this mini mini biscuits yeah made out  with a lard this is salty and this is a special  

  • thing when you're having a glass of wine or having  a beer or something like that this is the uh  

  • would be like almost like a like chips so these  are called biscochito salados or salty biscuits  

  • and they're really one biters and they're made  with lard they're salty very tasty little snack if  

  • you drink mate you can be sipping on your mate on  your gourd and have a little something salty with  

  • it you were mentioning it would go great with the  beer too yeah they only brought me once you start  

  • you don't stop okay so i say we try a little  bit of candy next so these are called gotitas  

  • de amor which means little drops of love so would  you like to open this they're like little drops  

  • yeah like these are hard candies they're like  lozenges no what do you call those hard candies  

  • sugar lozenge very very hard and you cannot  even crack them yeah don't try biting into them  

  • unless you want to book an appointment with the  dentist yeah okay so for our next snack we are  

  • trying these peanuts covered in sugar and this  is actually a really popular street food snack  

  • yeah you can see it being made on the streets  and like this copper pan or a copper kettle  

  • it's so distinct you can smell it from a block  away yes you smell this wonderful aroma the smell  

  • of nuts and sugar mixing in the air it leads  you follow your nose you follow your nose and  

  • you get distracted by your original plants  yeah so so that's what we are trying next  

  • gotta eat them slowly because they're they're  very crunchy okay we are starting to really  

  • fill up on these snacks um but we're  gonna try to keep going for a couple more  

  • right now we've got this cheese with salami  so this is a soft creamy spreadable cheese  

  • so we grab a few crackers from the kitchen  and we're gonna open this up okay so we are  

  • continuing with our next product it is a cheese  and we're gonna be spreading it on a few different  

  • crackers they sent us all types of cheese like  here we have the gruyere we've got fontina  

  • and obviously the the salami one so we'll be  trying that next i'm excited for this look  

  • at that i'll take a bit less cheese right onlittle less nice and thick go big or go home right  

  • he's small that's like the ultimate you know snack  it's almost thicker than a cream cheese you know  

  • but it has a such a strong flavor yeah of a salami  it's great i'm just like a cream cheese but with  

  • like a smokiness to it perfect for crackers  perfect for baguette you know if you're cooking  

  • something that's going to take a long time to  prepare and start eating this and it'll tide  

  • you over until until the main event okay so right  now sam is trying a chocolate bar that is called  

  • dos corazones it means two hearts and the special  thing about this chocolate is that it comes with  

  • a little poem inside it comes with poetry it's  chocolate and poetry i read it in spanish but i  

  • had no idea what it meant so it says when you pass  by my side uh many times i don't even look at you  

  • but you can't imagine the love that i feel inside  and how i sigh for you there you go something like  

  • that so you get perfect chocolate to give ondate right and then the other thing i tried just  

  • a moment ago was uh was this banana chocolate  tulka banana banana and it has a banana mousse  

  • or like a banana flavored filling yeah i like that  one quite a bit and yeah there's nothing i've had  

  • before that's been i've never tried anything  quite like it so very unique very distinct  

  • what a taste test guys all those delicious  argentine snacks indeed like we only tried  

  • a fraction of everything they sent us but that is  as far as we can make it in one sitting it's just  

  • so filling it's too much eating too much but yeah  we're gonna share the rest with family once we're  

  • back home um and we wanted to say thank you to the  company who sent us all these goodies  

  • because they watch our spanish channel um they did  give us a discount to share if you guys want to  

  • use it the code is daniel and you get five percent  off and if you're argentine and watching this and  

  • you miss a certain alfajood or cookie or snack  from your home country um you can request it to  

  • them even if it's not on their website and they'll  go find it in the market and send it to you that's  

  • so cool they have such a nice catalog of items  yeah they really do that is it that's it guys  

  • yeah see you later thanks so much for watching  with a sweet goodbye yeah let's make a pie ciao  

  • okay guys so welcome back to the video a bit  of a change of scenery we were doing this  

  • argentine taste test at the cottage a few days  ago we're now back in my parents home and we  

  • were so full that day from so much eating you  know vacations that we were only able to sample  

  • a small portion and all of this yeah i mean you  got you guys got to give us a bit of a free pass  

  • here because we were having steak dinners and  bacon and eggs for breakfast so yeah we we just  

  • ran out of room but now we're back at the ranchola  and we're gonna try a whole bunch of different  

  • things that we didn't get to get to taste starting  with mate so the original mate you drank it in a  

  • gourd it looks like a little pumpkin almost with  a metal straw but modern times you can also get it  

  • in tea bags yeah so it's like a green tea and  if you have it with milk we call it mate cocido  

  • so that's what we're going to be trying apparently  i think you guys might have told me this in the  

  • past it's sort of like um sort of like an appetite  appetite suppressor yes this is very popular when  

  • we were small back home and what the mothers would  do for the children would be like a boil a little  

  • bit of milk and put the the mate you know like  the loose leaf the loose leaves you know and let  

  • it boil for a little while and then like strain it  put some sugar and this was our uh either in the  

  • mornings or in the afternoon instead of coffee  or tea this one gave you like a that sensation  

  • that you were full okay guys so we're having our  first taste test item what do we got panadorne  

  • also sometimes called pandussim sweet bread  yeah this is something i never tried until  

  • i uh well until i was a part of this family so  i never had it with my parents and they've also  

  • never tried it so yeah this is your typical latin  american christmas bread sweet bread you know this  

  • this is what what is eating during the holidays  it's a tradition that comes from the italians  

  • and the spaniards that they also consume it over  there in latin america when it's uh the holidays  

  • for the christmas new year it's always this one  yeah with a bottle of sparkly sparkling cider  

  • oh yes but not just any cider is like a champagne  you know it's got the same bottle the same cord  

  • the same wiring on top of the cork and you pop it  and it just explode and this is the combination  

  • it's the cider and the panettone and then to  run all these things are just typical of this  

  • uh festive season so what i can say um if you if  you've had fruit cake before you're probably going  

  • to really like this because it has that dried  sweet fruit it has a similar a little bit of a  

  • similar taste obviously the fruitcake's a bit more  dense and this is fluffier it's more of a fluffy  

  • bread it's not as heavy as the fruitcake that we  know in north america this is really nice in the  

  • meantime i'm going to open this pack of candies  because i feel like having them they are called

  • is just like mixed like a variety  they look a lot like starbursts huh  

  • they are the argentine version ofstarburst candy soft candies you have  

  • strawberry mint pineapple lemon apple and  orange wow that's very nice they're very  

  • they're very good they're kind of chewy  it sticks to your uh to your teeth this  

  • hasn't changed in at least 60 65 years the  these keep the dentist uh a lot going well

  • yeah this one is pineapple and this one  is strawberry they're soft but chewy  

  • yeah so if you've got fillings and be careful yeah  and sometimes i remember when we were children  

  • you were having this and it usually sticks  back here in the last molar all the way up so  

  • we used to stick our fingers there and excavate  you know try to try it out you know like i mean  

  • finger flossing and the other one that we  used to get a lot it was a lollipop okay  

  • let's say it was a lollipop but it was a round  one a bowl here and the stick today's plastic  

  • in those days was made out of wood that bowl it  was one flavor that was called coca-cola okay  

  • and for us as children coca-cola was a luxury  right so we always used to ask for a lollipop with  

  • a coca-cola flavor and the problem was that as you  started sucking on it the little wooden stick that  

  • was holding it he gave way so you ended up withstick in your hand and that big ball in your mouth  

  • no and the mothers used to warn us  because there were a few cases of children  

  • you know it went down the wrong way and they got  stuck on their throat and accidents like that so  

  • they always used to tell us be careful if the  stick comes out sometimes they used to take a  

  • little piece of a paper wrap it around the stick  and shove it again in the hole of the bowl to keep  

  • it uh going wow that's quite the process yeah and  the other one was the bazooka you remember chewing  

  • gum oh yeah yeah but we will get one bazooka and  we started chewing all through the day at night  

  • time we used to put a glass of water by the night  table put the bazooka chewing gum inside the water  

  • all night next morning take it out and it was hard  like a rock the first few chews it was really hard  

  • but then we kept on going you know because we  could make like a blue balloon right there and  

  • they would not but then it would have absolutely  no taste no taste it was just a piece of rubber in  

  • the mouth and you just kept chewing and trying to  learn how to blow the balloon you know that that's  

  • the way it was you were not gonna get a a new  uh chewing gum every day you had to make it last  

  • until it became so so much chewed that it began  to break out but you you got some good mileage  

  • out of the bazooka chewing gum in those days huh  that's a value of value for money a good value man  

  • we're moving on to something salty here shifting  gears so these are called the uh palitos salados  

  • so these sticks salty sticks  yeah and they are salty sticks

  • these also help kind of reset the palate along  with the mate too so we'll be ready to have some  

  • more sweets again yeah these are these are the  kind of things you could just keep popping and  

  • eating and eating you know if you go to a bar and  you ask for uh picada in argentina you'll get like  

  • almost like a snacking board with like little  things to sample there might be like olives ham  

  • cheese and you almost always have a little bowl  with these little salty sticks this would be  

  • like an equivalent what you get here  in north america when you go to a bar  

  • and you ask for a beer and they bring you those  uh goldfish peanuts yeah you know the goldfish  

  • they bring a little bowl yeah the only thing  is that the goldfish is made out of cheese  

  • maybe and these ones are made out of just  dull yeah maybe fried in large because they  

  • taste like a little bit of lard yeah what are  we moving on i think you're gonna like these  

  • okay those look like buttery cookies let's explain  the name in argentina is the name the nickname  

  • that is given to the people that  are living the city of buenos aires  

  • be the yes and diminutive they look like the the  palm what's it called the ear palm ear cookies

  • yes oh yeah tastes like a honey glaze  huh mm-hmm wow i really like those  

  • they're light too yeah they're they would  be perfect for for yeah quick breakfast i  

  • suppose this is manufactured by the company  called bugley bugley was that american  

  • he was born in the united states  he immigrated to argentina  

  • i believe just after the american civil war and  he became very famous in argentina and very rich  

  • because he invented a drink made out of the  peeling of the oranges in buenos aires in those  

  • days there was a a lot of streets that they were  planted with bitter orange trees and people would  

  • just pick them and throw the skins all over  the place so the city came up with a contest  

  • a contest who could invent something what to do  with the orange peels wow what a great guy he came  

  • with us with a recipe for this alcoholic beverage  made the base was uh orange peel until today they  

  • still sell it we never tasted it when we went  to argentina we needed to look for it next time  

  • it's called esperidina and then it began to grow  and expand it into the cookie making industry wow  

  • that was innovation driven by demand yeah  yeah what else don't tell me where you're  

  • getting full because we're not even halfway there  let's try those let's try those chocolate ones  

  • yeah okay these ones are called translation  would be like a black cookie you know  

  • little black cookie little black they  are they have a coating of a kind of a  

  • burnt sugar on top that gives them this  brownish black look i'm gonna grab a cookie

  • you see them in the uh you know  where they when they have the uh  

  • the sweets uh yeah the score  there's always a tray with this one  

  • when you compare these to the portinitas these  are are much denser yeah yeah this is the  

  • miniature version of the ones that you can  buy in the bakery stores all over argentina  

  • and those are like pretty big and nice and thick  you know so so next up we're having uh chocolate  

  • called the pocadito bon pide with bulsa de leche  that so lovely caramel right let's describe this  

  • it says obla which is like a wafer cookie yeah  it's filled with dulce de leche which is kind  

  • of like a caramel spread we'll get into that  later and it is covered in milk chocolate yeah

  • in spanish means like a small bite likesmall little morsel a little bite you know  

  • this is after my my time oh wow it was super  tasty it reminds me of the rolos chocolates  

  • remember those it has a taste like if  you would have like a little bit of  

  • some alcoholic in there you know when you buy  these chocolates and they have a little bit of  

  • an alcoholic beverage inside this one has that  

  • kind of a taste so we're having banana with dulce  de leche the the delicious milky caramel spread

  • never had it like this and  this is the way real man eat it

  • oh wow samuel she likes it  a lot yeah load it up right  

  • load it up don't skip out  there thanks grab it from there

  • we've introduced you to all sorts of strange  things this is a perfect combination wow yeah oh  

  • yeah you know the ultimate would be it would  be a scoop of ice cream and then you gotta  

  • that would not be the best that's so good  on its own though that's the ultimate  

  • you know you don't have time to makemeal you want something tasty and sweet  

  • peel a banana throw this on top you're good to  go look at that in the united states it's very  

  • popular in canada too to eat banana with  peanut butter okay i love it and then in  

  • south america like argentina uruguay and all  those countries is very popular to eat banana  

  • with dulce de leche okay i will say the two like  peanut butter and dulce de leche have a similar  

  • look similar consistency yeah but the flavors  are completely different so don't think if you've  

  • tried peanut butter you're like oh yeah i know  what dude it tastes like well it's the difference  

  • between a milk product and a nut product do you  have a jar of peanut butter in the fridge here  

  • so we're actually going to show you we've got  a monster 2 kilogram jar of craft smooth peanut  

  • butter but let's show the inside yeah it's gotdarker consistency personally i if push came to  

  • shove i'd go for peanut butter because i grew up  with it but i like them pretty much equally okay  

  • this is something that is typical in argentina  we know that in uruguay also they have it i don't  

  • know if in all of other latin american countries  they do produce this but what it is is basically a  

  • dessert and it's made out of sweet potato yes this  one has chocolate incorporated and if you try this  

  • and nobody tells you what it is you will never  guess that it's made from a vegetable okay yeah  

  • and how do we eat it it usually is uh after the  meal uh dessert they bring you a piece of uh dulce  

  • de patata and a piece of cheese on top the sweet  with the more salty of the cheese creamy cheese  

  • yeah combination is beautiful and they usually the  cheese that you need will be like a brie like a  

  • hummingbird so equal parts love how easy it is to  prepare yeah one on top of the other one and then  

  • you just eat them together and it's very good in  argentina they call it posterior vigilante would  

  • be a vigilante like a vigilante like like a guard  or something even the police sometimes the police  

  • are called vigilantes you know so in your why they  call them martin sierra okay so let's try this  

  • batata with flavor of chocolate let's get it out  of here and put it to the paces it's a bit tricky  

  • to open sometimes because it's kind of gooey like  it's got like a little bit of like a liquid in it

  • oh you can wrap it in cheese okay what you gotpiece of paper don't need the paper it's like a  

  • taco that's not the traditional way of serving  it it's just we didn't bother with plates and  

  • celery it actually it fits nicely because to see  the the sweet part is a little bit sticky so the  

  • cheese is like the guard but normally it's likepiece of the sweet and another piece of the cheese  

  • on top oh my gosh that's good it was the right  combination of sweet and salty wow i love it all  

  • right guys so that concludes our argentine  snacks taste test why oh my did we ever try  

  • a lot of delicious things i can't believe how  much we were able to eat over these two sessions  

  • um so now let's turn it over to you which of  these items look the most tasty to you have you  

  • tried any of them would you like to and also we'd  like to know from whatever country or part of the  

  • world you're from what are some of the favorite  snacks from that area because you know every part  

  • of the world has its unique snacks and we'd love  to know what you what you grew up eating as well  

  • sounds good well thank you for watching we are  stuffed beyond belief so this is where the video  

  • ends yeah and we'll see we're taking a siesta at  least oh boy and it's a good thing that it's a day  

  • of minus 20 outside celsius because if this wassummer day i don't think we could have had so much  

  • sugar you know that's for sure all right  thanks for watching guys all along next time

  • you

alrighty guys good morning everyone welcome tonew video today we're with my dad daniel samuel  

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We Tried ARGENTINE SNACKS with my Argentine Father ?? | Argentine Treats Taste Test ??

  • 2 0
    Summer posted on 2022/02/15
Video vocabulary