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  • hey you guys welcome back to the channel darksie  here and i am going to make your life way  

  • way easier today by letting you in on  a secret and that secret is cyberbox  

  • tools okay right now available to the public they  have their tier three god mode nft and we'll go  

  • over the dashboard and what that all gets you inminute here but what they have upcoming something  

  • that you guys can be lucky enough to mint is their  tier 2 package now this is a one time purchase  

  • nft that unlocks you guys just unrivaled crazy  features this is by far the strongest tool  

  • available on the market i know the owner  and me and him have chatted very closely  

  • and they are working tirelessly to build and build  every day ensuring that they keep that top spot we  

  • do have a giveaway in place today you guys for  this projects whitelist allocation one of the  

  • ways you can enter is to comment like subscribewill be picking a person from the comments below  

  • another way is to head over to twitter and my pin  post has all the info you need to enter it that  

  • way there are only going to be 69 of these nfts  okay and if you guys miss out it's not really  

  • that big of a deal because you can either buy it  on secondary market or go ahead and go all out and  

  • buy the tier 3 like i have the god mode package  now you guys will see today how you can make  

  • a few ethereum in literally five minutes by just  sitting down and going through the different  

  • options or planning mints or using a bunch of  the auto features and capabilities that this  

  • tool has the thing that you guys have working on  your side which won't be around for long is that  

  • they are very very underrated at this point so  you can still get your foot in the door whether  

  • it be buying secondary or being lucky enough  to mint a tier two but anyways let's get right  

  • into this video and start kind of unraveling  the power behind this tool and why you guys  

  • should be using tools now there are chapters  in case you want to skip around they are also  

  • labeled in case you get bored but you guys  better stay till the end let's get into it

  • all right you guys so first what we're gonna  do here is start off with category three or  

  • tier three of the cyber box tools so you guys  can get an understanding of what this all is now  

  • it goes tier three being the best tier two being  middle and tier one being sort of your entry tools  

  • but these tools all have different attributes to  them and different functionalities so you guys  

  • could pick the one that best fits you i myself  really like the god mode one but we'll get into  

  • the dashboard here and you guys can see so right  now there's 165 of them okay and they are at a  

  • floor of 2.17 aetherium but i mean like i said you  guys you can literally make that back in one day  

  • and i am not even joking you here we go you guys  here's some of the profits people have and it's  

  • a great community too the cyberbox community in  the discord is so awesome like it's not just about  

  • the tools you guys the alpha in this discord is  crazy since it's so exclusive and it's so vetted  

  • it's just a breeding ground for money making now  look at this profit 1.46 profit 1.65 profit 0.6  

  • profit 0.3 profit 1.6 profit 0.5 0.73 0.7 now  those are some of the gains people get every day  

  • okay now we're going to go over the website here  this is their website cyberbox you're all in one  

  • tool to be ahead of the herd in nfts the nft world  is changing rapidly and you need to keep up with  

  • new trends collections and the moves of the most  prominent builders of the industry cyberbox helps  

  • you level up this journey so we're gonna launch  the app here we're going to authenticate my wallet  

  • now you'll be met with the collection page okay  and you can submit collections here if you guys  

  • want to add one so you guys say we want to  snipe at wonder pals and by the way just  

  • look at this beautiful selection we have here  but say we want to snipe uh wonder pals okay  

  • we click on that all right so you can see here it  goes from one and then down to the rarity score  

  • of the given project you may also view it like  this since these are one of ones they have one row  

  • and they have one attribute this attribute isstacking row okay so when you get past the one of  

  • ones you see what they are here this one has 2.5  traits a 10 a 16 and a six and then you can filter  

  • them if you want with really whatever filter you  want that's what i love about this you can really  

  • needle down and pinpoint exactly what you want  and that's true across all of the tiers or all of  

  • the categories so you can put on buy now and then  you can simply see easily in order the best deals  

  • and where they are right away a quick and easy way  i've made a lot of cash you guys is just simply  

  • referencing the floor price with the rank and then  you can see right here for under one aetherium  

  • you get under 1 000 rank and then like right  here you have three traits under one percent  

  • for one aetherium under one ethereum so you guys  can kind of see the power behind what this tool  

  • can do another awesome thing is at the top they  will always have up to date the upcoming reveals  

  • that are coming out so you guys are notified  instantly when you need to be at a collection  

  • for a snipe so that you guys can quickly use this  tool because it will upload the metadata here  

  • first to take care of business and look at the  screen that we just looked at on reveal day when  

  • it's just mayhem and you can easily pluck out  all the good deals very very simply it's such a  

  • powerful tool when it comes to reveal sniping that  i really wish i would have had this earlier in my  

  • career i guess career and nfts that's so funny  but anyways like i said it will notify you upon  

  • any noteworthy release coming out and you guys can  always submit collections if you want to there's  

  • a lot of people working to submit collections so  nothing gets missed so that goes back to kind of  

  • the family behind cyberbox and how the community  is so strong there you know everyone is definitely  

  • in tune with the nft community as a whole so if  word of something new has come to the scene or  

  • anything like that if you're popping in and saying  hi in the chats and reading all the different  

  • forums i guess if they're called forums and  discord just the different discord channels  

  • you'll be notified right away if anything crazy  or spectacular has come to the scene now there  

  • is quite a bit more potential behind this tool  it's basically however creative your brain can  

  • be with needling down those filters and showing  up to the reveals is how much money you can make  

  • it takes all of the chasing out of it for you now  this is tier three okay you guys and tier three  

  • is 2.17 now tier two is what is coming out now  i have access to a bare bones dashboard so i  

  • can show you guys how it will look how it  will work nothing's quite hooked up yet  

  • but you'll get the gist of what it's going to be  like on launch day like i said you guys the best  

  • thing about cyberbox is there's no bs point  three point four per month fee there's one  

  • token you buy the token whether it tier one two  or three and then you have access they don't take  

  • access away you get to keep it that is what is  so awesome about this because their price isn't  

  • gonna go down like i've been saying you guys this  is one of the best investments because they're so  

  • unheard of these guys are under the radar for  now so you can actually afford to get into this  

  • project because okay so they have 69 in tier 2 and  165 and tier three there's not room for a lot of  

  • people you see what i'm saying so that price can  only go up it's not going to go down because this  

  • is the most powerful tool available so if you can  get in it not only doubles as a great investment  

  • that will appreciate it also doubles as something  that can leverage your position and make you money  

  • daily this is a huge key for you guys cyberbox is  something that has made me a lot of money and i  

  • mean if i only knew about it sooner that's why i'm  trying to make a whole video about it and make you  

  • guys understand that these tools will just speed  up all of that manual work you have to do 10 fold  

  • so let's get into this tier 2 okay so tieroffers an auto mint function set up auto min  

  • you put in the contract address owner address  your wallet how much the mint is going to be  

  • and then your gas parameters this means that  for public sale or jokingly pre-sales since all  

  • the over-allocation that's coming out that one's  more of a joke but like for public sale you guys  

  • you're basically just gonna get the nfts you want  which is crazy you you won't be sitting there like  

  • crapping yourself when public sale for your  favorite nft comes out you type this in and let  

  • the powerful robot do the work that's the beauty  behind tier two so it not just only has auto mint  

  • to ensure you get those greasy the thing i like  about public sale is we already know how pre-sale  

  • did so there's no risk for public sale buys orshould say very very little very little risk for  

  • public sale buys because we already know where the  floor is sitting right and when we already know  

  • where the floor is sitting we know what we can  sell it for right away so then we have auto buy  

  • now the auto buy feature you guys again  you select whatever collection you want  

  • you know and then you can put a collection request  to collection if it's not on there and they'll put  

  • it on there and then you can select dynamic trait  floor price and you can only auto buy specific  

  • ranked nfts for this given price or you can  only bid on these nfts with these certain traits  

  • or you can only buy these certain nfts with these  certain traits on auto buy so right when a snipe  

  • appears it automatically gets collected and put  into your wallet there's no more really waiting  

  • for snipes you just set up your auto sniper bot  and then go to bed or game it's actually so crazy  

  • what they do here with the layering because you  can layer multiple traits to get the perfect  

  • nft you want obviously assuming that it goes on  sale but if it does and if it goes on sale for  

  • a price that will make you money calculate your  own margins then you're going to get it because  

  • like i said this tool is at the forefront of the  league so it's not like you're gonna be battling  

  • a bunch of other bots you're gonna be up against  people people aren't as quick as computers it's  

  • just an obvious thing so you're gonna get the  bag when i saw this part i got very very excited  

  • because again it's like as far as your creativity  can go is as much like you can get crazy with this  

  • thing and then we have the auto bidding bot  okay now basically you guys bidding has been  

  • one of the oldest best tried and true waysremember watching kosher in like literally one  

  • his first or second video ever um talking about  how he would go on each new project and just bid  

  • just bid for something that looks good to someone  who just minted the project and might be new but  

  • will make you so much money so what i mean is it's  playing on the same kind of thing as sniping is  

  • you're bidding what it looks good for floor  price of the project maybe even a bit above but  

  • they don't know what they have in terms of they  might have a one of one that you're bidding on  

  • or they might have this super rare or super  nice looking nft that you're bidding on  

  • all of a sudden you know you get this guy  that doesn't really know too much about nft  

  • just like what sniping is built upon and he just  clicks okay because to him it's a great deal and  

  • yeah sure he's making money but then you can go  around and flip it for 2x so that's another great  

  • aspect of this you guys and then they will  have a sniper this is under development okay  

  • plus your watch list alerts profit calculator  and live feed these are under development and  

  • will be out but you guys kind of get the gist of  what the dashboard is going to look like now you  

  • guys these are early access category 2 nfts okay  the price for these 69 nfts is going to be 1.969

  • ethereum for those of you that understand the  price understand the value and would like to  

  • get a whitelist spot like the video comment  go over to my twitter and read the pinned  

  • post this is going to be an exclusive  giveaway since it's on the more expensive side  

  • not a lot of people have this kind of liquidknow but the thing is you need money to make money  

  • so once you get the ball rolling maybe you guys  can jump into getting some of these nice tools  

  • or just stick around for the alpha club  because cyberbox is helping out with that too

  • you

hey you guys welcome back to the channel darksie  here and i am going to make your life way  

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自动 NFT 狙击手 | 轻松在 Opensea 上翻转顶级 NFT!(Cyber​​Box 工具,即将推出)(Auto NFT Sniper | Make Flipping Top NFTs On Opensea Easy! (CyberBox Tools, Upcoming Drops))

  • 6 0
    yaxuans posted on 2022/04/29
Video vocabulary