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  • The largest things in the  universe are black holes.  


  • In contrast to things like planets or  stars they have no physical size limit,  


  • and can literally grow endlessly. Although in  reality specific things need to happen to create  

    而是可以扎扎實實永無止盡成長下去 雖然在現實中需要在宇宙達成各種特定條件

  • different kinds of black holes, from really tiny  ones to the largest single things in the universe.  

    才能產生黑洞 不管是超迷你或是超巨大的尺寸都是

  • So how do black holes grow and how  large is the largest of them all?


  • This video will not discuss how black holes work  or how they form since we've looked at that in  

    這隻影片並不會探討黑洞的原理或是他們怎麼形成的 因為我們已經在黑洞及中子星的系列影片中

  • detail in our black hole and neutron star seriesyou can check them out afterwards. For now we are  

    帶大家探索過一回了,可以之後再回去看看 現在令我們感興趣的

  • interested in finding the largest thing in the  universe. Let us start really, really small.

    是找出宇宙中最大的龐然大物 讓我們先從非常, 非常小的開始

  • Primordial Black holes


  • The smallest kind of black holes may or may not  exist. If they do, they are probably the oldest  

    這種最小的黑洞可能存在,也可能不存在 如果存在的話,他們可能是宇宙中

  • objects in the universe, older even than atomsThey would have formed just after the big bang,  

    最古老的東西,就連原子都自歎不如 他們可能在大爆炸一發生之後就已經形成

  • when the universe was so dense with  violent energy, that any tiny pocket  

    當時的宇宙被劇烈的能量塞得又緊又密 只要一丁點的小空間

  • that was just slightly more dense than  its neighbors could produce a black hole.

    比左鄰右舍稍微更緊密一點點 就可能創造出黑洞

  • The smallest Primordial Black Hole that  could still be around would be a trillion  


  • kilograms or so, the mass of a big mountainAnd yet they would be no bigger than a proton.  

    重得跟座巨大的山脈一樣 不過就連一個質子的個頭都比他還要大

  • A Primordial Black hole with the mass of  earth would barely be larger than a coin.  


  • This makes them very hard to find, so we  haven't actually observed any yetif  

    這也讓他們非常不容易被發現 所以事實上我們還沒有觀測到任何一個

  • they exist they may even be the mysterious  dark matter that holds galaxies together.


  • Let's move on to the kinds of black holes  that we know for sure ARE out there.


  • Stellar Black Holes


  • To make a black hole we need to compress enough  matter so that it collapses into itself. After  


  • that, the more mass we throw at it, the  larger it becomes. In today's universe,  

    在這之後,只要給他更多質量,他就會變得更大 在如今的宇宙中

  • only the most violent cosmic events can create  the necessary conditions, such as the merger of  

    只有最猛烈的天文現象能湊齊這些必要的條件 像是中子星的合併

  • neutron stars or when the core of a very massive  star collapses in a supernova. To have a unit to  

    或是一個巨大星體的核心在超新星之後塌縮 而為了有個方便比較

  • work with here, we'll use the mass of our sunabout 2 million trillion trillion kilograms.

    我們來使用太陽的質量為單位 大約是2在乘上10的30次方公斤那麼重

  • The smallest known black hole  has 2.7 times the mass of the sun  


  • which works out as a sphere around 16 km  in diameter, large enough to cover Paris.


  • Another lightweight black hole is the  companion to the V723 Mon red giant star.  

    另一個輕量級黑洞是 V723 Mon 紅巨星的伴星

  • This star is 24 times larger than our sun,  30 million kilometer in diameter. And yet,  


  • it is thrown around by a tiny black hole  just 17.2 km wide. This tiny thing bullying  


  • the star is so much smaller that we can  barely even show them in comparison.


  • One of the largest known stellar black holes is  M33 X-7. It currently spends its time eating a 70  

    而已知最大的恆星黑洞之一是 M33 X-7 他目前正享用著一顆

  • solar mass blue giant, bit by bit. As all that  stolen matter circles towards the black hole,  

    70倍太陽質量的藍巨星,一口接著一口 當所有被偷走的物質像流入下水道的涓涓細流一般

  • like water going down a drain, friction heats  it up to temperatures high enough to shine  

    朝著黑洞旋轉 摩擦生熱也使他被加熱到足夠高的溫度

  • 500,000 times brighter than our Sun! And  yet, X-7 is 'only' 15.65 solar masses  

    產生出來的光會比太陽還要亮500,000倍! 但是,X-7 卻「只有」15.65倍的太陽質量和92公里寬

  • and 92 km wide, just big enough  to cast a shadow on Corsica.


  • To grow much larger, black holes have to either  devour a lot of stars or better, merge with one  

    為了變得更龐大,黑洞需吞噬大量星體 或是更棒的選擇:跟另一個黑洞結合

  • another. The instruments that make it possible  to detect these mergers are very new so we are  


  • currently discovering a lot of exciting thingsLike two massive black holes that we detected in  

    所以我們正不斷地發現令人興奮的事 像是我們發現170億光年以外的2個巨大黑洞

  • a galaxy 17 billion lightyears away. As they spun  around each other violently, they released more  


  • energy in the form of gravitational waves than the  combined light from all the stars in the milky way  

    它們以重力波的形式釋放出的能量比4400年來 銀河系中所有恆星的光能總量還要多

  • in 4400 years. The new black hole they formed is  about the size of Germany and is 142 solar masses.


  • And here we hit a curious gap in scale.


  • There are lots of black holes up to 150 solar  masses. And then there is nothing for a long  

    有非常多黑洞大於150個太陽質量 但接下來就會有很長一段時間是沒有任何黑洞的

  • time. Until we suddenly hit black holesthat are millions of times more massive.

    直到我們突然再度碰到黑洞 已經是大上幾百萬倍質量的黑洞了

  • Which is a bit confusing, because we had this  idea that black holes are consistently growing  


  • and growing. But for the most massive black holes  this process is not fast enough to explain their  

    但這個過程並不夠快 無法解釋為何最巨大的黑洞能有現今這般大小

  • existence today. The universe is simply not  old enough for these supermassive black holes  


  • to have formed by eating stars and merging with  each other. Something else must have happened.

    通過吞噬星體並相互融合來形成 一定有什麼其他的事情發生了

  • To explain how we got the largest black  holes in the universe, we might need the  

    為了解釋宇宙裡面怎麼會有如此巨大的黑洞 我們會需要有

  • largest stars that ever existed: Quasi StarsTo get a sense of scale, we can compare them  

    存在過的最大的星體:類星 為了方便比較,我們可以將他們跟

  • to the largest stars that exist today. Our  Sun is like a grain of sand next to them.

    現今最大的星體做比較 我們的太陽就像是他們旁邊的一粒沙塵

  • We don't know if Quasi Stars actually existed but  they are an interesting concept when it comes to  

    我們並不曉得類星是否真的存在 不過當我們聊到超級黑洞的發展史時

  • supercharging black hole development. The idea is  that the matter in the early universe was so dense  

    這些類星會是十分有意思的概念 這個概念是,物質在早期宇宙是十分濃稠緊密的

  • that quasi stars could grow to thousands of  times the mass of our sun. The cores of these  


  • stars might have been crushed by their own weight  so much to actually collapse into black holes  


  • while the star was still forming. In contrast to  stars today that would destroy themselves in the  

    並且實際上已經塌縮成為黑洞 不像是如今的一般星體在這種過程中可能就已經被破壞殆盡了

  • process, inside quasi stars, a deadly balance  could emerge. Gravity pressed the supermassive  

    在類星的內部,可能發生著一種致命又危險的平衡 重力不斷的把超巨大質量的星體擠壓再一起

  • star together, feeding the black hole and heating  the material falling in to such a degree that the  

    如此在餵食黑洞的同時,將落入的物質加熱到一定程度 然後透過輻射帶來的壓力給星體穩定

  • radiation pressure kept the star stable. And so  these quickly growing black holes might have been  


  • able to consume the quasi star for millions of  years and grow far bigger than any modern stellar  

    在好幾百萬年間吸收了類星 然後成長得遠比任何恆星黑洞還要大

  • black hole. Black holes several thousand times the  mass of the Sun and wider than the entire earth.


  • These black holes might have become  the seeds for supermassive black holes.


  • Supermassive black holes


  • So now, we arrive at the kings of our  universe, the largest single bodies in  


  • existence. The centers of most galaxies containsuper massive black hole, and they are monstrous.


  • In the Milky Way we have SagittariusStar, a super massive black hole with  


  • about 4 million solar masses that is calm and  collected and just does its thing. We know  

    並大約有400萬倍的太陽質量 它既冷靜又顯得泰然自若,就只是在那做他該做的事

  • it sits there because we can see a number of stars  being thrown around by a seemingly empty spot.  

    之所以知道它就坐鎮在那 是因為能看見有許多星體似乎被一個空空的點不斷拋向四周

  • And despite its incredible  mass, it's radius is still  


  • only 17 times our sun. Smaller than most giant  stars, but millions of times more massive.

    只有太陽的17倍 比大部分的巨星還要小,卻又比他們重上幾百萬倍

  • Because Supermassive black holes are so  massive and located at the center of galaxies,  


  • many people imagine them as being a bit like  the Sun in the solar system. An anchor that  


  • glues everything else together and forces it into  an orbit. But this is a misconception. While the  

    一個把所有東西固定在一起並迫使他們繞著它錨點 但這其實是個誤解

  • sun makes up 99.86% of all the mass in the solar  system, SuperMassive Black Holes usually only have  

    太陽佔據了整個太陽系99.86%的質量 但超大質量黑洞通常

  • 0.001% of the mass of their galaxy. The billions  of stars in galaxies are not gravitationally  


  • bound to them, instead it is the gravitational  effect of dark matter which holds them together.


  • Many supermassive black holes aren't gentle  giants, especially when they are feeding on  

    多數的超大質量黑洞可不是個溫柔友善的巨星 特別是當他們吞食星系中的質量雲的時候

  • the clouds of mass in their galaxy. The one at the  center of the BL Lacertae galaxy is devouring so  


  • much material that it produces jets of plasma  accelerated to nearly the speed of light.  

    大量的物質 以至於它產生了加速到接近光速的電漿流

  • If Earth were orbiting this huge body, it would  seem 115 times larger than our Sun in the sky…  

    如果地球繞著如此巨大的星體移動 它看起來比我們在天空中的太陽大115倍

  • and we'd be burnt to a crisp in seconds  by its glowing hot accretion disk.


  • At this point black holes become so large that  stars seem ridiculously tiny compared to them.

    這種情況下黑洞實在太巨大 其他星體相形之下渺小的荒謬又可笑

  • The galaxy Cygnus A has a super massive black hole  with 2.5 billion solar masses and 14.7 billion km  

    天鵝座A星系擁有一個25億倍太陽質量, 147億公里寬的超大質量黑洞

  • wide, which would mean that if it took the place  of our Sun, it would swallow all the planets and  


  • stretch halfway to the edge of our Solar SystemIt is devouring so much mass and material that it  

    並延伸到太陽系邊緣的一半 它吞噬著非常非常大量的物質

  • churns its disk into a kind of magnetic funnelspewing gas out making tremendous radio lobes,  

    它把它的吸積盤攪成一種帶有磁力的漏斗 噴出氣體產生巨大的無線電波瓣

  • towering over the galaxy, half a million light  years in diameter. That is 2.5 Milkyways wide.


  • Another pretty large Super Massive Black  hole sits in the galaxy Messier 87. It  


  • has 6.5 billion solar masses and was the  first black hole we got an actual photo of.  


  • Or rather of the glowing gas around  the edge of a menacing shadow.  


  • This sphere of darkness is so large  that it covers our entire Solar System.


  • And yet, there is a scale even  above these kinds of objects...


  • Ultramassive black holes


  • Now we reach the most massive black holes, perhaps  the largest single bodies that will ever exist.  

    現在我們來到了最巨大的黑洞 也許是有史以來最大的單一個體

  • These black holes have eaten so much that they've  grown to tens of billions of solar masses, their  

    這些黑洞已經吞食了非常多物質 並成長到數百億倍的太陽質量

  • gravity the engine for a 'quasar'- an accretion  disk shining brighter than thousands of galaxies  

    它們的重力是「類星體」的引擎 類星體是一個比成千上萬個充滿星體的星系更亮的吸積盤

  • full of stars. So massive that they deservetitle of their own - Ultramassive Black Holes.

    質量實在大得驚人,也因此直得再給他們一個稱號: 特大質量黑洞

  • The Ultra Massive Black Hole at the center of  galaxy OJ 287 is 18 billion solar masses. It  

    位於星系OJ 287中心的特大質量黑洞是180億個太陽質量

  • is so big that it has a Super Massive black holenearly forty times larger than sagittarius A star,  

    如此龐大的質量讓他甚至擁有一個40倍人馬座A*質量的 超大質量黑洞繞著它運行!

  • orbiting it! This thing defies imagination  and is really hard to compare to anything.  


  • It can comfortably fit three Solar  Systems side by side inside of it.


  • Let us end this insane competition  and get to the king of kings.


  • TON 618, a black hole that we can observe  consuming galaxies worth of matter is  


  • shining with the brightness of a hundred trillion  stars, visible from 18 billion light years away.  

    正在閃耀著相當於100兆顆恆星的亮度 他的光芒還能觸及180億光年之外

  • It has an incredible 66 billion solar masses.  A black hole so large that it would take light  

    它擁有讓人瞠目結舌的660億太陽質量 大到即使是光也需要花一個禮拜

  • a week to reach the singularity after  crossing the event horizon. About 11  


  • Solar Systems could sit inside of it side  by side. It may very well be the largest  

    其內部甚至能讓11個太陽系並肩而坐 它很有可能是宇宙中

  • single body in the universe. But in  reality, it is probably even larger.  

    最大的單體 但事實上,他有可能甚至更大

  • Since TON 618 is so far away, we only see  what it looked like 10 billion years ago.

    因為TON 618太過遙遠,我們只能窺見它100億年前的樣子

  • In any case, black holes are scary and mysterious  

    不管如何,黑洞真的十分驚人, 神秘, 而且非常巨大

  • and gigantic. They will be here after everything  else dies, and growing larger and larger.

    在其他一切都消亡之後 它們還會在這裡,並且變得越來越龐大

  • So now let us do the trip again. From  the smallest possible black hole,  

    所以讓我們回顧一次我們的旅程 從可能存在的最小黑洞

  • all the way up to the largest.


  • Let's try something new todaywe can call it: “Behind the Lies”  

    讓我們今天來點新嘗試吧 可以將它稱之為「謊言幕後」

  • a short behind the scenes bit about the  necessary inaccuracies in this video  


  • because it's really not actually possible  to rank black holes like trading cards.


  • How so? Well, while we have catalogued  millions of stars, we really only have  

    那怎麼辦呢?嗯,雖然我已經編列了幾百萬顆星 也只是有了

  • good data on a couple of dozen black holesThat's because black hole gazing wasn't really  

    幾十個黑洞的良好資訊 因為直到50年前黑洞觀測

  • a thing until 50 years agoand technically  still isn't, because we can't see black holes.

    都不是件受到關注的事 而技術上來說,我們也沒辦法「關注」,因為黑洞無法被我們看見

  • We can only derive their properties from studying  their gravitational effects on the matter around  


  • them, like the orbit of stars that come close  to them. This effect depends on the mass of the  

    像是那些接近黑洞的星體們的移動軌跡 這些影響關乎黑洞的質量

  • black hole, which we can approximate at  the most basic level with Kepler's Laws.  


  • But this comes with huge  uncertainties and error bars.  


  • Then we have to convert mass to size  next, which brings new uncertainties.  


  • For example, we calculated the radius from the  mass using the Schwarzschild equation which for  


  • the sake of simplicity assumes black holes are  perfectly round and don't spin: a kind of black  


  • hole that doesn't really exist. The reality is  that physics on these scales is a bit fuzzy.

    而根本就不存在這樣的黑洞 現實是,這些尺度上的物理學有點模糊

  • So some of the black holes we talked about  here may be way smaller or way bigger. We  


  • just don't know for sure. We shimmied around  this problem by comparing different sources  

    我們其實並不確定 我們透過去比較具有不同類值的不同來源

  • with different kinds of values and using  different mass calculations to arrive  


  • at a standardized list that allowed us  to be as accurate as humanly possible.  


  • You can look at all of this in our source doc. As  a result this script was written with the tears of  

    可以在我們的資料來源中了解這些全部內容 因此,這次的腳本可以說是用專家們的淚水寫成的

  • experts we drove crazy with our obsession  for the best values they could live with.


  • In this process, tons of stuff  got cut and didn't make it into  


  • the final videobut luckily we  found a way to not waste all of it:

    沒有被納入最終的影片裡 但幸好我們找到一個方式才不會浪費他們:

  • We created a lot of black hole merch, spanning the  whole range from somewhat bonkers to more serious.  


  • This way we get to explore a topic  from different anglesand you  


  • get to continue having fun with  black holes after this video ends.

    而你們也能夠繼續在看完影片之後 好好跟黑洞玩在一塊!

The largest things in the  universe are black holes.  


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