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  • Thousands of years ago, two wolves met under the light of the moon.

  • It was said they fell in love the moment they laid eyes on each other.

  • Shyamal, an alpha male with a pelt darker then the night itself,

  • and Yuzuki, a beautiful she-wolf with a snow white pelt.

  • They were as opposites as night and day,

  • but you know what they say, opposites tend to attract.

  • As many would've guessed, the two became mates and later had a litter of seven healthy pups.

  • Things looked good for the family, until a deadly illness struck.

  • It ended up killing six of the seven pups, the seventh barely hanging on to life.

  • Yuzuki begged the spirits for help;

  • asking them to save her only pup before it too slipped away into the afterlife.

  • A few nights later, one of the spirits answered her in her dreams.

  • She was told to bring he pup out under the full moon to receive something that could save its life.

  • She awoke from her dreams and quickly grabbed the pup, taking it outside and lying it under the moonlight.

  • A drop fell from he moon; tinted a bluish violet color.

  • Yuzuki watched as the drop fell on her pup, fading through its small body and causing a glow around it.

  • The once quiet, nearly lifeless pup was now again filled with life.

  • Yuzuki named her pup Luna, meaning moon.

  • Luna's fur had changed from black to a silver blue color from the touch of the moon drop.

  • As she grew, she obtained strange abilities. One of which was element control

  • Luna obtained the power to control ice and water,

  • lighting,

  • fire,

  • earth,

  • wind,

  • an most mysterious of all; dark matter.

  • Luna had no intention of using her extra abilities for anything other than good.

  • The spirits aided her throughout her life to keep her powers in control,

  • until the day she finally passed away from old age.

  • However, when Luna died, the powers of the moon drop crystalized into a solid stone was left behind.

  • The spirits, even though they had created it, could not destroy it now.

  • If this stone was found by the wrong being, it could lead to mass destruction.

  • In order to keep the powers somewhat limited, the stone was broken into six shards,

  • each shard holding one of the six elements.

  • These shards were placed in worthy wolves at a young age to keep them hidden and protected for decades.

  • When one wolf died, the shard they would carry within themselves found a new host.

  • These wolves were know as: The Chosen; picked by the spirits to protect the power of the shards from evil.

  • Wolves found out about the shards over time and formed a pack as they searched for it.

  • This pack was known as The Seekers.

  • In defense, another pack was formed, these to protect The Chosen from the Seekers.

  • The two packs fought for years and are still active to this day.

  • The Seekers are now lead by a nasty alpha wolf, known as Ghost.

  • My name is Storm, and I am the current leader of The Protectors.

  • (Howling)

  • (Panting)

  • I... I can't believe this is happening... Why..? Why is he doing this?

  • (Howling) (Gasp)

  • Ugh! Where did that little brat go?!

  • He couldn't have gone far!

  • How about you stop whining like an overgrown puppy and get moving!

  • That girl had better watch herself. I'm getting sick of her cocky attitude.

  • Relax Ashton, she only means to keep us on track.

  • You know that Ghost wants the boys back as soon as possible, and if we fail?

  • Well...

  • You of all wolves should know the consequences more than any of us.

  • (Whimpering)

  • Hey! Wait!

  • (Yelping)

  • Hey! Wait! I won't hurt you! I just wanna play! (Laughing)

  • Gotcha!

  • Huh? Cricket? Where'd you go?

  • (Gasp)

  • Hey! A-Are you okay?!

  • Hello?

  • Are you sleeping?

  • Hey! I'm talking! Wake up!

  • (Groans) Uh?

  • W-Where?

  • Where am I?

  • U-Um... Who are you? And... Where am I..?

  • Hi there! I'm Cinder! But you can call me... Well uh.... Cinder!

  • What's your name? Where're you from? Do you like playing? Will you be my friend?

  • (Gasp) Oooohh! What kinda games do you like?! Wanna play with me?! (Laughs)

  • Cinder..? Where am I..?

  • Didn't you hear anything I just said?!

  • What's your name?!

  • I'm not sure...

  • I... I can't remember anything...

  • You're not from around here are you? Why are you all alone? Are you lost?

  • I'll take you to Storm. He's like a father to me! He takes in lost pups just like you.

  • When I was younger I lost my parents and he took me in. I'm sure he'll take you in too.

  • Follow me! (Laughs)

  • Ugh, Raven!

  • You get to tell Ghost that we couldn't find that kid, got it?!

  • No i'm not!

  • You're his beta, and it's your job!

  • It'll be okay, i'll be right behind you.

  • You mean you'll be in front of me!

  • You tell him!

  • What do you want you oversized rabbit?!

  • I'm just going to take that as a compliment...

  • Ghost is angry; he noticed you returned and he wants to talk with you Ashton.

  • Oh boy... Alright...

  • (Chuckling) (Inhale) Seeing the pack beta get his head bitten off by the alpha?!

  • I couldn't pass that up!

  • Shut up you crazy old bat!

  • I'm a higher up!

  • And... And you should respect me!

  • (Laughing) I don't think so.

  • I could rip your flea-bitten throat out in a matter of seconds.

  • Try not to play with fire darling, you could get burned!

  • Tssssss

  • (Snarls) (Laughing)

  • Let me guess. You lost him, didn't you?

  • S-Sir! I...

  • There was no way...

  • I mean...

  • I asked you a question!

  • Did you lose him?!

  • Yes sir...

  • I'm sorry...

  • We lost him...

  • I see... Very well...

  • (Snarls) (Yelps)

  • I expected better from the beta of my pack!

  • You worthless pile of elk crap!

  • I told you I wanted him back!

  • Did I not?!

  • Were you not taking my order seriously Ashton?!

  • Of course I was taking your order seriously!

  • I always do.

  • Then tell me, why did you return without my son?!

  • You know we need him back as soon as possible!

  • Now get your pathetic self out there and find him!

  • Take the other Shadow Hunters and track him down!

  • Also...

  • If you harm a single hair on his head...

  • I will skin you alive, and throw you in an acid lake!

  • Now go!

  • Y-Yes sir!

  • You there! Messenger!

  • Get over here!

  • Y-Yes sir?

  • What can I do for you?

  • Go fetch my mate, I need to speak with her.

  • Yes sir, I will return as soon as possible.

  • I hope you enjoyed your little break, Sparrow.

  • Because once I find you, I won't ever let you out of my sight again.

Thousands of years ago, two wolves met under the light of the moon.

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