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Let's just be honest with ourselves for a minute, economics is a mind boggling discipline.
For economists, that's bad, but also sort of good news because you can make almost any arguments stick if you just troll around in the data for long enough.
But to the average person, the layman, it's a little bit different.
The global economy must feel like a giant hulking mass that grinds against the world, unstoppable and unanswerable to the small problems of individuals.
So when your boss asks you to work overtime but won't pay you for it, you don't argue or demand to be paid because how could an ant influence a conversation between people
Or when you ask for a raise and the boss threatens to fire you, you don't stick up for yourself because no raise is better than no job.
Threats like these don't just function on the level of individuals.
In many ways, it's how the entire American economy has operated for almost 40 years.
在許多方面,這就是整個美國經濟近 40 年來的運作方式。
That's how you end up with a graph like this, which shows the wealthiest sliver of society getting virtually all the gains from economic growth, siphoning money from the middle class and the poor.
Take a step back from this.
In a democratic system which extends the vote to all citizens over 18, it's hard to imagine how such a small percentage of people could convince the rest to perpetuate a system that does this.
在一個將投票權擴大到所有 18 歲以上公民的民主制度中,很難想像這麼少比例的人如何能夠說服其他人維持這樣的制度。
The truth is there's only one way to do this.
You have to create an economic theory that makes the exploitation of the people look like the solution to their problems.
In other words, you have to tell a story.
That's all the economy is.
It's a story that we tell ourselves, a story that tells us what decisions to make about our own resources.
So what if your story is that lowering taxes on the rich, especially on unearned income,
deregulating finance and privatizing the public commons is like taking the living economy out of the shade and into the sun, or it can flourish.
It's a pretty good story.
And in fact, those are the basics of a story that have animated our politics and our economy since Ronald Reagan, a story that has produced advocates and presidents on both sides of the political spectrum.
This story didn't help the middle class or the poor, not really; their wages haven't risen since we began telling it.
But it did give the top 1% greater access to and greater power over all the best storytellers — politicians, academics, and the media.
但它確實給了前 1% 的人更多的機會,還有最會講故事的人,像是政治家、學者和媒體擁有更大的權力。
To change the economy, you have to change the story, a difficult thing to do considering how much power has consolidated in the hands of so few, but it's not impossible.
Take the minimum wage, for example, right now, the federal minimum wage is $7.25 an hour.
以最低工資為例,現在,聯邦最低工資是每小時 7.25 美元。
That's about $15,000 a year in 1968.
這在 1968 年大約是每年 15,000 美元。
The minimum wage was $1.60 but when you adjust for inflation, that number goes all the way up to $8.54 an hour, $1.29 more than it is today.
當時最低工資是 1.60 美元,但當根據通貨膨脹進行調整時,這個數字一直上升到每小時 8.54 美元,比現在多 1.29 美元。
Meanwhile, American worker productivity has never stopped growing.
So much so that if the minimum wage kept pace with productivity, it would have been $21 an hour by now.
以至於如果最低工資與生產力保持同步,現在應該是每小時 21 美元。
So in the absence of federal action, states have raised their own minimum wages, 30 of which are higher than the federal.
所以,在聯邦沒有採取行動的情況下,各州已經提高了自己的最低工資,其中 30 個州的最低工資高於聯邦。
Most notably of all California, just voted to raise its minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2022.
最引人注目的是加州,剛剛投票決定在 2022 年前將其最低工資提高到每小時 15 美元。
That's something that was unthinkable, even five years ago. New York did the same a short time after
This movement, the fight for 15 is part of a new story, a story that believes in finally growing the wages of the middle class,
這場為時薪 15 美元而戰的運動是新故事的一部分,這個故事相信最終會提高中產階級的工資,
so that their collective purchasing power, their demand can grow the economy organically in a way that's not dependent on speculation or financial bubbles.
It believes in regulating the abuses of Wall Street and making what should be accessible to all, education and healthcare, a part of our commons again.
There are no shortage of articles, politicians or studies showing, for example, that increasing the minimum wage is a risky gamble or a job killer, no shortage of doomsday forecasting, that prices would rise.
But remember that this status quo has a huge interest in maintaining itself just like a boss.
It uses threats to keep the society in line.
Here's a meta analysis of pretty much every single minimum wage study, the closer to the top, the more precise and accurate the study is.
And this shows that all the most comprehensive analyses of the minimum wage show that it would have little to no negative effect on employment levels.
And yet it could raise the incomes and standards of living of millions.
In places where the minimum wage has increased, like Seattle, prices haven't skyrocketed,
instead, people are actually able to buy the things they have consistently increased their productivity to produce.
Minimum wage increases won't solve all the problems in the economy. Not even close, it's just one thing.
提高最低工資並不能解決經濟中的所有問題。 還差得遠,這只是一個小小的改變。
But the victory of an idea that runs counter to the dominant ideology is hugely significant.
Otto von Bismarck said that politics is the art of the possible.
But I think that sometimes invoking the possible is just another tactic, another negotiating strategy, Another threat used on behalf of the status quo to restrict the movement of alternative ideas.
The story of this economy has been laboring under for 40 years is failing. People feel it, even if they don't know why.
這個經濟已經苦苦掙扎了 40 年的故事正在失敗,人們感受得到,雖然他們不知道為什麼。
A moment like this is when alternative ideas can populate the center.
So maybe it's time to stop leading with what is possible and start leading with what's right.
Hey, everybody thanks for watching.
I have to thank Nick Hanauer who helped me research and sponsored this video.
我必須要感謝 Nick Hanauer,他幫助我研究並贊助了這支影片。
He's been an activist in the fight for a $15 minimum wage movement for a long time.
他長期以來一直積極爭取時薪 15 美元最低工資。
He's written a lot about it, and he's got a great TED talk to which I'll link to over there, definitely watch that.
他寫了很多關於這個問題的文章,他也發表了很棒的 TED 演講,我把連結放在這裡,一定要看。
Um, if you wanna help pledged to this channel, you can go right below here to my Patreon, pledge a dollar or $3 per video.
如果你想幫忙贊助這個頻道,你可以到我的 Patreon,每支影片捐贈一或是三美元。
Everything helps you guys have been incredible, and, and I'll see you guys next Wednesday.