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  • Hi everyone Jennifer from Tarle speech with  your pronunciation question of the week.

    大家好,來自Tarle speech的Jennifer為大家帶來本週的發音問題。

  • We have three words today: violet the flower or a shade of purple 


  • violence a behavior intended to harm and violent means involving force


  • Let's take a look at our words.  


  • I'm going to start by teaching you how  to say these sounds with two beats.


  • I always think less is more. Let's start with  syllable one for all of these. It's the same and  


  • that is vi. To do this, we're going to start with  that v sound. To do this your lips are going to be  


  • open. You're going to be gently touching  your teeth. Sometimes they say biting the  


  • inside or the outside of your bottom lip. Air  is going to continue to move out of your mouth.


  • If you close your lips it is going to  sound like a b and we don't want that.  


  • It is V with the air moving out notwith the air puffing out. So again V.


  • Next we're going to move to that long I soundTo do that open your mouth in a wide circle I.  

    接下來,我們將轉向那個長的I音。 要做到這一點,請把你的嘴張成一個大圓圈I。

  • Tip of your tongue starts very lowback of your tongue is pulled high up,  


  • as you close your mouth to a smile, your tongue  will move to high and flat in your mouth.


  • Now for violet, we're going to end with lutTo do this, touch the tip of your tongue to the  

    現在,對於紫羅蘭,我們將以魯特結束。 要做到這一點,將你的舌尖接觸到

  • back of your top front teeth. To be super  specific, where your teeth meet the roof  


  • of your mouth. Add that short ah and then end  with the t. Do this by touching the tip of  


  • the tongue to the back of the top front teeth and  the air pops out. lut vi lit violet violet violet

    舌頭伸到上門牙的後面,空氣就會蹦出來。 Lut vi lit violet violet violet

  • Now for violence, again, we're going to  start with that l and u again. For the n  


  • the difference here, the tip of your tongue is  still touching the back of your top front teeth,  


  • but instead of the air puffing out  of your mouth, it's going to move  


  • out of your nose, and then you're going to  pull your tongue down away from your teeth.  


  • It's either just behind your top teeth, or  it could be pointing down, and air is going  


  • to move out of your mouth for that s luns luns  luns vi luns violence violence violence

    從你的嘴裡移開,因為那是luns luns luns luns vi luns violence violence

  • Now for violent, again, we know that  l-u-n, when your tongue is here for the n,  


  • air is moving out of your nose. We're going  to shift the air to puffing out of the mouth,  


  • and we're going to pull that tongue tip down.


  • lunt lunt violent violent violent

    倫特 倫特 倫特 倫特 倫特 倫特暴力 倫特 倫特 倫特 倫特

  • So we have violet violence violent


  • I do hear some people add a schwa and you can  totally do that. I actually left a little  


  • space there and you could say  violet, violence, or violent.  


  • Another difference I hear is sometimes I hear  people say a long o violet, violence, violent.


  • So you have many options here. I do  think saying two beats is always easiest:  


  • violet, violence, violent, but you do  have options. And you can add that schwa:  


  • violet, violence, and violent. Or you can have the  long o if you want: violet, violence, and violent.


  • So I have a sentence for you.  I didn't want to use the word  

    所以我有一個句子給你。 我不想用這個詞

  • violent in a sentence. It sounded so wrongBut I googled and I have a great sentence:

    句中的暴力。這聽起來很不對勁。 但我在谷歌上搜索了一下,我有一個很棒的句子。

  • The Violet Violence is a band that I learned  about while preparing for this video.

    紫羅蘭暴力 "是我在準備這個視頻時瞭解到的一個樂隊。

  • So give it a try I know people are going to notice  the difference. Please share us with your friends.  


  • Give us a like and check out our products  on google play iTunes and at Tarle speech.

    給我們一個贊,並在google play iTunes和Tarle speech上查看我們的產品。

  • Thanks!


Hi everyone Jennifer from Tarle speech with  your pronunciation question of the week.

大家好,來自Tarle speech的Jennifer為大家帶來本週的發音問題。

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Click the word to look it up Click the word to find further inforamtion about it

A2 暴力 紫羅蘭 空氣 舌尖 舌頭 拍子

如何給VIOLET, VIOLENCE, VIOLENT發音 - 美國英語發音課程 (How to Pronounce VIOLET, VIOLENCE, VIOLENT - American English Pronunciation Lesson)

  • 22 0
    Summer posted on 2022/05/17
Video vocabulary