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I'm scout for safe and this is how I work it.
I'm going to take you through a typical day of my beauty and makeup routine.
Our Metropolitan Opera House season is the hardest one we do and no other company in the world does what we do.
It's eight weeks straight of performances, eight performances a week.
So 64 shows straight, Good morning, 6:30 AM I'm going to go brush my teeth and head out to yoga.
I just need to put on some pants and yeah, when I'm out of here, my job is my body to use and to perform.
And so I've noticed with yoga, it sets up my day and also just moving my body and mechanically kind of resets everything makes it back in alignment.
And I feel like, okay, now I have this a set foundation to be able to do my extremes on it, which dancing requires next on the morning routine is a really zen doubt coffee.
I usually just almond milk latte tastes freaking good.
If you're looking at a dancer and her arms up and you see this black patch of armpit hair that doesn't make the line of dancing fluid.
I'm all for like, not shaving your armpits, but during performances and I have to shave every single day.
And so I always put on coconut oil before I shave, shave it off.
And then I use witch hazel on top because that helps kind of calm down the pores and prevent ingrown hairs.
I try to only wash my hair about once a week.
The greasy and kind of icky er It is, it's easier to put up in a bun during my shower and wash my face with PC a skincare.
I don't use any body lotion because I'm constantly sweating and cleansing my pores.
So I think I have enough natural oils and I always try to end the shower with cold for a couple of seconds and just kind of boost the energy for the rest of the day.
I get in the shower, I eat some breakfast and head out the door.
So I just got into a BTm in the upstairs locker room where all the school is, but that used to be old locker right there, number 18, I'm gonna get ready for class and do a little warm up and just kind of get ready for the day.
I usually have at least a half hour to 15 minutes of just stretching, warming up my body and just kind of working out the kinks from the night before and getting it ready for a full day of dancing.
So, this is a very typical day outfit.
I've got, I use an all natural deodorant.
It's called primal pit paste.
I only use it kind of when I'm towards my menstrual cycle because I've, I've been very fortunate don't smell, but when I do start to smell, I notice it immediately and I put on my lavender scented pit paste.
So I just want to show you what goes into my point shoes, I stick a little toe spacer in between just to kind of help with the bunions and then I take my toe pad.
I don't really do this with one hand normally and then all of that just goes right into the point, you just like that.
So it's kind of helped to protect the feet and also just keep them like in a healthy position for as long as possible so I can sustain a full eight hour day of dancing.
We have an hour and a half class in the morning from one of our ballet masters or a guest teacher that comes in and that's where they start off small.
You keep building up and not sets up your whole day of rehearsals.
So we rehearsed all day for the next week's show and then perform a different show that night.
I've noticed my skin gets really oily and sweaty, so I have little pads that I use and it wipes the dirt off without having to go wash your face.
So I finished rehearsal around five or 5 30 depending on the day and I go and get lunch slash dinner.
The show starts around 7 30 I try to get in there and have at least an hour to do all my hair makeup and get ready for the show, make sure my pointe shoes are so and make sure my body is ready and warm and ready to go When I was 14 is what I learned how to do makeup.
It's so funny, I never wear makeup in normal life and then you get me on stage and I'm like, just do it all.
Like, let's make it so big fake eyelashes, lipstick.
And then hair.
Here's another thing.
We have to learn how to do our hair in a bun, keep it it's spot and it's not moving.
I had to learn how to do french twists, I don't know how to do that.
What's it called?
Romantic bun, which is where it's down over the ears and you pin it back a little bit so it has this s shape to it.
I'm gonna show you guys a basic ballerina beauty routine and we even have a call sheet for the performance that says what kind of makeup we need to do and 85% of the time it's a basic beauty makeup.
This is just an average stage makeup routine.
I'm gonna start with my primary.
I've noticed it helps create a barrier and less makeup gets into my pores.
So also less creasing too, because we're constantly expressing any moting.
So we're constantly moving our face and so all the creases and stuff, you use all the makeup starts to build up.
I started using virtual, which is a sunscreen line.
I'm dripping sweat on stage and it doesn't come off, it doesn't move, it's made to withstand water and be like in the ocean after foundation.
It's highlighter and contouring time.
I always try to exaggerate the features so people that are up in the nosebleed seats can see you and I'm definitely not a makeup artist.
So like don't laugh at me when your hair is back up in a bun.
There's always like, you know, your, your hairline is uneven, so just kind of even it out, you've got really harsh lighting on you and so you're gonna get washed out if you don't go dark and extreme with your contouring and highlighting kind of whoa, this is the contour palette I used, I usually go with kind of a light ish brown color for the contouring and then highlight.
I go with the revlon photo ready and I even use the brush that they give you, it's perfect for what you need to do.
我使用Revlon photo ready,我甚至使用他們給你的刷子,這對你需要做的事情來說是完美的。
The next step is powder the face and we always go down on the neck because there's nothing worse than seeing a really pretty dancer with her face a different color than her body, you can go up on the ears too because when we're dancing we get hot.
And so I noticed too a lot when you see a dancer and you'll see her like her face and then these little red ears.
So we always go up with the powder onto my ears.
So now we go into the eyebrows always go above the eyebrow because we're always constantly trying to make our eyes appear bigger than they actually are.
It's also depending on what the dance is.
If I'm doing something that I need a harsher look, I bring them up higher.
If we're doing something that's a little softer, I make sure my eyebrows are just a little bit more dainty and I just kind of color in what I've already got.
Okay, so there's my eyebrows, another little tip and trick we do.
You wanna go underneath with a little bit of lightness just to kind of help accentuate the dark.
You put on your eyebrows now onto my favorite part, which is the eyes when I was younger, I wasn't really comfortable being on stage performing the more and more you do it of course you get used to it and now I've been able to differentiate nerves against excitement, excitement is good, nerves are just a waste of energy.
I go into this, it's Pacifica, Stone Cold Fox and I love Pacifica because it's a cruelty free vegan brand, kind of looks a little funky and that's the best thing to, I love that stage makeup is that the line don't have to be perfect because you're so far away from the audience.
我進入這個,這是Pacifica,Stone Cold Fox,我喜歡Pacifica,因為它是一個無公害的素食品牌,看起來有點古怪,這是最好的事情,我喜歡舞臺上的化妝,因為你離觀眾這麼遠,所以線條不必完美。
They can't really see it anyways, and this is, I think it's a Loreal line, Your intense and it's a liquid eyeliner.
I try not to go all the way into the corner of my eye because that just shortens it.
So we usually stop about, like right where the lashes stop right before the inside corner of my eye.
Now it's time for the wings.
I like to listen to like a lot of spiritual podcasts.
I listen to guru Singh, I am who I am, exactly who I am.
I don't believe in quinces.
I think everything happens for a reason and you're exactly where you need to be in every moment.
I like to add a little bit of color when I do my eyeshadow.
This is like the color I kind of use and for fake lashes.
I just go with the average stuff you find at the like Duane Reade or something.
我只是用你在像Duane Reade或其他地方找到的普通東西。
I was on stage once and someone's costume brushed up against my face and I turned to a friend and I kinda had the smile on my face and I go my lashes falling off and they had to go, yes they are.
But it's okay, you'll be fine.
I was almost crying on stage, it was a disaster and I always make sure to triple check my glue now after that always add more.
This is when I have like drake playing or something to get me all pumped up for this show.
I always go with like a dark brown fur underneath.
It gives it more of the appearance of it just naturally looking big and there we go.
That's like your average, I right there.
I learned this trick when I was 14 and learning how to do stage makeup I heard when Hollywood is filming their movies and they're doing a really far away shot.
They put little red dots in the corner of the person's eye because the in parts of your eyes are red and so it appears to make your eyes look bigger.
I don't know how true that is, but it's something that's stuck with me and I like doing it and it's my thing and I just do a little red dash on the outside of my eyes.
I always have and I probably always will.
So now onto the blush just kind of do like a really light blush because when we're dancing on stage, we get so hot and sweaty that I get like a natural flush.
That's kind of it for blush.
So lipsticks, we never ever, ever wear red lipstick on stage red lipstick either has a blue or orange undertone and with the harsh and brightness of the lights, you see that instead of the red.
So I always go for more of a natural lip color.
So I use this revlon rose velvet and I like to blend to like, I like to get multiple colors.
There we go.
And my makeup is done.
So now after the makeup, then I go to hair hair, if I'm just doing an average show is usually middle part, low bun, brush it back, find that middle part, which is sometimes really hard to do.
I don't know why I have short hair and so on my butt would be about this big right now.
And so we use hairnets and it makes the bun look a little bit bigger and more average size because we're all trying to look very similar.
I'll do a low like very classical bun.
And so right now I noticed like my hair is super soft because of washing it, it's gonna be slippery and slide e I take my texture tonic from the veda and it's like a it's basically a sea salt spray and it gives it kind of that greasy hold.
Now it's really wet.
We have girls that have pixie haircuts and girls that have hair that is down to there.
But as long as you maintain how you look on stage, like you can do whatever, take it and then making it as round and kind of flat as possible.
You don't want like a big door knob bun which is what we call them when they're like big and chunky and you kind of wanted it to appear as smooth as possible.
So it's not distracting.
Just has a really sleek, Beautiful look on stage, very ballerina.
So once you've got it all pinned down kind of flat like this, take the hairnet, go around the hairnet, always just helps smooth out any of the flyaways that you get from dancing and moving around and I usually only use about like four or five pins in my hair.
So there you go, you're just like sewing it to your hair with the bobby pins, it's pretty fun.
And this is like my basic ballerina beauty hair and makeup as a dancer.
My foot care routine is very specific.
Honestly, the less I do probably the better if I go and get a pedicure, I don't let them take off the calluses.
Calluses are band aids to help protect when we're in the shoes.
I've got this tool, it's a gua sha and it's a little piece of jade and it's to scrape the fascist.
So I go like right in the meat of my foot, It hurts, it's a little crunchy too, and it just helps awaken it and get the motion back into my ankle and I sometimes will go all the way up up into the calves up on the shins, especially I want to get shin splints.
So now it's like 7:00, we've got about a half hour before the curtain goes up.
And so this is when I start warming up, put on my pointe shoes, you get into costume.
Our average show is about three acts and we've got 15 minutes in between when the curtain stops on the first act, and when the curtain goes up on the first or the second act at this point, you're usually sweaty, you have this big smile, the curtain goes down to go, okay, lets go and you run backstage, ripping off your costume and taking out your hair, throwing on another costume and I take the powder go over my face where it's all where I'm all kind of sweaty and just like the shiny areas.
I usually have to reapply lipstick, but I always take a second to go back and make sure that my makeup is up to the standard that it was when I first started the show.
The end of the show is like, we, I can get in and out of there within like seven minutes probably.
I usually stripped down and change and I take the Glossier milk jelly, I put it on my skin dry and just rub it looks like raccoon like girl crying makeup all down her face kind of thing is pretty funny, rinse it off with water and I come out of there and Probably 95% of my makeup is gone.
It's insane.
Like this stuff is the best thing that I found and there's always eyelash glue no matter what you do.
So I usually get home and I just have something small bite to eat.
I brush my teeth, first, wash my face again with my Clarisonic just to get all of the extra stuff out and go to bed and wake up at 6 30 start the day over again.