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Since the Russian invasion began, Ukrainians have shared recipes for making Molotov cocktails and instructions for driving abandoned troop carriers.
They've used encrypted apps to coordinate tactics and to ask Russians to stand up to their government, who, in turn, have staged protests in Moscow and other cities.
Though it may end up losing 'em the battlefield, Ukraine has been able to show the world the brutality and folly of the Russian attack,
which is only possible because everyday citizens have maintained access to the internet.
But maybe not for long.
In areas with the heaviest fighting, internet outages are becoming common.
And since information is power in the battlefield, there's a danger that Russia will find a way to knock the country fully offline.
Which is why Ukraine's Minister of Digital Transformation and Vice Prime Minister tweeted a plea to Elon Musk,
"We ask you to provide Ukraine with Starlink stations and to address sane Russians to stand."
「我們請求您為烏克蘭提供 Starlink 網路,並讓理智的俄羅斯人有地方能發表立場。」
"Starlink service is now active in Ukraine," Musk tweeted back later that day, collapsing a regulatory process that can take months or years into under 280 characters.
而馬斯克當天稍晚也在推特上做了回覆:「 Starlink 服務已在烏克蘭啟動。」將一個可能需要數月或數年的監管過程壓縮到 280 個字符以下。
Starlink, up and running since 2021, is a global satellite internet provider owned by Musk's company SpaceX,
Starlink 自 2021 年開始運行,是馬斯克公司 SpaceX 旗下的全球衛星網際網路供應商,
which aims to provide low latency, high-speed internet to areas that are less densely populated and where fast, reliable internet may be lacking.
The first obstacle is that Ukrainians can't just connect directly to Starlink's satellites.
第一個障礙是,烏克蘭人無法直接連接到 Starlink 衛星。
First, they need ground terminals⏤"... terminals en route," was how Musk finished his tweet.
And less than 48 hours later, Fedorov replied with a picture showing a truckload of them in Ukraine, "Starlink — here. Thanks, Elon Musk.”
不到 48 小時,費多羅夫在烏克蘭上傳了一張滿載終端設備卡車的照片回應,「 Starlink 已抵達。謝謝你,伊隆·馬斯克。」
Those terminals will need to be brought into cities under siege and connected to wi-fi, in turn, allowing Ukrainians to connect their devices.
這些終端將會被帶入被圍困城市與 Wi-Fi 連接,並提供烏克蘭人連接到他們的設備。
And if terminals lose power, they'll need batteries or generators to stay online.
But if the terminals can be installed and maintained, Starlink could provide a digital lifeline to some Ukrainians.
但如果終端可以被安裝及維護,Starlink 可以提供烏克蘭人持續他們的網路生活。
Divorcing the online world from geography and placing it outside state control is in keeping with the internet's original promise.
The dream of the internet was one of complete deterritorialization.
The internet was supposed to mean that it doesn't matter where you live, you are connected to all of humanity through this completely transparent network where geography is irrelevant.
We've seen how far short of that we have fallen.
We've seen some governments censor the internet.
Eli Dourado is a senior research fellow at the Center for Growth and Opportunity.
Eli Dourado 是發展及機會機構的高級研究員。
I think a great outcome for the internet would have been for the US to be able to export the First Amendment to the entire planet.
To be able to say, "Well, if you're a company that is based in the US and you're serving the entire planet and you're subject to US law alone, then the First Amendment applies everywhere."
能夠達到,如果你公司總部設在美國,服務遍及全球,那麼你只受美國法律約束,美國憲法第一修正案 (自由權) 將適用於所有地方。
"And... and nobody can... can stop you from speaking freely."
In reality, it hasn't worked out that way, and the internet is still largely tied to the politics and geography of earth.
Can Starlink help make good on the internet's original promise to be a tool of liberation?
Starlink 能否幫助兌現網際網路最初承諾,成為解放的工具?
Imagine if Putin had to answer to a populace with immutable Internet access, where they could see the unvarnished reality of war.
How might that change the way a conflict plays out?
One of Starlink's key innovations is that the signal can be relayed laterally a number of times⏤across country borders, time zones, even oceans⏤before beaming back down to a ground station.
Starlink 的關鍵創新之一是,信號可以多次橫向轉發,跨越國界、時區、甚至大洋,然後再傳送回地面站。
That could make it harder for any one country to censor or track what its citizens access online.
But only if Starlink first turns on service in those places and then routes internet traffic through ground stations in neighboring countries.
但前提是 Starlink 在這些地方開啟服務,然後通過鄰國的地面站來傳輸網際網路流量。
Starlink is, of course, a commercial offering from an American company that's launching frequently into space.
想當然爾,Starlink 是美國公司的商業產品,SpaceX 也頻繁向太空進行發射。
Under the Outer Space Treaty, the United States government is ultimately responsible for what SpaceX does when it's in space.
根據外空條約,美國政府最終要對 SpaceX 在太空中的行為負責。
While the technology would allow for it, Starlink may not turn out to serve that grand purpose.
雖然技術允許,但 Starlink 可能無法達成這宏偉的目標。
So far, it's only available in countries that welcome its presence.
But the technology holds promise.
Satellite internet might, one day, offer an uncensored alternative for people living in hermit kingdoms, behind great firewalls, or on information islands.
And every day, Ukrainians are putting truth to power.
Coordinating their defense, appealing directly to Russian kinship and common humanity, rallying people to their cause.
Showing the devastating cost of war.
Starlink could help them to prevail in that battle.
Starlink 可以幫助他們在這場戰役中獲勝。