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Both iPhone and Android users
have the ability to choose the language
or voice that is used for Google maps.
For Android users, you can do it right in the app.
iPhone users will have to change
the settings on their phone.
Here's how to do it on an Android phone.
This first method will leave the interface text language
to the default, in our case English,
but will change the language of the voice.
Open the Google maps app.
Tap your Google profile pic
in the corner to open the menu.
Select "Settings,"
then scroll down and tap on "Navigation settings."
Then tap "Voice selection."
Select the language of the voice you want to hear
when Google maps tells you directions.
The second method will change
the interface text language,
but the language of the voice will not change.
Open the Google maps app.
Tap your Google profile pic
in the corner to open the menu.
Select "Settings."
Tap on "App language,"
then select the language that you prefer.
To change both the interface
and the voice to a different language,
just perform both the previous steps
and pick the same language.
Here's how to change the Google maps voice on an iPhone.
First, go to your device's settings,
then tap "General."
Select "Language & Region."
Select "iPhone Language,"
then select the language you want Google maps to use.
Keep in mind that this will change
the language of your entire phone,
likely including all the other apps.