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  • Hey there it is Jennifer from Tarle Speech  with your pronunciation question of the week!

    嘿,我是來自Tarle Speech的Jennifer,為您帶來本週的發音問題!

  • We have a little bit of a long  one today. We have five words:  


  • court a tribunal, area for a game like  basketball or tennis, or a romantic pursuit 


  • course direction, set of dishes in  a meal, or an educational class and 


  • course meaning rough courteous polite and respectful and 


  • courtesy a demonstration of  politeness or supplied free of charge


  • Even though we have a lot of words I think the  lesson is pretty straightforward today. I think  


  • spelling really confuses people here. To say  


  • all of these words we're going  to start with the K sound. K K K

    所有這些詞我們都要以K音開頭。K K K

  • My mouth is open. Tip of my tongue is  low. Back of my tongue is pulled high up.  


  • Look at you! We got the beginning finished.


  • Okay next for the or what you're going to do is  pucker. When you pucker your tongue is just flat  


  • in the middle of your mouth. There's not really  many places for it to go. Then you're going to  


  • pull your lips back into that square tense  shape. As you do that the tip of your tongue  


  • is either going to be moving down to the bottom  of your mouth or flipping back. But the back of  


  • your tongue will be pulled high up, no matter  what tip of the tongue does not move. or or or

    你的舌頭會被拉得高高的,無論如何舌尖都不會動。 或或或或

  • For court, then, just touch the tip of the  tongue to the back of the top front teeth.  


  • That little space where the teeth meet the roof  of the mouth. And for the s what you are going  


  • to do is you are just going to have your tongue  behind your top front teeth or pointing slightly  


  • down. It does not touch the teeth and air is  just going to move out continuously. sssss

    下來。它不接觸牙齒,空氣就會不斷地移出。 Sssss

  • court course 


  • court course court course

    法庭課程 法庭課程

  • I should mention course and course are pronounced  exactly the same and i have another video on  


  • those since they are homophones and words  that are pronounced exactly the same way.


  • For courteous and courtesy instead of saying  


  • or I'm just going to go right to that er soundTip of the tongue is down or flipped back  

    或者我就直接說那個er音。 舌尖向下或向後翻轉

  • back of the tongue is pulled way  high up square tense lips ker ker ker

    舌頭後面被拉得很高 方形緊張的嘴脣,嘰嘰喳喳的。

  • For courteous next we're going to move to the dee  syllable. To do this touch the tip of your tongue  


  • to the back of your top front teeth, air puffs  out, voice box is on and moving f the dee d d d  

    到你的上門牙後面,空氣撲面而來,話匣子打開了,並在移動,DEE D D D

  • d . Smile for that long e - High  flat tongue. And then end with  

    d .為那個長長的e微笑--高平舌。然後以

  • us like you and I, us. It's just usAnd to do that, relaxed short uh sound  

    我們像你和我一樣,我們。這只是我們。 而要做到這一點,放鬆的短呃聲音

  • and then add the s ssss. Ker Dee Us. courteous courteous courteous

    然後再加上s ssss。Ker Dee Us. 彬彬有禮 彬彬有禮

  • And now for courtesy you're going to have Ker  


  • Duh See. I spelled that wrong.  

    Duh See.我拼錯了。

  • I'm actually using that flap t there Ker duh See courtesy courtesy courtesy

    我其實是在用那個翻蓋T有Ker duh見禮貌的禮貌禮貌

  • So for the duh what you're going to do is  touch the tip of your tongue to the back  


  • of your top front teeth; and then, just  open relaxed mouth and tongue for the uh  


  • and then end with see. For that s sound  and then smile for the long e. See.


  • Let's put that all together Ker duh See courtesy courtesy courtesy

    讓我們把這一切放在一起,Ker duh見禮貌的禮貌的禮貌的

  • For those of you who are new to the channel  I write this as a d. These d's are actually  


  • a flap t with a super fast d sound. If you  just say a d sound that's going to be fine.  

    a flap t with a super fast d sound.如果你只是說一個d的聲音,那就可以了。

  • You could actually say a t sound and people will  still understand you say ker t us or ker tuh see.

    你實際上可以說一個t的聲音,人們仍然會理解你說的是ker t us或ker tuh see。

  • Both will be fine but most Americans will use  that flap t and say courteous and courtesy.


  • So let's try this all again


  • court court court course course course 

    法院 法院 法院 法院 課程 課程 課程

  • courteous courteous courteous courtesy courtesy courtesy

    彬彬有禮 彬彬有禮 彬彬有禮 彬彬有禮

  • And now for a sentence:


  • I make these videos as a courtesy to you and I'm  very thankful that you were all very courteous.


  • So give it a try I know people are going  to notice the difference! If you found  


  • this helpful we'd love a like and share and  subscribe. Check out all of our products and  


  • classes at Tarle speech and I hope to see  you all tomorrow have a great day! Bye!


Hey there it is Jennifer from Tarle Speech  with your pronunciation question of the week!

嘿,我是來自Tarle Speech的Jennifer,為您帶來本週的發音問題!

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B1 禮貌 舌尖 法庭 舌頭 法院 發音

如何給COURT, COURSE, COARSE, COURTEOUS, COURTESY發音 - 美國英語發音課程 (How to Pronounce COURT, COURSE, COARSE, COURTEOUS, COURTESY - American English Pronunciation Lesson)

  • 13 0
    Summer posted on 2022/05/18
Video vocabulary