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  • Welcome back everyone.

  • For those of you who haven't met me yet I'm Anny, I'm your event coordinator.

  • And I'm pleased to introduce Kiesha Crowther to you today.

  • Kiesha is also known as Little Grandmother.

  • She was initiated as a Shaman at age 30 by a native american Elder

  • and was told that her task was to be shaman and Wisdom Keeper of the Tribe of Many Colors.

  • As a child she spent long periods of time alone in the wilderness,

  • where she lived with and learned from the four-legged, one-legged, winged-ones and swimmers,

  • as well as the star and stone people.

  • The young life was marked by many unusual experiences and abilities that she did not understand.

  • As a child she had been taught by the Ancestors, grandmothers past and Mother Earth,

  • and was known for her ability to sense and communicate with wild animals and to see and work with energy.

  • Since being initiated on her path as Shaman and a Wisdom Keeper

  • Kiesha has begun to share teachings and to conduct ceremonies and healings for individuals and for Mother Earth.

  • She feels her responsibility to be carrying and communicating Earth Wisdom and the ancient knowledge for a current age.

  • Towards this end she has released videos of her talks which are freely available on YouTube

  • and which have been viewed by hundreds of thousands of people so far all over the globe.

  • A work as a Wisdom Keeper also includes the planting of sacred crystals in very specific locations around the world

  • for the renewal and strengthening of Mother Earth precious ley-lines.

  • A powerful message emphasizes how to shift individual and planetary consciousness,

  • how to live in a heart in right relationship with Mother Earth

  • and to remember who we are - the Great I Am.

  • Well, we're a lot of people here Thank you for coming and sharing this time with me.

  • We going to talk a little bit about Mother Earth and what she's going through today

  • and what she will be continuing to go through.

  • We're the ones here to witness this and to be a part of it and to be the very best we can be to help her get through it and help ourselves get through it.

  • Many people think that Mother Earth is going through this great shift, and they would just watch this happen.

  • But there's something very significant that we must understand and we must know within ourselves

  • The Mother Earth will go on, she will always continue.

  • It is a universal promise that we will not be allowed to kill our Mother Earth.

  • And right now she is very very sick, the sick as she's ever been,

  • and is because of us, humanity, and the things that we have done to her.

  • There is another universal promise.

  • The Mother Earth will go on, but it's not written in stone that humanity will.

  • This is our choice, and never has been so important for us to understand this.

  • Because we're the adults living on this planet at this time, witnessing the great shift.

  • It is already begun.

  • The poles are shifting and they will continue to shift into their new location.

  • She's going to be rebirthed, the process is already started.

  • Because it is already started we're faced with something very very serious.

  • Our Mother Earth is very sick, and she is dying.

  • She is dying.

  • And it is because of the things we have done.

  • So we have a great decision to make, we must stop living from ego and mind

  • and start to live from love consciousness or we will not be allowed to go with her.

  • This is plain and simple.

  • I don't wish to spread fear by any means. That's not why I'm here.

  • But I'm here to help open your minds and your hearts to the situation in which we live in

  • We are the ones that have to change our reality.

  • There is no one else coming to save us.

  • There's no one else,

  • not the generation after us,

  • not someone else will come to this planet and solve our problems.

  • We are the ones we have been waiting for.

  • For generations and generations the indigenous people been speaking about a time on our planet when the shift would begin,

  • and humanity would have to face these challenges and to overcome them.

  • And the only way to overcome them is to live by love.

  • You would think that is a lot of things that we have to go and do to change our world, to change our planet, to change our consciousness,

  • but there's only one thing that the Elders are asking us to do

  • and that is to be love

  • Just be, be love.

  • It is not a difficult.

  • And yet we make in our minds we create... we create such things we think it's so much more difficult.

  • We're always making something more difficult then really is. But all we have to do is be love.

  • But how do we be love? First you must love yourself,

  • truly love yourself.

  • How many of us can honestly say that we love ourselves?

  • There's never very many hands that go up when I ask this question.

  • I know it's one of my deepest woundns do I really love me.

  • Do I know who I am?

  • Do I know who I am?

  • Not my titles. Someone can come up here and say all these nice things about me, the title of this and that.

  • But truly I'm just Kiesha, I'm just me. I'm me just like you are you.

  • There's not one person born on this planet greater than the other. We're all completely equals.

  • We all do things we wish we wouldn't have, we wish we couldn't have done better,

  • we are all from the same dough, we are human beings, and we are sent here to be human beings,

  • to experience everything.

  • I'm just like you,

  • but I do one of my gifts is sharing a message.

  • Every single one of us have great gifts.

  • My message is to wake you up.

  • I am not here to say I'm special.

  • I am not here to tell you I have all of the answers.

  • But I am here to tell you that you are more powerful, than you want to believe.

  • For so long on our planet we have given our power away to other people,

  • to governments, to religions, to society.

  • We've given ourselves away all of the time and we have very little understanding of how blessed and how powerful we really are as the human beings.

  • We've been gifted so much.

  • How many of you really believe that you are gods and goddesses?

  • that you truly are gods.

  • God is what created you

  • God's existence, that energy, that light is what created your Great I Am, your soul, your spirit.

  • So are you too now gods.

  • You're great powerful beings,

  • and you are co-creators of your existence.

  • For far too long we've been walking around, believing that we are nothing.

  • And now is the time to remember that you are everything.

  • You are capable of everything, if you just honor that power within you, through love

  • Love is the most profound energy on our planet. Love is what is created everything.

  • God is love. He is not a man,

  • opening Universe that decided to send you here, erase your memory and say good luck, it's gonna be really hard.

  • That is not God. God is not a human being. God is not a man or a woman.

  • God is love, and love created you, your own Great I Am.

  • And it is your Great I Am that sent you here.

  • You made the choice. You, your individual Great I Am sent you here, small spark of you,

  • to come and gain a body, have this human experience,

  • to interact with others, to watch and play with an animal, to experience the trees and the water.

  • You are here to experience life,

  • but you are God.

  • And you are co-creators of your world.

  • Why are we living in a world full of hate and anger?

  • Is that really what we want?

  • I think the reason why we're living in this kind of world is because we've forgotten we can change it.

  • Today's the day to remember how beautiful you are,

  • how powerful you are.

  • Mother Earth she shakes her head, she cannot believe how much we have forgot about ourselves.

  • We can create anything you wish, anything.

  • You can ask for anything you wish to have.

  • You are co-creators of your world.

  • It takes two things it takes envisioning that thing that you wish to have,

  • and it takes emotions, your feelings.

  • Your feeling and emotion is the connection to your Great I Am

  • that is where it is angled within you

  • that is when you have got feelings to know if something is right or wrong.

  • Your feelings or your connection to your Great I Am, to your soul, your spirit

  • And your soul and spirit and Great I Am will never ever lead you astray, will never ever lie to you either.

  • It is your connection to great vast love.

  • So you envision something for this mind that Mother Earth is giving you, this body that Mother Earth is giving you.

  • We have two parents, mother and father,

  • and it creates a whole, your body and your soul create a whole being.

  • If you can imagine something in all the detail you can imagine it with,

  • really see the something that you wish to have,

  • and then when you feel it, when you have emotion behind it and you will long for it,

  • and you feel everything you can possibly feel, be moved to tears with great joy of having this thing that you want,

  • Do not feel as though it is coming, feel as though you have it, and it will come.

  • You are co-creators of your world.

  • Why are we not dreaming a much bigger dream?

  • Why we're not envisioning something much better than the world we live in?

  • We create the world we live in.

  • You are the masters of your own life. It's time to remember this.

  • Far too long have we been walking around with sunglasses on our eyes not really seeing anything.

  • There's two ways to get those glasses off.

  • You can simply make the choice to take them off, and see life for what it is.

  • Or you can wait to be hit hard enough, to have them knocked off.

  • That is what we're facing today.

  • Because many of us won't simply just take them off to see life for what it really is.

  • See the beauty around us, and experience life as beauty.

  • We're all waiting for that thing that brings us to our knees as that teachers us to walk again.

  • We make the decision of how hard this transformation is going to be.

  • We are the ones delegating it.

  • Mother Earth is going to go trough a shift, she will be reborn.

  • The new energies are already coming to our planet.

  • Science can document that three years ago compared to the day our energy in Mother Earth and in our own human bodies is more than tripled.

  • This is real.

  • New energies are coming to our planet and great bolts of energy.

  • Mother Earth is vibrating three times higher than ever before.

  • She's preparing herself to be reborn.

  • And we're living here upon her.

  • How hard is it going to be, to get through this great shift.

  • Many of us don't know, many of us have worried about, many of us are scared and give our thoughts to all the circumstances that could happen

  • But you are the co-creators of your world.

  • If you're envisioning something tragic and awful and if you are afraid, that is your emotion.

  • Your emotion is what create your reality.

  • Stop creating this reality. It is up to us how tomorrow looks.

  • Your actions, your emotion is what creates tomorrow.

  • How many of us are fearful of 2012?

  • Be honest, how many of you have had fear about this?

  • I think every parent in the room if they've been honest with themselves has felt fear.

  • But many people indulge in this.

  • They read everything after about this, what's going to happen, what could happen.

  • There were over two thousand books written about 2012, and destruction that will happen, and the things that will collapse.

  • And there's a lot of fear portrayed out into the world through magazines and the news and the books and the movies.

  • If you see some of the movies that have been made from this it is just horrendous.

  • We're living in a society based on fear and power.

  • Governments want us to be afraid, because then they have the power over us.

  • But you are the co-creators of your world, what world you wish to create.

  • Your emotion is what creates your reality.

  • No one of these two thousand books have been written by the Mayan people, no one.

  • And the Mayan people are the only people who have lived through a pole shift before.

  • They're saying there should be no fear. No fear.

  • Why should we be afraid of having coming to Earth?

  • Why should we be afraid of joy and peace and harmony?

  • Why should we be afraid of everyone having enough?

  • Every man, woman and child having enough,

  • no one goes without.

  • Don Alejandro speaks about, еvery walls that you see crumbling down around you are the walls, you'll realize were the walls that were keeping you in prison.

  • This is nothing to fear.

  • Fear is only that not understanding something.

  • Want you understand something fear can go out the window, and you can live in peace and love.

  • I once had experience at the wilderness how many of you saw that picture of me up here before I began

  • That's little spot that I use to run to as a child and spend lots amounts of time out there

  • with the animals of nature and this is where I grew to have a real relationship with my Mother Earth

  • to realize that she is really alive and speaking and caring for us.

  • She was real.

  • This is where I began to love my Mother.

  • How many of us can really say that we love our Mother?

  • that we have a real relationship with her

  • It's so sad to me no matter where I go on this planet I ask people how many were taught to pray to Heavenly Father, in all this countries.

  • Then when I ask how many were taught to pray to your beloved Mother -

  • maybe one, maybe two. It is so sad.

  • We do have two parents.

  • Your soul exists because of God, because of the Universal Love that has created you,

  • but you also exist here on this plane because of your Mother,

  • and she's giving you every meal,

  • every drink of water, every breath of air,

  • and although she is dying.

  • She's dying.

  • She is still giving it to you,

  • She is still sustaining life.

  • How many of us even start to realize this?

  • That you're inhaling right now because it is a gift from your beloved Mother.

  • Every day that we do something terrible to her the sun still comes up and she still is giving you life.

  • Are we grateful? Do we say thank you?

  • And what are we doing in return to say "I love you"?

  • What are we actively doing to show our Mother that we love her?

  • What are we actively doing to have a relationship with her?

  • Everything that is on this planet is alive.

  • Every living thing is alive, and has the soul and the energy from Mother Earth to sustain their life.

  • Just as we do.

  • This body lives because of the energy Mother Earth is giving you.

  • So is everything else that is alive out that window?

  • Do we love the grass and the trees? Do we talk to them, they have a soul just like you and I.

  • How many were at my last speaking engagement?

  • I did a small exercise that I think is very very important to we going to do it again and I apologize to those of you who have already done this with me.

  • But it is something that really brought this into reality for me as Mother Earth walked me through this

  • I ask you all to close your eyes for a moment.

  • Just be still with inside of yourself.

  • And feel the Great You that you are.

  • Feel you, your soul, your spirit within you.

  • Feel that you are there, and you are present.

  • How wonderful it is to be you.

  • And now let us pretend that none of you have legs, they've been removed.

  • Are you still there?

  • Do you still exist?

  • Of course, you do.

  • Now let us remove your arms as well.

  • You have no legs and no arms but you are still there, are you not?

  • Now let us erase the facial features that you have, you are blank slate.

  • Are you still there?

  • Of course.

  • Your soul is still present and you are very much still alive and there.

  • Your High Self chose to come to be a human being on this planet.

  • And right now within this body have no arms and no legs and no facial features to taste, touch, grab or hold up, speak.

  • What if you sent yourself to this planet to be with any tree?

  • or inside of a rock?

  • or inside of a flower.

  • Are you still there? Of course you are.

  • Come back inside of this beautiful body,

  • and be grateful that you see and you can hold and you can grab and touch and taste and listen and speak.

  • This is one of the greatest gifts.

  • It is the greatest gift humanity is ever been given.

  • The gift of speech. We can interact with each other.

  • As a human being we are so blessed to have all of these gifts,

  • but just because a tree or a flower cannot talk to you.

  • Does not mean it is not there.

  • Everything alive on this planet has a soul, it has a spirit.

  • It is very very much alive, just as Mother Earth is alive.

  • We're not here having been given all of these gifts to be the owners of the trees and the water and the grass.

  • But because of these gifts we are students over them.

  • We're here to protect them and to love them, and to get energy from them and to give energy back to them.

  • Never should be cut a tree down without being grateful for its life for it to sustain ours whether it be for shelter or for heat.

  • We should never eat fruit or vegetables or take a life of an animal without great thanks for its soul and its life to sustain ours.

  • Everything is alive.

  • It is still there whether it can speak to you or not

  • Mother Earth is alive.

  • And I've asked myself a million times how could we her own children do such awful things to her.

  • How is it that we have found ourselves in this state, when 90% of all large fish in our oceans are gone.

  • 90% are gone!

  • 75% of the Mediterranean sea is dead.

  • The Gulf of Mexico is dying. There's enough oil and toxins there now to make it a zero-life area.

  • How could we do this to our Mother Earth?

  • Honestly the only answer I can come up with is that we didn't know she existed in the first place.

  • If you think of your earth mother, the woman that gave you birth, would you throw garbage at her?

  • Would you take from her until she had nothing, until she is suffocating and gasping for air would you do this to you mother?

  • I don't think so.

  • Honestly I think the only way this happened

  • is because we do not realize our Earth Mother is alive. And she is.

  • And now she is going through some of the greatest shifts she will ever go through.

  • She does have to be reborn.

  • The poles are shifting. This is not just the story.

  • Every airport on the face of this globe has had to switch what due north is. It's no longer due north

  • For the first time in our written human history we have found that migrating birds are getting lost on their routes.

  • They don't know where they're going any more.

  • We're experiencing great calamities.

  • I had a woman asked me once how could Mother Earth do this to us,

  • and I felt literally sick to my stomach.

  • We have done so much in disrespecting our Mother,

  • and then we ask how could she do this to us. She is simply trying to stay alive.

  • That is all.

  • Not only that but she's continually giving you life.

  • Something has to shift, something must change.

  • And so when we see things like nuclear power plants going down and we're so sad that this is happening.

  • Do you think Mother Earth could be her Heavenly Self with nuclear power plants darning her skin? Вы думаете, Матушка Земля могла бы

  • They have to go.

  • If we were just intelligent enough to shut them down ourselves.

  • but will we do this?

  • Will we ever stop what we are doing?

  • The only thing that will stop us from continuing on this path is to shift the consciousness on our planet.

  • Therefore love really is the answer.

  • Being love is the answer.

  • We cannot as individuals go and shutdown a nuclear power plant.

  • We cannot stop a whole group of people from whaling.

  • We can't stop people from hunting and wiping out entire herds of animals.

  • But we can be love, and that is the only thing we're asked to do.

  • Being love is changing the energy on our planet.

  • All things are energy.

  • Sitting here today in the conscious space that you're in is changing our planet.

  • All things are energy. And the most unique thing is love energy is the most powerful energy on our planet.

  • The more loving you are, the more you are literally shifting the consciousness in your world.

  • You do not have to be a public speaker.

  • We can just sit together and be

  • makes a lot easier for me.

  • The literally if you think about it when you're a stay-at-home mom and you're just taking care of your children

  • which is trust me the hardest job on the planet, every mom here knows that.

  • or you could be a truck driver, or you could work at the bank, or you could be a spiritual speaker, it doesn't matter what it is you are,

  • that really doesn't matter, titles do not matter, throw Wisdom Keeper out, throw Shaman out, throw all of those titles out the window,

  • just be who you are. I'm happy being Kiesha,

  • I'm happy being one of your sisters, I'm happy just being that.

  • No matter what you do, it doesn't matter, but every single one of us can be love.

  • Doesn't matter whether you're doing the dishes, washing your car, send love, be love.

  • The vibration that you are is an energy.

  • And because love energy is so much more powerful you literally change the consciousness on your planet by feeling love, by being love.

  • We cannot go up against huge corporations and get them to shut down doing awful things.

  • There is a money and a power behind it that none of us could really grasp at this time.

  • But love energy is so much powerful than hate energy.

  • If we act in love the consciousness changes.

  • And when you are being more love you become more intelligent.

  • This is the answer to the solution.

  • Right now do you know that there is no science in our planet nowhere that has answered how to clean our oceans.

  • Do you know that there's no science on our planet that knows how to solve the crisis of the ozone layer leaving.

  • There's no science, there's no understanding of how to fix these problems.

  • They're just there.

  • But the more loving you become the more intelligent you become.

  • Love again really is the answer.

  • Being love brings the love vibration up.

  • And right now the vibration on our planet has been ego and mind for a very long time.

  • But there's something very unique happening on our planet right now.

  • Love consciousness is bolting up faster than ever has before.

  • And we are almost equal.

  • The moment we get love just a hair over power ego and hate. It will flip.

  • And we can live in a conscious love state of being.

  • How do we do that is very simple, be love.

  • How many of us could not just be love. It's the simplest thing

  • Every single person, every human being can do this.

  • So how do you be love? How can you be the very best you you can be?

  • First you must remember who you are,

  • that you are gods and goddesses,

  • that you are the Great I Am's.

  • Not only are you a great I Am but it was you you who chose for you to come here today,

  • not in the past but today.

  • Every single person on this planet today is the strongest of strong souls at their family genealogy

  • from the beginning of time of human beings being on this planet.

  • You were chose out of your entire family history to be here today.

  • You were chose, not somebody else.

  • You are the strongest soul of your genealogy, of your history, of your family line.

  • You are the strongest, and it was you who got chose to be here today.

  • We are the ones we have been waiting for.

  • We are the ones that have to change the world.

  • We're the ones that have to change the consciousness, because no one else is coming to save us.

  • There's so much happening on our planet today, and it does make many of us scared.

  • Where's the next disaster going to be, what else is going to fall apart?

  • Money, religion and big business do have to fall down, in order for us to all be brothers and sisters and love each other equally.

  • The power houses that separate us must fall to the ground.

  • That seems a little scary.

  • But really think about it.

  • If those were not in place we could all be equal, we could help each other.

  • And the consciousness would shift from "I'm going to take care of myself and get what I can get and the most I can get"

  • into "Let's help each other have enough".

  • That is what we must go back to.

  • Indigenous people have had the answers all of all.

  • Many of us in a different cultures have shout ahead and we've got all these technologies.

  • And we think we're so smart, We think we're so intelligent with all of our technological gadgets.

  • We have been de-evolving for a very long time.

  • Human beings did exist on this planet at one time living from the heart.

  • And they could fly and they could communicate with each other and they didn't pollute our planet doing so.

  • We have been de-evolving for a very long time.

  • But now it's time for us to evolve again, to step into love again.

  • And it's being offered to us in a very real way.

  • These new energies are coming to our planet. It's right here for us, all you have to do is accept them.

  • Many of us are already feeling the...

  • how would you call it the...

  • side effects of this energy

  • with headaches, nausea, feeling vertigo, dizzyness going up throughout the day.

  • Energies are arriving and our bodies are trying to take it in to utilize it, to fix it inside of ourselves so we can then accept a little bit more and little bit more.

  • When the time comes and Mother Earth poles have shifted and she's ready to be reborn a lot of energy will be on its way.

  • And we have to be ready for this process, and so we've been given little at a time, and we are getting ready for it.

  • When this happens it is said that there will be a time of darkness,

  • few hours of darkness.

  • And it is vitally important, vitally important that we understand.

  • Whatever your emotions are at this time

  • is what all of that energy, loads of energy are going to come at this time, whatever your feeling will be magnified a thousand volt.

  • If you are in state of fear, anxiety, that is what we'll get magnified.

  • When a few hours of darkness does arrive be love in any way you possibly can.

  • Stay in the heart, sing songs, be with your family, light candles,

  • do whatever you have to do to stay in love, this is what will get boosted up.

  • This is a very very important.

  • And do not be afraid of the shifts that are coming, the changes of money and religion.

  • Religion has been the worst thing for humanity, the very worst thing on our planet,

  • because religion has separated all of us from each other.

  • It is taught some of us that we're right and others are wrong, the some deserve to go to heaven and some deserve to go to hell.

  • There's been more people killed in the name of God than any other thing on our planet.

  • How sad is that.

  • God is pure love.

  • And we human beings have been killing each other by the millions in the name of God.

  • How wonderful to think that this will go away.

  • It really is a time to celebrate, not a time to fear.

  • I know that many many of you have questions.

  • Anywhere I go there's lot of questions on this subject.

  • So I do want to turn the time over to you. Ask your questions and I will do my very best answer.

  • I don't have all the answers but I'll try my best.

  • If you do have a question stand up and we'll bring the microphone.

  • You are the first crowd that I have not seen people rush to the microphone.

  • Really

  • anything that you want me to speak more about

  • Shall we sit here and just be love?

  • Say it again

  • After the pole shift..

  • She just asked when is the darkness going to come.

  • Well, people don't understand, everybody thinks that when the Earth shifts

  • every things can go every each way, we're gonna have all these calamities and the things are gonna look really really destructive.

  • But in fact the center of our Earth, this work with me here, pretend it a ball bearing a very solid hard mass.

  • And over that mass is liquid lava much like grease on a ball bearing.

  • And then we have a crust over the top of that which is the crust of our Earth.

  • So when the Earth does shift when the poles really do go .. into the new places

  • this continent is not gonna go here, this goes here,this goes down, this goes up. The crust is going to go like this...

  • It's going to slide over that lava, over that ball bearing with grease.

  • So it's not going to be as terrific as the books and the magazines and everything explain it to be.

  • After our poles do shift and the gravity will shift and we will slide, then there will be a few hours of darkness.

  • At this time, that is when it's going to happen and at this time you have to stay in love, the best you can do.

  • Because that is when all of the energies are gonna come to our planet and that will literally bring our vibration up to a higher level.

  • If we're not prepared as human beings to be in the heart we cannot

  • it is a scientifically proven fact, you cannot live in a vibration that is up here if you are down here. It does not work.

  • We have to bring our conscious level up through love in order to vibrate at a higher level.

  • That is literally what is happening, all these Earth changes, all these prophecies you can take them, you can leave them, you can dig it to at as deep as you want.

  • But the fact is the frequency, the planetary frequency of energy on our planet is going to go sky high very very soon.

  • Living from ego and hate and a mind and fear will not allow you to raise your energy levels.

  • If you are living from love you can go up in the frequency.

  • Because the frequencies is gonna be very high on our planet we must be ready to make the shift as well.

  • The only thing that will lead us, humanity, into that state with Mother Earth is living from love.

  • Love is really the only answer.

  • - I'm a little embarassed because I've been waiting outside thinking your talk was gonna go to start in a while.

  • I have come in just at the end of it, I'd love you to repeat the whole thing, but ...

  • So would you sum up in one sentence what is your message?

  • Let see how good I am.

  • Remember who you are, that you are not separate from God, that you are God.

  • You are the co-creator of your world.

  • God is love, and God made you, therefore you are love.

  • You can create whatever you wish on this planet.

  • And remembering who you are, remembering that you are love, you can therefore be love.

  • And being love is the only thing that will change this planet.

  • - Okay, I love your message, I thank you beautiful,

  • But if God is love and we are love, where these negative emotions come from?

  • Why do I suffer with jealousy? Why do people kill other people? Where is the love in that?

  • And can we really forgive everything?

  • And is God really unable to perceive the difference between good and evil?

  • - God always knows the difference between good and evil.

  • But there's a key factor here, we are human beings, therefore we have free will and choice.

  • And many of us make bad choices.

  • But if you remember it is your decision to be good or to be bad, you be the best person you can be.

  • We each every single one of us are gods and goddesses that's what we have created from just as any single baby is born perfect,

  • but that baby does grow up to make mistakes, so-called mistakes. We all have free will and choice.

  • If you've done something bad in your life, that has been your choice, what can you learn from it to be a better person.

  • This earth life is a school, where you to grow and to experience and to be in a duality with other people.

  • This is about an experience.

  • And because every one of us have free will and choice a lot of us have done negative things, a lot of us have done positive things.

  • But if you look at it as a whole, step out of good and bad for a moment and look at it,

  • When you've done something that you consider bad, did you not learn something from that to be a better person?

  • If you haven't that experience will come back to you again and again and again until you do learn something,

  • because it is your own Great I Am that gave you the experience in the first place to make you a better person.

  • So that you can learn something.

  • There has to be duality in order to see something to be beautiful,

  • there must be ugly to see good and bad and the whole thing make something beautiful.

  • But it depends on how you are looking at it.

  • God is perfect, sometimes we are not.

  • - Hi, Kiesha,

  • I just want address some my own experience

  • with your message and the way you present it as well.

  • When I first saw you on Internet I thought, "Wow, this is the message!"

  • And then I kind of went away and then I heard on the controversies ... okay, well, ya, these controversies,

  • but I feel that you have a strong connection and then again I questioned...

  • uh... Why it's always the same, you know, and then I just sitting back there I go..

  • okay, well, I tuned into your message and it's all true

  • you know, I want you ..if you can bring other people into uh... the truth

  • by maybe clarifying how it is that you know these things and

  • where this is all come from because you know, my own research, support to the book especially with

  • the Drunvalo's work, Drunvalo Melchizedek, and... - He's beautiful. - Yes, yes, and... the heart... and I that's really, you know, what I heard

  • and you ... too ... to see great site when it happens and

  • I was at... the harmony convergence

  • in 1987, and I feel somehow maybe that I placed myself to the ...

  • so I, you know, that's my purpose now

  • - The first thing I would like to say is anytime, I don't think I'm singled out here, anytime you put yourself on Youtube

  • there's going to be someone who disagrees with you, someone will agree with you.

  • I cannot say I want to make everyone happy because if I did that I would be waisting my time and my energy.

  • If you listen to the message

  • I ask you to listen with your heart, I'm not here to tell you I'm absolutely right and I have an answer for you.

  • I'm sharing what I have received to myself, listen to your own heart and make the decision yourself.

  • I'm not here to tell you "You have to listen to me".

  • Second, if there's controversy,

  • there will always be controversy, anytime somebody is trying to do something positive in the world, then will be people out there trying to knock you down.

  • I'm not going to take that out, nor to I even give energy to the controversy that's out on Internet, that will be ridiculous of me.

  • I have a purpose, I will follow that purpose. My purpose here is to get you to remember how lovely you are.

  • Nothing's gonna distract me from that.

  • - Thank you, Kiesha, for showing us all how love ... personified.

  • My question really is asking a little bit about your vision for after the shift what a typical day will look like?

  • - I think we all get to envision our own heaven. You know, in our own wonderful experience mine would be

  • that animals and humans interact with each other, that we have this open loving relationship, that I've actually seen happen.

  • When you open your heart and actually speak to animals, I do not speak with words, you listen to their emotion and you give emotion back,

  • this is how you talk to animals, anybody with a pet or beloved pet knows this.

  • You can talk to animals through your emotions and when you are living through your heart and everyone's living through the heart,

  • we can speak to each other all the time, I don't have to call you on the telephone to say I love you

  • And we work with soil, we work with plants and animals and we respect the land, we respect our Mother, so

  • we're not only just popping a seed in the ground, hoping it grows, that's what we maybe eat tonight.

  • You do so with love and tenderness with that seeding, get let the seed know you and

  • we speak to our trees and our animals and

  • everyone has enough, there's no hungry children, there is no abused woman, there is no sadness, I envision something beautiful.

  • And I think we all should envision, the most beautiful thing we possibly can,

  • We are co-creators. Why don't we create something much more pretty that what we're looking at?

  • - Hello, I've noticed a lot of the presentations that's been a big focus on dates

  • and particularly kind of prophecies coming through

  • I suppose that I am curious about is true the things like the Millennium bug

  • and these things that we you know, thought should perhaps happen and they didn't happen.

  • What's your interpretation about 2012, December 21, 2012?

  • - First, get rid of the word "millennium" and all of those kinds of things

  • those were taught by one thing, and one thing only - religion. You have just ax that out.

  • But I tell you the truth, we were not created from a grain of sand and we were not created from a rib.

  • It's not have happened. So, just toss that out a little bit, set that down.

  • So instead of thinking in terms of Armageddon and Christ comes and everything is fine again let's look at the reality of what's happening on our planet.

  • It's up to us we have to change the way we are living or we're going to destroy ourselves, plain and simple.

  • Mother Earth is alive, she loves us, she wants us to grow, she wants us to learn, and it's up to us to do it.

  • Second, I don't believe that any human being on this planet, and I would say this in front of everyone and anyone,

  • has ever got the exact date for this is going to happen.

  • We have free will and choice, that means every action today will lead the different reaction of tomorrow.

  • If we start to become the best people you can be today, tomorrow is gonna look a whole lot better.

  • And so yes, if the calendar ends at twenty twelve, that is the day on December, 21, 2012

  • we have this much to get everything right in. And whether it happens tomorrow?

  • We don't know if it's going to happen tomorrow, 2012, 2013, 2035, we don't know.

  • No one person on this planet can be given that specific answer, and I can stand in this with all of my truth because I've been told this directly.

  • we're human beings with free will and choice.

  • Every action that we do through consciousness creates a different reaction for tomorrow,

  • and so our job is to be the best people we can be and live from the heart the best we can be to create that shift in a much kind of way.

  • If we go walking around with shades on, the sunglasses on, we are going to get slammed really really hard in order for us to take those off.

  • or we can simply take them off ourselves.

  • It is our choice of how we act today for the outcome of tomorrow,

  • and I would sure hope that we can start living from love, so the tomorrow doesn't look like a disaster.

  • - Hello, thanks for being there,

  • I really hear soul speaking, it's really big, thank you.

  • I was wondering if I feel the Earth I cannot feel any pain, I just believe that's all in right order and

  • we don't have to have fear of something, am I wrong I mean,

  • we just can step beside, it's flowing and we can watch it how it's getting health.

  • - I would have to disagree. I believe that Mother Earth is suffering a great deal.

  • I actually, whether you want to believe this or not, I feel when she goes through something,

  • and those, who know me well, see that I can control it.

  • She's suffering a very great deal, very very much

  • And yes, all things happens as they should, but because we have free will and choice

  • if you take something perfect and beautiful and beloved, really beloved,

  • Mother Earth is the heart chakra of our entire Universe and all lifes that is out there, and there's a lot of it, revere Mother Earth as a sacred feminine.

  • She is sacred to all life and we, her own children, are destroying her.

  • That is not okay.

  • That is stepping away from having responsibility of how we have acted on this planet.

  • We have a responsibility to love and to take care of our Mother.

  • It is never okay to throw garbage on our Mother and say "That's just the way it is". Absolutely not.

  • - Hi, Kiesha.

  • Do you know how much you and your work are appreciated at large.

  • - Can you repeat it?

  • - Do you really realize how much you and your work are appreciated at large.

  • - Thank you.

  • Thank you so much.

  • - I have two things only say.

  • And one of them is - thank you, thank you so much for the tremendous courage you must take

  • to speak so honestly and so vulnerably from your heart.

  • Yes, I can only say that it's a message that

  • I've been hearing in my own heart for many years but

  • I have invalidated it, because it's somehow not come up

  • I've just compared it with concrete scientific intellectual mental facts that

  • I mean, not trusting myself to speak so

  • You know in your speaking I felt courage, courage to speak myself, so thank you, thank you so much.

  • And the second thing is

  • as I hear you speak inside I'm just like "Yes, yes, I know it's true, be love, be love"

  • and then I find I go into my every day and something happens and I wanna be right

  • and ...or...

  • I wanna blame somebody

  • .. and I know, be love, be love

  • And also even in some of the speaking here you know I can hear some people wanna argue with presenters

  • and they were all, you know, all part of me, so

  • Yes, I'm struggling a bit with it ...

  • - The first thing I want to tell you is take it easy on yourself. Take a deep breath, It's fine,

  • because we're here to be human beings. We're not here to be perfect, we're not.

  • We came here to be human beings and to experience everything.

  • But we do have the responsibility to be the best person we can.

  • And so in those daily lives I want to have children,

  • I do everything that you guys do, my vacuum brakes, I curse, you know, I have a life.

  • but in those moments when I had somebody approach me at a street

  • and was saying something very negative and just kinda really took me aback a little bit,

  • in those moments we must realize I'm the Great I Am. I set myself here.

  • And everything that I'm experiencing, good or bad, is given to me by me,

  • the one thing that loves me the very most and the one thing that knows exactly what I need.

  • Now in that moment if you can just remind yourself in those moments

  • what's the best reaction I can have right now? In that moment you are being love.

  • If you can literally ask yourself what's the best way I can react right now, what's the best way I can be right now?

  • You are striving to be love. Take it easy on yourself.

  • But just remind yourself constantly throughout the day and after a while it just becomes almost automatic.

  • What's the best reaction I can have right now, how can I be my best?

  • But if you constantly remind yourself that is you giving you this experience and just like I am the Great I Am

  • so are you, so as a neighbor, so as man that approaches you on the street, and his journey is given to him by him for exactly what he needs as well.

  • So although it might look bad to you or that he's making a wrong decision, or it's ugly or it's negative.

  • He is his own Great I Am as well and he's going through exactly what he needs to right now.

  • But how can you react the very best you can react. We are all equal.

  • There is no one person here greater or less than another human being. We are all the Great I Am's.

  • And just because some of us maybe in kindergarten, now learning skills, and some maybe in graduation school

  • one is not better than the other, we're all at different levels and it's exactly what is supposed to be.

  • So be the best you can be in every moment, and give yourself a little bit of a break

  • - Thank you, - Welcome.

  • - Now I just have two little questions. And the first one is about frequency rising for us.

  • What will happen to the people whose frequencies don't rise?

  • - Okay, so I've had this question a lot. What if the frequency doesn't rise on our planet?

  • - No, no, what will happen to the people whose frequency doesn't rise.

  • - Many people ask this question, it's a very good one, because there's a lot of family members that aren't really trying to be better people or kind of lost out there, we were concerned about them.

  • It takes a handful of people really living from their heart, because love energy is much more powerful than hate energy,

  • it take us to really start living from the heart to raise that frequency.

  • When a frequency switches on our planet, it will be for everyone.

  • If you are literally living in hate, then you cannot come up here.

  • But I doubt your family or whoever you worried about is living in real hate.

  • If you are just being a human being you will come up and then you will experience a new consciousness on our planet.

  • Just as every single one of us here, I believe, are living from love and we are good people.

  • We still live in the world of mind consciousness.

  • Soon we will all be living in a love consciousness, thank God.

  • - This will be the last question.

  • - Hi, Kiesha. - Hello. - I have a question about a use of resources especially a money resource, if the money system's going to collapse?

  • How can we best use that?

  • - For all I can say is what I'm doing personally,

  • because I have seen that the dollar is going to collapse, the universal money thing is going to collapse the way we know it.

  • I also know that the UN, and this is real, the UN has already printed and made the global currency

  • It has already been made. It has been made.

  • So this means something's happening. I've seen it with my own eyes.

  • So something is going to shift, absolutely.

  • But then as the world really goes into the big shift, I believe, money is gonna be useless, absolutely,

  • But for me I have a bunch of american dollars, just like you have a bunch of pounds, euros? Well, I guess a pounds.

  • Live your life, don't be afraid to live your life.

  • Everyday do what you wish to do, do what makes you happy, buy what you want to buy, enjoy yourself.

  • things are not important, I'm not saying - go, get things, things are never important.

  • But if you want to go see somewhere, go see it.

  • If you want to make a beautiful garden spend your money to make a beautiful garden, live your life, enjoy it.

  • And when things happen they will happen, but don't stop living your life. Enjoy life. We here to enjoy.

  • Thank you all so much for coming. I love you.

Welcome back everyone.

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預言家會議,格拉斯頓伯裡2011年 "2013年。第一天"--Kiesha Crowther。 (The Prophets Conference, Glastonbury 2011 "2013: DAY ONE" - Kiesha Crowther)

  • 69 1
    kin posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary