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Hey there! Jennifer from Tarle speech. We have two words today.
We have secret not known or seen by others and sacred connected to god or religion.
So we have secret and sacred. Okay! I wrote the first part as real words. A lot of people like
that. It makes it so much easier to remember. We are going to start with SEE and to do this tip
of the tongue is down for that s. It can also be behind the top front teeth. Air moves out
and then smile nice high and flat tongue for the e. See See like I see you.
Say I say a lot of things. Yes I talk for a living and to say that a in say you're going
to open your mouth wide, tip of the tongue is low, back of the tongue is pulled up,
and then your tongue moves to flat as your mouth closes. A A A A A
然後當你的嘴閉上時,你的舌頭會移動到平坦處。A A A A A
Say. See. Say.
Now let's look at the ending part of these words. We're going to start with that k
r combination, that blend. There's no vowel between these two sounds. So your tongue is
low in the front, high in the back for the k, and then for the r, er, it just
moves a little bit in my mouth K ER as I round my lips into that square tense shape. So KR KR KR
在我的嘴裡K ER移動了一點,因為我把嘴脣繞成了那個方形的緊張形狀。是以,KR KR KR
So my tongue is really in the same spot. Tip of the tongue is low
back of the tongue is pulled high up. I don't really move my tongue with the exception of when
my mouth closes. There isn't as much space, so my tongue has to move a little bit as my mouth
moves to that square tense shape. So let's look at that one more time. KR KR KR
移動到那個方形緊張的形狀。所以讓我們再看一次。KR KR KR
Now let's do krud first for that short u sound uh and then end with the d - d. Touch the tip of your
tongue to the back of your top front teeth. Voice box is on and moving. krud krud krud
舌頭到你的上門牙後面。 語音盒開啟並移動。 克魯德 克魯德 克魯德
Now for krit for that short ih sound, your tongue is going to be just behind your top front teeth.
Your mouth is relaxed and your tongue is slightly relaxed in your mouth even though it is high.
And then you're going to end with that t - t. Touch the tip of your tongue to the back of your
然後你要用那個 "T "來結束,將你的舌尖接觸到你的背部。
top front teeth and air just puffs out. Some people, if you watch my videos you know this,
this short i sound and the short u sound are so similar in unstressed syllables
that you might be hearing see krut and that's okay because the key here is - is that is an unstressed
vowel in that syllable. And when we have those unstressed vowels oftentimes people will vary
whether they're saying the short ih, eh, or uh Because they're all super short and a little more relaxed.
不管他們說的是短的ih、eh還是uh 因為他們都是超短的,而且比較放鬆。
All right, let's put these together. I'm going to do the krit for you. Okay see krit
see krit secret secret secret. You can also say secret or secret. Totally fine.
And then say krud say krud sacred sacred sacred
然後說 克魯德 說 克魯德 神聖的 神聖的
secret sacred secret sacred
祕密的神聖 祕密的神聖
And now for a sentence:
There are many times in history where sacred rituals had to be performed in secret.
Give it a try people are going to notice the difference. If you found
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you need help check out our products and classes at Tarle speech.
Thanks everyone have an amazing weekend!