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  • Adjusting her disguise, Zhu Yingtai prepared to bid her parents goodbye.


  • She had always been a dutiful daughter, staying home and creating works of embroidery that brought her parents pride.

    她一直都是個盡責的乖女兒, 總是待在家裡做女紅, 讓她的父母感到驕傲。

  • And yet, although only boys were allowed at the Confucius Academy in Hangzhou, what Yingtai truly wanted was to go to school.

    雖然只有男性能到杭州的書院讀書, 但祝英台最想要的就是去上學。

  • She begged her parents to let her attend dressed as a boy and, seeing her determination and clever disguises, they finally agreed.

    她懇求父母讓她女扮男裝去上學, 而在看見女兒的決心和完美的扮裝後,他們終於答應了。

  • However, they only gave her permission when she promised to keep her true identity a secret and eventually return to the traditional path they'd set for her.

    前提是祝英台答應這兩件事: 她必須保守女兒身的秘密,而且最後要回歸他們為她規劃好的傳統女性道路。

  • Elated, Yingtai began her journey to Hangzhou.


  • On the way, she found herself at a crossroads, unsure which route to take when a young man approached.

    旅途中 ,她來到一個十字路口, 正不知道該往哪個方向前進時, 出現了一個年輕男子。

  • As their eyes met, they shared an instant connection.

    他們眼神交會的一瞬, 便立刻感受到強烈的吸引力。

  • Yingtai learned that his name was Liang Shanbo, and that he'd be her classmate at the academy, so they walked the rest of the way together, rapt in conversation.

    英台得知這個年輕人叫梁山伯, 同樣要去書院就讀,因此他們結伴同行,盡情暢談。

  • Yingtai realized that, despite her meticulous disguise, she felt that she could finally be herself.

    英台發現,雖然她的男裝天衣無縫, 卻能真正做自己。

  • The two decided to celebrate what they thought would be a long, close friendship, and became sworn brothers.

    兩人都堅信這段友情將又長久又親密, 為讚頌這段情誼,兩人成為結拜兄弟。

  • At the academy, Yingtai buried herself in books and studied with Shanbo late into the nights.

    在學院中,英台全心投入學習, 總是和山伯一同挑燈苦讀。

  • The two felt at home so long as they were at each other's sides.

    只要在彼此身邊, 兩人就感到自在又放鬆。

  • They shared a room, but even though Shanbo questioned her about it, Yingtai always used the bathroom alone and buttoned her thick robes up to her chin, no matter the weather.

    他們同住一室, 山伯也曾經問過英台, 為何她總是獨自使用浴室,以及為何又總是將厚重的袍子扣到下巴。

  • Now and again, Yingtai heard students muttering about her secretive behavior.


  • As months slipped into years, Yingtai continued to excel at her studies and felt like her past, and intended future, were lifetimes away.

    從數月到數年,英台不停精進學業, 覺得以前在家的那段日子, 以及被規劃好的未來都恍若隔世。

  • Yet the whispers grew louder.


  • And after three years, she had no choice but to leave.


  • Parting tearfully, Yingtai asked Shanbo to visit her.


  • When Yingtai returned home, her parents announced that the Ma family from the neighboring village had sent a matchmaker to ask their permission for Yingtai to marry their son.

    英台回家後, 父母告訴她,鄰村的馬家派來一個媒婆求親, 請他們把她嫁給馬家的兒子。

  • They'd found it a fitting match and accepted.

    他們認為兩家門當戶對, 就接受了這樁親事。

  • Trying to hide her disappointment, Yingtai honored their agreement.

    英台試著藏起失望的情緒, 履行他們的決定。

  • But as she prepared for another new life, she thought of Shanbo.


  • Meanwhile, he too was distracted; his studies dull without Yingtai near.

    這時的山伯也無法專心起來: 沒有英台的陪伴,讀書變得很無趣。

  • When Shanbo finally visited Yingtai's house, he came upon a young woman.

    在山伯終於拜訪英台家時, 他遇見一個年輕女子。

  • He was about to ask for her brother, but as their eyes met, he recognized the young scholar he'd always loved.

    他本來想問她,她的哥哥在哪裡, 但在他們視線交會時, 他認出了他一直深愛的同學。

  • Shanbo knew he couldn't stand being separated from Yingtai again and asked her to marry him.

    山伯知道自己無法忍受再次和她分別, 因此向她求婚。

  • But, heartbroken, Yingtai told him that she was already promised to another.

    但是心碎的英台告訴他, 她已經被父母許配給另一個人了。

  • Shanbo was devastated, but he understood that Yingtai had to abide by her parents' wishes, and they parted again.

    山伯心碎了, 但他明白英台必須聽從父母之命,他們只能再次分別。

  • Shanbo fell ill and grew weaker by the day.


  • Worried, his family sent a matchmaker to the Zhu family.

    他的家人很擔心他, 就派了一個媒婆到英台家求親。

  • But, because of Yingtai's current engagement, her father refused the proposal.


  • Doing otherwise would bring their family public shame.

    因為如果他同意這門婚事, 只會讓家族蒙羞。

  • Shanbo's Illness took a turn for the worse and sensing he wouldn't live to see her married, Shanbo wrote Yingtai a final letter.

    山伯的病明顯加重, 知道自己無法活到英台成親的那天,山伯寫了一封絕筆信給英台。

  • If Yingtai loved him, he asked that she burn incense in front of his tomb when she was on her way to the Ma family.

    他說,如果英台愛他,就請她在去馬家成親的路上, 到他墓前上香。

  • When Yingtai's wedding day came, it also felt like a funeral.


  • As the procession wound through town under stormy skies, Yingtai broke off and knelt in front of Shanbo's tomb, lighting incense and offering sacrifices through her tears.


  • Suddenly, a clap of thunder sounded above and a lightning bolt shot through the tomb, fracturing the stone.

    突然,天上響起一陣雷鳴, 一道閃電劈開了墳墓,粉碎了墓碑。

  • Without hesitation, Yingtai threw herself in.


  • As her parents rushed to rescue their daughter, two butterflies fluttered out of the crack.


  • This time, Yingtai had transformed for good.


  • Finally free, she could float forever with Shanbo at her side.


Adjusting her disguise, Zhu Yingtai prepared to bid her parents goodbye.


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