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It sounds great and it looks great.
And now, more than ever, we're flooded with it in our Instagram feeds, in ads, and even while watching TED Talks.
比起任何時代,現代「完美」隨處可見,充斥著 IG 貼文、廣告,甚至是 TED 演講。
But what we see is often just an illusion.
Instagram shows only the moments, angles, and outfits that their creators choose to showcase.
IG 上只會出現創作者們精心挑選的時刻、角度和服裝。
Ads are created by teams of experts that are paid to get us to want what they're offering.
And even the sacred TED Talk is given by the most gifted communicators who have often put years and years of research into the work they are presenting.
即使是神聖的 TED 演講,也是由最有天賦的講者發表,而他們往往已投注多年時間研究該領域。
And if you were to ask those Instagramers, advertisers, and TED Talkers if they feel like their latest post, billboard, or presentation was perfect, they most likely would say no.
如果你問那些 IG 創作者、廣告商和 TED 講者「覺得自己最新的發文、廣告或演講完美嗎?」他們極有可能回答「不。」
Even when Isaac Newton saw the first edition of his book "Opticks", a book often to be considered one of the greatest works in modern science,
he had his name removed from the title page due to the imperfections he believed to be in it.
He didn't want to be part of something that wasn't perfect.
Perfectionism is when a person refuses to accept any standard short of perfection.
So, as a perfectionist, if you're a runner and you qualify for the Olympics and make second place, you don't think of yourself as the second-best runner in the world, you think of yourself as a failure.
Voltaire said that "perfect is the enemy of the good".
Meaning that if you strive for perfection, you are destined to fail, because perfection simply doesn't exist.
Even when you write a sentence you find perfect today, you might hate it tomorrow.
Perfection leads to an endless and impossible cycle of reworking sentences, photographs, ideas, or whatever it is you want to be perfect.
Individually, this often causes anxiety and a non-acceptance of yourself and your imperfections.
And it has even been linked to suicide.
In a 2013 study of 33 young men who committed suicide, more than 70 percent of them had parents that said they placed exceedingly high expectations on themselves.
2013 年,一項針對 33 名曾試圖自殺年輕人的研究中,超過 70% 研究對象的父母表示,他們對自己有「極高 」期望。
It also causes insecurity.
One young woman said that growing up and seeing women on Instagram with perfect hair, bodies, and outfits instilled this need in her to look just like them.
一位年輕女性表示,長大過程中,接收 IG 上擁有完美頭髮、身材和服裝的女性形象,讓她認為自己需要看起來和她們一樣。
She says that it made it incredibly hard for her to accept herself as is.
But what she and many of us often don't realize is that what we see is mostly an illusion.
Professional Instagramers spend hours upon hours setting up their photoshoots, going to the gym and the tan salon, all so they can present their most perfect self to the world.
專業 IG 創作者會花上數小時設置拍攝、去健身房和美黑沙龍,為了向大眾展示最完美的自己。
But we don't see this.
Instead, we only look at their perfection and say to ourselves, "Why don't I look like that?"
But it gets worse.
Politically, a culture of perfection causes stagnation.
Perfectionists have a hard time letting go of their ideas because, in order to believe an idea in the first place, a perfectionist must think it is perfect.
So, when you have a perfectionist politician or activist who believes climate change doesn't exist, they devote themselves to ending policies that are trying to protect us.
And when you have two opposing groups of perfectionists in power, progress comes to a screeching halt.
The good news is that many psychologists believe that perfectionism isn't all bad.
Perfectionists are driven, motivated, and meticulous.
But when they fail, they see themselves as failures.
But if a perfectionist simply becomes an "excellentist", many of her or his self-hurting behaviors will go away.
For example, when an excellentist fails, it becomes an opportunity for learning and reflection, and perhaps saying,
"Eh, I did my best, and that's good enough for me.”
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