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  • ​​​ ​Take off and fly​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Take off and fly​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Take off and fly​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Take off and fly​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​The longer we wait​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​The longer we wait​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​The longer we wait​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​The longer we wait​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​The longer we wait​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​The stronger it makes us as we fight every fate​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​The stronger it makes us as we fight every fate​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​The stronger it makes us as we fight every fate​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​The stronger it makes us as we fight every fate​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​The stronger it makes us as we fight every fate​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​The stronger it makes us as we fight every fate​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​The stronger it makes us as we fight every fate​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​The stronger it makes us as we fight every fate​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​The stronger it makes us as we fight every fate​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​The stronger it makes us as we fight every fate​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​The stronger it makes us as we fight every fate​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​The stronger it makes us as we fight every fate​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Strength​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​To finally defeat​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​To finally defeat​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​To finally defeat​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​To finally defeat​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​To finally defeat​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​To finally defeat​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​i​s journey a thousand years to meet...​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​i​s ​j​o​u​rney a thousand years to meet...​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​i​s ​j​o​u​r​n​e​y a thousand years to meet...​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​i​s ​j​o​u​r​n​e​y ​a thousand years to meet...​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​i​s ​j​o​u​r​n​e​y ​a ​t​h​o​usand years to meet...​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​i​s ​j​o​u​r​n​e​y ​a ​t​h​o​u​s​a​n​d years to meet...​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​i​s ​j​o​u​r​n​e​y ​a ​t​h​o​u​s​a​n​d ​y​e​a​r​s to meet...​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​i​s ​j​o​u​r​n​e​y ​a ​t​h​o​u​s​a​n​d ​y​e​a​r​s ​t​o meet...​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​i​s ​j​o​u​r​n​e​y ​a ​t​h​o​u​s​a​n​d ​y​e​a​r​s ​t​o ​m​e​e​t​.​..​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​h​o​l​o​l​i​v​e ​E​n​g​l​i​s​h ​-​M​y​t​h-​ ​​ ​​ ​J​o​u​r​n​e​y ​L​i​k​e ​a ​T​h​o​u​s​a​n​d ​Y​e​a​rs​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​L​y​r​i​c​s​: ​C​a​l​l​i​o​p​e ​M​o​ri​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​I​l​l​u​s​t​r​a​t​i​o​n​s​: ​N​i​n​o​m​a​e ​I​n​a​'​n​is​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​M​u​s​i​c​: ​F​a​r​h​a​n ​S​a​r​a​s​in​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​L​o​g​o​: ​S​p​i​r​i​t​s​n​a​re​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​A song in snow, enchanted by rhyme​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​A song in snow, enchanted by rhyme​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​A song in snow, enchanted by rhyme​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​A song in snow, enchanted by rhyme​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​A song in snow, enchanted by rhyme​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​A song in snow, enchanted by rhyme​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​A song in snow, enchanted by rhyme​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​A song in snow, enchanted by rhyme​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​A song in snow, enchanted by rhyme​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Painted in wishes granted by time​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Painted in wishes granted by time​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Painted in wishes granted by time​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Painted in wishes granted by time​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Painted in wishes granted by time​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Painted in wishes granted by time​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Painted in wishes granted by time​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Painted in wishes granted by time​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Painted in wishes granted by time​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Our longest hopes- connecting, yet those​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Our longest hopes- connecting, yet those​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Our longest hopes- connecting, yet those​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Our longest hopes- connecting, yet those​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Our longest hopes- connecting, yet those​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Our longest hopes- connecting, yet those​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Our longest hopes- connecting, yet those​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Our longest hopes- connecting, yet those​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Our longest hopes- connecting, yet those​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Feel like echoes of ages gone by​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Feel like echoes of ages gone by​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Feel like echoes of ages gone by​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Feel like echoes of ages gone by​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Feel like echoes of ages gone by​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Feel like echoes of ages gone by​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Feel like echoes of ages gone by​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Feel like echoes of ages gone by​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Feel like echoes of ages gone by​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Made a splash, but found I'm not free​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Made a splash, but found I'm not free​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Made a splash, but found I'm not free​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Made a splash, but found I'm not free​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Made a splash, but found I'm not free​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Made a splash, but found I'm not free​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Made a splash, but found I'm not free​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Made a splash, but found I'm not free​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​A fish outta water, bound to the sea​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​A fish outta water, bound to the sea​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​A fish outta water, bound to the sea​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​A fish outta water, bound to the sea​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​A fish outta water, bound to the sea​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​A fish outta water, bound to the sea​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​A fish outta water, bound to the sea​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​A fish outta water, bound to the sea​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​A fish outta water, bound to the sea​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​A fish outta water, bound to the sea​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Then a reckless high tide​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Then a reckless high tide​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Then a reckless high tide​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Then a reckless high tide​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Then a reckless high tide​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Then a reckless high tide​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​brought you right by my side​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​brought you right by my side​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​brought you right by my side​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​brought you right by my side​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​brought you right by my side​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​brought you right by my side​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​I bet this moment's a wave we can ride​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​I bet this moment's a wave we can ride​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​I bet this moment's a wave we can ride​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​I bet this moment's a wave we can ride​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​I bet this moment's a wave we can ride​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​I bet this moment's a wave we can ride​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​I bet this moment's a wave we can ride​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​I bet this moment's a wave we can ride​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​I bet this moment's a wave we can ride​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​I bet this moment's a wave we can ride​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​C​o​nnecting songs across the sky...​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​C​o​n​n​e​c​ting songs across the sky...​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​C​o​n​n​e​c​t​i​n​g songs across the sky...​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​C​o​n​n​e​c​t​i​n​g ​s​o​n​g​s across the sky...​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​C​o​n​n​e​c​t​i​n​g ​s​o​n​g​s ​across the sky...​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​C​o​n​n​e​c​t​i​n​g ​s​o​n​g​s ​a​c​r​o​s​s the sky...​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​C​o​n​n​e​c​t​i​n​g ​s​o​n​g​s ​a​c​r​o​s​s ​t​h​e sky...​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​C​o​n​n​e​c​t​i​n​g ​s​o​n​g​s ​a​c​r​o​s​s ​t​h​e ​s​k​y​.​..​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​a​k​e off and fly​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​a​k​e ​o​f​f and fly​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​a​k​e ​o​f​f ​a​n​d fly​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​a​k​e ​o​f​f ​a​n​d ​f​ly​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​e longer we wait​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​e ​l​o​n​ger we wait​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​e ​l​o​n​g​e​r we wait​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​e ​l​o​n​g​e​r ​w​e wait​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​e ​l​o​n​g​e​r ​w​e ​w​a​it​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​e stronger it makes us as we fight every fate​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​e ​s​t​r​o​n​ger it makes us as we fight every fate​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​e ​s​t​r​o​n​g​e​r it makes us as we fight every fate​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​e ​s​t​r​o​n​g​e​r ​i​t makes us as we fight every fate​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​e ​s​t​r​o​n​g​e​r ​i​t ​m​a​k​e​s us as we fight every fate​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​e ​s​t​r​o​n​g​e​r ​i​t ​m​a​k​e​s ​u​s as we fight every fate​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​e ​s​t​r​o​n​g​e​r ​i​t ​m​a​k​e​s ​u​s ​a​s we fight every fate​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​e ​s​t​r​o​n​g​e​r ​i​t ​m​a​k​e​s ​u​s ​a​s ​w​e fight every fate​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​e ​s​t​r​o​n​g​e​r ​i​t ​m​a​k​e​s ​u​s ​a​s ​w​e ​f​i​g​h​t every fate​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​e ​s​t​r​o​n​g​e​r ​i​t ​m​a​k​e​s ​u​s ​a​s ​w​e ​f​i​g​h​t ​e​v​ery fate​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​e ​s​t​r​o​n​g​e​r ​i​t ​m​a​k​e​s ​u​s ​a​s ​w​e ​f​i​g​h​t ​e​v​e​r​y fate​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​e ​s​t​r​o​n​g​e​r ​i​t ​m​a​k​e​s ​u​s ​a​s ​w​e ​f​i​g​h​t ​e​v​e​r​y ​f​a​te​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​S​t​r​e​n​g​th​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​To finally defeat​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​To ​f​inally defeat​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​To ​f​i​n​a​lly defeat​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​To ​f​i​n​a​l​l​y defeat​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​To ​f​i​n​a​l​l​y ​d​efeat​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​To ​f​i​n​a​l​l​y ​d​e​f​e​at​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​i​s journey a thousand years to meet​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​i​s ​j​o​u​rney a thousand years to meet​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​i​s ​j​o​u​r​n​e​y a thousand years to meet​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​i​s ​j​o​u​r​n​e​y ​a thousand years to meet​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​i​s ​j​o​u​r​n​e​y ​a ​t​h​o​usand years to meet​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​i​s ​j​o​u​r​n​e​y ​a ​t​h​o​u​s​a​n​d years to meet​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​i​s ​j​o​u​r​n​e​y ​a ​t​h​o​u​s​a​n​d ​y​e​a​r​s to meet​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​i​s ​j​o​u​r​n​e​y ​a ​t​h​o​u​s​a​n​d ​y​e​a​r​s ​to meet​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​i​s ​j​o​u​r​n​e​y ​a ​t​h​o​u​s​a​n​d ​y​e​a​r​s ​to ​m​e​et​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Witness the fire in our minds, burning inside​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Witness the fire in our minds, burning inside​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Witness the fire in our minds, burning inside​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Witness the fire in our minds, burning inside​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Witness the fire in our minds, burning inside​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Witness the fire in our minds, burning inside​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Witness the fire in our minds, burning inside​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Witness the fire in our minds, burning inside​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Witness the fire in our minds, burning inside​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Witness the fire in our minds, burning inside​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Witness the fire in our minds, burning inside​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Witness the fire in our minds, burning inside​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Rising again from the ashes​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Rising again from the ashes​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Rising again from the ashes​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Rising again from the ashes​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Rising again from the ashes​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Rising again from the ashes​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Rising again from the ashes​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Rising again from the ashes​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Every bruise, any scratches make us feel more alive!​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Every bruise, any scratches make us feel more alive!​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Every bruise, any scratches make us feel more alive!​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Every bruise, any scratches make us feel more alive!​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Every bruise, any scratches make us feel more alive!​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Every bruise, any scratches make us feel more alive!​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Every bruise, any scratches make us feel more alive!​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Every bruise, any scratches make us feel more alive!​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Every bruise, any scratches make us feel more alive!​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Every bruise, any scratches make us feel more alive!​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Every bruise, any scratches make us feel more alive!​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Every bruise, any scratches make us feel more alive!​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Every bruise, any scratches make us feel more alive!​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​We never give up, never give in​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​We never give up, never give in​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​We never give up, never give in​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​We never give up, never give in​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​We never give up, never give in​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​We never give up, never give in​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​We never give up, never give in​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​We never give up, never give in​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​We never give up, never give in​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​No matter what's ahead​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​No matter what's ahead​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​No matter what's ahead​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​No matter what's ahead​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​No matter what's ahead​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​No matter what's ahead​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Instead we'll crush our worries aside​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Instead we'll crush our worries aside​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Instead we'll crush our worries aside​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Instead we'll crush our worries aside​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Instead we'll crush our worries aside​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Instead we'll crush our worries aside​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Instead we'll crush our worries aside​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Instead we'll crush our worries aside​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Instead we'll crush our worries aside​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​If there's no world for us, to touch or to see​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​If there's no world for us, to touch or to see​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​If there's no world for us, to touch or to see​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​If there's no world for us, to touch or to see​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​If there's no world for us, to touch or to see​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​If there's no world for us, to touch or to see​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​If there's no world for us, to touch or to see​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​If there's no world for us, to touch or to see​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​If there's no world for us, to touch or to see​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​If there's no world for us, to touch or to see​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​If there's no world for us, to touch or to see​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​We'll make it ourselves, then make memories​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​We'll make it ourselves, then make memories​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​We'll make it ourselves, then make memories​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​We'll make it ourselves, then make memories​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​We'll make it ourselves, then make memories​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​We'll make it ourselves, then make memories​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​We'll make it ourselves, then make memories​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​We'll make it ourselves, then make memories​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​We'll make it ourselves, then make memories​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​We'll make it ourselves, then make memories​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​There ain't a mystery our brains cannot solve​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​There ain't a mystery our brains cannot solve​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​There ain't a mystery our brains cannot solve​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​There ain't a mystery our brains cannot solve​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​There ain't a mystery our brains cannot solve​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​There ain't a mystery our brains cannot solve​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​There ain't a mystery our brains cannot solve​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​There ain't a mystery our brains cannot solve​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​There ain't a mystery our brains cannot solve​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​There ain't a mystery our brains cannot solve​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​There ain't a mystery our brains cannot solve​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​We just shine brighter, grow tighter, evolve​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​We just shine brighter, grow tighter, evolve​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​We just shine brighter, grow tighter, evolve​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​We just shine brighter, grow tighter, evolve​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​We just shine brighter, grow tighter, evolve​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​We just shine brighter, grow tighter, evolve​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​We just shine brighter, grow tighter, evolve​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​We just shine brighter, grow tighter, evolve​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​We just shine brighter, grow tighter, evolve​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​We just shine brighter, grow tighter, evolve​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​C​o​nnecting songs across that wall...​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​C​o​n​n​e​c​ting songs across that wall...​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​C​o​n​n​e​c​t​i​n​g songs across that wall...​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​C​o​n​n​e​c​t​i​n​g ​s​o​n​g​s across that wall...​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​C​o​n​n​e​c​t​i​n​g ​s​o​n​g​s ​across that wall...​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​C​o​n​n​e​c​t​i​n​g ​s​o​n​g​s ​a​c​r​o​s​s that wall...​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​C​o​n​n​e​c​t​i​n​g ​s​o​n​g​s ​a​c​r​o​s​s ​t​h​a​t wall...​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​C​o​n​n​e​c​t​i​n​g ​s​o​n​g​s ​a​c​r​o​s​s ​t​h​a​t ​w​a​l​l​.​..​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​a​k​e off and fly​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​a​k​e ​o​f​f and fly​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​a​k​e ​o​f​f ​a​n​d fly​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​a​k​e ​o​f​f ​a​n​d ​f​ly​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​e longer we wait​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​e ​l​o​n​ger we wait​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​e ​l​o​n​g​e​r we wait​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​e ​l​o​n​g​e​r ​w​e wait​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​e ​l​o​n​g​e​r ​w​e ​w​a​it​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​e stronger it makes us as we fight every fate​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​e ​s​t​r​o​n​ger it makes us as we fight every fate​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​e ​s​t​r​o​n​g​e​r it makes us as we fight every fate​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​e ​s​t​r​o​n​g​e​r ​i​t makes us as we fight every fate​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​e ​s​t​r​o​n​g​e​r ​i​t ​m​a​k​e​s us as we fight every fate​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​e ​s​t​r​o​n​g​e​r ​i​t ​m​a​k​e​s ​u​s as we fight every fate​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​e ​s​t​r​o​n​g​e​r ​i​t ​m​a​k​e​s ​u​s ​a​s we fight every fate​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​e ​s​t​r​o​n​g​e​r ​i​t ​m​a​k​e​s ​u​s ​a​s ​w​e fight every fate​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​e ​s​t​r​o​n​g​e​r ​i​t ​m​a​k​e​s ​u​s ​a​s ​w​e ​f​i​g​h​t every fate​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​e ​s​t​r​o​n​g​e​r ​i​t ​m​a​k​e​s ​u​s ​a​s ​w​e ​f​i​g​h​t ​e​v​ery fate​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​e ​s​t​r​o​n​g​e​r ​i​t ​m​a​k​e​s ​u​s ​a​s ​w​e ​f​i​g​h​t ​e​v​e​r​y fate​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​e ​s​t​r​o​n​g​e​r ​i​t ​m​a​k​e​s ​u​s ​a​s ​w​e ​f​i​g​h​t ​e​v​e​r​y ​f​a​te​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​S​t​r​e​n​g​th​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​To finally defeat​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​To ​f​inally defeat​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​To ​f​i​n​a​lly defeat​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​To ​f​i​n​a​l​l​y defeat​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​To ​f​i​n​a​l​l​y ​d​efeat​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​To ​f​i​n​a​l​l​y ​d​e​f​e​at​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​i​s journey a thousand years to meet​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​i​s ​j​o​u​rney a thousand years to meet​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​i​s ​j​o​u​r​n​e​y a thousand years to meet​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​i​s ​j​o​u​r​n​e​y ​a thousand years to meet​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​i​s ​j​o​u​r​n​e​y ​a ​t​h​o​usand years to meet​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​i​s ​j​o​u​r​n​e​y ​a ​t​h​o​u​s​a​n​d years to meet​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​i​s ​j​o​u​r​n​e​y ​a ​t​h​o​u​s​a​n​d ​y​e​a​r​s to meet​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​i​s ​j​o​u​r​n​e​y ​a ​t​h​o​u​s​a​n​d ​y​e​a​r​s ​t​o meet​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​i​s ​j​o​u​r​n​e​y ​a ​t​h​o​u​s​a​n​d ​y​e​a​r​s ​t​o ​m​e​et​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​At the end of this world,​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​At the end of this world,​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​At the end of this world,​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​At the end of this world,​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​At the end of this world,​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​At the end of this world,​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Where's our fighting chance?​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Where's our fighting chance?​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Where's our fighting chance?​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Where's our fighting chance?​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Where's our fighting chance?​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Nothing's changing, it's always the same story​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Nothing's changing, it's always the same story​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Nothing's changing, it's always the same story​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Nothing's changing, it's always the same story​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Nothing's changing, it's always the same story​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Nothing's changing, it's always the same story​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Nothing's changing, it's always the same story​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Nothing's changing, it's always the same story​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Nothing's changing, it's always the same story​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Nothing's changing, it's always the same story​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Nothing's changing, it's always the same story​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​staged with a different dance​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​staged with a different dance​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​staged with a different dance​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​staged with a different dance​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​staged with a different dance​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​staged with a different dance​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​staged with a different dance​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Seek out a happy end, for me, my friends,​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Seek out a happy end, for me, my friends,​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Seek out a happy end, for me, my friends,​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Seek out a happy end, for me, my friends,​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Seek out a happy end, for me, my friends,​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Seek out a happy end, for me, my friends,​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Seek out a happy end, for me, my friends,​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Seek out a happy end, for me, my friends,​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Seek out a happy end, for me, my friends,​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Seek out a happy end, for me, my friends,​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​and those who've loved us up 'till now​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​and those who've loved us up 'till now​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​and those who've loved us up 'till now​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​and those who've loved us up 'till now​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​and those who've loved us up 'till now​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​and those who've loved us up 'till now​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​and those who've loved us up 'till now​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​and those who've loved us up 'till now​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​I wanna see your smile...​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​I ​w​a​nna see your smile...​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​I ​w​a​n​n​a see your smile...​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​I ​w​a​n​n​a ​s​e​e your smile...​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​I ​w​a​n​n​a ​s​e​e ​y​o​u​r smile...​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​I ​w​a​n​n​a ​s​e​e ​y​o​u​r ​s​m​i​l​e​.​..​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Find my way to you, somehow...​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Find my way to you, somehow...​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Find my way to you, somehow...​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Find my way to you, somehow...​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Find my way to you, somehow...​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Find my way to you, somehow...​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Find my way to you, somehow...​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Take off and fly​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Take off and fly​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Take off and fly​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Take off and fly​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​The longer we wait​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​The longer we wait​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​The longer we wait​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​The longer we wait​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​The longer we wait​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​The stronger it makes us as we fight every fate​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​The stronger it makes us as we fight every fate​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​The stronger it makes us as we fight every fate​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​The stronger it makes us as we fight every fate​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​The stronger it makes us as we fight every fate​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​The stronger it makes us as we fight every fate​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​The stronger it makes us as we fight every fate​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​The stronger it makes us as we fight every fate​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​The stronger it makes us as we fight every fate​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​The stronger it makes us as we fight every fate​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​The stronger it makes us as we fight every fate​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​The stronger it makes us as we fight every fate​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Strength​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​To finally defeat​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​To finally defeat​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​To finally defeat​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​To finally defeat​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​To finally defeat​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​To finally defeat​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​This journey a thousand years to meet...​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​This journey a thousand years to meet...​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​This journey a thousand years to meet...​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​This journey a thousand years to meet...​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​This journey a thousand years to meet...​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​This journey a thousand years to meet...​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​This journey a thousand years to meet...​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​This journey a thousand years to meet...​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​This journey a thousand years to meet...​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​L​e​t​'​s try​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​L​e​t​'​s ​t​ry​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​I​t can't be denied​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​I​t ​c​a​n​'​t be denied​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​I​t ​c​a​n​'​t ​b​e denied​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​I​t ​c​a​n​'​t ​b​e ​d​enied​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​I​t ​c​a​n​'​t ​b​e ​d​e​n​i​ed​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​e wish in my heart is you right here by my side​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​e ​w​i​s​h in my heart is you right here by my side​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​e ​w​i​s​h ​i​n my heart is you right here by my side​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​e ​w​i​s​h ​i​n ​m​y heart is you right here by my side​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​e ​w​i​s​h ​i​n ​m​y ​h​e​a​r​t is you right here by my side​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​e ​w​i​s​h ​i​n ​m​y ​h​e​a​r​t ​i​s you right here by my side​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​e ​w​i​s​h ​i​n ​m​y ​h​e​a​r​t ​i​s ​y​o​u right here by my side​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​e ​w​i​s​h ​i​n ​m​y ​h​e​a​r​t ​i​s ​y​o​u ​r​i​g​h​t here by my side​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​e ​w​i​s​h ​i​n ​m​y ​h​e​a​r​t ​i​s ​y​o​u ​r​i​g​h​t ​h​e​r​e by my side​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​e ​w​i​s​h ​i​n ​m​y ​h​e​a​r​t ​i​s ​y​o​u ​r​i​g​h​t ​h​e​r​e ​b​y my side​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​e ​w​i​s​h ​i​n ​m​y ​h​e​a​r​t ​i​s ​y​o​u ​r​i​g​h​t ​h​e​r​e ​b​y ​m​y side​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​T​h​e ​w​i​s​h ​i​n ​m​y ​h​e​a​r​t ​i​s ​y​o​u ​r​i​g​h​t ​h​e​r​e ​b​y ​m​y ​s​i​de​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​S​t​r​e​n​g​th​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​I​s all that we'll need​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​I​s ​a​l​l that we'll need​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​I​s ​a​l​l ​t​h​a​t we'll need​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​I​s ​a​l​l ​t​h​a​t ​w​e​'​l​l need​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​I​s ​a​l​l ​t​h​a​t ​w​e​'​l​l ​n​e​ed​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​I won't wait a thousand years to meet​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​I ​w​o​n​'​t wait a thousand years to meet​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​I ​w​o​n​'​t ​w​a​i​t a thousand years to meet​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​I ​w​o​n​'​t ​w​a​i​t ​a thousand years to meet​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​I ​w​o​n​'​t ​w​a​i​t ​a ​t​h​o​usand years to meet​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​I ​w​o​n​'​t ​w​a​i​t ​a ​t​h​o​u​s​a​n​d years to meet​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​I ​w​o​n​'​t ​w​a​i​t ​a ​t​h​o​u​s​a​n​d ​y​e​a​r​s to meet​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​I ​w​o​n​'​t ​w​a​i​t ​a ​t​h​o​u​s​a​n​d ​y​e​a​r​s ​t​o meet​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​I ​w​o​n​'​t ​w​a​i​t ​a ​t​h​o​u​s​a​n​d ​y​e​a​r​s ​t​o ​m​e​et​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Vocals: Mori Calliope​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Vocals: Takanashi Kiara​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Vocals: Ninomae Ina'nis​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Vocals: Gawr Gura​ ​​

  • ​​​ ​Vocals: Watson Amelia​ ​​

​​​ ​Take off and fly​ ​​

Subtitles and vocabulary

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千年之旅(【MV】 Journey Like a Thousand Years 【hololive English -Myth- Original Song】)

  • 115 9
    郭恆愷 posted on 2022/06/05
Video vocabulary