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  • - Hey, what is up, guys?

  • So I want to start off this week's video with

  • a little story about my formative years.

  • So back when my brother and I were kids,

  • we were the recipients of many pieces of advice

  • and lectures from our father and out of all those lectures,

  • out of all the advice he gave, there are two main pieces

  • of advice that stick out to me

  • and that I've remembered more than any others.

  • The first of them, which I am sharing here

  • simply because it is the most prominent one in my head is,

  • there are two ways to do something: right and again.

  • And we would often hear this after being told

  • that what we had just done was not good enough

  • and that we did have to go do it again.

  • So that's the one that sticks out the most to me.

  • But only slightly less prominent in my memory

  • was the common command to always put things back

  • exactly as you found them the moment you are done with them.

  • And it is possibly because I heard this so often

  • and found myself grounded or otherwise in trouble

  • because I ran afoul of it,

  • that ever since I have been basically obsessed

  • with being an organized person.

  • It's why I try my best to keep my room as organized

  • as possible despite having a lot of equipment in it.

  • And it's probably why I have color-coded calendars

  • and why I love to go on and on

  • about the beauty of elegantly-designed

  • tree-like folder structures on my computer.

  • But of course there is more to being an organized person

  • than just having color-coded calendars

  • and making sure to keep all of your folders

  • off of your computer's desktop

  • so in today's video I'm going to be going over

  • seven things that organized people do

  • that you probably don't do.

  • Now, I can already hear you getting defensive

  • and in your defense, yes, you probably do

  • at least one of these things and possibly some of them.

  • But do you do all seven of them?

  • Well, we're just gonna have to go through the list

  • to find out so let's get started.

  • Item number one, which is actually not written down

  • on this notebook paper because this is just random numbers

  • from an older video, organized people do not rely

  • too much on their brains to store information

  • because organized people understand that our memory

  • is fallible, things fade, especially when we don't use them.

  • So when they want to remember something,

  • organized people put it into a system that they trust.

  • Now what exactly separates a system that you can trust

  • from one that you can't,

  • from one that's probably going to fail you?

  • Well, I think there's a few different criteria

  • that we have to list out here.

  • First and foremost, a system that you can trust

  • is one that is not going to lose your data.

  • This immediately rules out your brain,

  • because our brains forget things all the time,

  • but it may also rule out a paper notebook

  • if you don't keep that notebook backed up some other way

  • such as digitizing it.

  • On the other hand, you've got systems that are designed

  • with data retention in mind, apps like Evernote

  • or OneNote or Google Drive or anything else

  • that has redundant servers across the world

  • that make sure your data is backed up and safe

  • even if the computer where you originally recorded that data

  • ends up breaking somehow or gets burned up in a fire

  • or is otherwise destroyed.

  • Secondly, that system needs to be easily accessible.

  • So if you do really want to use paper,

  • make sure it's a paper notebook

  • that you are keeping with you wherever you go.

  • Or if it's a note-taking system,

  • make sure it's a cloud-accessible note-taking system

  • so whatever device you're using at the time

  • you can easily search it to find what you're looking for.

  • Third, that system needs to be well organized itself

  • and easily searchable.

  • So whatever app or tool you decide to use,

  • make sure that it has a logical file or folder system,

  • make sure it has a usable search tool

  • and make sure your naming convention makes sense.

  • Secondly, organized people make sure to label things.

  • And they're especially diligent about doing this

  • with things they aren't going to use or interact with

  • for quite a long time.

  • To give you a very succinct example of this,

  • the desk right next to me has some hardware

  • that I almost never need to use

  • except for in instances where I'm moving.

  • So of course I've tossed that hardware in a plastic bag,

  • it's in one of my cube organizers, it's safe and sound

  • but if I didn't label that plastic bag

  • and I go maybe three years in between moves,

  • I'm probably not going to remember exactly

  • what that hardware is or what it goes to

  • when I pull it out of that cube organizer

  • and try to figure out what to do with it.

  • And, actually, this is a pretty timely example

  • because I've got plans to move out of this apartment

  • in just a few months.

  • But luckily my past self thought about this

  • and remembered to buy plastic bags with little label areas.

  • So last time I was moving and I put all that hardware

  • into that plastic bag, I remembered to write down

  • that this hardware goes to my desk.

  • So when I go to move in a few months,

  • it's going to be very easy to find it

  • and I'll know exactly what it's used for.

  • Now this is just one example

  • and there are probably other things in your life

  • that you should be labeling besides just plastic bags.

  • For example, if you have one of those physical hanging

  • folder organizers, you probably wanna use the labels

  • that it comes with to write down

  • what should be going in each one of those folders.

  • Item number three, organized people build

  • what I like to call a mindfulness loop

  • which constantly goes through the different dependencies

  • in their lives and basically checks up on them.

  • What exactly is a dependency?

  • Well, it's pretty much what it sounds like

  • and I'm gonna give you a really simple example here.

  • So every single organism in existence,

  • down to the most simple single-cell prokaryotic blob

  • has things that they depend on.

  • For example, our little blob creature needs a watery

  • environment to move around in and a food source.

  • It doesn't have a whole lot of dependencies in its life

  • but there are still dependencies

  • and without them it will die.

  • And what is true for our blob is true for you as well,

  • except for that you're a much more complicated organism

  • and you have a much more complicated life with many

  • different facets, you've got a lot more dependencies.

  • You have your food, your shelter,

  • your academic goals, your relationships,

  • there are so many things to keep track of.

  • And here is where one of the biggest differences between

  • organized people and disorganized people can be found

  • because disorganized people are constantly being

  • caught off guard by one of their dependencies

  • needing maintenance, needing action from them.

  • And on the other hand, organized people are constantly

  • looking ahead and figuring out what those dependencies

  • are going to need in the future.

  • They have this mindfulness loop constantly going on

  • in the back of their mind.

  • My absolute favorite example of a mindfulness loop in action

  • actually comes from my mom.

  • This was a story back from when I was probably 14

  • or 15 years old.

  • I think I was up in my room on the computer

  • just doing something that a 15 year old does on a computer

  • and I heard her shout up to me,

  • "Have you brushed your teeth today?"

  • And this was like at two P.M. in the afternoon,

  • she was doing something completely unrelated

  • to teeth brushing and yet she thought to ask me.

  • Why?

  • Well, the health and well being of her children

  • were one of her main dependencies.

  • And because my mom is an organized person,

  • she got this regular mental notification

  • to check up on that dependency.

  • Now, admittedly, this is one of those mental patterns

  • that does take a lot of time and effort to build,

  • you're not going to be able to flip it on like a switch.

  • But I think the first step to building this mental pattern

  • which is incredibly useful is to sit down

  • and consciously list out your dependencies.

  • Maybe even sit down and draw a mind map

  • of all of your life's different dependencies.

  • And with this application of conscious thought,

  • all the different aspects of your life,

  • over time it's going to sink into your unconscious

  • and you're gonna start building that loop.

  • Item number four, organized people live by the mantra,

  • two is one, one is none.

  • Essentially, this translates to have a backup

  • of anything that you use on a regular basis,

  • especially if running out of that thing

  • in the middle of your work would hamper

  • the rest of your day or screw it up.

  • For example, the camera that I'm filming this video on

  • right now relies on a battery to run

  • and if that battery were to die during filming,

  • well, luckily for me I have an extra battery

  • that's always on the charger on the wall,

  • always fully charged, ready to go

  • because two is one and one is none.

  • If the battery ran out and I didn't have the backup,

  • I wouldn't be able to film and I might not

  • even get a video out on time.

  • And the same goes for many other things in my life.

  • Memory cards, I've got many, many backups.

  • Smoothie ingredients, well, there are two jugs

  • of milk in my fridge instead of just one,

  • that way if I run out of one while making a smoothie,

  • I've still got milk to use and I don't have to abstain

  • from my smoothie that day.

  • So just remember, if running out of something

  • would cause an interruption in your life,

  • make sure you have a backup of it,

  • that way you can use the backup, go on with your day

  • and then replace it when it is convenient for you to do so.

  • Item number five, organized people set things up

  • in a way that is useful to them and that works

  • based on their own experience and experimentation

  • not simply based on dogma or how other people do things.

  • Now, my favorite example of this principle

  • comes from one of my favorite books which is

  • Anthony Bourdain's book, Kitchen Confidential.

  • In that book he talks about how many chefs inventory

  • all the stuff in their kitchen alphabetically because,

  • well, it just seems like the obvious way to create a list.

  • But he didn't, instead he organized his inventory sheets

  • so that the order of the items mirrored

  • the geographical location of everything in the kitchen.

  • And this actually makes a lot of sense

  • when you think about it but, of course,

  • not everything that people do is based on sense.

  • So ditch the dogma if it doesn't make sense,

  • question the established ways

  • and constantly experiment with your processes

  • and the way that you organize things

  • so you're doing things as effectively as you possibly can.

  • Item number six, and I have run out of stupid things

  • to do with this notebook prop.

  • Organized people respect the value of mise en place.

  • And this is a French term that roughly translates to

  • everything in its place.

  • To call back once again to Kitchen Confidential,

  • Bourdain describes mise en place as your setup,

  • your working environment,

  • and to some degree, your state of mind as well.

  • And within the culinary world,

  • this is one of those concepts that every single

  • competent chef and line cook swears by

  • because to not use it, to not respect mise en place,

  • would mean to work in chaos.

  • And you don't wanna have burners on the stove,

  • you don't wanna have greasy or meaty hands

  • when you're trying to find your chef's knife

  • or you're trying to find something else that's important,

  • you wanna make sure that everything is in its place

  • and you know where it's supposed to be

  • and it's organized before you start working.

  • And this is a concept that's not just useful

  • in the culinary world, it's useful for anybody.

  • Make sure that your work environment is set up properly

  • before you begin your work.

  • And once you're done, put things back exactly

  • as you found them, as my dad constantly yelled at me to do.

  • And, finally, the list has led us inexorably

  • to item number seven which is worthy

  • not of a notebook, but of a Captain America shield.

  • Organized people are very deliberate

  • about what they own, what they buy

  • and what they choose to keep.

  • And, of course, choosing to keep this shield

  • was a very worthwhile decision.

  • Now I am not going to say that I am a minimalist,

  • mainly because my best friend, Martin,

  • who is a minimalist and who runs my website

  • would probably hack my website and destroy it

  • if I used that term, just out of pure annoyance.

  • But I do take care to buy things that bring me value,

  • that bring me joy or utility.

  • I don't keep things around if they're not useful to me,

  • I don't let them clutter up my space.

  • And I think this is something that you should keep in mind

  • as well because remember, the more things that you own,

  • the more energy and time you have to spend maintaining them

  • and storing them and keeping them organized.

  • And it's a good thing to remember that organized people

  • don't spend more time and energy than they have to

  • on organization, it's a means to an end.

  • So be deliberate about the things that you buy,

  • ask yourself, am I buying this because it will

  • bring me joy or utility or am I buying it

  • for some frivolous, stupid reason?

  • Or, am I buying it just to impress somebody else?

  • And likewise with things you already own,

  • be asking yourself on a regular basis,

  • do I still need to keep this thing?

  • Could I donate it to somebody else?

  • Could somebody else get more use out of it than I could?

  • Or, can I just get rid of it because it's no longer

  • valuable to me or anyone?

  • Do that, along with the other six things I've mentioned

  • in this video and you will be well on your way

  • to becoming an organized person.

  • Now at an earlier point in this video I talked about

  • a concept that I like to call the mindfulness loop.

  • This is the process of constantly checking through

  • the different areas of your life

  • and making sure that their dependencies are taken care of.

  • But the mindfulness loop actually has different levels.

  • At its lowest level,

  • this tool is simply concerned with maintenance,

  • with maintaining the state of your life as it currently is.

  • But at a more advanced level, it's also looking forward,

  • constantly prompting you with questions about

  • what you could do to set yourself up

  • to take advantage of future opportunities.

  • And if you wanna put yourself in a place to take advantage

  • of a wide array of those opportunities,

  • then one of the cognitive skill you're probably

  • gonna want to work on is that of lateral thinking.

  • Lateral thinking is the process of solving problems

  • using indirect lines of reasoning.

  • It requires lots of creativity and it also requires a wide,

  • interconnected base of knowledge.

  • And fortunately, both of these things

  • can be acquired through practice.

  • And if you're looking for a resource

  • that can efficiently give you practice

  • in both these areas at once, check out Brilliant.

  • Brilliant is an excellent learning resource

  • for anyone who wants to boost their skills in math,

  • science and computer science.

  • And because they tackle all of their course design

  • using the principle of active learning,

  • you're gonna find yourself immediately thrown into

  • challenging problems that help you to build that skill

  • of lateral thinking while you're boosting your skills

  • in calculus, in gravitational physics,

  • in computer algorithms and many other topics.

  • And even though the problems are tough,

  • they're split into manageable chunks

  • that aren't going to frustrate you.

  • And when you do inevitably get stuck,

  • there's also an incredibly detailed wiki

  • with lots of example problems where you can go

  • boost your knowledge and bring it back to the problems

  • to make sure that you can actually solve it.

  • If you wanna start learning for free on Brilliant today,

  • you can go over to

  • and if you're one of the first 83 people

  • to use that link and sign up, you're also going to get

  • 20% off your annual premium subscription.

  • Big thanks to Brilliant for sponsoring this video

  • and being a huge supporter of my channel.

  • And, as always guys, thank you so much for watching.

  • Hopefully you found this video helpful and if you did,

  • definitely give it a like to show your support.

  • You could also subscribe right there so you don't miss out

  • on new videos when they come out every single week.

  • Grab your free copy of my book on how to earn

  • better grades right over there.

  • Follow me on Instagram @TomFrankly and last but not least,

  • you can check out one more video on this channel

  • right over here.

  • Thanks again for watching and I will see you

  • in the next video.

- Hey, what is up, guys?

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7件自律人做但你(可能)沒做的事(7 Things Organized People Do That You (Probably) Don't Do)

  • 7 1
    紅紅 posted on 2022/05/19
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